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Gouki´s A19/A20/A21/V1.0 Modlets


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With your mod "GK Old Farmland" I am having issues with mushrooms growing. Its been 15 days and they are still not growing. I have tried planting them everywhere. Is there something I am missing?


Also turds are found in all types of boxs, trash cans, etc. 
It would be really nice if these were toilets only. 
Kinda weird to find crap in a loot box.

Edited by Srsly (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, Srsly said:

With your mod "GK Old Farmland" I am having issues with mushrooms growing. Its been 15 days and they are still not growing. I have tried planting them everywhere. Is there something I am missing?


Also turds are found in all types of boxs, trash cans, etc. 
It would be really nice if these were toilets only. 
Kinda weird to find crap in a loot box.


Hi Srsly


Do you have any overhaul or mod installed that modifies something similar to my mod, because that could be the problem, I have not touched anything related to mushrooms.
I tilled the soil and planted 3 mushrooms and on day 2 my mushrooms were already grown, besides mushrooms don't need any kind of fertility, so you can plant them on the side of a block or wall of a farmplot.
Regarding finding turd in the garbage and other places, for me it is not something strange, apart from it it gives a different touch to your loot and you do not know if something good will come out of it or not, everything is random.
But if you want you can edit the loot.xml file that is in the config folder (open it with notepad++), delete the code referring to groupJunk01 and save the changes, so only the @%$# will come out in the toilets.

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Hello! Would you happen to know if the old fertile soil texture still exists in the game at all? I tried your GK Old Farmland mod and you seem to have replaced it with the stone texture, but I remember it looking like an actual tilled field back in the day. Something like in this video (at the 4 minute mark):


I tried looking for it in creative mode, but it doesn't seem to be there :(

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22 hours ago, EZ7 said:

Hello! Would you happen to know if the old fertile soil texture still exists in the game at all? I tried your GK Old Farmland mod and you seem to have replaced it with the stone texture, but I remember it looking like an actual tilled field back in the day. Something like in this video (at the 4 minute mark):


Found a better image in the meantime:



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On 3/17/2022 at 9:56 PM, EZ7 said:

Hello! Would you happen to know if the old fertile soil texture still exists in the game at all? I tried your GK Old Farmland mod and you seem to have replaced it with the stone texture, but I remember it looking like an actual tilled field back in the day. Something like in this video (at the 4 minute mark):


I tried looking for it in creative mode, but it doesn't seem to be there :(


Hi EZ7


At first I tried to put the texture referring to the fertilized soil, but the texture that it showed me was the one from Forestground, so that's why I decided to put the texture of the stone.
I guess certain textures were used to make them current ones or were removed.
I have also searched the xml files to find some reference, I have seen the terrains, but the texture is not applied and it gives me an error, so I will not change the textures of the fertilized terrains, at least they work well with the textures they have.
I had already seen that video, it was a great help to create the fertilized soil and see how it worked.





18 hours ago, ozmods said:

this modlet doesnt work with undead legacy, it works with age of oblivion,


Hi ozmods


Thank you very much for the information.

Edited by Gouki (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Re: GK Old Farmland

Playing Steam version Alpha 20.3 (b3)
Returning nube. I played back in 2015, just re-installed and started playing again. Things changed, and I've forgotten a lot.
I just wanted to be able to farm like before so I'm trying to find a mod to fix what the devs broke.
Specific to this thread, I might be doing something wrong but I'm getting errors trying to use the mod GK Old Farmland.
The main bit is:
2022-04-21T16:23:35 41.192 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'traders.xml' failed
2022-04-21T16:23:35 41.192 EXC Item with name 'meleeToolFarmT2IronHoeSchematic' not found!

I've looked in the relevant xml files, loot.xml and traders.xml, and I do see the entries and I do not see any obvious issues like typos. I do see you have a mix of spaces and tabs (hidden characters), so I cleaned that up but still not working.
As extra info, I am seeing the same issue with a couple other mods I was trying to load, Butchers and Survivors Mod; War3zuk HD  BeeHive. It's almost like the parser does not like something about the formatting of the XMLs. Perhaps something changed or I am doing something wrong, any ideas?

Thanks for the effort :)

Excerpts from the log:

2022-04-21T16:23:33 39.828 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'loot.xml' failed
2022-04-21T16:23:33 39.829 EXC Item with name 'meleeToolFarmT2IronHoeSchematic' not found!
  at LootFromXml.ParseItemList (System.String _containerId, System.Xml.XmlNodeList _childNodes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _itemList, System.Int32 _minQualityBase, System.Int32 _maxQualityBase) [0x00182] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at LootFromXml.LoadLootGroup (System.Xml.XmlElement _elementGroup) [0x001c0] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at LootFromXml+<LoadLootContainers>d__1.MoveNext () [0x0009d] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

2022-04-21T16:23:35 41.192 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'traders.xml' failed
2022-04-21T16:23:35 41.192 EXC Item with name 'meleeToolFarmT2IronHoeSchematic' not found!
  at TradersFromXml.parseItemList (System.String _containerId, System.Xml.XmlNodeList _childNodes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _itemList, System.Int32 minQualityBase, System.Int32 maxQualityBase) [0x0015b] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at TradersFromXml.ParseTraderItemGroup (System.Xml.XmlElement e) [0x0012b] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at TradersFromXml.ParseTraderItemGroups (System.Xml.XmlElement e) [0x00035] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at TradersFromXml.ParseNode (System.Xml.XmlNode root) [0x0011c] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at TradersFromXml+<LoadTraderInfo>d__0.MoveNext () [0x0002e] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


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20 hours ago, austin457 said:

Re: GK Old Farmland

Playing Steam version Alpha 20.3 (b3)
Returning nube. I played back in 2015, just re-installed and started playing again. Things changed, and I've forgotten a lot.
I just wanted to be able to farm like before so I'm trying to find a mod to fix what the devs broke.
Specific to this thread, I might be doing something wrong but I'm getting errors trying to use the mod GK Old Farmland.
The main bit is:
2022-04-21T16:23:35 41.192 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'traders.xml' failed
2022-04-21T16:23:35 41.192 EXC Item with name 'meleeToolFarmT2IronHoeSchematic' not found!

I've looked in the relevant xml files, loot.xml and traders.xml, and I do see the entries and I do not see any obvious issues like typos. I do see you have a mix of spaces and tabs (hidden characters), so I cleaned that up but still not working.
As extra info, I am seeing the same issue with a couple other mods I was trying to load, Butchers and Survivors Mod; War3zuk HD  BeeHive. It's almost like the parser does not like something about the formatting of the XMLs. Perhaps something changed or I am doing something wrong, any ideas?

Thanks for the effort :)

Excerpts from the log:

2022-04-21T16:23:33 39.828 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'loot.xml' failed
2022-04-21T16:23:33 39.829 EXC Item with name 'meleeToolFarmT2IronHoeSchematic' not found!
  at LootFromXml.ParseItemList (System.String _containerId, System.Xml.XmlNodeList _childNodes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _itemList, System.Int32 _minQualityBase, System.Int32 _maxQualityBase) [0x00182] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at LootFromXml.LoadLootGroup (System.Xml.XmlElement _elementGroup) [0x001c0] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at LootFromXml+<LoadLootContainers>d__1.MoveNext () [0x0009d] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

2022-04-21T16:23:35 41.192 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'traders.xml' failed
2022-04-21T16:23:35 41.192 EXC Item with name 'meleeToolFarmT2IronHoeSchematic' not found!
  at TradersFromXml.parseItemList (System.String _containerId, System.Xml.XmlNodeList _childNodes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _itemList, System.Int32 minQualityBase, System.Int32 maxQualityBase) [0x0015b] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at TradersFromXml.ParseTraderItemGroup (System.Xml.XmlElement e) [0x0012b] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at TradersFromXml.ParseTraderItemGroups (System.Xml.XmlElement e) [0x00035] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at TradersFromXml.ParseNode (System.Xml.XmlNode root) [0x0011c] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at TradersFromXml+<LoadTraderInfo>d__0.MoveNext () [0x0002e] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <39cf8b713b17414c9e5ddfff01d6df19>:0
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)



Hi austin457


Are you sure you have downloaded the latest version of the mod, because in my game I don't have any similar errors.
Could it be some compatibility issue, other mods are updated to work with A20?
I ask because A20 brought a lot of changes and I had to update some things.

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As it turns out, I think the issue was another mod(s). I found two that was referencing a non-existent item(s). One was an item they created, another was using a block that apparently got commented out by the Devs in this version. I found the error messages in the logs, and one entry was right before entries for this mod so perhaps it made things skip or such. After I commented out their mistake your items were showing up. Plants are still being destroyed on harvesting though. I've been looking at the code getting a grasp on things... but I want to play lol so I have not spent too much time on it. But TYVM for this work. I hated the new farming thing. I prefer the look of the hoe'd ground.

Edited by austin457
typo (see edit history)
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  • 9 months later...




Hi, the mod GK Old Farmland, I am having trouble with it.

In creative, there are 3 options - (45) terrFertileFarmland; (46) terrFertilizedFarmland; (996 ) Fertilizer

But when I do the recipes to make the fertilizers with either rotten flesh or turd, It creates the one that you can't place as a block, i.e. the (1112) Fertilizer.

I have to take one of the other 2 out of creative to use after digging the hole to make it work. Is there something I can do on the code to fix this? I checked, I did download the A20 version, and didn't find any clashing mods (I removed all mods but this one and loaded a new game, same problem). Appreciate any feedback you can give. Not sure if anyone else finds the same problem.

Edited by BatShevaSida
better reading (see edit history)
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19 hours ago, BatShevaSida said:




Hi, the mod GK Old Farmland, I am having trouble with it.

In creative, there are 3 options - (45) terrFertileFarmland; (46) terrFertilizedFarmland; (996 ) Fertilizer

But when I do the recipes to make the fertilizers with either rotten flesh or turd, It creates the one that you can't place as a block, i.e. the (1112) Fertilizer.

I have to take one of the other 2 out of creative to use after digging the hole to make it work. Is there something I can do on the code to fix this? I checked, I did download the A20 version, and didn't find any clashing mods (I removed all mods but this one and loaded a new game, same problem). Appreciate any feedback you can give. Not sure if anyone else finds the same problem.


Hi BatShevaSida


The fertilizer works with the Hoe tool (Action1) to be able to fertilize the land.
The first fertilization does not require fertilizer, the second does.
You can't make fertilized blocks, in a future version I might add it.

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28 minutes ago, Gouki said:


Hi BatShevaSida


The fertilizer works with the Hoe tool (Action1) to be able to fertilize the land.
The first fertilization does not require fertilizer, the second does.
You can't make fertilized blocks, in a future version I might add it.

Hi, do you have a video on how to use this mod?

5 minutes ago, BatShevaSida said:

Hi, do you have a video on how to use this mod?

Realized I had to use right click, not left-click on the mouse when using the hoe. lol. Now it works. That's been my problem all along. 🤣

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  • 4 months later...
22 hours ago, DanielHazmat said:

Hi , it will be Update for A21 ?


Hi DanielHazmat


Of course I will update my mods, I have some ready to share, others will take a little more time, TFP changed a lot with A21.

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  • Gouki changed the title to Gouki´s A19/A20/A21 Modlets
10 hours ago, Gouki said:


Hi DanielHazmat


Of course I will update my mods, I have some ready to share, others will take a little more time, TFP changed a lot with A21.

I realy like this one ! 
GK Old System Upgrade i love it ( any ideea when it will be Ready? ) :D

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New updated mods


Clean money ATM

Pickup Grass and More

Walk,Run and Swimming Fast


Old Farmland

Because the Hoe asset does not appear, I decided to put the iron shovel, it does not have the animation when improving the terrain, but it works.
There are changes in the craft of Farmplots, it does not return them when harvesting them either and finally I added a new crop (Peanut), plus three foods with peanut. Cannot be harvested with (E).


There are three fertilized terrains, each one gives more quantity. Example:

terrain 1-- 3 mushroom
terrain 2-- 4 mushroom
terrain 3-- 6 mushroom
Some crops give more quantity than the mushroom.

The third terrain has the texture of ForestGround.


Can Boiled Water Return  New v0.2  

Fixed a WRN with lootcontainers.

Added the recipe to craft the Can in the forge.


DrinkJar Return  New v0.2

Fixed a WRN with lootcontainers.


Snowberry Returns and Herbal Painkillers New v0.2

Fixed a slight ERROR with the new unlock system, the ERROR doesn't open the console, but I decided to fix it.


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14 hours ago, DanielHazmat said:

I realy like this one ! 
GK Old System Upgrade i love it ( any ideea when it will be Ready? ) :D


Hi DanielHazmat

I can't give you an estimated time to finish, it could be tonight or tomorrow afternoon, but I'm working on it.
I'm glad you like this mod.



4 hours ago, wolverine576 said:

Excited for the A21 Farm update, keep up the great work, i installed all of the mods so far. 😎


Hi Wolverine576


The mod is ready and finished, link in the main post.
I'm glad you like my mods.



23 hours ago, Greymantle said:

Thank you for the jar/drinking water update.


Hi GreyMantle


You're welcome, I'm glad you like the mod.
There is a new version that fixes lootcontainers.

Edited by Gouki (see edit history)
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Hi everyone


Here is a preview of the GK Old System Upgrade mod.
It remains to fix the MaxDamage for the blocks and add a replacement for the ScrapIron block (I hope it works).
Blocks not seen in the image have been removed.


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Hi Everyone


Finally the mod GK Old System Upgrade is updated.
After much trial and error (and heartache), it's done.



GK Old System Upgrade

The scrapIron block has been replaced by the corrugated one.
Adjusted MaxDamage in blocks.
Three blocks have been removed due to errors.
1-- Reinforced Concrete
2-- The two poured concrete blocks

The recipes for AcceleratorConcrete and SteelPolish are not under unlock, but require a little more resources.



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20 hours ago, Gouki said:

Hi Everyone


Finally the mod GK Old System Upgrade is updated.
After much trial and error (and heartache), it's done.



GK Old System Upgrade

The scrapIron block has been replaced by the corrugated one.
Adjusted MaxDamage in blocks.
Three blocks have been removed due to errors.
1-- Reinforced Concrete
2-- The two poured concrete blocks

The recipes for AcceleratorConcrete and SteelPolish are not under unlock, but require a little more resources.



Hi Man. 
I have 2 problems . 
I edit when upgrade block to take more resources....but didnt change...
Example :
First One !

    <remove xpath="/blocks/block[@name='brickMaster']/property[@class='UpgradeBlock']"/>
    <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='brickMaster']">
        <property class="UpgradeBlock">
            <property name="ToBlock" value="concreteMaster"/>
            <property name="Item" value="resourceConcreteMix"/>
            <property name="ItemCount" value="30"/>
            <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/>

He take 20 all time  but i set 30 ....

Second One !

    <remove xpath="/blocks/block[@name='concreteMaster']/property[@class='UpgradeBlock']"/>
    <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='concreteMaster']">
        <property class="UpgradeBlock">
            <property name="ToBlock" value="steelMaster"/>
            <property name="Item" value="resourceForgedSteel"/>
            <property name="ItemCount" value="40"/>
            <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/>

It takes 25 , and i place 40 .... 
The others works perfectly

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