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What mods are you using in A18? No melee perk build viable?


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I'm currently using none, but my next game I am going to probally use some.


The 60 slot backpack for 15 more inv slots, and I may edit biomes.xml and reduce the chance of grass as there is just way to much of it around. Also seen a increased crafting queue mod out there too.


Also is a build where I get no melee perks at all viable at all? I mean i'd get 2-3 str anyway for miner 69'er/motherload, and maybe sex t-rex to help with tools.

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I'm currently playing a vanilla generalist game....3 Per, 3 Str, 5 End, 1 Agi, 6 Int solo game at the moment. The only weapon skill I'm using is rifles 2/5. I have 3 points in heavy armor and healing factor, and I have no issues staying alive...currently at level 50-ish. Modded, high end melee weapons that I've looted from POIs seem more than sufficient, and avoiding speccing into any particular melee weapon style means that I've been able to freely discard old weapons and grab newer, better ones without regard to weapon type....discarding my level 2 iron spear for a level 3 reinforced club, then that into a level 4 steel spear, and dropping that for a level 5 steel sledge.

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  • 60 slot backpack mod
  • backpack transfer buttons
  • double-barrel shotgun /w melee attack
  • SMX Hud (I modified it though to remove some icons \ logos)


From there, I did a bunch of my own modifications:


  • Rebalanced all Melee to do 2x dmg, thrown spear does 10x, knives have 2x fire rate and 1/2 stamina drain, etc. Basically made melee a viable alternative to guns.

  • Rebalanced bows to do more damage with a higher re-fire rate as well as perks so eventually you can be like Legolas.

  • Rebalanced crossbows to do MUCH more damage so they're basically an extremely slow one shot one kill so you can eventually be like Van Helsing and take out single big enemies.

  • The idea is that all melee weapons should at top tier be able to take out "grunt" zombies with ease and require at least a couple of headshots for "boss" zombies, but not require you to wail away at them like a pinata.

  • Increased most stack size caps to 6k, I had problems with lagging/stuttering with much more than this.

  • All ammo recipies create 5x ammo. (Might rebalance this, but I like to pray and spray.)

  • Glue recipe creates 2x glue.

  • Lots of perk stats were increased anywhere from 50% to 100%.

  • Gain 2 perk points per level instead of 1.

  • Shortened starting quest to just the bedroll and gave 6 perk points instead of 4.




I use this with 30min days, 200% loot, 200% xp, and no loot respawns. It gives everything a more fast-paced feel that I like. No grinding, no pummeling single zombies to try to kill them. Perks are more meaningful in general, and they come fast and often.


I like to speed-run through these types of games and then burn out and start a new map. I don't have a lot of time to play so I like having a condensed grind-free experience.

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The only mods I'm using are the simple UI modlets and my own "Stripper Stripped" modlet that removes the stripper zombie from the various spawn groups.


I'm not using any mods that change actual gameplay until I've more experience with this alpha - and even then it's likely to be mods that add things rather than mods that tweak numeric values.

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10x thrown spear damage? you're going to even be taking down ferals with a single throw. you'd 1-shot every zombie until irradiated...


In my testing it generally takes 2 unless you land a headshot or are top tier with your weapon quality / perks. And even then you've lost your weapon and have to get it back, which isn't likely to be easy in the middle of a horde.


It's a whole lot easier to unload on them with just about any of the guns and stay out of their range.

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I'm not using any proper MODs, but i have changed a couple of xmls..

like, the low level meat recipes (char, grill, boiled) use 1/1 instead of 5/1.. left the rest alone,

and zombie bag drops i upped from 2% to 20%, because i like when they bring me gifts,

but i also play 50% loot with no respawn, so half the bags are empty anyway...

also the progression is everything just costs one skill point so i can try more stuff..

that's about it.. OH, i Helen Keller'd the vultures, because: because.

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Guppy's random get up modlet (changed it from 1 to 4 sec), Food & Water bars in UI, Pickable plants, and that's about it.


I'll probably make my own mod(let) if the changes to crafting / parts that TFP make doesn't satisfy me. I know they plan something to counter the fact you absolutely don't craft any weapon/tool throughout the game.

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Guppy's random get up modlet (changed it from 1 to 4 sec), Food & Water bars in UI, Pickable plants, and that's about it.


I'll probably make my own mod(let) if the changes to crafting / parts that TFP make doesn't satisfy me. I know they plan something to counter the fact you absolutely don't craft any weapon/tool throughout the game.


Well people don't craft them because later on it takes so much materials and your more than likely going to loot one before you can gather the parts to make it. Thats where the main issue is. The whole parts thing is stupid for half the weapons. Guns, Junk Turret, Stun baton, crossbows and comp bow I can see, but most of the other things? Shouldn't need parts. Its especially silly with the sledgehammer and baseball bat. Its literally a chunk of metal on a rod for one, and the other is just a piece of wood.

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I'm currently playing a vanilla generalist game....3 Per, 3 Str, 5 End, 1 Agi, 6 Int solo game at the moment. The only weapon skill I'm using is rifles 2/5. I have 3 points in heavy armor and healing factor, and I have no issues staying alive...currently at level 50-ish. Modded, high end melee weapons that I've looted from POIs seem more than sufficient, and avoiding speccing into any particular melee weapon style means that I've been able to freely discard old weapons and grab newer, better ones without regard to weapon type....discarding my level 2 iron spear for a level 3 reinforced club, then that into a level 4 steel spear, and dropping that for a level 5 steel sledge.


This is actually how most of my games go, but I am usally highly into str/fort. I ignore int, I can wait or use workstations in poi's. I also do not touch perception. My next game i'll prob end up with 2-3 str (2+ a cigar to make 3 for lv 3 miner 69'er/motherload/sex t-rex), high fort (heavy armor, maybe machine gunner, and healing factor, and lv 1 in living off the land), and high agi, as I love pistols, they do fairly good damage at t3+ and have cheap plenatiful ammo in general. Unsure how stealth is later on, SMG is still garbage, as its damage is fairly low compared to pistol so I usually just vendor any I get. AP Pistol ammo and AP Magnum rounds will rekt things. normal magnum rounds are 65 dmg, the AP ones do 80.


Knives are pretty bleh as a weapon as are spears and the stun baton. Fists would be good if you perk into it, and clubs/sledges are good all around. If you get lucky and find a steel sledge early game, any tier steel sledge your set for a while melee wise.


Note that I play on warrior difficulty, on adventurer the new default you can breathe on zombies and they die. zombies hit 50% harder than on nomad, enrage more often (and move faster when they do, or they can anyway) and if its like a17 the player takes a 17% damage done to zombies hit.


I'll be honest though I really hate the weapons being locked to certan stats, as most of the good perks imo are in str and fort, with int following those (int used to be near my top, but since schematics are a thing, and the int weapons are complete garbage a lot less reason to bother with intel anymore.) Other than pistols agi doesn't really offer much else of value to me. I'd like to try a steath build but, its probally not viable later, same issue with melee, once your dealing with nothing but ferals and radiated which on warrior is day 25 or so when thats mostly what you'll see, melee just isin't good enough. It can handle singles, maybe 2 at max, but more than that you'll die before you can kill them. Might give a sledgehammer build a try though. High knockdown chance on first swing with perks, and a chance of aoe knockdowns might make it viable later on.

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