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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Edit:  Ok so works fine on vanilla game. I like to use romero mod which also contains spherell core mod. For some reason there is clearly a conflict somewhere using the romero pack with your mod. Shame as really wanted try it in my game. 

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Yeah, looks like I didn't change it after changing the bundle names.


Odd that it didn't work for you though, as I changed it to:

<property name="HandMeshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/PipeGuns.unity3d?Pipe_Rifle_Long.prefab"/>

for the modLongRifleBarrel, and it worked fine.

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Hello, I am about to fire up a server with your car and wasteland mods.


I got the server running BUT now how do i install the mod on my 7 days to die game?


i looked for an hour but found no mention of how to install client side.

i am doing things manually i don;t use the mod installer whatever program it is.

also are your mods listed there for easy install?


Working on explaining how my players can get into the server.

Sorry if you posted somewhere, just i am not familiar with this type of mod and how it is installed player side.


Thank You for any help you can offer.



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Hi bdubyah,


I just familiarized myself with this thread, but I didn't see much talk about the human NPC difficulty.  We started a new 2-player game for your mod (no other mods installed) and here are our thoughts and questions:


1) Is there anything we can do to have the human NPCs be more dangerous and more numerous?  We'd like the human NPCs to have pretty dangerous attack skills without being too much of a bullet sponge, such that if we encounter 4 NPCs, we have to really be on our toes.  We're currently experiencing the opposite of that: too many single NPCs just run at us without shooting, but they have pretty good armor and hit points.  I suppose that server controls for NPC frequency and difficulty could be good.  If you'd like more detail, with your mod we'd ideally want to have fairly chill blood moons and fairly difficult NPC encounters.  So the blood moon intensity we have controls for, but the NPCs are hilariously easy in a way that will be boring once the novelty wears off.  A single human NPC is currently less dangerous than a single zombie.


2) To answer your question about legendaries, we currently have one legendary weapon on day 10, the Long Distance rifle.  We found it on day 1 or 2, so it's a bit of a game-changer.  This doesn't particularly bother us- it's more like we oriented our 2-player team around this find.  I suppose if we had found another legendary, we would have had to increase the difficulty level.


3) We haven't found an NPC POI yet.  We're guessing those are higher-level quests and big POIs?  Right now we're on tier 2 quests.  We're on the Navezgane map.


EDIT: we're probably typical-ability players, so if the NPCs are too easy for us, they're too easy for most.


Edited by BasicallyACat (see edit history)
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There isn't much I can do for their behavior at this point. It's using code that wasn't really designed for what it's being used for. Sometimes they lock on and go ham, other times they lock on and run at you nonstop. So it's hard to balance them because if I up their damage a lot, they could destroy you when they feel like behaving properly. And that'll just @%$# people off. 


Me, arramus, and MASSA cleared a Vault 101 together and while it was a bit easier than I would like, I still had to heal a few times. And there isn't much of a way to scale them based on how many people you have with you. I could make tougher variants and tie them into the later game stages, but other than that there isn't much I can do. 


If anything I'll just reduce the amount of ranged NPCs and have a greater number of melee ones. At least until we start seeing some better AI code. 


The legendary weapons I'm pretty happy with in my couple of playthroughs.


And NPC quests show up at T3 I believe. There may be one single T2 POI, but that's it. Also rng plays a factor on how many of my POIs get used. Really hoping a20's rwg helps with that. 

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3 hours ago, bdubyah said:

If anything I'll just reduce the amount of ranged NPCs and have a greater number of melee ones. At least until we start seeing some better AI code.


In my opinion, try for a better solution than reducing the ranged NPCs in favor of melee ones.  Right now, we would take 'too difficult' and having to heal sometimes over the non-challenge from the NPC humans that we're currently getting.  I wouldn't want to be constantly one-shot from them, but I would certainly prefer receiving too much ranged damage, versus it being too easy.


Although I'm not a programmer, I get what you're saying about working with the tools you have. 

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The Raider faction, hmmmmm. I think we can blame their irregular behaviour on their addicition to Nuka and its secret ingredients.

I've had some easier moments with the NPC Raiders, particularly lone wanderers and those moments have helped me understand behaviour patterns, but also some very unexpected moments that were quite deadly.


I really go for the questing side of 7D2D in Vanilla and the custom POIs have not disappointed at all. In fact, they have been the highlights and I appreciate those Raider encounters a lot. I met my first batch of Raiders from a Tier 2 quest and naturally the intensity increased with the Tier Level. I think as you move into Tier 3 the experience will change. In addition, the environment itself can either bring out the best in the Raider behaviour or cause them to lose the plot. Their pathing and decision making leaves much to be desired but that is intrinsic to the current Alpha build and I can only see improvements from hereon. Its good to see TFP are hiring programmers with specific a AI and pathing background.


Raider inhabited quest POIs, will offer a greater challenge and require more planning and caution. Those sole wandering Raiders will seem like it's just one being sent out on an errand to pick up some Nuka beverages. If a POI has 30 Raiders (which can increase/decrease based on the random spawning system) you'll never know for sure exactly where they are or how they'll behave regardless of how conditioned you become to the POI. One Raider that ran around like a headless chicken may soon get it together and suddenly become a crack shot. With Raider volume increase comes more probability that at least a few of them become more 'elite' and a Health Pack supply becomes essential as any memories of easy pickings have to go on hold. It seems that if a Raider cannot path to your location it can get a little confused which shares some traits with the Zs who will ultimately claw at a wall.

Without adding too many spoilers, some of my favourite Raider confrontations have occurred in confined quest houses and more open but restricted areas such as the Prison. The Raiders are pretty sharp on their toes and if we miss a room or a dark corner where they are resting, it's not long until there's a rear attack which really throws off aim if you're tackling something in front. As for the prison, you can encounter both distance firing and close encounters in quick succession.


Another decent feature is that as your level increases, the gunfire will also attract higher level Zs into the POIs. The Raiders will also attack the Zs and of course the Zs will attack you so it becomes a free for all. Throw a screamer into the mix and bedlam can ensue. A couple of radiated Zs clawing at you when you're trying to concentrate elsewhere makes all the difference a can tip any balance.


The Raiders can act as potty as they are potty mouthed and there can be some 'meh' moments, but when they get it together it gets intense.


Some things to beef it up a little:
- Install the WalkerSim Mod (I believe this is the correct one that bdubyah installed and can really change the dynamics). It's customisable, but the Zs can become hyper sensitive to gunfire and I got sandwiched halfway down a ladder heading to a Bombshelter quest POI with Raiders below, Wandering WalkerSim Zombies above wanting to get in on the action, followed by some Screamers due to my heavy use of ammo. It didn't end well, and with backpack set to stay where I fell, it took a few attempts to retrieve everything.
- Check the names of the Prefabs in the Wasteland Mod package and focus more on those for Quest selection. The loot is decent too ^^.


And when you want a little change, look out for some of the 'Remnant' Quests (business and wasteland) where the mutants are waiting. I'm sure you've noticed the Mutants have both brawn and brain and having a squad of those intent on your destruction around a small quest POI, where you don't want to leave the quest zone, is heavy regardless of what weapons you are packing.


A few tweaks here and there, with a few more conscious choices of where to go as you become familiar with the abundance of custom POIs, and I think the experience will become a lot more rewarding.

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^^Basically everything arramus said.


And like I said before, I can't up the damage so that when they are in their "lazy fire" mode it can be a real threat, because then when one of them turns into a sniper, you'll die instantly. About the only other option would be to remove Zeds as targets for them entirely, as I think that would make it harder when they all only ever focus on you. But I'd rather not do that, as even currently zeds aren't set to attack them, as it just would seem weird. Would also mean they wouldn't attack mutants.


And Nav will not have *any* custom POIs. Which is why you haven't seen them. Gotta be rwg or Nitro, or KingGen.

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Just the vanilla rwg. Not sure what you're referring to with either of those, honestly. Lol.


If the vanilla rwg, just gen the map. It may not have every single POI of mine, but works fairly well. If using Nitro, you'll need to look in my mod's folder and find the txt file that has the Nitro info and copy it to whatever prefablist.txt you use with Nitro.

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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Agreed, as long as you have placed the custom Prefabs in the Vanilla game Prefab folder, the RWG will use them as you generate an RWG World. You can also check the prefab list inside the Worlds folder map you make to see exactly what Prefabs were generated (\7 Days To Die\Data\Worlds\'NameOfYourWorld'\Prefabs.xml). As long as you have a Vault 101, some UFOs, and things from the NitroGenPOI_list added into the mod (just for reference and NitroGen is not needed) then you'll know the important ones were there.


If you prefer to use a generator that is not NitroGen, it all depends on how they read the Prefabs. If they can natively look in the Vanilla Prefabs folder and use the custom Wasteland POIs that you add, great. If not, they will require that you add them to their Prefab list manually so they know exactly what to use.


We were also experimenting with using an interesting feature with NitroGen where you can cluster POIs together to make customised 'towns' or small compounds with just 2 or 3 strictly grouped POIs and can share that file if you want to try NitroGen.







25 minutes ago, BasicallyACat said:

CptKrunck 4k RWG, or Slickster43's Modified RWG?

I just checked CptKrunck's 4 RWG and it will only have preset POIs selected by CptKrunck without any Wasteland POIs. The Wasteland POIs consist of Vanilla POIs that have been modified in special ways to accommodate custom features or totally unique POIs such as the Vault. It is possibly to manually place them all in CptKrunck's 4k but it is very time consuming considering how many there are and the results are not always great due to terrain corruption.


The same applies for Slickster43's Modified RWG. They have both created some beautiful generated and manually placed POIs in their Worlds but will not support Wasteland assets beyond a few free roaming Raiders and Mutants.


I would certainly recommend NitroGen in this instance and I can certainly assist you in matching any specifications you prefer for the World.

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26 minutes ago, arramus said:

I would certainly recommend NitroGen in this instance and I can certainly assist you in matching any specifications you prefer for the World.

That looks awesome, thanks for all the help.

I think we will probably be able to figure out plausible NitroGen settings.
My buddy is pretty good with computers and we know the vanilla game pretty well.

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14 minutes ago, BasicallyACat said:

That looks awesome, thanks for all the help.

I think we will probably be able to figure out plausible NitroGen settings.
My buddy is pretty good with computers and we know the vanilla game pretty well.

Excellent, in that case, all I'll share is a NitroGen POI list for just Vanilla POIs and The Wasteland Mod files (with the mechanic trader from bdubyah's vehicles which is easily removed) and the connect configPrefablists that has them added to the custom area of NitroGen interface when choosing which list to build a World from. This took me a good hour and will save your buddy the groundwork. The rest will be second nature if this is their thing.




If you aren't using this vehicles mod, your buddy just needs to delete 'Trader_Mechanic,ANY,2,-4,47,22,49,custom_town_size_25' from the list so the generator doesn't try to look for it.

This helps reduce the special POI locations but as with CtnCrunck and Slickster, ensures you'll get the Book HQ added. Your bud will see how it works and customise appropriately for sure.

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1 minute ago, arramus said:

Excellent, in that case, all I'll share is a NitroGen POI list for just Vanilla POIs and The Wasteland Mod files (with the mechanic trader from bdubyah's vehicles which is easily removed) and the connect configPrefablists that has them added to the custom area of NitroGen interface when choosing which list to build a World from. This took me a good hour and will save your buddy the groundwork. The rest will be second nature if this is their thing.




If you aren't using this vehicles mod, your buddy just needs to delete 'Trader_Mechanic,ANY,2,-4,47,22,49,custom_town_size_25' from the list so the generator doesn't try to look for it.

This helps reduce the special POI locations but as with CtnCrunck and Slickster, ensures you'll get the Book HQ added. Your bud will see how it works and customise appropriately for sure.

OK!  I will point him to this, but he already started to generate a world, so we will probably try that one out first.



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Ive installed the Vehicles all in one mod and everything seems to work fine. However, individual vehicle mod install doesn't work for me at all. I'm running a private game with a couple of friends and all the vehicles are overwhelming, just need a couple.


Current 7d2d build is A19.4(b7)

All in one vehicles Mod Version 3.5

Individual vehicle Mod I've tried to install are the MD500 and Willy jeep



Question is. Is the individual vehicle mod able to work on current build, if not is there a way for me to disable vehicles on the All In One mod. I tried to do it by going through the config folder .xml and commenting off all the xml lines that remotely has the vehicle name in it. turns out disastrous for me, i am not incline in the dark arts of computer talk. :)


Would appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction




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Hi bdubyah,


Its just not showing up ingame if i install the seperated vehicles .

The vehicle all in 1 pack mod however,does show up.


Ive tried creating new game same deal


Aplogise if i cant be much more detail then this.. not sure how else to elaborate.


Maybe you need some kind of log? If so im not sure where thats located



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When you load into your game, hit F1 and watch it, or once in game, open it and scroll back up and make sure there are no errors and that it is loading the mod. I just threw the MD-500 mod in and loaded a game and the items were there. Also maybe check the downloaded files and make sure everything is there, and that it is installed correctly and not nested in an extra folder or something.

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1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

When you load into your game, hit F1 and watch it, or once in game, open it and scroll back up and make sure there are no errors and that it is loading the mod. I just threw the MD-500 mod in and loaded a game and the items were there. Also maybe check the downloaded files and make sure everything is there, and that it is installed correctly and not nested in an extra folder or something.

there's no error linked to the folder loading.


I uninstalled 7dtd and reinstalled it. now its working. Maybe some residual mods i had that clashed with it or what not. im not sure but it seems to be working fine now.


much appreciate and thank you for the mods

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