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Parts for guns? Sure. Parts for a ...baseball bat?


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I really like the changes brought about by gun parts. It never made sense to me that you could craft a rifle without a mill, a press, or a lathe.


The armor parts I'm a bit less sure on, but it makes some sense.


The part i really don't get is parts for melee weapons. I don't think we should need parts for a baseball bat. That just doesn't make sense at all. I'm not sure how to balance it, as weapons/tools seem to come in "tiers" now, but I really encourage the debs to take a good look at the melee weapon progression.


To me, a baseball bat is more of a wooden sledge than a club upgrade. I think that a club upgrade should be much more like a war-hammer or a riot baton.

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Yeah some of the weapons needing parts doesn't make much sense, same for most of the tools other than auger and chainsaw. Guns should need parts, stun baton sure as its mechanical, but, machete? sledgehammers? spears etc? shouldn't need parts to craft imo.

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Some develpers make the cautios aproach with changes, funpimps usually go all in and often too far in the oposite direction.

A17 didnt have reasons to go out looting. They heard us, nicely decided to change it... and went totally too far :p


I don't agree with it, A18 simply means you will use <6 quality items for longer then 4 days.

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I don't see what the issue is.


Most weapons in the game have


- primitive and easily obtained materials, quickly craftable anywhere

- expensive but non-specific ingredients that require buying or crafting, with slow crafting anywhere

- top tier item requiring specific, non-craftable parts so that you can't farm your way to full steel/top end items without ever exploring. also requires a workbench to make


It's about consistency. by making you explore, scrap, buy, and loot for the top tier crafting, there is a greater sense of accomplishment. Day 4 quality 5 steel tools crafted yourself in the trader's workbench basically meant that you'd hit the top end of the game before the first horde night.

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It's about consistency.


I dont think there needs to be a consistency between basic weapons like bows or clubs and fireguns. I like they put gun patts back into the game (altho guns need to be less common than guns parts themselves, which they arent right now). But I dislike they changed tools and basic weapons into needing parts.


I dont see fireguns at the same level as the rest of the weapons and tools in a survival game.

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it's consistency in the gameplay experience.


Someone who wants to play a steel-armored sledge warrior could hit max effectiveness in no time simply by grinding away in a mine if the parts weren't a thing. And a full endurance/strength tank sledge build is absolutely viable in this game, as much as any gun build.


Without parts, they'd be "done" with the game in no time flat. I don't WANT to get the best items I can by night 5, the parts slow the progression down, consistently, for all weapon options.

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it's consistency in the gameplay experience.


Someone who wants to play a steel-armored sledge warrior could hit max effectiveness in no time simply by grinding away in a mine if the parts weren't a thing. And a full endurance/strength tank sledge build is absolutely viable in this game, as much as any gun build.


Without parts, they'd be "done" with the game in no time flat. I don't WANT to get the best items I can by night 5, the parts slow the progression down, consistently, for all weapon options.


It's still just a SINGLE piece of shaped wood. To make it require "parts" other then the raw material, wood, is just plain out silly.

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Someone who wants to play a steel-armored sledge warrior could hit max effectiveness in no time simply by grinding away in a mine if the parts weren't a thing.


Is that a problem?


Without parts, they'd be "done" with the game in no time flat. I don't WANT to get the best items I can by night 5, the parts slow the progression down, consistently, for all weapon options.


I don't think so. You need recipes, and unless you want to go deep into INT you need to find a crucible and a bunch of schematics. to get fully geared out. Even then you haven't found all of the magazines.

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