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Gas Can Schematic


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Hi All,

I'm at Day 59 agility build and cannot get the gas can schematic for the life of me looping around bookstores, traders, etc. This feels like the calipers of doom all over again.

From what I've seen finding the schematic is the only way to get it, even Yeah Science doesn't unlock it is that right? Not that I want to dump 5 or 6 skill points into Int just for one schematic.


Am I missing something? Or am I totally at the mercy of RNG? In which case I'll just grab it out of creative menu, sick of grinding out vehicle salvage just to get some gas, even the gas barrels have little or no gas in them they used to give about 600 each!

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I searched hard till day 128 to find the last book of Pistol Pete... I even marked buildings with lots of book shelves and ran through them over and over every week. When I found that schematic it changed the game. I now have all the books in all the skills, so searching book shelves is no longer exciting!


Anyways I know how you feel!

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What Sakurambo said. Yeah sience at level 2 let´s you make gascans. Even in stacks. No need to desperatly look for a schematic. Also unlocks first aid bandages, chemstation at level one and stacks of gunpowder wich save you a ton of ressources. Yeah sience is worth it imo.

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Yeah that's all true but at day 59 I've got every other schematic and not wanting to blow 5 points just for one schematic, time for creative menu.


Tahaan, I read the saga of your search for the book, that is serious commitment mate! I've been through too many alphas looking for that one item (calipers, steel arrowheads to make a mold, etc) at the mercy of RNG to go through it, there's other things I want to do than just endlessly pull down cars and search traders.


I reckon an idea to get around this is that maybe after day 40 or something like that you can ask a trader to try and find a certain item for you. Then there's a +50% chance of it being in their inventory next time they restock. It's just enraging when you have all the skill to build a gyrocopter or electric gun turret but can't refine gasoline from oil shale.

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