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Spanish tanslation for 7D2D Alpha 17.2 by Carry


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Hola a todos.


Ha llegado el momento que muchos de vosotros estabais esperando, la liberaciَn de la ْltima versiَn liberada por los desarrolladores de la traducciَn realizada por mi de 7 days to die.


En primer lugar me gustarيa agradecer de nuevo a todo el mundo que lo ha hecho posible, tanto apoyando con las traducciones realizadas en directo con sugerencias, errores detectados en fase de testeo, soporte en momentos en los que apetecيa dejarlo todo y difusiَn del proyecto. Solo voy a mencionar a una persona, Buck Fernلndez (del que dejaré enlaces para que le sigلis en sus redes si es que aun no lo hacéis), no porque no me acuerde del resto, sino porque quedarيa feo nombrar a unos pocos y dejarme en el tintero a unos cuantos, pero todos los que habéis estado ahي de una u otra forma sabéis que aunque no lo diga directamente os lo agradezco enormemente.


Buck Fernلndez:


Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWk...DxOYSmV7gRV9gw


Twitter https://twitter.com/BuckFdez


Aquي os dejo un par de imلgenes para los que no sepلis muy bien de lo que estamos hablando:






Os dejo una lيnea con instrucciones para que lo instaléis, no es para nada difيcil:


Descomprimيs el archivos *.zip y pegلis el contenido del mismo en la carpeta raيz del juego.




Esta es la traducciَn de la versiَn 17.2 Vanilla, no de la 17.0, ni de la 17.1, ni de la 16.4, por lo que mi recomendaciَn es que la utilicéis solamente en esta versiَn.




No me responsabilizo en ningْn caso de los daٌos que pueda ocasionar la modificaciَn de estos archivos en vuestro PC o partidas guardadas. Utilizarلs esto bajo tu cuenta y riesgo.

Derechos de uso y modificaciَn:


Puedes utilizar estos archivos de forma privada como quieras, sin embargo si lo ْtilizas de forma pْblica, por ejemplo para emisiones en directo, deberلs enlazar con la web del mod. La traducciَn estل realizada por mi, por lo que para realizar cualquier modificaciَn serل preciso una autorizaciَn previa.


Traducciَn de mلs contenido del 7 days to die:


En este preciso instante tengo traducidos los mods de: Darkness falls y Ravenhearst. Los he jugado y los estoy jugando casi a diario en mi canal de twitch del que dejaré enlace a continuaciَn.




Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXN6I9PBoU1RCpYxZByPdsA?view_as=subscriber

Twitter https://twitter.com/CarryEsp





Si alguien desea hacer algْn tipo de donaciَn aquي os dejo un enlace de paypal: Donaciَn




Tras haber pospuesto la liberaciَn de la traducciَn por motivos ajenos a mi persona, presiones, amenazas, insultos y mentiras, creo que ya ha quedado claro que no me dejo llevar por toda esa gente indeseable que sَlo desea fastidiar a los demلs, por lo que aquي tenéis la traducciَn de la versiَn 17.2 de 7 days to die. No estل completa, pero se podrيa decir que si lo estل en un porcentaje muy alto.


Se han dicho muchas mentiras sobre mi persona, en su mayorيa por parte de una persona a la que llamamos "la rata", desde aquي te mando un saludo, espero que no te envenenes al ver que al contrario de lo que tْ manifestaste, haya liberado la traducciَn de forma gratuita para todo el mundo. Gracias a ti he retrasado la liberaciَn mucho tiempo, te lo has ganado y con eso has perjudicado a mucha gente. No te dedico mلs tiempo porque no lo mereces.


Espero que lo disfrutéis.


Enlace de descarga:




Un saludo a todos.


English tanslation by google, I feel too lazy right now to do it by myself. No pictures linked here.


Hi all.


The time has arrived that many of you were waiting for, the release of the latest version released by the developers of the translation made by me of 7 days to die.


First of all I would like to thank everyone who has made it possible, both by supporting the live translations with suggestions, errors detected in the testing phase, support at times when I wanted to leave everything and disseminate the project. I'm just going to mention one person, Buck Fernلndez, not because I do not remember the rest, but because it would be ugly to name a few and leave me in the inkwell to a few, but all those who have been there in one way or another know that although I do not say directly I thank you greatly.


I leave a line with instructions for you to install it, it is not difficult at all:


Unzip the * .zip files and paste the content of the same in the root folder of the game.




This is the translation of version 17.2 Vanilla, not of 17.0, nor of 17.1, nor of 16.4, so my recommendation is that you use it only in this version.




I am not responsible in any case for any damage that may be caused by the modification of these files on your PC or saved games. You will use this at your own risk.


Rights of use and modification:


You can use these files privately as you wish, however if you use them publicly, for example for live broadcasts, you must link to the mod's website. The translation is done by me, so to make any modification will require prior authorization.


Translation of more content from 7 days to die:


At this moment I have translated the mods of: Darkness falls and Ravenhearst. I've played them and I'm playing them almost daily on my twitch channel.




After having postponed the release of the translation for reasons beyond my control, pressures, threats, insults and lies, I think it has already become clear that I do not get carried away by all those undesirable people who only want to annoy others, so here is the translation of version 17.2 of 7 days to die. It is not complete, but you could say that it is in a very high percentage.


Many lies have been said about me, mostly by a person we call "the rat", from here I send a greeting, I hope you do not get poisoned to see that contrary to what you said, there is released the translation for free for everyone. Thanks to you, I have delayed the liberation for a long time, you have earned it and with that you have harmed many people. I do not spend more time with you because you do not deserve it.


I hope you enjoy it.


Greetings to all.

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Thank you very much for your work! All Spanish-speaking lovers of this game should be grateful



،Muchas gracias por tu trabajo! Todos los hispano-hablantes amantes de este juego te deberiamos estar agradecidos:smile-new:

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Hola. Como explico en el post, es para la versiَn vanilla 17.2. No sirve tampoco para mods como puede ser Ravenhearst o Darkness falls.


No olvides seguirme en mis redes sociales.


Un saludo.


As I said it was made for 17.2 vanilla version. It does not work with mods like Ravenhearst and Darkness falls.


@Roland, not to worry about translating every answer to Spanish because you will end fed up with doing that. I will translate to English important text in my answers. Main post is in English so English speaking people should be thankful, but Spanish people does not speak English, so what you want is nearly impossible.



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I found some additional texts while translating 7dtd's localization to my language (Brazilian Portuguese) and I'm sharing here. I hope it helps in your localization.


WEAR,,,,Wear,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](lblContextActionWear key don't work)[/i][/color]
lblRequired,UI,Tooltip,,{0} Required,,,,,           [color="#FFFF00"][i](Workstation tool required)[/i][/color]
General,,,,General,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Menu)[/i][/color]
Basic,,,,Basic,,,,,                                      [color="#FFFF00"][i](Menu)[/i][/color]
Advanced,,,,Advanced,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Menu)[/i][/color]
Multiplayer,,,,Multiplayer,,,,,                           [color="#FFFF00"][i](Menu)[/i][/color]
inpActVehicleLook,,,,Vehicle Look,,,,,                       [color="#FFFF00"][i](Menu/Controls)[/i][/color]
xuiGenerateWorld,,,,Generate World,,,,,                 [color="#FFFF00"][i](Rwg Previewer)[/i][/color]
xuiWorldSize,,,,World Size,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Rwg Previewer)[/i][/color]
xuiWorldSeed,,,,World Seed,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Rwg Previewer)[/i][/color]
xuiSnow,,,,Snow,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Rwg Previewer)[/i][/color]
xuiPineForest,,,,Forest,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Rwg Previewer)[/i][/color]
xuiBurntForest,,,,Burnt Forest,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Rwg Previewer)[/i][/color]
xuiDesert,,,,Desert,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Rwg Previewer)[/i][/color]
xuiWasteland,,,,Wasteland,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Rwg Previewer)[/i][/color]
btnGenerateWorld,,,,Generate World,,,,,                       [color="#FFFF00"][i](Rwg Previewer)[/i][/color]
Party,,,,Party,,,,,                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Player UI Window)[/i][/color]
GAME STAGE,,,,GAME STAGE,,,,,                          [color="#FFFF00"][i](Player UI Window)[/i][/color]
ENEMY KILLS,,,,ENEMY KILLS,,,,,                          [color="#FFFF00"][i](Player UI Window)[/i][/color]
txName_Cabinet_taupe,painting,txGroupDecoration,New,Cabinet Taupe,,,,,      [color="#FFFF00"][i](Paint Texture)[/i][/color]
txName_Cabinet_taupe_drawer,painting,txGroupDecoration,New,Cabinet Taupe Drawers,,,,,   [color="#FFFF00"][i](Paint Texture)[/i][/color]
txName_Cabinet_taupe_top,painting,txGroupDecoration,New,Cabinet Taupe Doors,,,,,       [color="#FFFF00"][i](Paint Texture)[/i][/color]
txName_Black_TV_Screen,painting,txGroupWallCovering,New,Black TV Screen,,,,,      [color="#FFFF00"][i](Paint Texture)[/i][/color]
txName_Rust_black,painting,txGroupWood,New,Black Rusty,,,,,                                         [color="#FFFF00"][i](Paint Texture)[/i][/color]
txName_stones_large,painting,txGroupWood,New,Large Stones,,,,,                                      [color="#FFFF00"][i](Paint Texture)[/i][/color]
corrugatedMetalCNRIncline,blocks,Block,New,Corr. Metal Incline Corner,,,,,                         [color="#FFFF00"][i](Creative Block)[/i][/color]
woodBlockTileBroken01,blocks,Block,New,"Wooden Block, Broken Tile",,,,,                          [color="#FFFF00"][i](Creative Block)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_breastSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Chest Size,,,,,                                          [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_cheekSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Cheek Size,,,,,                                           [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_cheekPosition,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Cheek Position,,,,,                                 [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_chinPosition,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Chin Position,,,,,                                     [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_chinPronounced,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Chin Pronounced,,,,,                          [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_chinSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Chin Size,,,,,                                             [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_earsPosition,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Ear Position,,,,,                                      [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_earsRotation,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Ear Rotation,,,,,                                      [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_earsSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Ear Size,,,,,                                              [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_eyeSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Eye Size,,,,,                                               [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_feetSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Feet Size,,,,,                                             [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_foreheadPosition,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Forehead Position,,,,,                         [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_foreheadSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Forehead Size,,,,,                                   [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_gluteusSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Gluteus Size,,,,,                                       [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_handsSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Hand Size,,,,,                                            [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_headSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Head Size,,,,,                                            [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_headWidth,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Head Width,,,,,                                          [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_jawsPosition,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Jaw Position,,,,,                                     [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_jawsSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Jaw Size,,,,,                                             [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_lipsSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Lips Size,,,,,                                           [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_mandibleSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Mandible Size,,,,,                                    [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_mouthSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Mouth Size,,,,,                                           [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_muscle,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Muscle,,,,,                                                  [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_noseCurve,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Nose Curve,,,,,                                          [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_noseFlatten,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Nose Flatten,,,,,                                      [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_noseInclination,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Nose Inclination,,,,,                             [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_nosePosition,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Nose Position,,,,,                                    [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_nosePronounced,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Nose Pronounced,,,,,                         [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_noseSize,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Nose Size,,,,,                                            [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_noseWidth,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Nose Width,,,,,                                         [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]
dnaSetting_weight,XUi,Profile DNA,New,Weight,,,,,                                                [color="#FFFF00"][i](Character Settings)[/i][/color]

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hola. Como explico en el post, es para la versiَn vanilla 17.2. No sirve tampoco para mods como puede ser Ravenhearst o Darkness falls.


No olvides seguirme en mis redes sociales.


Un saludo.


As I said it was made for 17.2 vanilla version. It does not work with mods like Ravenhearst and Darkness falls.


@Roland, not to worry about translating every answer to Spanish because you will end fed up with doing that. I will translate to English important text in my answers. Main post is in English so English speaking people should be thankful, but Spanish people does not speak English, so what you want is nearly impossible.




Vas a actualizar a la 17.4?

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  • 1 month later...

Damn it, you beat me to it, I translated 16.4 before but never released it to the public. Now with A17 they changed a lot of stuff and I was trying to update the old localization but it was painful, a lot of text changed, got deleted and added, so I had to start from scratch and was doing it very slowly but now I don't have to, thanks! :encouragement:


I would update it but the creator specified that one have to get permission from him in order to improve his translation, which I don't really understand why, but one must obey. And he denied me permission to edit the translation.


Edit: I should also clarify that you only need the Localization.txt and Localization - Quests.txt files, the other files are duplicates from the original ones, so it should be safe to use the same localization files in the updated game but there would be some strings that won't be recognized as they wouldn't be present in the files.

So adding this to the end of the file should be enough:


corrugatedMetalRampSheet,blocks,Block,New,Corr. Metal Ramp Sheet,,,,,
goVersion,UI,Menu,KgNone,Game Version,,,,Versiَn del juego,
goVersionDesc,UI,Menu,KgNone,Version of the game running on the server,,,,Versiَn del juego corriendo en el servidor,
statEntityDamageExplosion,UI,Item stat,New,Explosion Damage,,,,Daٌo por explosiَn,
xuiOptionsVideoBloom,UI,Xui Video Options,New,Bloom,,,,Bloom,
xuiOptionsVideoBloomTooltip,UI,Xui Video Options,New,A glow around brighter highlights.\nPerformance Impact: Medium\n,,
xuiOptionsVideoSSReflections,UI,Xui Video Options,New,SS Reflections,,
xuiOptionsVideoSSReflectionsTooltip,UI,Xui Video Options,New,Use the screen space reflection effect.\nPerformance Impact: High\n,,

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