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12 hours ago, stallionsden said:

Unfort i dont think we can create the price per item/block)

You can do it just by add/change this:


- a stack size required to sell

<property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="xxx"/>


- the price of the stack

<property name="EconomicValue" value="xxx"/>


But that can don't work because maybe hardcoded for some items/blocks like "resourceTestosteroneExtract", default value is:

       <property name="EconomicValue" value="10"/>

       <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="10"/>

I mod to be:

       <property name="EconomicValue" value="10"/>

       <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1"/>

But in a fresh game, I can sell now just one item but the price is 2 & not 10...


But the true problem if you want to change/add for each, there's so many items/blocks that will be borring to do LOL

Edited by Life_For_Dead (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Life_For_Dead said:

You can do it just by add/change this:


- a stack size required to sell

<property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="xxx"/>


- the price of the stack

<property name="EconomicValue" value="xxx"/>


But that can don't work because maybe hardcoded for some items/blocks like "resourceTestosteroneExtract", default value is:

       <property name="EconomicValue" value="10"/>

       <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="10"/>

I mod to be:

       <property name="EconomicValue" value="10"/>

       <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1"/>

But in a fresh game, I can sell now just one item but the price is 2 & not 10...


But the true problem if you want to change/add for each, there's so many items/blocks that will be borring to do LOL

Yeh i understand.  Thank you 

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OMG!! Nobody plays 7 Days with me and I just gotta tell somebody, so you lucky dog Stallion, I'm telling you because it happened after I installed a bunch of your mods, roflmao!

I am a bad girl. I don't install one mod at a time, I pick what I want and then activate them all. I know better, but so far I've been blessed to not have errors or problems.

So I gets about five of yours that I've always wanted, and one other from Nexus. I install and log in to see if I can find my new items. I get no error messages upon load in. 


Well when I spawn in I'm no longer a level 16 with my primo tools and military armor I just made yesterday. I'm brand freakin new, level 0 in just my underwear! I panicked, lol I instantly shut down the game and restarted thinking that maybe I hit "new game" instead of continue. Nope, still naked and being given the starting quest line. I started to run back to my house I just started remodeling yesterday since I got Guppy's mods to work. When I got home, thanks be that all my stuff was still there. Nothing was amiss or lost. All I could do was say, if losing your levels and stuff today is the worst thing that happens, it's not a bad day 😆


So what did we learn today little impatient, over zealous girl? Well I will stop activating six mods at once. I also learned how to use console commands to right myself back to my former self. That was too much progress to lose. So now I'm right as rain, but man what a trip!


Thank you for listening 😜

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3 hours ago, Netwit2008 said:

OMG!! Nobody plays 7 Days with me and I just gotta tell somebody, so you lucky dog Stallion, I'm telling you because it happened after I installed a bunch of your mods, roflmao!

I am a bad girl. I don't install one mod at a time, I pick what I want and then activate them all. I know better, but so far I've been blessed to not have errors or problems.

So I gets about five of yours that I've always wanted, and one other from Nexus. I install and log in to see if I can find my new items. I get no error messages upon load in. 


Well when I spawn in I'm no longer a level 16 with my primo tools and military armor I just made yesterday. I'm brand freakin new, level 0 in just my underwear! I panicked, lol I instantly shut down the game and restarted thinking that maybe I hit "new game" instead of continue. Nope, still naked and being given the starting quest line. I started to run back to my house I just started remodeling yesterday since I got Guppy's mods to work. When I got home, thanks be that all my stuff was still there. Nothing was amiss or lost. All I could do was say, if losing your levels and stuff today is the worst thing that happens, it's not a bad day 😆


So what did we learn today little impatient, over zealous girl? Well I will stop activating six mods at once. I also learned how to use console commands to right myself back to my former self. That was too much progress to lose. So now I'm right as rain, but man what a trip!


Thank you for listening 😜

Haha nothing wrong with a bad girl lol 🤪😉. Urgh never had that happen before lol. But what guppy mods you have. 


And which of mine did you grab. Try to work oit where it went wrong lol

Edited by stallionsden (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, Netwit2008 said:

Well when I spawn in I'm no longer a level 16 with my primo tools and military armor I just made yesterday. I'm brand freakin new, level 0 in just my underwear! I panicked, lol I instantly shut down the game and restarted thinking that maybe I hit "new game" instead of continue. Nope, still naked and being given the starting quest line. I started to run back to my house I just started remodeling yesterday since I got Guppy's mods to work. When I got home, thanks be that all my stuff was still there. Nothing was amiss or lost. All I could do was say, if losing your levels and stuff today is the worst thing that happens, it's not a bad day 😆


Well, just save before continue your game with news mod :)



& when you add news mods, you must rename it like "zzz001_mod-name" to be load in last after your old mods already played in your game, like that, the game will not "bug" to set ID for items/blocks&ect...

After that test it with your save game by add all or if you test one by one, just add it & no necessary to quit the game except when the memory is nearly +/-90% used!


But you must know, if you add mod who change like xp&skill&other, it's normal if you is reset at zero, but if not reset & you don't see any change, well you must do a new game with the same map, just spawn & then login off, then you must copy 2 folders from your old game to the new game:

- folder "Player" but delete all files in it except "*.map" that will be you travel map already visited

- folder "Region" you base & all what you will be load

(Note: that will be work because you play with the same account steam, without that, as if you give your save to a friend & you are placed a claim, he coudn't do nothing on your base like he play on a server)

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8 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

because of the icons added it will require both the server to have it and the client of all players.

ok.... thanks.... guess it's back to the drawing board for me....I need to avoid client side mods, it's more of a pain than I care to deal with....

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1 minute ago, dhyde79 said:

ok.... thanks.... guess it's back to the drawing board for me....I need to avoid client side mods, it's more of a pain than I care to deal with....

you can simply change the icons used to vanilla icons.

Will require a little bit of editing and searching in the game xml files but then you can remove the iconatlas folder and should be good

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3 minutes ago, Zyamaia said:

Hey @stallionsden love your mods and want to use Invisible animals fix for my server but I'm not sure if I need to reload the server or not or can I just plunk it in.  And will I need to have the mod on both the client and server?  Also will this interfere with my server running WOTW?

Thank you and as it doesnt have any custom icons you should not be required to have them on both server and client side. Just the server side should suffice.

You may need to go to a new chunk but it should work on a existing game.

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1 hour ago, stallionsden said:

Thank you and as it doesnt have any custom icons you should not be required to have them on both server and client side. Just the server side should suffice.

You may need to go to a new chunk but it should work on a existing game.

Thank you for your prompt reply.  I love your mod(lets)s.  Keep up the great work.  :)


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On 9/30/2020 at 6:19 AM, Life_For_Dead said:

Well, just save before continue your game with news mod :)



& when you add news mods, you must rename it like "zzz001_mod-name" to be load in last after your old mods already played in your game, like that, the game will not "bug" to set ID for items/blocks&ect...

After that test it with your save game by add all or if you test one by one, just add it & no necessary to quit the game except when the memory is nearly +/-90% used!


But you must know, if you add mod who change like xp&skill&other, it's normal if you is reset at zero, but if not reset & you don't see any change, well you must do a new game with the same map, just spawn & then login off, then you must copy 2 folders from your old game to the new game:

- folder "Player" but delete all files in it except "*.map" that will be you travel map already visited

- folder "Region" you base & all what you will be load

(Note: that will be work because you play with the same account steam, without that, as if you give your save to a friend & you are placed a claim, he coudn't do nothing on your base like he play on a server)

Thank you Life_For_Dead! I think I know what happened, but backing up using the string above is very helpful information. I lost my files when Windows updated and I was heartsick to have lost my game saves too. This will help with that. I'm thinking I did install a mod that made changes like you describe, so that's probably what went down.


Also thank you for the load order help. I knew how to do it manually with like Fallout and Oblivion & Skyrim, but with 7 days I just install them and they are listed alphabetically in the mod folder.  I've got a bunch of mods now, but I'm technically still new to doing it. Speaking of which, does anyone know the mod limit for 7 Days? I had like 241 mods on my Oblivion game, with very few issues. I'm getting close to 50 mods on this game, and I'm wondering if adding more than that will cause any problems.


At any rate, thank you so much for your info packed response. I learned from it and will be using the info 😘 

On 9/30/2020 at 12:47 AM, stallionsden said:

Haha nothing wrong with a bad girl lol 🤪😉. Urgh never had that happen before lol. But what guppy mods you have. 


And which of mine did you grab. Try to work oit where it went wrong lol

Yeah, I'll probably still be a bad girl, but hopefully a bit more careful one, lol


From Guppy I have:

Door Blocks

Flower Bunch Blocks

Victorian Blocks


From you (Stallionsden) I have:

Extra Recipes

Home Brewery

Invisible Animal Fix


Zombie Modifications-2


I've played since the back to zero level debacle and so far no problems that I can see, and I can find everything too 😁 I'm building so I have zombies turned off. We'll see what happens when I turn them back on to make sure my house is still cleared out.


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Wow Stallion! I just gotta say, I had no idea how much I  needed the Invisible Animal Fix mod until I saw how it works. I've had at least a 50% increase in animals spawning! It is so cool!

I got Xyth's Creature Pack- Animals so I have even more animals. It really makes the world more alive for me, since I don't always use the zombies as I said.

Great job on the Animal Fix! Everyone should get this, they'd be amazed at how many animals this allows to spawn.

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  • 1 month later...
51 minutes ago, Psilocin said:

So, the pallet mod has made it so that a loot item by the name of "Test Weapon Loot" shows up.

It's a metal box type of thing with lots of good loot in it, each time.


Would it be possible to have that removed? 😛

It could be possible lol. If you want it removed feel free to. I wont be looking at it til a later date. I also don't believe it to be a high spawner. 


But you find many funny things in these pallets lol. I mean WHAT were these people transporting lol 😉

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I added your mostly sellable to trader modlet. worked great. What i need help with is added items that are added to the game from other modlets. A mod adds rope to items, and it does not have the sell to trader value. I tried:


<append xpath="items/item[@name='ulmResourceRope']">
<property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>


I added it to your code, and it didnt load.

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5 hours ago, wolverine576 said:

I added your mostly sellable to trader modlet. worked great. What i need help with is added items that are added to the game from other modlets. A mod adds rope to items, and it does not have the sell to trader value. I tried:


<append xpath="items/item[@name='ulmResourceRope']">
<property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>


I added it to your code, and it didnt load.

did you add this line -

<property name="EconomicValue" value="INPUTYOURPRICE"/>

IE: <property name="EconomicValue" value="15"/>


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Ive been asking for help making a modlet, that spawns zombies on the location of the air drop. You have any ideas of how to accomplish this? Heres the Item XML for the rope


<item name="ulmResourceRope">
    <property name="Extends" value="ulmResourceMaster"/><property name="RepairAmount" value="100"/>
    <property name="Group" value="Basics,Resources"/>
    <property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value="10"/>
    <property name="Material" value="matFiber"/><property name="Weight" value="10"/>
    <property name="EconomicValue" value="1"/><property name="CarryWeight" value="0.01"/>


Heres what i came up with.


<append xpath="items/item[@name='ulmResourceRope']">
<property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>
<property name="EconomicValue" value="15"/>


Do i need to make a separate Modlett for <property name="EconomicValue" value="15"/>   ?

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2 hours ago, wolverine576 said:


Ive been asking for help making a modlet, that spawns zombies on the location of the air drop. You have any ideas of how to accomplish this? Heres the Item XML for the rope


<item name="ulmResourceRope">
    <property name="Extends" value="ulmResourceMaster"/><property name="RepairAmount" value="100"/>
    <property name="Group" value="Basics,Resources"/>
    <property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value="10"/>
    <property name="Material" value="matFiber"/><property name="Weight" value="10"/>
    <property name="EconomicValue" value="1"/><property name="CarryWeight" value="0.01"/>


Heres what i came up with.


<append xpath="items/item[@name='ulmResourceRope']">
<property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>
<property name="EconomicValue" value="15"/>


Do i need to make a separate Modlett for <property name="EconomicValue" value="15"/>   ?

No you don't need to do a separate modlet for the economic value. 


You could maybe add code to the supply box that spawns zs just a guess tho using mortelentus spawner

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On 11/8/2020 at 11:05 PM, stallionsden said:

It could be possible lol. If you want it removed feel free to. I wont be looking at it til a later date. I also don't believe it to be a high spawner. 


But you find many funny things in these pallets lol. I mean WHAT were these people transporting lol 😉

Would you mind telling me where I can find the item in a list then?

I've had no luck looking through the xmls for the mod.

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