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Vehicle Madness for A21

Ragsy 2145

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On 1/22/2024 at 3:08 PM, DumbGuy64 said:

Sorry if I missed a double post but I could not find anything on the stats of the cars like if they are a (gas hog) and eat all your gas fast, just stats I know you can look up how fast and how much they hold in game but did someone out there do a statistics on the vehicles 


No definitive chart has ever been done as the some of vehicles have been changed / replaced from the first release way back in A17,   they will keep changing for each alpha that Vehicle Madness is around ( Models either updated or replaced with new vehicles).   This project sort of grew from 26 vehicles in early days to 67 now for A21.


If anyone wants to they can document stats stuff if they like and get due credit but it may be a massive job now.






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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/17/2024 at 8:20 PM, Cr0wst0rm said:

Why don't you call the modded flatout 2 malice malice but maruader instead? Why not show the game some respect :) Its being played online to this very day. It's a very nice piece of software.


I only ever played the original flatout but yeah that is something if game is still being played online today wow. 


I will change the name in a future update ;).




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  • 2 weeks later...

Please help me with installing the mod. Playing with the mod Revenharst.  When choosing repair tools for example "Big_Buggy_restoration_tool" or any other "restoration_tool" .


Error while updating window group crafting

object reference not set to an instance of an object

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5 hours ago, General said:

Please help me with installing the mod. Playing with the mod Ravenhearst.  When choosing repair tools for example "Big_Buggy_restoration_tool" or any other "restoration_tool" .


Error while updating window group crafting

object reference not set to an instance of an object


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  • 2 months later...

BTW, does anyone have a small complementary modlet for this which dramatically increases the vanilla cost of vehicles? Or removes them (or at least removes them and their specific parts from traders, or prohibitively increases the cost there too)?


It's easy to just ignore them if you're playing solo, but in multiplayer I'd prefer if vanilla vehicles were more actively prevented or discouraged.

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On 5/21/2024 at 6:04 PM, Jwh1o1 said:

I was just wondering if there were plans on bringing this to 1.0? I am putting a list together so I can get stuff ready for server change.


Yes there are plans to update for  version 1.0 at some point depending on the amount of changes they do to vehicles from the A21 release. 


A21 was a big big update to do for Vehicle Madness and a very very time consuming update.  




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On 5/22/2024 at 2:55 PM, Ragsy 2145 said:


Yes there are plans to update for  version 1.0 at some point depending on the amount of changes they do to vehicles from the A21 release. 


A21 was a big big update to do for Vehicle Madness and a very very time consuming update.  




Thank you for the swift reply! I am not too worried about time really I figured I would have to wait a bit for mods to get updated anyway due to how 7 days updates are. I figured my friends and I would take a few weeks off anyway to refresh as well.

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, falcon470 said:

How hard is this mod going to be to fix? Just wondereing if youve started working on it yet. Always been one of my favorites, glad your still making mods :)

In my opinion Vehicle Madness is the best mod for 7 Days to Die. What a great job.


It will take a while to fix that update.

All the vehicles must be rewrite in many files.


 I figured out how to fix the code to launch the game with the mod and be able to repair and drive some vehicle but it take time...

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Ragsy is plugging away at it. Quite a few things need tweaking and adjusting, plus the visual mod stuff(not sure how much of that he is doing). Likely won't be before stable hits, though that's just a guess on my part. I'm sure Rags will post an update here soon enough. :)

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8 hours ago, Gilgameur said:

In my opinion Vehicle Madness is the best mod for 7 Days to Die. What a great job.


It will take a while to fix that update.

All the vehicles must be rewrite in many files.


 I figured out how to fix the code to launch the game with the mod and be able to repair and drive some vehicle but it take time...

Yeah i managed to get game to launch with mod too, bunch of errors on the 4x4 stuff, fixed that all wheels turning to right, as if they were about to fold up and fly like back to hte future :)

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7 hours ago, Gilgameur said:

In my opinion Vehicle Madness is the best mod for 7 Days to Die. What a great job.


It will take a while to fix that update.

All the vehicles must be rewrite in many files.


 I figured out how to fix the code to launch the game with the mod and be able to repair and drive some vehicle but it take time...


Thanks for the kind words :)


7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Ragsy is plugging away at it. Quite a few things need tweaking and adjusting, plus the visual mod stuff(not sure how much of that he is doing). Likely won't be before stable hits, though that's just a guess on my part. I'm sure Rags will post an update here soon enough. :)


As bdubyah states above quite a few things to tweak and deciding which vehicles will benefit more from the visual mod side of things,  all vehicles have had a base level pass over and all of the wheel rotation issues that came up in V1.0 update are sorted and the new XML changes are implemented now.  


Biggest pain for Vehicle Madness now is the vehicle seating side since TFP changed the player character but I am plugging away at them and so far I am at vehicle 23 with another 44 to go ( and some are 9 Seats per vehicle omg ) lol.  So I am at a stage where Vehicle Madness in general is working as before but with wonky seats on 44 of them lol.


Also some vehicle textures and wreck block textures will need sorting for V1.0 and a few vehicle wreck blocks need slight adjustments .


So it wont be out at least before a stable version of V1.0 drops and maybe a few weeks after that.



Some tests with vehicle visual mods ....  🙃





Ragsy !!

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On 7/8/2024 at 8:35 AM, falcon470 said:

Yeah i managed to get game to launch with mod too, bunch of errors on the 4x4 stuff, fixed that all wheels turning to right, as if they were about to fold up and fly like back to hte future :)

Do you know what xml setting it is that is causing this issue?

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Thank you for your hard work Ragsy, if you ever need a hand testing any of your mods just hit me a direct message, much love ❤️ 

6 hours ago, harleyfolgado said:

Do you know what xml setting it is that is causing this issue?

vehicles that extend to the 4x4 truck

Some genius at funpimps decided it would be nice to change the line "vehicle4x4Truck" to "vehicleTruck4x4" causing every vehicle mod to break lmao

Edited by Black_Wolf (see edit history)
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does this work for War3zuk overhaul mod? I know it uses Bdub’s Vehicles in his overhaul soo i was wondering if it will work with it since the vehicles are not appearing in the debug menu

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Posted (edited)
On 7/11/2024 at 1:43 AM, AIMED55 said:

does this work for War3zuk overhaul mod? I know it uses Bdub’s Vehicles in his overhaul soo i was wondering if it will work with it since the vehicles are not appearing in the debug menu


Vehicle Madness changes the way vehicles are built so probably not ,  ah I just twigged you are the person who commented on the 'A21' Vehicle Madness video on my Youtube channel .   I am not sure any other users have managed to get Vehicle Madness working with War3zuk Overhaul Mod maybe they have and can help ?   The A21 version has been out since October 2023 and I have not seen anyone ask about issues with War's overhaul.


Usually you would see some error messages pop up in the console if there is a serious conflict some red and some yellow maybe ....  but again overhaul modders do do thier own things with vehicles and I know Bdubs vehicle were incorperated by War as they are all part of a all in one standalone pack that Bdub released .




Ragsy !!

Edited by Ragsy 2145 (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, Ragsy 2145 said:


Vehicle Madness changes the way vehicles are built so probably not ,  ah I just twigged you are the person who commented on the 'A21' Vehicle Madness video on my Youtube channel .   I am not sure any other users have managed to get Vehicle Madness working with War3zuk Overhaul Mod maybe they have and can help ?   The A21 version has been out since October 2023 and I have not seen anyone ask about issues with War's overhaul.


Usually you would see some error messages pop up in the console if there is a serious conflict some red and some yellow maybe ....  but again overhaul modders do do thier own things with vehicles and I know Bdubs vehicle were incorperated by War as they are all part of a all in one standalone pack that Bdub released .




Ragsy !!


thxs for the reply ragsy and yea thats was also me on that replied on your video lol, well i tried the this mod with only just the SMX mod including the core, hud and menu enabled on a fresh save and well the vehicles came up in clear block with a blue question mark in it, also had the smx patch enabled as well when this happen so i removed all SMX mods and started another fresh save and the vehicles appeared as normal, no weird box with ? in it.

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On 7/9/2024 at 10:08 PM, Black_Wolf said:

Thank you for your hard work Ragsy, if you ever need a hand testing any of your mods just hit me a direct message, much love ❤️ 

vehicles that extend to the 4x4 truck

Some genius at funpimps decided it would be nice to change the line "vehicle4x4Truck" to "vehicleTruck4x4" causing every vehicle mod to break lmao

unfortnatly i dont think its quite that simple, i noticed that, and tried changing it, forgot waht error i got but it did not go well, i eventully managed after messing with the files to gete vehicles to appear and "DRIVE" at 1 mile an hour or so with wheels to the side, fix is more complicated then that im afraid

On 7/8/2024 at 12:30 AM, Gilgameur said:

In my opinion Vehicle Madness is the best mod for 7 Days to Die. What a great job.


It will take a while to fix that update.

All the vehicles must be rewrite in many files.


 I figured out how to fix the code to launch the game with the mod and be able to repair and drive some vehicle but it take time...

as in drivable, not just as far as i got, being able to place them, i didnt try repairing them just loaded them up from the creative menu, i fixed the errors that wass causing em not to bee alloweed to be placed some how, got less then desireable reesultss, if youve managed to get few working id love to havee your files, i dont mind if only a few work, 

and by drivable i mean wheels straight normal speed not back to thee future folding wheels, that you can yes drive, but not very fast, moved the same speed basiclly with fuel and without

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Posted (edited)

Oh I wish it was a few simple fixes to get Vehicle Madness running it would have been wonderful for me  😀 


I am plugging away at the update which included fixing the wheel rotations in unity as V1.0 messed them up and all the seating was borked on all 67 vehicles due to the new character poses .   Also have some blocks to sort out ... and a few textures  and adding some visual mods as I go .   Not to mention all vehicles had to have the new xml for vehicles speeds and a few other things. 



Ragsy !!

Edited by Ragsy 2145 (see edit history)
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15 hours ago, falcon470 said:

unfortnatly i dont think its quite that simple, i noticed that, and tried changing it, forgot waht error i got but it did not go well, i eventully managed after messing with the files to gete vehicles to appear and "DRIVE" at 1 mile an hour or so with wheels to the side, fix is more complicated then that im afraid

as in drivable, not just as far as i got, being able to place them, i didnt try repairing them just loaded them up from the creative menu, i fixed the errors that wass causing em not to bee alloweed to be placed some how, got less then desireable reesultss, if youve managed to get few working id love to havee your files, i dont mind if only a few work, 

and by drivable i mean wheels straight normal speed not back to thee future folding wheels, that you can yes drive, but not very fast, moved the same speed basiclly with fuel and without

nah i never said it was that simple, just one of the many things that got broken, for no good reason.

Edited by Black_Wolf (see edit history)
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Is there any way to make it work as is?
Before checking here I loaded it as a test in my world and everything about it seems to be working up to the point you want to drop a vehicle down.

All items are in the loot tables and workstation works fine.


I understand that you'd want to update it for all the new visually mods and everything, but wondering if it could be partially usable until then.

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From what i understand he has it working a good amount, its gonna be a while, some modders release things unfinished use at your own risk, dont think ragsy is one of em, but this is modders choice, wish more big box game devolopers did it that way actully, instead of releaseing their half untested crap,  filled with bugs, that said i wouldnt mind it if he did it my self, just dont push him on it :D

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13 hours ago, Ognar said:

Is there any way to make it work as is?
Before checking here I loaded it as a test in my world and everything about it seems to be working up to the point you want to drop a vehicle down.

All items are in the loot tables and workstation works fine.


I understand that you'd want to update it for all the new visually mods and everything, but wondering if it could be partially usable until then.



1 hour ago, falcon470 said:

From what i understand he has it working a good amount, its gonna be a while, some modders release things unfinished use at your own risk, dont think ragsy is one of em, but this is modders choice, wish more big box game devolopers did it that way actully, instead of releaseing their half untested crap,  filled with bugs, that said i wouldnt mind it if he did it my self, just dont push him on it :D


The V1.0 game release for 7 days is still under its 'expermental stage' so TFP could change things drastically between releases like they did during the A21 Expermental on the vehicle side .   So I would not want to release too quickly and have a load more things to fix up as theres a lot of work involved for 60 plus vehicles and over 140 wreck variants.   Its ok for smaller modlets to get quick updates during experimental as there is not as much work to do.


Like last time in A21 Experimental there will be a initial pre release testing to chosen testers.   I can tell you that the visual mod add on's will be most probably be a work in progress during this release of Vehicle Madness so to start with only a handful of vehicles will have them and more will probably be added in subsequent updates for Vehicle Madness.







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