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Getting thrown back to menu every 10-15 minutes


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I can't seem to be able to play on any server as i'm getting kicked from every one back to the main menu after 10-15 minutes.

No information no nothing game just freezes and sends me straight to the menu.
Here is the latest output log.

What i've tried 
Disabling modem firewall 
Allowing the program through the firewall 
Trying to close as many programs as i could think that might interfere with EAC

Verified game files

Will try to reinstall the game and will post again if this fixes my problem.



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5 hours ago, Jugginator said:

Hello, please check for and post your crash log and dump file from C:\Users\(USERNAME)\AppData\Local\Temp\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\Crashes

Hello !!! I do not have The Fun Pimps folder. 

I found this in local low though i don't know if it can help you but doesn't hurt to try.


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17 hours ago, Jugginator said:

Yeah this seems to be a connection issue. Hope it resolves :) . Try opening up the correct port(s) for the server

I reset my modem and will open ports for the server but i'm pessimistic about it.

17 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

Windows 10 comes with Defender, an anti virus program. You've disabled this? Why?

I don't understand i haven't disabled windows defender and i have allowed access to every 7 days to die exe there is but could disabling solve this problem ? I don't know but i could try.

Guys btw do the logs say anything ? And thanks for taking the time to help me

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There's something definitely wrong when i open my inventory or a container, the game seems to not like it and throws me in the main menu and i'm trying to understand what the reason could be i've never had this problem before it just started happening.

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Yeah I do believe there are some netcode issues but what you described is packet dropping/connection issues. My ISP had a rough time during a week when I was testing (still does) and that's about the same times I'd disconnect: open inventory, loot something, etc. However, it wasn't tied directly to that, I'd disconnect while not doing anything out of the blue. I ran pingplotter tests to the server I was disconnecting from and saw a large number of packet drops -- those are the reason for the disconnects. I opened the port directly in the router and it seemed to help a little, but switching to my phone's hotspot definitely cleared the issue (I never had an issue). Don't take this as "this is how it works", but I'm sure this is because the inventory/loot rolls calls the server for that information to check things/etc., which is why you're dropping during those cases.

1 hour ago, vitaminded said:

There's something definitely wrong when i open my inventory or a container, the game seems to not like it and throws me in the main menu and i'm trying to understand what the reason could be i've never had this problem before it just started happening.

Oh, and yes your logs show disconnect from the server.

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@vitamindedYou said you were not running an anti-virus program, however, you are. It is called Defender.

It is recommended that you exclude the game folder from your anti-virus program as it can cause the problems you have described.

Instructions on how to do it are in the FAQ sticky at the top of this sub-forum.

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4 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Probably a couple of weeks.


You should really try playing it without the mods.

I'm just joining a server i have no problem playing the game with my friends by ourselves.


Sucks that i'm missing out it's way more fun with other people in the server to be honest.

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The most recent log you attached showed a large number of mods being loaded, and that's what I based my statement off of.  Upon further inspection, that log is from Alpha 17, and is most likely completely useless for this.


If you've still got log files from a17, you haven't performed a full cleanup, and you must do this in order to tun a19 experimental without guys.

You will want to completely wipe everything. First open the game launcher, go to the Tools tab, click on the "Clean game data" button, and tick every box in it.  Then click Clean.

Afterwards, wipe your 7 Days to die folder and then verify the files to get a clean client. (Assuming you've excluded it properly from Defender so Windows doesn't muck up the files.)

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18 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

The most recent log you attached showed a large number of mods being loaded, and that's what I based my statement off of.  Upon further inspection, that log is from Alpha 17, and is most likely completely useless for this.


If you've still got log files from a17, you haven't performed a full cleanup, and you must do this in order to tun a19 experimental without guys.

You will want to completely wipe everything. First open the game launcher, go to the Tools tab, click on the "Clean game data" button, and tick every box in it.  Then click Clean.

Afterwards, wipe your 7 Days to die folder and then verify the files to get a clean client. (Assuming you've excluded it properly from Defender so Windows doesn't muck up the files.)

I will try it, test a server and will be back with results

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