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MAP CREATION > why when i create a RANDOM map are there NOT ALL Houses? and why no 16k map?


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i created now 3 times a random map (no pregen) maximal size 8k


BUT..there are NOT the buildings from the other maps in it...i play now 14days and im a little frustrated..because iv to start new ....a want a SUPERBIG map with ALL THE BUILDING from 7 days (i v no skyscraper, no clothing or supermarkets with the new cool designed things...)


is this possible?? yes / no ?


why cant a make a map (or u create one) were are ALL pregen and the territory maps in it..from 6? map u make 1 supermap...

i like to explore....the game has sooooo cool nature sound, sun lightning, zombie surprise...i like to ride around ans let me sursprise what i see next...

that woud be so great


extra question > when i generatetd the random map..every time when i put a name on it...i typed A (then appear a map name) then i writed next letter (appear again upside a map name) and so on..i there a special code that i can usw??? when i name my map 845fgv846t its then with all the buildings? (for example)


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iv played it before with the biggest map ...it was cool  (BUT !!! not all building from the other maps!!!) i missed some buildings

BUT isnt aviable for a19 yet

AND the problem....the buildings get plant OVER trees.... there are trees in the building in the nitrogen...sometimes it was really funny..at the traitor directly in front were u stand to sell..a TREE...uv seen nothing with all the green...XD

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The trees are spawned randomly by the game. That can happen on any map.

If you get the newest version, and make a big enough map, you will also have all POIs.


There are some buildings not activated that are very specific to Navezgane, as they need to be handplaced in a specific location (like the docks at a lake-shore). You can manually activate all of them, but their position might look off then.

But you will find all the new shops and normal POIs.


Of course you will only see A19 buildings in A19, unless you manually mod the old ones in.


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You can make a 16K world map in A19. You have to do using the settings in the Serverconfig.xml. It is still supported there, just not from the GUI interface. The first 16K RWG map I made ended up with quite a few map bugs on it. So much so, that I immediately built a new map using Nitrogen. Personal opinion - For now at least, Nitrogen is still King of Maps.

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13 hours ago, Damocles said:

The trees are spawned randomly by the game. That can happen on any map.

> NO...iv tested it..ONLY in the map gen from nitrogen trees are IN THE HOUSE

13 hours ago, Damocles said:

If you get the newest version, and make a big enough map, you will also have all POIs.

>iv played the 18,4 and NOT ALL was in it


There are some buildings not activated that are very specific to Navezgane, as they need to be handplaced in a specific location (like the docks at a lake-shore). You can manually activate all of them, but their position might look off then.

>can u explain perhaps how i do this?

But you will find all the new shops and normal POIs.


Of course you will only see A19 buildings in A19, unless you manually mod the old ones in.

>>>now in my a19 created map ..i miss skycrapers and other shops...


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