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A19 NPCs DMT Mod


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you are correct my log does show an issue and when loading launcher i get an error about an xml file.


I for some reason input something wrong when first learning the launcher. my log reads :


INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Is Network deployed? False

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Current Mod Launcher Version:

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain -



INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - ==================================================

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - New Start - 11/14/2019 7:44:06 AM

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - ==================================================

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Checking Steam Path: h:\steam3\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading h:/steam3\Config\config.vdf file for alternate Steam files

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Checking Steam Path: D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Setting up Default View

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Udating Remote Server list

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading Remote Server: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Xyth_NPCs\mod.xml

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading Remote Server: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?116102-NPCs-DMT-Mod

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Error: XML File could not be parsed.

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - System.Xml.XmlException: For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method.

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDoctypeDecl()

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()

at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)

at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)

at _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.ReadXML(String strXMLFilePath) in C:\Users\jkilpatrick\Documents\GitHub\7D2DModLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher.cs:line 685

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Done reading remote server list.

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Updating TreeView Mods

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading Logo: System.Drawing.Bitmap

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Updated TreeView Mods

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Updating TreeView Mods

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading Logo: System.Drawing.Bitmap

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Is Network deployed? False

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Current Mod Launcher Version:

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain -



INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - ==================================================

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - New Start - 11/14/2019 7:46:51 AM

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - ==================================================

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Checking Steam Path: h:\steam3\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading h:/steam3\Config\config.vdf file for alternate Steam files

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Checking Steam Path: D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Setting up Default View

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Udating Remote Server list

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading Remote Server: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Xyth_NPCs\mod.xml

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading Remote Server: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?116102-NPCs-DMT-Mod

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Error: XML File could not be parsed.

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - System.Xml.XmlException: For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method.

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDoctypeDecl()

at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()

at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)

at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)

at _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.ReadXML(String strXMLFilePath) in C:\Users\jkilpatrick\Documents\GitHub\7D2DModLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher.cs:line 685

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Done reading remote server list.

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Updating TreeView Mods

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading Logo: System.Drawing.Bitmap

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Updated TreeView Mods



the thing is i have uninstalled the launcher three times and did a reinstall and i still get the error when loading.

I dont know how to fix it


It's because you have some bad data in the mod launcher.


Note: this will clear any of your "My Mods" you may have. If you have any, let me know, and I'll show you another way. Otherwise:


Click on File -> Clear -> Clear Configuration


Then restart the mod launcher.

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OK i cleared launcher configuration,restarted mod launcher and booted up with all required mods.

Mod launcher is not throwing errors anymore but the mods are not working..if i go into F6 spawn menu,no NPCs from the mod are shown there.This is what the mod launcher says as it loads the game...


Checking for DMT...

DMT Scripts Detected.

Downloading DMT...

SDX Downloaded. Checking SDX Dependencies.

Starting SDX Launcher: D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos\DMTViewer.exe /Silent /ScriptOnly /GameFolder ../ /ModFolder ../Mods /EnableAllMods

0|Parsing arguments

0|Auto Build

process started /InitialPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods

Parsing arguments

Running BackupFiles

Copied backup dll to: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos/Backups/SP/18.1b8/Assembly-CSharp.dll

Running DeployDlls

Deploying DLLs

Running LocalisationPatch

Localisation no longer handled in DMT after A17

Running InitialPatchTask

Compiling PatchScripts assembly for InitialPatch...

Built patch file in 481ms

PatchMods compile successful

Found patcher mods: 3




Hooking console commands

Running CreateModDll

Compiling Mods.dll...

Built in 591ms

Mods.dll compile successful


process started /LinkedPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods

Parsing arguments

Running LinkedPatchTask

Compiling PatchScripts assembly for LinkedPatch...

Built patch file in 425ms

PatchMods compile successful

Found patcher mods: 3

Link patching 3 files


process started /FinalPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods

Parsing arguments

Running FinalPatchTask

Compiling PatchScripts assembly for FinalPatch...

Built patch file in 424ms

PatchMods compile successful

Found patcher mods: 3

Final patching 3 files

Running CreateHarmonyDlls

Compiling Harmony mod for 0-SphereIICore...

Running CopyModFolders

Copy from ../Mods/0-SphereIICore/

Skipping copy as destination matches source: ../Mods/0-SphereIICore//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/SphereII NPC Dialog Windows/

Skipping copy as destination matches source: ../Mods/SphereII NPC Dialog Windows//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/Xyth_Bandits/

Copying ../Mods/Xyth_Bandits//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/Xyth_NPCs/

Copying ../Mods/Xyth_NPCs//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/Xyth_WanderingTraders/

Copying ../Mods/Xyth_WanderingTraders//ModInfo.xml

12:12:34: Build completed in 4.81 seconds



SDX Exit Code: 0

SDX Successfully compiled.

Checking for DMT...

DMT Scripts Detected.

Downloading DMT...

SDX Downloaded. Checking SDX Dependencies.

Starting SDX Launcher: D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos\DMTViewer.exe /Silent /ScriptOnly /GameFolder ../ /ModFolder ../Mods /EnableAllMods

0|Parsing arguments

0|Auto Build

process started /InitialPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods

Parsing arguments

Running BackupFiles

Backup dll found: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos/Backups/SP/18.1b8/Assembly-CSharp.dll

Running DeployDlls

Deploying DLLs

Running LocalisationPatch

Localisation no longer handled in DMT after A17

Running InitialPatchTask

Compiling PatchScripts assembly for InitialPatch...

Built patch file in 427ms

PatchMods compile successful

Found patcher mods: 3




Hooking console commands

Running CreateModDll

Compiling Mods.dll...

Built in 606ms

Mods.dll compile successful


process started /LinkedPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods

Parsing arguments

Running LinkedPatchTask

Compiling PatchScripts assembly for LinkedPatch...

Built patch file in 445ms

PatchMods compile successful

Found patcher mods: 3

Link patching 3 files


process started /FinalPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods

Parsing arguments

Running FinalPatchTask

Compiling PatchScripts assembly for FinalPatch...

Built patch file in 443ms

PatchMods compile successful

Found patcher mods: 3

Final patching 3 files

Running CreateHarmonyDlls

Compiling Harmony mod for 0-SphereIICore...

Running CopyModFolders

Copy from ../Mods/0-SphereIICore/

Skipping copy as destination matches source: ../Mods/0-SphereIICore//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/SphereII NPC Dialog Windows/

Skipping copy as destination matches source: ../Mods/SphereII NPC Dialog Windows//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/Xyth_Bandits/

Copying ../Mods/Xyth_Bandits//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/Xyth_NPCs/

Copying ../Mods/Xyth_NPCs//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/Xyth_WanderingTraders/

Copying ../Mods/Xyth_WanderingTraders//ModInfo.xml

12:13:39: Build completed in 4.82 seconds



SDX Exit Code: 0

SDX Successfully compiled.

Checking for DMT...

DMT Scripts Detected.

Downloading DMT...

SDX Downloaded. Checking SDX Dependencies.

Starting SDX Launcher: D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos\DMTViewer.exe /Silent /ScriptOnly /GameFolder ../ /ModFolder ../Mods /EnableAllMods

0|Parsing arguments

0|Auto Build

process started /InitialPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods

Parsing arguments

Running BackupFiles

Backup dll found: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos/Backups/SP/18.1b8/Assembly-CSharp.dll

Running DeployDlls

Deploying DLLs

Running LocalisationPatch

Localisation no longer handled in DMT after A17

Running InitialPatchTask

Compiling PatchScripts assembly for InitialPatch...

Built patch file in 490ms

PatchMods compile successful

Found patcher mods: 3




Hooking console commands

Running CreateModDll

Compiling Mods.dll...

Built in 611ms

Mods.dll compile successful


process started /LinkedPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods

Parsing arguments

Running LinkedPatchTask

Compiling PatchScripts assembly for LinkedPatch...

Built patch file in 436ms

PatchMods compile successful

Found patcher mods: 3

Link patching 3 files


process started /FinalPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods

Parsing arguments

Running FinalPatchTask

Compiling PatchScripts assembly for FinalPatch...

Built patch file in 436ms

PatchMods compile successful

Found patcher mods: 3

Final patching 3 files

Running CreateHarmonyDlls

Compiling Harmony mod for 0-SphereIICore...

Running CopyModFolders

Copy from ../Mods/0-SphereIICore/

Skipping copy as destination matches source: ../Mods/0-SphereIICore//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/SphereII NPC Dialog Windows/

Skipping copy as destination matches source: ../Mods/SphereII NPC Dialog Windows//ModInfo.xml


Copy from ../Mods/Xyth_Bandits/

Copying ../Mods/Xyth_Bandits//ModInfo.xml




This from what i can see is telling me everthing is compiling/loading as it should be but i have no indication the mods have actually loaded.

As you said Xyth...if mod loaded correctly they NPCs should be in the spawn menu via F6.


Is there something obvious im missing perhaps? I load a new game on Navezgane map,have default options on as far as i know,after spawning in i hit F1, type "dm" in console,exit console,hit F6...but do not see Baker,harley or any other NC introduced by the mod.

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So, there is good news and bad news.


SphereII has a new version of the Mod Launcher. Once I downloaded and installed it, all of the modlets in the Mods folder showed up. So far, so good.


To be safe, I then deleted all of those mods through the Mod Launcher's Mod Downloader screen. I double-checked that they were deleted by looking in the Mods folder (they were). I then re-downloaded all of the NPC modlets (NPCs, wandering traders, bandits). They all downloaded and showed up as active in the Mod Downloader screen.


I started the mod, and everything compiled and linked fine. I played the game, and after a while, a couple of NPCs spawned.


But now the bad news. If I interacted with the NPCs, no dialogue options came up. There was "screen real estate" for the dialogue options, but absolutely nothing was in them. (This is different from the last bug, where the screen showed the trader options - this shows nothing.)


I'm attaching screenshots and the Mod Launcher log file. Hopefully they will help.





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So, there is good news and bad news.


SphereII has a new version of the Mod Launcher. Once I downloaded and installed it, all of the modlets in the Mods folder showed up. So far, so good.


To be safe, I then deleted all of those mods through the Mod Launcher's Mod Downloader screen. I double-checked that they were deleted by looking in the Mods folder (they were). I then re-downloaded all of the NPC modlets (NPCs, wandering traders, bandits). They all downloaded and showed up as active in the Mod Downloader screen.


I started the mod, and everything compiled and linked fine. I played the game, and after a while, a couple of NPCs spawned.


But now the bad news. If I interacted with the NPCs, no dialogue options came up. There was "screen real estate" for the dialogue options, but absolutely nothing was in them. (This is different from the last bug, where the screen showed the trader options - this shows nothing.)


I'm attaching screenshots and the Mod Launcher log file. Hopefully they will help.






Do you have the mod "SphereII NPC Dialog Windows" installed?

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Where would I find the file with the logs you need? I've looked but am not sure which files are the correct ones to post.


Are you using the Mod Launcher? If so, after trying to load the game again, go back to the Mod Launcher, click on View Logs button. By default, it will show the 7d2dlauncher.txt log file. This will show the compiling, downloading, etc. If you click on the log file, it should drop down and show you another option: output_log.txt. Select that one, then click on Upload Log file. This will give you a pastebin.com link, which you can send to us. It'll contain you log file.

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By the way,im sorry if this is a little off topic,but the NPCs are hired each for 1000 casino coins/tokens.Being totally new to the game,and planning to create a custom single player game with 50% loot available via options menu,will it make it difficult to aquire enough tokens to recruit a handfull of NPCs?


Also the hunter NPC seems to have a chainsaw sound resinating from him constantly in melee mode or when standing next to another NPC.Thought i would mention,the NPCs also seem to have a extremely low rate of fire,usually getting off one round before zombies come within melee range.


Other than that its really great having these NPCS.


Thanks again

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By the way,im sorry if this is a little off topic,but the NPCs are hired each for 1000 casino coins/tokens.Being totally new to the game,and planning to create a custom single player game with 50% loot available via options menu,will it make it difficult to aquire enough tokens to recruit a handfull of NPCs?


Also the hunter NPC seems to have a chainsaw sound resinating from him constantly in melee mode or when standing next to another NPC.Thought i would mention,the NPCs also seem to have a extremely low rate of fire,usually getting off one round before zombies come within melee range.


Other than that its really great having these NPCS.


Thanks again


Edit these 2 lines in the NPC Entities.xml file:


<property name="HireCurrency" value="casinoCoin" /><property name="HireCost" value="1000" />


The HireCurrency can be any item, like a rock or a bullet and the HireCost is the number of those things needed. Easiest just to make hire cost a smaller number.


I see where darkStar put the chainsaw sound on this NPC by mistake. I will fix and push in next patch.


As far as the low rate of fire, Sphereii is working on a property where they can guard a position using ranged weapon and not close the distance all the time. Since we are using the in game AI there are limits to what we can do but I will play with it a bit more.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Do you have the mod "SphereII NPC Dialog Windows" installed?


Yeah, I'm a dummy. I thought of that this morning on my way to work.


I'm not sure why it didn't download that modlet automatically, it is listed as a dependency. I installed the other dependency by hand , so maybe once it saw that dependency was installed, it quit checking the others?


Also, when I went to download the dialogue modlet, I kept getting an application error (some kind of index out of range error). I'm going to just delete the whole thing and start over, hopefully that will work.


Addendum: The error persisted even after deleting the entire game directory, but it went away after I restarted my computer. I saved the stack trace if you need it, but it seems like it would be fairly specific to my installation, so I don't know if that would help.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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Thanks for the help! Found the log. Ok here is the order of what I am doing:

1. No other mods, Game is Alpha 18.1, DMT is 1.5.7.

2. Using DMT, I build with Xyth NPC, Xyth Bandit, Sphereii Core, Sphereii Dialog. It build successfully and I click play on DMT.

3. I notice instead of the original 4 files, there are now 6, a new Xyth NPC and Xyth Bandit folders.



1. After clicking play, it skips the main menu screen and goes straight to my last game I was playing. This could mess up some of my other modded playthroughs.

2. Many times, the game will load once after building, but the next time gets stuck infinitely loading and I have to verify game files. 1 file always has to be reacquired, then it works normal again.

3. Once actually in the game, any entity can't move, but otherwise acts normal. NPCs, zombies, and animals.


Here is the log: https://github.com/SteelBlood2/7-Days-SDX-Issue/blob/master/player%20log

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Edit these 2 lines in the NPC Entities.xml file:


<property name="HireCurrency" value="casinoCoin" /><property name="HireCost" value="1000" />


The HireCurrency can be any item, like a rock or a bullet and the HireCost is the number of those things needed. Easiest just to make hire cost a smaller number.


I see where darkStar put the chainsaw sound on this NPC by mistake. I will fix and push in next patch.


As far as the low rate of fire, Sphereii is working on a property where they can guard a position using ranged weapon and not close the distance all the time. Since we are using the in game AI there are limits to what we can do but I will play with it a bit more.


oh nice,i edited RF:G mods before with notepad ++ ,didnt really think to be able to do it with 7DTD mods.


I went in and had a look and found it.Nice one.


As far as NPC ROF goes, you said about sphere adding a property ... "can guard a position using ranged weapon and not close the distance all the time",just to be clear the NPCs were not actually closing distance they would remain pretty static alot,and not have a long detection range(less than zombies it seems),the actual amount of times they decided to shoot was minimal,even when distance to threats were 10+/20+ meters away.


Either way looking forward to any extra tweaks you guys can come up with.Love this mod.

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Xyth,is it possible,and would you consider adding the ability to recruit the wolves or dogs in game?


I know the dogs are zombie dogs but the wolves are not so it might make sense.Make currency a piece of meat or a rare food.

I just got done playing FO4 and already miss dogmeat lol.

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Thanks for the help! Found the log. Ok here is the order of what I am doing:

1. No other mods, Game is Alpha 18.1, DMT is 1.5.7.

2. Using DMT, I build with Xyth NPC, Xyth Bandit, Sphereii Core, Sphereii Dialog. It build successfully and I click play on DMT.

3. I notice instead of the original 4 files, there are now 6, a new Xyth NPC and Xyth Bandit folders.



1. After clicking play, it skips the main menu screen and goes straight to my last game I was playing. This could mess up some of my other modded playthroughs.

2. Many times, the game will load once after building, but the next time gets stuck infinitely loading and I have to verify game files. 1 file always has to be reacquired, then it works normal again.

3. Once actually in the game, any entity can't move, but otherwise acts normal. NPCs, zombies, and animals.


Here is the log: https://github.com/SteelBlood2/7-Days-SDX-Issue/blob/master/player%20log


Looking through this log, I see this error:


2019-11-14T21:43:19 0.146 INF [EAC] Not loading, not started from launcher

Could not open file E:/Steam/SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/resources.assets for read


(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/File/OpenFileCache.cpp Line: 56)


Unknown error occurred while loading 'E:/Steam/SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/resources.assets'.


Looks like that file is corrupted. Can you re-validate your install, and re-run the game in vanilla to make sure it loads properly? Then try re-adding the mods.

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I have to verify files every time after I build using DMT, and one file always has to be required. I believe this might be that file, which would mean it is getting corrupted whenever I build. I verified and restarted game again, and the same problems persisted.


The file being re-verified and re-downloaded is Assembly-CSharp.dll, as DMT modifies it. It does not, however, modify or touch Resources.assets.


You should not have to re-verify every time you build using DMT, unless you are deleting your back ups in DMT, which is a manual task.


Do you have any anti-virus software that might be causing issues?

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As far as NPC ROF goes, you said about sphere adding a property ... "can guard a position using ranged weapon and not close the distance all the time",just to be clear the NPCs were not actually closing distance they would remain pretty static alot,and not have a long detection range(less than zombies it seems),the actual amount of times they decided to shoot was minimal,even when distance to threats were 10+/20+ meters away.



I pushed an update that edits the ammoNPC to walk toward his prey rather than run, and increased his rate of fire. Seems to work well, but needs testing. Note I didnt edit the other ranged ones made by DarkStarDragon so be sure to test on the AmmoNPC.


Also, the Ammo NPC has an AITask to Guard a position and try to stay around that spot rather than close to the entity. Its a work in progress, designed if you wanted to put a guard into a position on a base wall and not have it jump down and charge. You can try removing that AI task and renumbering the following 2 tasks, so its now:


<property name="AITask-8" value="GuardSDX, Mods"/>

<property name="AITask-9" value="WanderSDX, Mods"/>

<property name="AITask-10" value="" />


And you could change that to:


<!-- <property name="AITask-8" value="GuardSDX, Mods"/> -->

<property name="AITask-8" value="WanderSDX, Mods"/>

<property name="AITask-9" value="" />


if you wanted to play around with that.


- - - Updated - - -


Xyth,is it possible,and would you consider adding the ability to recruit the wolves or dogs in game?


I know the dogs are zombie dogs but the wolves are not so it might make sense.Make currency a piece of meat or a rare food.

I just got done playing FO4 and already miss dogmeat lol.


yes its possible. Blooms Animal husbandry already has that core functionality and would just need to dog and wolf models added, and those would need some appropriate AI tasks added from the NPC mod. Nothing I can get to anytime soon, but it should be doable with the existing resources.

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I pushed an update that edits the ammoNPC to walk toward his prey rather than run, and increased his rate of fire. Seems to work well, but needs testing. Note I didnt edit the other ranged ones made by DarkStarDragon so be sure to test on the AmmoNPC.


Also, the Ammo NPC has an AITask to Guard a position and try to stay around that spot rather than close to the entity. Its a work in progress, designed if you wanted to put a guard into a position on a base wall and not have it jump down and charge. You can try removing that AI task and renumbering the following 2 tasks, so its now:


<property name="AITask-8" value="GuardSDX, Mods"/>

<property name="AITask-9" value="WanderSDX, Mods"/>

<property name="AITask-10" value="" />


And you could change that to:


<!-- <property name="AITask-8" value="GuardSDX, Mods"/> -->

<property name="AITask-8" value="WanderSDX, Mods"/>

<property name="AITask-9" value="" />


if you wanted to play around with that.


- - - Updated - - -




yes its possible. Blooms Animal husbandry already has that core functionality and would just need to dog and wolf models added, and those would need some appropriate AI tasks added from the NPC mod. Nothing I can get to anytime soon, but it should be doable with the existing resources.


Sweet.Might make a nice addition to the mod.


I was just playing there and NPCAMMO one sht me in the back of the head insta killing me lol.He WAS recruited,trying to hit a zombie,i got in the way...In description you said friendly fir is off,is that just NPC to NPC or is there a bug? I also accidently hit him with my torch and his health started dropping down by ALOT,like 300-400 points in a matter of 5 seconds,activating him paused it/stopped it.


If these are known issues or normal sorry,just wana report anyway to let you know. Im on vanilla Alpha18 normal steam version.



sorry i just reread post seeing you updated.What i just reported was in previous version though might still apply.Thanks for update il download it now and give it a try with him

Edited by Redarmy45 (see edit history)
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The NPCs should be immune to bleeding and disease but I didnt think about fire. I stopped bleeding since zombies put that on all the time but only players use fire as a weapon right now. Sounds like its working normally


Im unable to test because for whatever reason,your mod,downloaded from github,and placed into the mod launcher doesnt activate the mod.I need to directly download your mod from the launcher,and i believe from there its still the old version rite?


Just to be clear,adding the NPC mod to the mods folder and going into launcher,DOES show NPC mod activated/enabled in launcher,but upon going into game NPCs are not in the spawn list.Upon exiting game and looking at launcher,the NPC mod is not listed anymore.


quite odd

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Well, after my initial troubles, everything now seems to be working as intended. I started a new game, so haven't gotten very deep into the NPCs, but so far so good.


There is one thing I noticed though. With the NPC mods installed, the normal zombie textures look terrible. They're incredibly low resolution, much worse than the vanilla game.


Is there any way to solve this? I vaguely remember talk about lowering the NPC texture resolution due to memory concerns, but I might be mis-remembering that.

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After I verify game files, I build with DMT. After building, if I try starting via vanilla launcher, the game can't even load to the main menu. If I start via DMT, it skips the main menu and loads my latest save. Once loaded in though, nothing moves. This is without manually deleting anything, and after checking, it is not an anti-virus issue either.


I tried with the 7D2D launcher as well, but I couldn't get it to find my mods.

Edited by SteelBlood (see edit history)
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