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Discord causing game to crash


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So I fresh installed the game yesterday, completely brand new. I started a randomly generated world with all the basic settings (8K x 8K world). I was in a call with a couple of my friends excited to play the game for the first time (note I was screensharing). I got about 30% of the way through the load menu when the game crashed. I thought this was odd and tried again, this time it crashed in the loading menu of the game before I could even start making a new game. So I thought, maybe it's the screenshare. So I turned of the screenshare and it crashed again. I got pretty sick of this and decided to closed discord and the background processes of discord as well, and all of a sudden the game loaded perfectly. This bug doesn't happen during gameplay, only during load menus. I am running a GTX 1080. No game mods or anything installed. I don't know if this is on discord's end but it really sucks that I can't talk to my friends when loading up the game or starting a new world (Please note I have recreated the bug at least 3 times and I'm pretty sure it was caused by discord).

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Weird, I've been using discord for years with 7 Days without issue, and was just playing for several hours last night while using it. Maybe just try restarting your computer? Windows can get pretty weird errors if you haven't restarted in a while

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