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White River - Tools of Citizenship Quests 1.2 & Multiple Languages


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Tested with 7DTD v1.0


White River - Tools of Citizenship - 1.2

* Darkness Falls compatibility is not yet working again for the Tools of Citizenship.


All Languages Localization/Support: English, German, French, Iitalian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish






This modlet collection extends the new player White River citizenship quest line to provide a suite of storied quests to obtain improved tools, weapons, and armor. Each item has a small back-story and explanation in an attempt to blend with the vanilla game and Trader. This gives players a chance to obtain better equipment through a method other than randomness or traditional progression. The rewards this modlet pack provides were carefully considered against Vanilla gameplay. In most cases, the named items only provide a small improvement over the items they were created from. The duke and experience rewards are in-line with vanilla quests, and across all quests and tiers in this modlet pack only a handful of skillpoints are offered and only on the highest complexity quests. Due to the multi-tier design of this modlet collection, it provides equipment for beginners all the way up through the elite. These quests can help ease the beginner player experience through providing slightly better quality useful gear that is in-line with vanilla player progression.


**This modlet pack is XML XPath ONLY and only needs to be installed on the server or player hosting the game! Other players do not need to install this modlet pack locally.**


The modlet collection provides multi-tier quest lines. Once the new player reaches the trader, they are given a +Declaration of Citizenship item. This allows them to start working through proving their worth as a possible citizen, through performing quests for White River. This earns the player a +White River Citizenship Card which opens up another tier of quests to complete. The player's citizenship card is returned to them after they complete the settlement's quest. If it is lost for any reason, the player may start again through another +Declaration of Citizenship.




Citizenship is offered in four-tiers:


- Tier 1 : Declaration of Citizenship - These quests are to prove your worth as a citizen. Reward: +White River Citizenship Card
- Tier 2 : White River Citizen - These are the standard/normal tier quests. Reward: +White River Veteran Citizen Card
- Tier 3 : White River Veteran - These are the veteran tier quests. Reward: +White River Elite Citizen Card
- Tier 4 : White River Elite - These are the elite tier quests.

The player uses their citizenship card (or declaration card) to craft quest-starter items for the equipment quests below. Some of the quests below offer progressive tier such as veteran version which rewards better quality, more items, and greater quantity of each multi-quantity item. Some offer an even higher level set of rewards for elite citizens.


Challenges UI:


With v1.0 also comes native support for the game's challenges page to track your progress through your White River citizenry. With this, we have changed the way that you progress through the citizenship tiers. Instead of tying the citizenship tiers merely to killing zombies, we have now tied the progression to this achievements page and configured it so that you must complete each tier of quests in order to progress to the next tier. This closes a previous loop and provides for a slightly slower progress, at the expense of players now will no longer be able to just complete whatever quests they want and ignore others.





- Amelia's Gyrocopter - Discover the truth of what happened to Amelia Earhart. Fight a Wendigo to reclaim her long-lost schematics explaining how to build a three-seater souped-up Gyrocopter. Guaranteed to get you and your friends across the map with speed and ease.

- Spirit of Vengeance - Take on a demon Juggernaut and obtain a super-fast vehicle. A player using this vehicle is a sure-sign of their elite status. Big thanks to Snufkin's Server-Side Zombies & Snufkins's Server-Side Vehicles for a big part of the base code for the vehicle and zombie. Tested for compatibility with Snufkin's mods, so you can run both at the same time if you want!



- Black Bart's Flaming Dig Tools - Uncover the long-buried stash from the most famous stagecoach robber in the western U.S., providing a steel Pickaxe & Shovel with flaming mods and better stats than Vanilla. Stamina trait sure to keep you digging and digging and digging.

- Bunyan's FireAxe - Help the Trader stock up on potable water in exchange for a Paul Bunyan-branded FireAxe.

- Dundee's Hunting Knife - Help the Trader collect bone shivs in exchange for Dundee's famous Hunting Knife with slightly better stats than Vanilla.

- Jason's Machete - Obtain a replica of Jason's famous machete in exchange for helping the settlement. Big thanks to Wyldwitchykat for this addition!

- Rick Danger's Auger - Obtain two higher tier Augers, the latter of which will turn even the largest mountain to butter, but will expend a LOT of gasoline and degrade your Auger quick.

- Taza's Axe - The famed Taza's Axe, already awesome.



- Bambi's Killer Compound Bow - Earn the famed deer killer, "Bambi's Killer Compound Bow" or "Forest Prince Compound Bow" with slightly better stats than Vanilla.

- Bear Grylls's Claws -"Why fight bare fisted when you can fight bear fisted." Thanks, SteamM0nkey for this idea.

- Callinicus's Greek Fire - Find the book randomly in the world and learn to craft greek fire arrows. Shoot one zombie with a greek fire arrow, and the fire spreads to other entities that it touches.

- Daryl's Crossbow - Obtain a replica copy of the same crossbow Daryl from the Walking Dead used: The Zombiekiller Crossbow.

- Deschain's Revolver - Collect the eight Dark Tower series books and craft nineteen doors to have one of Roland Deschain's legendary revolvers bestowed upon you. Has custom bullets that are expensive to craft, but super powerful.

- Leon's Modded SMG - Help Leon finish his DIY gun project, resulting in a 9mm SMG weapon with slightly better stats than Vanilla.

- Pavlichenko's Rifle - Locate and assemble a branded Marksman rifle from the famed marksman, Pavlichenko.



- Kuva's Red Armor - Discover the secret ingredient in Kuva's Legendary Red Armor. This armor is rumored to be lightweight and stealthy, with resistances to heat & cold, and an extra mod slot per piece. The basic quest is EASY, but the Veteran quest is HARD.



- Brass For Lead - Help the community restock its Lead supply and in exchange receive some brass.

- Elite Random - Obtain a sealed crate from four veteran cards that gives you a single random elite quest starter. Obtain a veteran card back at the start of your elite quest. If you complete the Elite quest, you obtain an Elite citizen's card!

- Everdeen's Arrows & Bolts - The settlement is trying to put together a feast. Help feed everyone in exchange for named arrows or bolts guaranteed to fly true.

- Gupta's Bandages - Can't craft first aid bandages? Trade Aloe Leaves & Cotton for a few highly-sought-after Gupta's First Aid Bandages & a First Aid Kit.

- Molino Bulletproof Glass - Exchange regular bulletproof glass blocks with the Trader and they will teach you how to create clear Molino-branded bulletproof glass. Thanks to arramus & Fuzzy Pug for the idea & quest code.

- Remington's Steel Ammo - A spin off of Khaine's Steel Ammo mod that turns his mod into a questable achievement. Cheap-to-make bullets that degrade your weapons faster. Also, now with an auto turret that takes steel 762 rounds.


The quests are designed to be repeatable in case of loss of equipment or to try your luck at a higher quality reward.




Dwarven Bellows - Faster Smelting, Faster Crafting, Bundled Forged Items

Steel Spikes - Double the durability of Iron Spikes

Basilone's M60

Brienne's Heavy Armor



- ALo, arkangel5736, JP :: For continuing to keep the torch lit and the modpack operational, for their many optimization contributions to every single modlet in the pack, and for by and large bringing the entire modpack up to 1.0 compatibility. My deepest gratitude on behalf of the community.

- Wyldwitchyka :: For the addition of the Jason's machete quest modlet
- morggin :: For the name and lore behind Black Bart, for the Bambi Terminator Crossbow, and for the idea of an Elite level set of quests
- RichardPaul :: For the poem used in the Black Bart quest line.
- Aeyvi-Daro :: For quest text and testing assistance on all quests.

- mr.devolver :: Big thanks for the help fixing the GoTo Trader, improving the quest integration with the trader, and helping seek out a path to add the quests to the Trader dialog!

- SteamM0nkey :: Big thanks to helping dive into the cause of imbalances in items, missing stats, and for the idea of the Bear Claws quest.

- arramus & Fuzzy Pug :: Fuzzy Pug requested a new quest be added that grants clear bulletproof glass. arramus was kind enough to do the heavy lifting to create the quest, I rebranded the naming of it but mostly kept the quest and code intact as was provided.
- sechsterversuch & Zeeeni :: BIG thanks to these two for providing a full German language translation for every quest, and for testing the translations afterwards!

- Claude & ChatGPT AI :: For providing AI Coding to provide robust python script for combining & language translations.


CURRENT DOWNLOAD - You only need ONE of the below downloads.

1.0_1.2 - White River - Tools of Citizenship (Individual Modlets) - Each quest broken out as a separate modlet.

1.0_1.2 - White River - Tools of Citizenship (Single Modlet) - One modlet that contains all quests.

Please be aware anytime you update mods, you run the risk of your level and skill points being reset.

It is strongly recommended on live games to take a backup of your save game data to protect your progress in case you need to rollback.

Please only pick one of the above two downloads and stick with it. If you swap back and forth, your player level and progress are liable to reset.



Old Downloads

A20_1.0k_rc4 - White River - Tools of Citizenship (Individual Modlets) A20_1.0k_rc4

A20_1.0k_rc4 - White River - Tools of Citizenship (Single Modlet) A20_1.0k_rc4

A19.6_1.0 - White River - Tools of Citizenship A19.6_1.0

A19.4_1.0 - White River - Tools of Citizenship A19.4_1.0

Optional Download for Users of DARKNESS FALLS: Tools of Citizenship A19.4_1.0 Darkness Falls Compatibility Modlet

A19.2_1.0b - White River - Tools of Citizenship A19.2_1.0b

A19.1_1.1a - White River - Tools of Citizenship A19.1_1.1a

A19_1.0 - White River - Tools of Citizenship A19_1.0

A18.3_1.7d - White River - Tools of Citizenship A18.3_1.7d

A18.3_1.6c - White River - Tools of Citizenship A18.3_1.6c

A17.1 & A17.2 - White River - Tools of Citizenship 1.5a

Edited by ShoudenKalferas
Updated for 7DTD v1.2 - progress bugfix (see edit history)
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I love this and I hope you expand it more. Especially with more objectives besides "Kill zombie" if at all possible. I like the idea of rewarding players for playing the game, but I want to see something that rewards things other than combat. I feel combat is already the defacto way to get stronger, faster.


Rant aside, great job.

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Thank you all for your comments. If anyone finds any bugs or problems, please do let me know. I've played through it quite a bit as I was developing it, but wanted to get this out into the World for others to try out. I appreciate all feedback, both positive and negative.


I love this and I hope you expand it more. Especially with more objectives besides "Kill zombie" if at all possible. I like the idea of rewarding players for playing the game, but I want to see something that rewards things other than combat. I feel combat is already the defacto way to get stronger, faster.


Rant aside, great job.


Please know that the "Kill Zombie" really is only to gain citizenship. Beyond that, most of the quests surround gathering resources and crafting items. I do plan to expand this within the bounds of what the game currently allows.. which is really quite limited. The only real actionable tasks are kill zombie (of type ___), goto POI/Prefab (but limitation has it always pointing to trader), and trading in one item for another. There is a way to track the number of blocks placed.. but in order for that to really be usable, we need the ability to task the player with visiting a POI. I've got a few more ideas I'd like to implement on this but it really would be helpful if TFP would improve the quest code. Half of what I've designed here, I feel is a hack to give the appearance of a congruent quest experience.


I did make a great effort to make my XPath code as concise as possible. I found nearly all of the other Quest Modlet examples had extraneous lines of code that didn't serve a purpose or were not needed. This should make it easier for others to copy the code from my Modlets to either add on to this White River Tools of Citizenship quests or to create something new and different. I also did purposely leave one of the Modlets as simple as possible (Gupta's Bandages) to leave a simple example for others.

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Cool! Will be adding these to my game soon!


I love this and I hope you expand it more. Especially with more objectives besides "Kill zombie" if at all possible. I like the idea of rewarding players for playing the game, but I want to see something that rewards things other than combat. I feel combat is already the defacto way to get stronger, faster.


Rant aside, great job.


I agree with this!

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If you have any specific requests of anything you'd like me to code into this or any ideas of quests please let me know. I'm certainly open to suggestions or constructive criticism of what I've designed so far. Please bear in mind at the moment it is not possible to have a quest step for a player to go to a location other than the trader.

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Epic Snip:

Bambi's Killer Compound Bow - Earn the famed deer killer, "Bambi's Killer" Compound Bow with slightly better stats than Vanilla.



This is pure blasphemy and an utter lie!!! Bambi thee Great Prince of the Forest wasn't killed! He lived a long and happy life and died of old age... Besides no one could kill thee Great Prince of the Forest.


Jokes aside - EXCELLENT! I had in mind that those applying would have to undergo a serious quest to become a white river citizen. "They" are watching and noted to that effect with the first two messages. I envisioned the player having to clear an area of a 'major town' or "Zero-Zero" as it was before. Then I got into Starvation Mod for 16.4. "They" have survivors that you can 'employ.' That would have been a way to startup another settlement. At the end the player - having to make the choice of either dedicating it and 'giving control' to "White River" or keeping it and trying to have his/her own settlement since it is starting to produce money and 'making a name for itself.' But I also imagined that at some point the "White River" 'clan' would allow the player to rent out a spot in various traitors, albeit if that traitor even wanted to rent 'the spot' out at all.

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This sounds awesome ... so we gave it a go.


although, we dont seem to have it working.

I dropped the whole folder in to my mods on the server and nothing seems to show for this.


New server - was on day 3 when installed

2 of the 3 players spawned in fresh after this was installed, none of the 3 found additional quest

either in there start up quest or at the trader


Are we missing something here?

we are running A17.2 - does your mod work with this last update?


thanks !!

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I put this quests on my server and the players really enjoy them. But there seems to be an issue with the Gupta's Bandages Quest. A player informed me today, the collected resources are not removed when the quest is turned in, so it can be repeated infinitely. Since I had not yet the time to check the quest myself, here my players info in his own words:" gupta's bandages quest bugged

doesn't use resources upon completing, making it possible to jsut start, turn in over and over. infinite skillpoints for the price of 24 aloe vera and 40 cotton, once. This is pretty op"

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I put this quests on my server and the players really enjoy them. But there seems to be an issue with the Gupta's Bandages Quest. A player informed me today, the collected resources are not removed when the quest is turned in, so it can be repeated infinitely. Since I had not yet the time to check the quest myself, here my players info in his own words:" gupta's bandages quest bugged

doesn't use resources upon completing, making it possible to jsut start, turn in over and over. infinite skillpoints for the price of 24 aloe vera and 40 cotton, once. This is pretty op"


Ouch. I see what I did wrong on this. :( Sorry about the problem on this one. Boy that's a big one to miss. :( I'll publish a new release later today that will have a fix for this.


This sounds awesome ... so we gave it a go.


although, we dont seem to have it working. we are running A17.2 - does your mod work with this last update?


thanks !!


The zip file you downloaded contains a folder in it called "XelaNull-7dtd-Modlets-A17.1_1.3b2", and within that you'll see eight other folders. Its these eight folders you would want to copy to your Mods folder. Although, I did design these modlets under 17.1, hence that version being in my version number (and the folder mentioned above). I'll work to test this Modlet collection against 17.2 today with the intention of releasing a version tested against 17.2 & 17.1 later today.



This is pure blasphemy and an utter lie!!! Bambi thee Great Prince of the Forest wasn't killed! He lived a long and happy life and died of old age... Besides no one could kill thee Great Prince of the Forest.


Jokes aside - EXCELLENT! I had in mind that those applying would have to undergo a serious quest to become a white river citizen. "They" are watching and noted to that effect with the first two messages. I envisioned the player having to clear an area of a 'major town' or "Zero-Zero" as it was before. Then I got into Starvation Mod for 16.4.


Is it "Bambi's, Killer Bow" or is it "Bambi's Killer, Bow" ?? HMMMM I'm glad you enjoyed my sardonic sense of humor. :)

I've not played Starvation Mod before, but it sounds really interesting. I'll have to dig through their code to see if I can sort through how they accomplished what you described. At the moment, I'm not convinced the initial Kill 10 Zombie quest is allow all the Zombies I've listed. In-Game it is listed the big list I've supplied as just the first entry in the list. I'm not sure there is a good way to track that a player has killed all zombies in an area (as opposed to XXX number of zombies), but I'll look into this more to see if there is something maybe I missed. Thanks for your thoughts.

Edited by ShoudenKalferas (see edit history)
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Ouch. I see what I did wrong on this. :( Sorry about the problem on this one. Boy that's a big one to miss. :( I'll publish a new release later today that will have a fix for this.


Thanks in advance for fixing this. And just to add another one: The quest "+Writ Of Repaired Leon" requires 6 ingredients, while the crafting pane can only show 5, so players get the message they lack of some materials and do not know what it is. And the rewarded mods are chosen randomly from the item_modifiers.xml it seem, which leads to mods rewarded which are not yet officially in game, they are still commented out in loot.xml and recipes.xml. One of my players just got the "modGunMeleeBlessedMetal", which is one of them. as long they do not break anything it should be no issue, but probably they will not give the expected boni etc.

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Thanks in advance for fixing this. And just to add another one: The quest "+Writ Of Repaired Leon" requires 6 ingredients, while the crafting pane can only show 5, so players get the message they lack of some materials and do not know what it is. And the rewarded mods are chosen randomly from the item_modifiers.xml it seem, which leads to mods rewarded which are not yet officially in game, they are still commented out in loot.xml and recipes.xml. One of my players just got the "modGunMeleeBlessedMetal", which is one of them. as long they do not break anything it should be no issue, but probably they will not give the expected boni etc.


Okay, I'll adjust this as well as part of this next release. The mods being handed out that aren't implemented yet thing is a little bit of a surprise to me. I went out of my way to use built-in loot groups to try and avoid this kind of problem. But I'll take another look. It seems maybe I might have picked a bad loot group to use for this. I appreciate you providing me a specific example to look up for this.

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The zip file you downloaded contains a folder in it called "XelaNull-7dtd-Modlets-A17.1_1.3b2", and within that you'll see eight other folders. Its these eight folders you would want to copy to your Mods folder. Although, I did design these modlets under 17.1, hence that version being in my version number (and the folder mentioned above). I'll work to test this Modlet collection against 17.2 today with the intention of releasing a version tested against 17.2 & 17.1 later today.


Awesome Thanks !!! I will keep an eye out for the update.

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I've released A17.2_1.4a which has been tested against both A17.1 and A17.2. This release does include the bugfix to ensure Gupta's quest takes the materials collected when the quest is turned in. I've modified and ensured all quests have 5 or fewer ingredients. I've also significantly lowered the loot coming out of all crates across the board. I also removed a loot group that I think in some configurations may have allowed unreleased mods to be provided to players. Lastly, I degraded Leon's Degraded SMG even further to ensure that it behaves very poorly (but still functions) and would rapidly deteriorate with use.


In addition to the fixes above, I've also added an additional multi-tier Modlet: Everdeen's Arrows & Bolts. In this quest you can help feed the settlement by collecting food to help make a vegetable stew. In return, you'll get a serving of the stew, but also some named Everdeen Arrows or Bolts, depending on if you are working on the veteran level of the quest or not. These arrows (or bolts) fly just a little farther and faster than the Vanilla. I did set it up so the vanilla weapons can use these new arrows & bolts. However, at this time only the trader has this limited stock.. so you will not find these randomly in the world.


Please have a run through and let me know if you run into any other issues. The new download link is in the first post of the thread.

Edited by ShoudenKalferas
updated version (see edit history)
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I noticed an issue with Everdeen's arrows and bolts. While they show up fine as an ammo option for Bambi's Bow, they're not showing for the other bows. I get either an icon of a square or an exclamation point or I get a double entry for the flaming arrows. To ensure other mods I had installed weren't interfering I tried it in a clean game with only your mod installed and had the same issue. When I looked at the coding I noticed that for the vanilla bows you added them to the ammo type as Everdeen's Arrows and Everdeen's Bolts instead of Arrows of Everdeen and Bolts of Everdeen. When I fixed that in the coding it took care of the issue.


If you wish to make your modlet compatible with others that add new ammo types, you might consider trying the following coding to add your arrows and bolts to the vanilla bows.


<append xpath="/items/item[@name=gunWoodenBow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Arrows of Everdeen</append>

<append xpath="/items/item[@name=gunCrossbow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Bolts of Everdeen</append>

<append xpath="/items/item[@name=gunCompoundBow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Arrows of Everdeen</append>

<append xpath="/items/item[@name=Bambis Killer Compound Bow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Arrows of Everdeen</append>

Edited by wyldwitchykat
typo (see edit history)
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I noticed an issue with Everdeen's arrows and bolts. While they show up fine as an ammo option for Bambi's Bow, they're not showing for the other bows. I get either an icon of a square or an exclamation point or I get a double entry for the flaming arrows. To ensure other mods I had installed weren't interfering I tried it in a clean game with only your mod installed and had the same issue. When I looked at the coding I noticed that for the vanilla bows you added them to the ammo type as Everdeen's Arrows and Everdeen's Bolts instead of Arrows of Everdeen and Bolts of Everdeen. When I fixed that in the coding it took care of the issue.


If you wish to make your modlet compatible with others that add new ammo types, you might consider trying the following coding to add your arrows and bolts to the vanilla bows.


<append xpath="/items/item[@name=gunWoodenBow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Arrows of Everdeen</append>

<append xpath="/items/item[@name=gunCrossbow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Bolts of Everdeen</append>

<append xpath="/items/item[@name=gunCompoundBow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Arrows of Everdeen</append>

<append xpath="/items/item[@name=Bambis Killer Compound Bow]/property[@class=Action0]/property[@name=Magazine_items]/@value">,Arrows of Everdeen</append>



And maybe add another Quest for a special Crossbow reward, like BearHunter or so, for the Bolts :)

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And maybe add another Quest for a special Crossbow reward, like BearHunter or so, for the Bolts :)


The way this mod is coded it's not too difficult to add your own quests to it. Following the same format as the others, I added my own quest for "Jason's Machete" of serial killer fame :smile-new:

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Thanks for your comments and suggestions. Wyldwitchykat, I'm glad you recognized the mod collection is easy to add to! I did try to design this in such a way that others would be able to add to it. I would love to add your "Jason's Machete" to the collection. Are you willing to provide it to me to include?


I'll put out a bugfix release for the issues mentioned here later today. And thank you for that XPath code. This is exactly what I trying to accomplish but was having problems figuring it out. You solved that problem for me with the code above. Thank you. :)

Edited by ShoudenKalferas (see edit history)
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I've published release 1.5 that includes a bug fix to the loot group for Bambi's bow, a bug fix/typo of Arrows of Everdeen, addition of new append code for Arrows of Everdeen, and a new modlet added: Jason's Machete


Big thanks to wyldwitchykat for the addition of Jason's Machete and the improved XPath append code.


Please find the new download link on the first post of this thread. And as usual, please let me know if you run into any issues.

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Lootlist 126 is used twice, in Bambis and Tazas quest. Fires errors in server log and for the clients trying to connect.


 2019-03-14T13:55:51 37.928 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'loot.xml' failed
2019-03-14T13:55:51 37.928 EXC Duplicate lootlist entry with id 126
Exception: Duplicate lootlist entry with id 126
 at LootFromXml.LoadLootContainers (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at WorldStaticData.LoadLoot (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at WorldStaticData+<loadSingleXml>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

(Filename:  Line: -1) 


Fixed for me server by changing the lootlist entries to 127 in Bambis quest.

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The renaming of Bambis Bow and the Arrows/Bolts will lead to ArrayIndexException errors too if a player has a Version of the item(s) with the old name. Just happened on my server when a player tried to login with the "Bambi's Killer Compound Bow" equipped.



2019-03-14 15:20:44 Exception IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

ItemActionLauncher.instantiateProjectile (.ItemActionData _actionData, Vector3 _positionOffset)ItemActionLauncher.StartHolding (.ItemActionData _actionData)ItemClass.StartHolding (.ItemInventoryData _data, UnityEngine.Transform _modelTransform)Inventory.updateHoldingItem ()Inventory.SetItem (Int32 _idx, .ItemValue _itemValue, Int32 _count)Inventory.SetSlots (.ItemStack[] _slots)PlayerDataFile.ToPlayer (.EntityPlayer _player)GameManager.RequestToSpawnPlayer (.ClientInfo _cInfo, Int32 _chunkViewDim, .PlayerProfile _playerProfile)NetPackageRequestToSpawnPlayer.ProcessPackage (.World _world, INetConnectionCallbacks _netConnectionCallback)ConnectionManager.ProcessPackages (INetConnection _connection, NetPackageDirection _disallowedDirection)ConnectionManager.Update ()


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