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Modlet to craft poi breadcrumb lighting


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Mine makes them pickupable.


How do you guys learn how to mod this game? I would like to create something myself, contribute, but I don't know how to mod this game yet and I don't know where to start learning.


I once created a mod for Skyrim that added a Giant's club useable by the players with similar effect it had when Giant attacked someone and sent them flying into the air. Of course such thing is OP and ruins the game, but it was fun to use when you got bored. :smile-new:

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Honestly for me it was just reading the xmls (start with recipes) to see how they work, finding something I wanted to change and follow the trail back to the source.


Recipes leads you to blocks or items.

Vehicles leads you to entityclasses.

That kind of thing.


Poke around, see what stuff does, and it sort of grows from there. Ask a lot of questions, but he prepared that very few will answer questions if you haven't demonstrated you've already tried.


I'm a teach a man to fish type person, myself.

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Also, back up your config folder. Since it is all xmls it doesn't take up much space so you can toss the backup wherever. Then you are free to break your game to your hearts content. Which you will and thats ok. Finding a mod that is similar to what you want to do makes a good starting point. I had to pick a part a lot of them to wrap my head around xpathing. I find the breaking things, figuring out why it broke and how to unbreak to be most satisfying way of learning.

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