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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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MM, I read a lot of posts about the indestructible landscape and I have 3 questions (I want to tell my viewers the right information).


Garden boxes, ore blocks, the presence of these blocks fits very well in a world with an indestructible landscape. MM, do you smoothly prepare the game so that players can’t change the landscape?


MM, you said that indestructible terrain would be optional at some point. Is it planned after gold?


MM, is there any chance that on gold, 7 Days To Die will have only an indestructible landscape, and it will not be possible to choose the old (current at the moment) option?


It was a hypothetical statement, there is no r & d going on at all right now towards static terrain. If we tried it and it yielded some gains we would make it an option for servers to choose.

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Hey, MM. I believe maybe a year ago there was a discussion going on about your training diet but I forget any big secrets you had to share. Same as most pro body builders of 80% protein, 10% carb and fat? I was on this diet for maybe a year of body building back 7 years ago. Not a particularly fun time for me.


Having said that, have you heard of this?



Coming out this month, I believe.


I do a high protein, low carb and moderate fat diet. I am liking more plant based stuff, but I love meat, so I'll never get rid of it completely, but you could say that I'm opening up to adding more veggies and low glycemic fruits to my diet in the last few years. Like veggies every meal, and fruit in the morning. No starches though, or rarely I'll splurge and have a baked potato or hash browns, but my staples are fruit, fish, turkey, green beans, broccoli, green peppers and onions, lots of avacado. I juice twice a week carrots, spinach and apples. No dairy or gluten. I feel so much better than I did 5 years ago.

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So are you planning of opening your own school?


I've thought about discussing my thoughts about success on youtube. I'm no tony robbins but I think some people could relate to me and profit from what I have to say. Small town nobody who made it happen. I imagine I would have been one on the short list of least likely to succeed if you'd have known me in high school, but I made it.

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Is there any reason not to make different casings? Steel casings? Metal dukes worth 1 duke, brass dukes worth 5 dukes? Is there a "police your brass" perk book? maybe every 1 in 20 chance to keep your casing? There's really no reason to ever lose your casings using a Magnum is there outside of panic loading.


You folks are clever so give me another thing to look for or craft and i'll be just as happy.


in pimps we trust!




Its not good to be a bullet factory with no danger. You can mine all of it but brass? Get off your ass and find some :) Its not an issue until late game, or its only an issue if you waste time on traps late game like I did. LIke I dropped everything and messed with traps, I should have secured my 3k rounds, THEN put whatever time was left into the traps.

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@madmole: In A17, chugging an antibiotics, herbal antibiotics, and/or honey only had a chance to cure infection. Is this feature returning in A18, or will antibiotics/herbal antibiotics/honey have a 100% chance to cure infection in A18?


I posted the full design.

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Hey Mr Mole, you mentioned that there's no POIs repeated in cities, happy days. Does that also mean though that there's only going to be one Shotgun Messiah, Working Stiffs etc per map or do they repeat in cities?


Its a minimum distance, so there can be a shotgun messiah in another town I'd guess.

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Then making it howl, or prioritizing zeds is a better option than removing the threat entirely from early game.


... what's the point of these animals if we only see them when we can handle them? Oh good, more meat to fill my crates with.


The danger isn't there with gamestaging.


You get what I mean? First post of the morning, not yet coherent.



Wait, i thought MM already said biome gamestage scaling like this wasn't fair to new players who may be travelling in the area at the same time or right after a GS 100?


Has he changed his mind on biome scaling?

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Removing biome spawning seems to be completely against what everyone seems to want. Chief complaint is how empty the world is with all the encounters being sleeper based. An event only system is just going to be boring.


At the risk of drawing your ire Im going to bounce some advice off you that you have given to countless other players. Get Good. We have been dealing with these animals for a few alphas now, and as a strict melee build who uses NO guns I have never had any extreme difficulty in handling them. Remember your game is also stealth based and strategy is important.


What everyone loves about it is the fact you arent locked into one build. You can melee, have a bow as backup and a gun for emergencies. If I am reading correctly either you're playing JUST to be a run and gunner or you have crippled variety. Its as if you must make a decision day one what character you will roll. If thats the case lets just add professions at the character select screen. It will save people the trouble of believing they have any type of choice in how they handle in game events.


The funny thing is I fully believe if you were not the developer of this game I think you would be in here raging at devs for spawning near a wolf or not getting a gun on day 3. And then some dev can tell you to adapt or get good. At least the old Mad Mole would have told that complainer that.


I'm fantastic at the game, I rarely die except when something cheap happens. Like you are fighting a zombie on day 1 with your meager club or whatever, and you are back pedaling and out of nowhere a wolf bites you a couple times, there are no bandages and no chance of stopping the bleeding. That is a cheap bs move on the games part that needs to be addressed. Its actually already fixed, and ready to be tested.


Animals will not investigate sounds so far away. What happened was they hear a sound for a long ways away and go investigate the crumb, then when you least expect it they attack you because the noise you are making fighting a zombie. So now you will need to get pretty close for an animal to attack you. I also increased chance for them to flee when hurt (something new), so after trading some blows hopefully the pesky wolf will f off and run, instead of fight to the death every time.


It has nothing to do with getting good. Animals lurk in trees or behind a barn, and investigated sounds.


Anyhow we thinned biome spawning of zeds (they are all like the snow biome now). Its good for the performance of the game, and biome zombies don't do anything but get in your way for no reason. WE did add more zombies to the night in the wasteland so if you want that challenge, go there at night, but the average guy doesn't need to get raped 10x on day 1 and rage quit.


You guys can mod it back in if you want, we don't care, but most zeds in the wild are just costing performance and aren't adding any game play value. Half the time they follow you to the POI and you have to kill 10 guys before you can even go in, and are out of ammo and screwed. So now it will be 5 guys instead of 10.


Down the road with random encounters, we can simulate an extremely populated world without being stupid and spawning 10 zombies in every region like now, which is a waste of resources most of them you'll never see anyway. We could have zeds eating a corpse on the road with some loot left in it, a pack of wolves, group of coyotes, or bandits try to ambush you or rob you, etc. It would seem like more is going on with less actual resources being wasted.


Nobody at TFP minds dying in the game, but when its a cheap death, that irks even veterans. "Getting Gud" has nothing to do with it. Its about proper pacing. Its like a poi you walk into and the first room has 10 guys in it, that is bs. There needs to be some dead spaces so when you do have an encounter, its actually meaningful. Anyone who's watched an action movie with no story knows this. Games are no different. If zombies spawn constantly there is no fear you grow numb to it. If its dead quiet for a bit, then out of nowhere theres 10 guys you ♥♥♥♥ your pants, and its awesome.


Anyhow you and a few others can grumble all you want, but having a wilderness chock full of zeds is a poor design, bad for performance, and a nuisance to the players.

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I (like everyone who's thinking about their own DAY 1) am not positive what will be good for my own play-style. An INT build is calling to me however, because the fighting is asymmetrical. Something new.


Could I clear an early game POI by filling it with cheap spikes as I go, for example? Does INT even get exp for spikes? Turrets only?

If MM's Day 98 is "Finished Dart Traps", then they appear to completely suck. UNLESS the INT guy gets a huge buff in traps. There are buffs, I just haven't added them all up yet.


Or do I go with what I know and max strength? Yes I'll take damaged, but can I mitigate that with 3 belt slots full of healing items and the heavy armor AND can I even build healing items?


We buffed dart traps too, but I have no idea how much. TBH I think my design was bad, I could have made 4 traps in a fork gauntlet much more effective than what I had done.

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That reminds me of our playthrough where I spawned next to wasteland, and my trader quest was right through it, a full day's walk.


That turned into three days, and I kept getting killed repeatedly by wasteland nastiness.


I'd hope a new change would be to have spawns reasonably close to their starting quest trader to avoid startup game crap like that.


Mine was 600 meters away in one game and 1.4 or so in another?

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That might be a good new book set.... Turrets for Dummies. Books could increase ammo storage, increase # deployed, increase number deployed, add rad remover, and set completion could add bonus turret damage, bonus xp, or add an additional bonus deployable turret.


Book sets just write themselves!


Yeah we're already planning more. RIght now its get out what we have.

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Guest Rassilon

Anyhow we thinned biome spawning of zeds (they are all like the snow biome now). Its good for the performance of the game, and biome zombies don't do anything but get in your way for no reason. WE did add more zombies to the night in the wasteland so if you want that challenge, go there at night, but the average guy doesn't need to get raped 10x on day 1 and rage quit.


Exactly what im observing on our Server too. Seeing the Logs, there are so many entries of Player XY joined, got killed 5 minutes after and leave for good.


We even made a command that gets them to their Backpack (every 30 min) and an enhanced Starting Kit.

But it seems getting killed at that young Time on the game brings a lot of players to ragequit.

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I think he might be meaning new players like it's their fist steps into a new game they've never played before getting destroyed by a wolf and raging quitting to never play again.


Either way i do agree with what you're saying.


I remember the days when this game was developed to be the hardest game you've ever played. Somewhere that changed and it's become a little softer to open up to a wider variety of players while sacrificing their 'hardcore' audience.


In the meantime we're still hiding behind the same iron bars on horde night that we've been hiding behind for what seems like ages and ages. Luckily we can mod or potentially have a working difficulty menu option with future alphas.


Im 2000+ hours in, with at least 12 copies bought for family and friends - im not going anywhere regardless of development time and or changes.


Well, that and hello borderlands 3.


In pimps we trust.

No game should just throw you into a death sentence. LIke Ark you die about 50 times and then you finally get a house and bed roll and things settle down. Thats just horrible. You need to give the player some success while they are getting going, let them learn the game, have some fun, and when they go "Ok I got this" you turn it up and feed them cycles. Not just drop them in a pit of dogs and say tough ♥♥♥♥. So we're trying to smooth out the death loop and cheap death scenarios. I love a good death, like old Orc in Skyrim, but not being back stabbed by a silent ninja dog.

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It’s just a visual thing. You still make fertile ground but the appearance is that of a garden box. It costs no wood and isn’t crafted.


So yes, you can still farm on soil anywhere.


You don't hoe. The hoe is gone. You craft a box and put it where you want a crop to be.



Mod Note: If you’re catching up please watch this video by Unholy Joe that demonstrates what Madmole is saying here.


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Na, I got attacked from behind while fighting zombies and instant bleed with no bandages. At a minimum they need to howl before they go agro and bark or something. Its completely unfair for day 1 survivors unless we changed them like pigs but they aggro if you get too close. Right now they just rush up silently and cheaply kill players who aren't armored yet, that isn't fun for noobs or veterans. Had I been in the wasteland and it was a rad dog, sure, cool eat me I deserved that, but it wasn't.


Well making the dogs/wolves not so silent has only been suggested maybe 1,000 times..... smh

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What biome are you in?


I was in the desert. Coyotes are not hard to kill but sneak up and ninja bleed, kinda bs, we're working on improving that. I started a new char same map, spawned in the forest and got rekt by wolves in the same situation, fighting zombies, back pedaling to stay out of hit range (the brawler you just plow forward and eat shots, who cares you aren't getting infected) so my spear kept me at range but I'd back into a nest of wolves and get bleed, and bleed out or get bit too much in a short time and die. It was too cheap.

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I'm fantastic at the game, I rarely die except when something cheap happens. Like you are fighting a zombie on day 1 with your meager club or whatever, and you are back pedaling and out of nowhere a wolf bites you a couple times, there are no bandages and no chance of stopping the bleeding. That is a cheap bs move on the games part that needs to be addressed. Its actually already fixed, and ready to be tested.


Animals will not investigate sounds so far away. What happened was they hear a sound for a long ways away and go investigate the crumb, then when you least expect it they attack you because the noise you are making fighting a zombie. So now you will need to get pretty close for an animal to attack you. I also increased chance for them to flee when hurt (something new), so after trading some blows hopefully the pesky wolf will f off and run, instead of fight to the death every time.


It has nothing to do with getting good. Animals lurk in trees or behind a barn, and investigated sounds.


Anyhow we thinned biome spawning of zeds (they are all like the snow biome now). Its good for the performance of the game, and biome zombies don't do anything but get in your way for no reason. WE did add more zombies to the night in the wasteland so if you want that challenge, go there at night, but the average guy doesn't need to get raped 10x on day 1 and rage quit.


You guys can mod it back in if you want, we don't care, but most zeds in the wild are just costing performance and aren't adding any game play value. Half the time they follow you to the POI and you have to kill 10 guys before you can even go in, and are out of ammo and screwed. So now it will be 5 guys instead of 10.


Down the road with random encounters, we can simulate an extremely populated world without being stupid and spawning 10 zombies in every region like now, which is a waste of resources most of them you'll never see anyway. We could have zeds eating a corpse on the road with some loot left in it, a pack of wolves, group of coyotes, or bandits try to ambush you or rob you, etc. It would seem like more is going on with less actual resources being wasted.


Nobody at TFP minds dying in the game, but when its a cheap death, that irks even veterans. "Getting Gud" has nothing to do with it. Its about proper pacing. Its like a poi you walk into and the first room has 10 guys in it, that is bs. There needs to be some dead spaces so when you do have an encounter, its actually meaningful. Anyone who's watched an action movie with no story knows this. Games are no different. If zombies spawn constantly there is no fear you grow numb to it. If its dead quiet for a bit, then out of nowhere theres 10 guys you ♥♥♥♥ your pants, and its awesome.


Anyhow you and a few others can grumble all you want, but having a wilderness chock full of zeds is a poor design, bad for performance, and a nuisance to the players.


Wow man. Ok. You said it all i guess. 5 zombies it is. Cant be scared of something you can faceroll. I wont get into the technical details of not having bandages, not taking advantage of the spawn free time or how it isnt hard to beat a zombie with a club.


Ill do my best to reserve judgment until I get to experience it. But honestly with less zombies in the world who even needs a junk turret. Feels like feature creep to fight an enemy you are cutting the balls off of. anyway.

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Less sleepers and more roamers outside and around high end POI’s can go a long way to help balance early game. Noobs can stick to rubble buildings and cabins for a modest challenge while advanced players will go for city hubs densely populated.


Before sleepers this was the approach and it worked.


No it didn't. POis were a bore fest and ther were never enough threat. POIS are now dangerous as they should be and the wild moving towards low risk as it should be. We'll spice it up with random encounters by A20.

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Is it possible to fix the gamma settings, i want to say that it should with a limit when u play Online and in PVP map it would be Awesome all to have the same or Slightly different Gamma settings as to make use of Flash light etc and even make the game scarier :p But as for now Using Gamma to "Cheat" the game Mechanics (Day-Night) is not the best way to pass the Zomb apocalypse feeling.


The Dark is always nicer and You will think twice to use a light source at night (when in PVP Server)


Just an idea tho.


Use some self control? I never touch gamma, ever.

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That sounds awesome. :D


Concerning events, you mentioned "gatherer quests" in the past. (Ex. Gather 1,000 wood and 1,000 scrap iron for the trader.) If these types of quests are implemented, would we lose these materials upon exchanging them in at the trader for the quest reward? If so, just saying, it would suck (aka not be worth it) to turn in thousands of materials for, say, a level 1 iron reinforced club. :p I doubt this is the way they would be put in, but I'm just saying.


Yes it would be how we do it. The guy paid for 1000 wood, he wants his wood. You get dukes, bonus xp, and xp for doing the work, how would it suck? The bonus item is a bonus, the base pay is still great.

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Good luck trying to find brass in a game where 5 other players have looted before you.


The "no recycling of brass rule" worked fine when the world size was unlimited. And to some

extent, the door knobs (with or without the magazine) works well enough for singleplayer.


But with A18 comes what seems like a much higher focus on guns. And that is one of the

reasons i'd like to see recycling of spent bullet casings. Either by default, with a perk magazine ,

or weapon mod.


And even with recycling, one still need to mine coal, nitrate and lead and do the reloading.

Unlimited ammo, well, kinda , but so are feather based weaponry with the nearly endless supply

of birdsnests and vultures. And melee weapons do not require ammo at all.


For a long term play, or multiplayer, it does not take a lot to see why guns are less desirable then

feather based weapons or melee. Simply because guns are not sustainable in the long run. Unless

doing some quest reset or duping, or beeing very aware of not wasting brass.


So please consider a way to not run out of brass. I don't really care how, as long as it is done.

Recycling spent bulletcasings just seems to be the most logical.

We're going to smelt dukes.

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