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This 40 min splinted leg debuff has got to go.


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Topic, its damn near frigging impossible to get rid of it once you have it, unless you wanna sit around doing nothing for 40 minutes. Or remove the fact that running and jumping add's to the timer. its already bad enough it lasts 40 minutes. I also hope they fix stealth, this means removing all the damn paper and glass piles right in front of paths we have to take (real @%$*#! move there devs), and making zombies less sensitve to sounds because damn, even with full padded armor WITH -8% sound mods EVERYTHING still hears me from half a room away when sneaking.

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Get an axe and whack those rubbish piles and you are fine. You can also find a book which allows you to move acros those piles without waking any sleeper. So working as intended.


If you are not in heavy armor, you should avoid melee combat or accept the consequences.



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Honestly man, to me it sounds like you're getting frustrated because the game isn't a cake walk. If you have a fractured leg and can't get rid of it, it most likely means you're jumping around high places, which is obviously bad when having a fractured leg. I think that's perfectly well balanced. It's a zombie apocalypse man, you're in a tough spot if you have an injured leg.


Also, you say "fix stealth" as if what you're describing is a bug. There's rubbish and glass on the floor, it's obviously gonna make noise and wake sleepers up if you walk on it. You can simply break it. That's what I always do, and I don't get heard that often. I think stealth is just fine, but obviously you'll always have some zombies that will hear you unless you specialize in stealth.

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4 hours ago, Scyris said:

Topic, its damn near frigging impossible to get rid of it once you have it, unless you wanna sit around doing nothing for 40 minutes. Or remove the fact that running and jumping add's to the timer. its already bad enough it lasts 40 minutes. I also hope they fix stealth, this means removing all the damn paper and glass piles right in front of paths we have to take (real @%$*#! move there devs), and making zombies less sensitve to sounds because damn, even with full padded armor WITH -8% sound mods EVERYTHING still hears me from half a room away when sneaking.

It's not like this is a new mechanic either. It's been in the game since forever.


If you don't want consequences, or an actual survival game, mod it. Turn off the zombies. You can make it as baby mode as you want. The developer gave you that choice, and even helped you along with it.


Don't ask to dumb down a survival game even more. That's just stupid. It's supposed to be a challenge. Remove the challenge, and the game is just another boring Minecrap clone.

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I don't think that on previous alphas jumping and running affected the timer, or did it? Could be wrong.

This is a bigger problem in the early game if you don't have a vehicle and need to move by foot.
Most POIs require jumping to get around.

From a survival game "on paper" standpoint this is fine, you made a mistake and you suffer the consequences.

From a gameplay / enjoyment standpoint I find it hard to argue against that it is pretty ridiculous. 40+ minutes in real time is harsh. I dunno, maybe not a problem for the hc gamers who play multiple hours a day. I don't see it as a challenge. If you're semi-forced to mine or spend time crafting or upgrading the base / do whatever you can without moving much, I find that it's just a change of schedule - you probably would have done that anyway but at a different time.

If I was to change it in any way, just cap the player speed to a slightly lower value instead of adding to the timer. Add a pain sound if you were to keep the health penalty when you jump to have some indication that you are actually losing health. Or have some sort of threshold that you could run for a bit and jump a couple of times before it starts to hurt or affect the timer. Right now the debuff is very... crippling 😉

I'm ok if it stays as it is but there is room for improvement to make the leg debuffs less anti-gameplay.

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30 minutes ago, Nugetti said:

I don't think that on previous alphas jumping and running affected the timer, or did it? Could be wrong.

This is a bigger problem in the early game if you don't have a vehicle and need to move by foot.
Most POIs require jumping to get around.

From a survival game "on paper" standpoint this is fine, you made a mistake and you suffer the consequences.

From a gameplay / enjoyment standpoint I find it hard to argue against that it is pretty ridiculous. 40+ minutes in real time is harsh. I dunno, maybe not a problem for the hc gamers who play multiple hours a day. I don't see it as a challenge. If you're semi-forced to mine or spend time crafting or upgrading the base / do whatever you can without moving much, I find that it's just a change of schedule - you probably would have done that anyway but at a different time.

If I was to change it in any way, just cap the player speed to a slightly lower value instead of adding to the timer. Add a pain sound if you were to keep the health penalty when you jump to have some indication that you are actually losing health. Or have some sort of threshold that you could run for a bit and jump a couple of times before it starts to hurt or affect the timer. Right now the debuff is very... crippling 😉

I'm ok if it stays as it is but there is room for improvement to make the leg debuffs less anti-gameplay.

In my last game which was on day 15 I never saw a broken leg. The injury system adds more consequences to things like getting hit and jumping off things that are too high up.  Maybe reduce the timer a little bit or make the medical items a little more effective, but there has to be a deterent to jumping from two stories up and the like.


Most of the time I've just sprained something and that goes away in about 10 minutes.

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1 hour ago, myrkana said:

In my last game which was on day 15 I never saw a broken leg. The injury system adds more consequences to things like getting hit and jumping off things that are too high up.  Maybe reduce the timer a little bit or make the medical items a little more effective, but there has to be a deterent to jumping from two stories up and the like.


Most of the time I've just sprained something and that goes away in about 10 minutes.

This is true. In my current game I've only sprained my leg once.

As said, I don't mind the current system but it could be better. Maybe as an addition to what I said before would be to reduce non-encumbered inventory slots when you have the sprained / broken leg debuff.
The game is quite unrealistic anyway, so this stands out. Nothing else hinders the player as much time wise.

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