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A19 NPCs DMT Mod


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I'm new to using DMT to install mods to the game. I've followed all the given steps, but i just get a wall or orange and red errors when I click build.


I have version A19 and am using the A19 version of the mod. I have the dependencies mentioned, CreaturePackHumans, the sphere core and sphere npc dialogue. I only want the humans. am i doing something wrong? I feel like I'm missing a bunch of steps.

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I see. I followed the video for installing DMT and setting everything up. the errors said something like values not being used. I just uninstalled everything. I had to click Build with nothing in DMT in order for the game to run again and it didn't produce any errors. I'll probably come back to it in the future. I spent about 3 hours following every step carefully, but it just wouldn't work. I'd have to install everything and break my game/saves again just to get the errors, so i'll just have to move on for now.


Maybe there's something weird with my set up (my game's on my second drive) or maybe there are steps missing in the DMT install guide since there's not really information about where to install it and put things etc.




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On 10/3/2020 at 5:54 PM, xyth said:

NPCs of all types (human, animals and mechs) are hirable if they dont hate you.  If they are neutral or like you they will talk to you and thus you can hire them.  Some start out in a faction that hates the player.  So you need to improve your faction with that group somehow.  The idea was to have quests that would earn you more positive or negative faction, but so far no modder has written those quest up.  In the game, but not in loot, are books that either grant you some additional positive faction or full faction with each faction group.  If you want to shortcut, you can edit those animals faction xml property and make them, say, the whiteriver faction, then they will like you.


I will check on the door opening.  In the blocks.xml of the Core there is a switch for this but perhaps its not working

Got ya. In that case, I will probably leave them be. Do the spiders operate the same way? One other question. I want to do two series, one that is simply no zombies but survival against elements, bandits, raiders, etc... & another with zombies along with the NPCs. In order to do the first series, I will of course have to turn enemy spawning off. Will the bandits, raiders, spiders & such spawn that way? I'm imagining they won't. Is there anything I can adjust to have them spawn? Thanks so much for all you do!

On 10/3/2020 at 6:15 PM, mr.devolver said:

I wanted to make quests, but I was discouraged by the limitations of vanilla features.

If you decide to do them, I will definitely play them. :)

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On 10/4/2020 at 8:04 PM, xyth said:

You just have to play around with it.  I had the humans burst firing in A18, but something in A19 seemed to stop that and I never got back to it as most folks complain they fire too much already.  If you find a way to make them fire faster let me know what that xml is and I can add that change to the pack.

Tried everything I could think of (except making ammo a projectile, which I suspect would "work" but then it's not really hitscan) and wasn't able to get the job done thru XML.


I figured if I can make them fire quickly then give them a cooldown, then it's the same no?


But at best, there's almost like a forced 1.5s CD in between each shot, and strangely enough this is limited by animation. Rifle being the "buggiest" while idle, zombie and even crawling they fire nonstop every half second, maybe there's something there? a place to start.



Unrelated to that, on my quest to make the ranged NPCs a touch smarter, I found removing approachandattack entirely while adding a dose of painresist, runwhenhurt and runawayfroment works fairly well and maybe should be included on the base template.


As it is (at least for me, might have a mod messing somethings up) 90% of the time they run uncomfortably close up to something, can't fire/miss, and end up using melee.


I'm also not sure what's wrong with RangedAttackTargetSDX but the baked in one seems a bit more.. complete?
I have no knowledge of C# (or anything really, I'm out of my depth here lol) so if Sphere happens to read this and finds it interesting enough, there's no condition for melee in the SDX version.


EG: As I pointed above I gave NPCs some tools to keep distance, but when cornered they DO melee under the vanilla rangedattacktarget, never otherwise.



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I'm not sure I followed your points made, but the ranged attack distance is supposed to be based on the maxrange setting on the weapon.  They are supposed to try to maintain some percentage of that maxrange, i forget the value but its around 50% of the max range.  Also, they will melee when close, so Im not sure what your saying that there is no condition for melee.  The new AI is a work in progress and we have not messed with it for A19 much as were are working on other things right now.  

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Hey, I really want to hire the army type npcs (national guards, delta, rangers etc) but there is no dialogue option with them.

Is this is any way possible? I can only hire the Characters you listed in the NPCPackHumans\Config/Entity Classes.


With the DM on, i can hire every character starting with "npc", the soldiers are all starting with "human".

Would really appreciate anyones  help. Thank you


edit: btw i tried setting the factions from hated to loved, but it doesnt seem to affect the dialogue option



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I just finished updating the NPC mod for the Winterproject.  I added the soldiers and whisperers, and a few others, but some still have weapon positioning issues to resolve, but thats only cosmetic so can wait.  I will push an update in the next few days.


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On 10/9/2020 at 9:35 AM, xyth said:

the ranged attack distance is supposed to be based on the maxrange setting on the weapon.  They are supposed to try to maintain some percentage of that maxrange, i forget the value but its around 50% of the max range.

That's what I thought, but NPCs keep running straight into Melee Range to shoot me/z's, not sure why.

I was able to mitigate that by adding:

<property name="AITask-2" value="RunawayFromEntity" data="class=EntityZombie,EntityEnemyAnimal;safeDistance=5"/>


On 10/9/2020 at 9:35 AM, xyth said:

Im not sure what your saying that there is no condition for melee.

(Assuming any type/form of ApproachAndAttack is commented off)



When I was experimenting with the default Task "RangedAttackTarget", I learned if you go too close the NPC will resort to melee anyway.


While with "RangedAttackTargetSDX, Mods" the NPC will not.



This wasn't important, simply an observation.

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1 hour ago, xyth said:

I just finished updating the NPC mod for the Winterproject.  I added the soldiers and whisperers, and a few others, but some still have weapon positioning issues to resolve, but thats only cosmetic so can wait.  I will push an update in the next few days.


Thanks for your efforts! 

Do you think the new update requires a new gamestart or can it be imported into the current gamesave?

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So Xyth I've tried literally every setting to isolate possible culprits, I can safely say now that the ONLY thing preventing different fire modes is WalkType animations, not sure what changed from A18 to A19 but there's the answer.


I'd fix it but I have no idea how to do that, since it's gotta be in the Assembly-Csharp file.



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There are two places where random walkstypes are introduced.  In the sphereiicore blocks.xml there is a property of randomwalks set to true.  In the effectspacks, there are also randomwalks in the xml.   Both "should" only effect zombies.  Each human weapontype requires a matching walktype.  You cannot use any other walktypes on ranged characters, but you can on melee.

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23 minutes ago, xyth said:

Each human weapontype requires a matching walktype.  You cannot use any other walktypes on ranged characters, but you can on melee.

However using Walktype 7 (as proof of concept) made made the rest of the code for Burst firing-mode work for my ranged character, as shown in the video.


I'd be interested in fixing the existing ones for pistol and rifle to allow similar functionality, those aren't playing nice with the rest of the configs.



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i'm not understanding.  Walktype 7 doesn't have the weapon animations.  I see in your video hes walking backwards but firing using an idle animation.  Could be related to idles being looping anims.  There is also no reload anim on that walktype, and that might be involved.   If this is to add back burst firing, I can look at that once the WinterWeen Project is released.


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5 hours ago, xyth said:

Not presently, we didnt know that might be an issue.  

I dont know how much of an issue it is. Im worried for performance and for losing that aspect of survival if u have a bunch of mercenaries around (I dont know how many u can have, I just tested if u could get more than one :P)

My idea was to limit to 1 per player, specially for dedi server. Whats ur opinion on it? :)

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19 hours ago, danielspoa said:

I dont know how much of an issue it is. Im worried for performance and for losing that aspect of survival if u have a bunch of mercenaries around (I dont know how many u can have, I just tested if u could get more than one :P)

My idea was to limit to 1 per player, specially for dedi server. Whats ur opinion on it? :)

My problem with that is for folks who want several NPCs to guard their bases.   We have considered requiring periodic payments rather than a single payment.  Also, in the vision we wanted most NPCs only to hirable if you did quests that would get them faction aligned with you and thus they liked you enough to work for you.  There is only SphereII and I working on the system, with some graphics help from Mumfpy and in the past, some additional characters for others, but to date no one has helped write the quest xml required.  Just not enough time for us to do everything already enabled in the system, but we are always happy to get new xml to add.

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Pushed a 19.2 update to the Human and animal NPCs to enable more NPC characters.  Some humans have less than ideal weapon rotations, and while I'm working on the WW project I don't have time to fiddle with those so if they bother you greatly feel free to remove those from entitygroups.xml

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2 hours ago, xyth said:

Pushed a 19.2 update to the Human and animal NPCs to enable more NPC characters.  Some humans have less than ideal weapon rotations, and while I'm working on the WW project I don't have time to fiddle with those so if they bother you greatly feel free to remove those from entitygroups.xml

Looks great to me, good work!


Some points i am missing currently is seeing the npcs drink or eat (or use the fooditems/drinks i give them). When i look at their stats, food and water is at max all the time, but they will die at some point randomly.

I didnt touch the files, so they should use all food and water items.  If if ask them about their food and water bins, the field is empty.


Another one would be the firerate with Ak-47 etc, the stats seem to be more fitting for pistols and shotguns.

The last thing would be, that the npc go back the point you told them to stay after killing a zombie.


Thanks for the work you put in this mod, it makes us feel so much less lonely in Navesgane and improves the game by a lot



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Thanks for the kind words.


Food and water usage is disabled unless the "Maslow" feature is turned on.  However, we havent touched that code since A17 so its likely to have issues.


Some work was dont on the NPC pathing for WinterWeen, and if that works it will be ported over into the public SphereII core that drives these NPCs behavior.  


I will look at the AK firerate once WW is shipped.

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