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How to fix unfair randomness in the game once and for all


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Then that is choice.


I am not trying to argue it is just life is not fair and if everyone always loots the same things what is the point of the game.


There needs to be some variance in playthroughs or the game is pointless to play.......


Yeaa like a no int build....ohh wait


If anyone here is the master in playing 7D2D on different ways, you read his words this moment.


In my opinion its completly Bull♥♥♥♥ to say that luckdepedent availability of essential items leads to a more diverse gameplay. In real it is one of these things that denys players to play as they wish and force them to play the intended way.


If i choose to play a game with no base it makes ZERO difference if my first drop is a Q6 auger. Its more a drawback because it blocks a storage slot.


On the other side if you want to play a game as builder not having a decent tool in week 4 is gamebreaking. And yes i deleted a few games because i could not play as i wished in that game.

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Understand me right. As long as you will have all essentials in a reasonable time by a reasonable effort and by doing the best you can do, i have no issues with rng.

More the opposite with legendary weapons and many new books and imods TFP go the right way and i support that 100%.


And i dont say that everything needs to be guarantied, or that TFP should solve it like me with the sledgehammer (as a fixed kill zombies quest) all i say is that there is a issue TFP should be aware of and reduce the issue as soon as they find a fitting "lever"

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Understand me right. As long as you will have all essentials in a reasonable time by a reasonable effort and by doing the best you can do, i have no issues with rng.


So it's OK if you never find a non-essential item, right?


The problem is that everyone's list of what qualifies as "essential" is different.

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Yeaa like a no int build....ohh wait


There is no no-INT build. There is a survivor and either he adapts or dies.


Do you know how bad it sounds when you talk about a survivor who insists that he absolutely needs some stuff dependably (i.e. can't live without it) but wants a build that specifically(!!) avoids the only tree that reduces randomness dramatically ! :cocksure:

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Its becoming clear that you want everyone to have what YOU consider essential to play the game. Have you even tried a play through without these things?

Again, the only essentials are food/water/shelter/tickling stick, the rest is up to the player! Not finding something has never been a hindrance to the game. Most stuff is far too readily available as it is.

RNG can be evil and it can be kind, sometimes both and it always varies gameplay enough to keep me playing despite the recent broken rwg and changes.

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Its becoming clear that you want everyone to have what YOU consider essential to play the game.


No what i say is that i like it to use my brain.

Means that there should be allways something you can active do to solve a issue.

If only luck decides if you are sucessfull or not your own achievement is zero.


Its really laughable that people state here how "successfull" they are in a game the biggest difference between player success is nearly completly luck based.


Its like a Car race where one participant start in a Formula1 car and the next one in a beetle.

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Completely and utterly missed the point again! Randomness, by its very nature is ....err random. This randomness is a critical part of the game.

Not finding an item makes you consider other options thereby changing gameplay and having to use your "brain". Nothing in the game stops you continuing without a certain object, that is a limit you place on yourself and the option is there to continue, mod or restart.

You have already said you modded the "problem" out so you now have what you "need" to play. Let the rest of us enjoy our rng turned up to 11 and all get back to enjoying the game.

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