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Nothing new, but credit is where credit due - POI design


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While I'm still salty AF about broken promise on delivery frequency of new alphas, I'm having a blast in A18, partly due to new perk system and skill books and overall revamped progression, which is amazing, I'm going to be brief here.


However much level designer(s) earn at PIMPS, they definitely do not earn enough.


The stories they are able to tell through POIs, the traps, mazes, "puzzles" and secrets, I don't remember when was last time I've had this much fun simply exploring POIs and doing quests - you enter what seems to be just another house POI only to find out a secret research facility below it, things like that make this game utterly amazing experience that's second to none in the sea of "zombie survival games".

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I'd like to agree, except RWG seems to always decide to place the exact same POI 20 times within a couple of city blocks. When it does that the POI design has the opposite effect and just becomes old and boring. I've said before, the game is only as good as the RWG algorithm, and that algorithm is not good at all.

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I love those little mystery story build into the poi. gore pile on the table, did the guy gotten eaten by zombies, or did the house occupant ran out of snack. why is there an evil shrine in the attic. That a nice little mansion there... with an elevator down to a research lab. little hideout inside the poi, did they go out scavenging, or are they one of the zed I kill in the poi. Are zed smart enough to hide in the cabinet to wait for me, or did they got in there when they were still human and hiding from the zed that bit them.


I hope future poi incorporate these little story into them, I love me some speculation fuel.

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The design is actually pretty genius, take almost any poi with multiple floors, they always have a way you can get down to ground level fast even as a level 1 character, so you don't have to walk thru the entire poi to get out, I find it genius.


- - - Updated - - -


I love trying to figure out what could have happened in a POI. The newest POI I found that makes me wonder if Bob's Boars. What was going on in that place?


You'll understand all the bodies once you find the surprize at the end of the poi right before the loot room. Then it all comes together.

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