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White River - Tools of Citizenship Quests 1.2 & Multiple Languages


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16 minutes ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

Through testing today I've discovered that the game has changed the way the "Goto Trader" quest objective works, to cycle through all available traders. It never sends the player back to the closest trader and there doesn't appear to be an option to do so. If I leave this object off the quest and instead just use "InteractWithNPC" (Talk to Trader), then there is no compass marker to tell the player where to find their Trader, but then talking to any trader would work to complete the objective. The entire modset is coded right now with "Goto Trader" steps on each of the quests so that a friendly map marker is given to the player to tell them how to get back to the Trader. But due to these changes, I cannot leave the modset like this.. it would be sending players literally all over the map to visit every trader. To boot, once the player has visited every trader, the game does not repeat the cycle and instead says "Locate Trader: NO TRADER" leaving the player unable to complete the quest.


The best I can come up with, with the way the game is coded right now is to have the Declaration of Citizenship quest have a "Goto Trader" option which would send the player to each trader each time the player pursues becoming a citizen. The beginner quest ALSO does this, which would result in the player having to visit TWO different traders at the beginning of the game. Then after that, just trust that the player has one of the traders marked on their map to be able to return to.


It's a bit infuriating on this change. It wouldn't be so bad if they offered a flag in the code to bypass this cycling behavior, or properly marked on the compass where to find the trader to talk to.. but at the moment neither is an option. :(

This is a little bit confusing. If you want to send the player back to the trader he got the quest from, the game does it this way:

<objective type="ReturnToNPC">
		<property name="phase" value="4"/>
		<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

<objective type="InteractWithNPC">
		<property name="phase" value="4"/>
		<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

obviously property phase would have to be adjusted accordingly with your quest, but yeah this should work.

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I tried your suggestion but this doesn't seem to work either. The quest immediately moves to the second phase "Talk to Trader" with no quest map marker and no compass indicator. :( If you or anyone else has any suggestions on this, please let me know. I've tried asking on the #modcreators-help channel on the official 7DaysToDie Discord server as well: https://discord.gg/3gYanE

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47 minutes ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

I tried your suggestion but this doesn't seem to work either. The quest immediately moves to the second phase "Talk to Trader" with no quest map marker and no compass indicator. :( If you or anyone else has any suggestions on this, please let me know. I've tried asking on the #modcreators-help channel on the official 7DaysToDie Discord server as well: https://discord.gg/3gYanE

It's probably because that quest didn't have an NPC who would give it to you in the first place. If you assign that quest to a trader, that ReturnToNPC should send the player back to the trader.

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Thanks for your patience for this release! I appreciate all the feedback. If anyone has any further ideas how to continue to expand the collection of quests, please do feel free to share. Please note that due to me having to change all of the quest code to accommodate changes TFP made to A19.1, anyone with an active quest will likely have it dropped. I'm very sorry for this, but this change was unavoidable and required otherwise it would result in completely broken gameplay. I'm real excited to offer you the biggest release yet of this modlet pack of quests. I hope you and your players see as much enjoyment out of it as my wife and I do. :) The download link is on the first post.


As usual.. if you run into any problems or bugs.. please post!



The biggest single update yet for the modset!

    * Fixed lootcontainer id issue introduced in A19.1. Reassigned all lootcontainer ids with a 10 number gap from the last vanilla.
    * Fixed issue with the use of "GoTo" Trader objective on all quests. This unfortunately will have the side-effect of terminating any active quests.
    * Added improved trader reward acceptance integration (Thanks mr.dvolver!)
    * Split Elite Citizens card quest into four sections, as apparently the game can't handle you killing 1,000 Zombies in a single objective.
    * Split the Terminator Crossbow out of the Bambi's questline, and instead made an Elite Compound bow named "Forest Prince" under the Bambi quest.
    * Created a new Veteran/Elite quest "Daryl's Zombiekiller Crossbow" after the Walking Dead character.
    * Added a quest Brass for Lead that gives community members the option to dig up some lead and turn it in for brass. This should make brass less scarce and help players who enjoy building more than exploring.
    * Added a quest to obtain Qwik-Crete, Fast-Drying Concrete blocks, and the recipe to make them. Guaranteed to dry in under 5 minutes! Weaker when wet, but just as stury once dry.
    * Converted Khaine's Steel Ammo to a quest. Stronger ammo, but degrades your guns faster.
    * Added a Rick Danger Auger and Rick Danger Improved Auger (Veteran and Elite). The Elite version of this cuts through mountains like butter. Both have a larger gas tank than vanilla but also eats through gasoline much faster, and degrades faster.
    * Started the process of converting some mod to use Localization entries.

The next release I'm planning to be a bugfix and Localizations release. Now that I've tested that Localizations DOES automatically pull down from the server, I'll be looking to switch the entire modlet collection over this methodology, to open the door for non-English translations.


Big thanks @mr.devolver for the help coming up with a fix to the crazy A19.1 quest "GoTo" trader breakage, better quest rewards integration with the trader, and spending hours exploring the possibility of adding the quests to the trader dialog!

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Bug reporting this because I  saw warning in my server log after installing this mod first time and checked items.xml for that warning mod. No playtesting done yet.


Everdeens Arrows is trying to apply to "Bambis Terminator Crossbow" which doesn't exists anymore.

Don't know if it should apply to Daryls or new Bambis crossbow, seems it doesn't.


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8 minutes ago, Vastarakki said:

Bug reporting this because I  saw warning in my server log after installing this mod first time and checked items.xml for that warning mod. No playtesting done yet.


Everdeens Arrows is trying to apply to "Bambis Terminator Crossbow" which doesn't exists anymore.

Don't know if it should apply to Daryls or new Bambis crossbow, seems it doesn't.



If it's related to the following lines:

<!-- A separate entry for this one, so if the Bambi mod isnt included this line will only generate a warning in the server logs -->
	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='Bambis Terminator Crossbow']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">,Bolts of Everdeen</append>

then as the comment implies, it will only generate a warning in the server log. If it's a yellow warning, it's not as bad as red errors could be. I guess you can ignore it for now and see if it has any real impact on the gameplay.

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1 minute ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

@Vastarakki My apologies! It looks like I missed updating the Everdeen's mod for the new Bambi bow and Daryl's bow. I've patched this and tested it on my server. The new download release is on the first page.

Was just writing reply but wasn't fast enough to hit Reply before notification came so no need anymore...nice and fast fix, thanks.


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Thanks for this mod :).


Found a typo/bug in the newest version:


        <item name="ammo762mmBulletFMJSteel">
            <property name="Extends" value="ammo762mmBulletBall"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammo762mmBulletBall"/><property name="CustomIconTint" value="a0a0ff"/>
            <property name="DisplayType" value="ammoBulletSteel"/>
            <property name="Material" value="Msteel"/>
            <property name="EconomicValue" value="10"/>
            <property name="DescriptionKey" value="ammoSteelCasedGroupDesc"/>
            <property name="UnlockedBy" value="Remington's Steel 44Magnum Bullet"/>
            <effect_group name="Base Effects" tiered="false">
                <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="46"/>
                <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="7"/>
                <passive_effect name="DegradationPerUse" operation="perc_add" value="1"/>
                <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.8" tags="earth"/>
                <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="2" tags="wood"/>

Edited by Slawa (see edit history)
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Making good progress on the next release. I've got a couple bug fixes in place already:

* Deschain's Revolver missing icon

* Burning shaft not installable to Black Bart's Shovel


In addition, I've worked out how to include a custom zombie and a custom vehicle! I've added a new elite quest related to this that is not for the feint of heart. Strongly advised to pursue Deschain's revolver before taking on this new elite quest. Really excited to be able to offer this soon.


The new quest has full localization support and I've been working through each quest to convert to Localization methodology. This will open the door for the entire modset to be translated to non-English languages.

@Slawa Thanks for the report on this! I found all three bullets had basically the same problem. I've got a fix in place now. I'll do a full run through of it tomorrow to make sure this quest works as intended.

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On 9/8/2020 at 9:10 AM, ShoudenKalferas said:

I've swapped Ivanka for Black Bart, with some poetic storyline. I've also added an Elite Citizenship card but did not apply it to all quests as it didn't make sense. I also added a new quest for Pavlichenko's rifle. I've got some other ideas planned for other quests to add.


I also hear they added the ability for the Localizations.txt to be automatically downloaded from the server. I have yet to test this, but if it works, would open the door for translation support. I'll test this soon and if it works, will begin the long work to update this modlet collection to this methodology. It would be rather complex to make this switch, but in the long run would allow more people to enjoy the modlet collection.


I'm still in the process of testing this A19_1.0 version on my server, but wanted to get this published for those other people who are interested in helping test. If you are interested in playing on a server with this already installed, please search for the server:

Server Name (Partial): SANITYS EDGE

Connection IP:


As usual, please let me know if you find any bugs problems, or have any ideas to share!

It's great to see you back in action ShoudenKalferas.  Thanks for the your work on this release.  I cant wait to take a look at it.

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20 minutes ago, OnyxAegis said:

I feel silly for asking this but how do I install this for single player? I have other small mods and this looked fun to me. I installed it to the mods folder and it isn't working. Thanks.

The installation process should be the same as your other mods. When you extract the .zip file there should be a bunch of folders all starting with "WhiteRiverToC" these folders should be copied into your Mods folder to sit beside your other mods. If you have a game already started, try to craft "+Declaration of Citizenship" otherwise on a new game when you complete the new player tutorial quests it should automatically kick you into the quest that asks you to craft the Declaration of Citizenship quest.


If the above doesn't work, try hitting F1 and checking your game console for any errors right after you start up the game. Please feel free to find me on the official 7DTD Discord server and I'm happy to try and walk through it with you in more detail. https://discord.gg/Gqj3dz




I've managed to work my way through about 1/3 of the quests for the Localization conversion. I worked on it for over 6hrs today. It's a very slow process. :( Unfortunately at this point I need to push through this Localization conversion until its all complete before I publish the next patch release. I've got some good ideas lined up for additional changes coming up. I'm really excited to get these out to ya'll to play with. :)

Edited by ShoudenKalferas (see edit history)
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Tried adding this to my SP game but does not work well with the 7D2D Launcher at all. Everything from WR is in the right folder, but it won't show up in the launcher, and the error messages that pop up in the console are confusing as hell to me.


Going to try adding the mods I want to use manually and start the game as normal. I really want to try how the Quests are set up, so I hope I can install this right.


**Update: I got things working, but I think I ran into a bug where: - Tier 1 : Kill 10 Zombies. This is the Basic level of citizenship. Reward: +White River Citizenship Card

...except I also got a +Sealed Citizen Crate, and when I put it down other than hitting the crate with something, I can't do much else. It downgrades into a cardboard box (which again, all I can do is hit it), and instead of opening, it gets destroyed with an 8 x Paper drop to my inv. Neither stage acts like a container to loot from at all.


Is the bug with getting the crate in the first place...or is it the fact that it won't open, and hitting it only gives me 8xPaper for my troubles.

Edited by NazT_DragN (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, NazT_DragN said:

Tried adding this to my SP game but does not work well with the 7D2D Launcher at all. Everything from WR is in the right folder, but it won't show up in the launcher, and the error messages that pop up in the console are confusing as hell to me.


Going to try adding the mods I want to use manually and start the game as normal. I really want to try how the Quests are set up, so I hope I can install this right.


**Update: I got things working, but I think I ran into a bug where: - Tier 1 : Kill 10 Zombies. This is the Basic level of citizenship. Reward: +White River Citizenship Card

...except I also got a +Sealed Citizen Crate, and when I put it down other than hitting the crate with something, I can't do much else. It downgrades into a cardboard box (which again, all I can do is hit it), and instead of opening, it gets destroyed with an 8 x Paper drop to my inv. Neither stage acts like a container to loot from at all.


Is the bug with getting the crate in the first place...or is it the fact that it won't open, and hitting it only gives me 8xPaper for my troubles.

You might have some compatibility issues with other mods. This happened to me in Alpha 18 and if I remember correctly, it was a compatibility issue with a different mod in my case. Try this mod alone first and if it works properly, then add the rest of the mods from your mod list one by one to find out which one is conflicting.

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This is an interesting problem. So that you know, what should happen is you place the sealed crate on the ground, hit it until it turns into cardboard box, then the cardboard box should be lootable. The sealed crate is just "extra" loot and shouldn't affect your ability to pursue the other quests. But I suspect if there is a conflict here, there may be other conflicts in addition. :(


The sealed box extends cntShippingCrateHero

The cardboard box extends from cntGarageStorage


I'm thinking that it could either be a conflict with the cntGarageStorage item or possibly with the lootcontainer id.


I did catch another mod that used substantially higher lootcontainer ids (900s) and worked fine. Historically I've used ids that were just a couple dozen after the last vanilla. On the next patch release I make I'll move all the lootcontainer ids up another hundred or so and try to pick a random oddball number to start from, to reduce chance of conflict on that. I also can probably work to remove the extension on these which I think would remove the other possible way that this would conflict.


If you happen to figure out which mod is conflicting, this might help me figure out more specifically what needs changed to remove the conflict. Also, if you take your console output and paste it into a pastebin link and shoot it to me on Discord (link is above) I could help try to discern what is going on.

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17 hours ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

This is an interesting problem. So that you know, what should happen is you place the sealed crate on the ground, hit it until it turns into cardboard box, then the cardboard box should be lootable. The sealed crate is just "extra" loot and shouldn't affect your ability to pursue the other quests. But I suspect if there is a conflict here, there may be other conflicts in addition. :(


The sealed box extends cntShippingCrateHero

The cardboard box extends from cntGarageStorage


I'm thinking that it could either be a conflict with the cntGarageStorage item or possibly with the lootcontainer id.


I did catch another mod that used substantially higher lootcontainer ids (900s) and worked fine. Historically I've used ids that were just a couple dozen after the last vanilla. On the next patch release I make I'll move all the lootcontainer ids up another hundred or so and try to pick a random oddball number to start from, to reduce chance of conflict on that. I also can probably work to remove the extension on these which I think would remove the other possible way that this would conflict.


If you happen to figure out which mod is conflicting, this might help me figure out more specifically what needs changed to remove the conflict. Also, if you take your console output and paste it into a pastebin link and shoot it to me on Discord (link is above) I could help try to discern what is going on.

After a few hours of starting and restarting for each mod I was using, as well as taking out some of the cosmetic ones, I found that there is a conflict with War3zuk Kitchen Utilities. It threw a red error in the console for: Duplicate Item ID 130 in loot.xml.


I stopped at that point, because like I said, the other mods after were cosmetic items and not interactables so I dropped them out.


*So far the mod set I'm using is:


**Beyond your White River set**



OpenDoorSyndrome with Respawn and Lockpicking additions

Store Shelves {Lootable...not 'Original' version}

Supply Crates


Lootable Objects



Mega Perks x4



Mega Vault

NSFW Paintings set


And as of now things are playing pretty well with each other...

Well other than the odd spawn-through-wall I got from a couple Supply Crates 😁


*As listed in the 7D2D Launcher

Edited by NazT_DragN (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, NazT_DragN said:

After a few hours of starting and restarting for each mod I was using, as well as taking out some of the cosmetic ones, I found that there is a conflict with War3zuk Kitchen Utilities. It threw a red error in the console for: Duplicate Item ID 130 in loot.xml.


I stopped at that point, because like I said, the other mods after were cosmetic items and not interactables so I dropped them out.


*So far the mod set I'm using is:


**Beyond your White River set**



OpenDoorSyndrome with Respawn and Lockpicking additions

Store Shelves {Lootable...not 'Original' version}

Supply Crates


Lootable Objects



Mega Perks x4



Mega Vault

NSFW Paintings set


And as of now things are playing pretty well with each other...

Well other than the odd spawn-through-wall I got from a couple Supply Crates 😁


*As listed in the 7D2D Launcher


Good job! Yeah, now I remember it was also one of War3zuk's mods in my case back in Alpha 18 when I ran into the same compatibility issue. I managed to solve it back then. Sometimes it's as easy as simply grabbing an alternative mod to replace the conflicting one, sometimes you have to tweak it and very often you have to get rid of it completely if it's preventing a better mod from working properly and can't be fixed easily...

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1 hour ago, NazT_DragN said:

After a few hours of starting and restarting for each mod I was using, as well as taking out some of the cosmetic ones, I found that there is a conflict with War3zuk Kitchen Utilities. It threw a red error in the console for: Duplicate Item ID 130 in loot.xml.


I stopped at that point, because like I said, the other mods after were cosmetic items and not interactables so I dropped them out.


*So far the mod set I'm using is:


**Beyond your White River set**



OpenDoorSyndrome with Respawn and Lockpicking additions

Store Shelves {Lootable...not 'Original' version}

Supply Crates


Lootable Objects



Mega Perks x4



Mega Vault

NSFW Paintings set


And as of now things are playing pretty well with each other...

Well other than the odd spawn-through-wall I got from a couple Supply Crates 😁


*As listed in the 7D2D Launcher

Thanks for your analysis on this! This really helps confirm for me that its the lootcontainer ids that caused the conflict. I'll make sure this is patched/fixed on the next release to move FAR away from the vanilla loot id's in use now. This should greatly decrease the chance of this kind of conflict for anyone else in the future. I really appreciate your time sorting through this!

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6 minutes ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

Thanks for your analysis on this! This really helps confirm for me that its the lootcontainer ids that caused the conflict. I'll make sure this is patched/fixed on the next release to move FAR away from the vanilla loot id's in use now. This should greatly decrease the chance of this kind of conflict for anyone else in the future. I really appreciate your time sorting through this!

You know, lootcontainers are like a cancer in modding. You will bump up your ids to prevent conflicts with one thing, they will conflict with something else.

Edited by mr.devolver (see edit history)
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Thx guys, it's good to hear that.

Hell, coming back to 7D2D this far into new content, I was worried all the modders would throw their collective hands up just trying to deal with code changes.


I know I did and I'm not even a mod dev. I scrapped the story-line project that I originally started back in A12.4-12.7-ish. Just because of how fast and often TFP came out with new things, and how slow I was plugging around.


kutgw and thx for the mods.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update.. I've completed all the conversion of each quest to full use of localization. This will allow the entire mod pack to be translated to other languages. Anyone interested in helping with this language translation effort, please send me a private message. I'm also working on a few new quests for the pack:


Spirit of Vengeance - Take on a demon Juggernaut and obtain a super-fast vehicle. A player using this vehicle is a sure-sign of their elite status. Big thanks to Snufkin's Server-Side Zombies & Snufkins's Server-Side Vehicles for a big part of the base code for the vehicle and zombie. Tested for compatibility with Snufkin's mods, so you can run both at the same time if you want!

Callinicus Greek Fire - Find the book randomly in the world and learn to craft greek fire arrows. Shoot one zombie with a greek fire arrow, and the fire spreads to other entities that it touches.

Amelia's Gyrocopter - I'm still formulating the questline behind this one.. but the general gist will be to quest and ultimately take on a custom zombie in order to learn how to create a super-charged gyrocopter with custom components. Travels faster than the vanilla gyrocopter, with improved flying characteristics that allow it to fly more like a helicopter than a plane. Supports VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing)!

Elite Random - I've created a sealed crate that you can obtain from four veteran cards that gives you a single random elite quest starter. Obtain a veteran card back at the start of your elite quest. If you complete the Elite quest, you obtain an Elite citizen's card!

Gupta's Bandages - I've modified this existing quest to provide custom bandages and first aid kits that are more powerful than the vanilla.


Multiple quests have had the quest text improved. All in-game items now have a description shown. Nearly all quest starter items/recipes specifically list what you will have to do or procure in order to complete the quest. This allows you to pick and choose which quest to pursue based on what you think you could readily complete. There are also countless bug fixes in this release. Too many to list all. All custom weapons have had the attachment mods corrected both in terms of usability, and placement in terms of where the mod attaches to the weapon. I've also renumbered all of the lootcontainers to hopefully shift all of them away from a range that is likely used by other mods. This should help ensure compatibility with other mods that have lootcontainers.


Big thanks to @mr.devolver for helping me puzzle through some of these changes, the idea to pursue a gyrocopter quest and the elite random quest to create an easier path to the elite set of quests, and for continuing to provide top-notch advice.


In addition, I've changed all elite quests so that they give you a veteran card when you accept the quest and an elite card back upon successful completion. Once you gain elite fame within the community, you retain your fame as long as you continue to see success at your pursuit of community quests.


I'm hoping to release this big update later this week. HOWEVER,  due to the nature of the switch to Localization, this next release WILL NOT be backwards compatible and will require a new/fresh game. I'm very sorry for this. There simply is no good way for me to create backwards compatibility code with such a large change in code. I have done a full play-through of all the quests, so this next release is a PRE-TESTED release.


This release brings the number of quests up to 20, not including the different tiers including in most quests.

Edited by ShoudenKalferas (see edit history)
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