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Thoughts and Ideas on an effective "outer wall" defense


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So we're nearing our Day 56 horde, and our base currently consists of:

POI bunker in the middle of nowhere .... distant POI house, which had a workbench, so we took it over an dput a garden there. And in the middle your standard: tower, cage, ramp, blades of death, sea of spikes, electricity wire goodness, omgisthatadartinmyhead traps. Everything is pretty peachy. Come horde day we sit in the elevated cage and shoot the ♥♥♥♥ens out of anything outside of the cage to the fine harmonious tune of shotgun turrets losing their sh*t.


Life is good.


But we're thinking: what next? Come this horde, we're going to be thinking about the next evolution of the base, and we're thinking about making it a military-like complex with outer wall, turrets, gun emplacements, etc.


Come horde night, we might just open the outer doors and let the mob come on in for the central defenses to take over, but what about between hordes ... random groups of Zs, wandering Zs, or pesky screamers ... what's a good defense/wall against these guys to avoid just having sh*t wailed on until it breaks? (we noticed that screamers spawn on the other side of the garden, for example, bash through the wall there, then bash through the wall again to get back out ... they don't just walk around).


Any block shapes, combinations, moats, overhangs, or traps that would be good to keep the perimeter safe from random damage and breeches?


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edit: "shooting the d!ckens out of things" ... oh you censor you. Apparently having a certain name is too touchy touchy for this modern world. Dearieme.

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I like the sectional idea at work here


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Barbed wire fence in front of a square block (wall) is good for stopping, but not killing.


Like a regular full block and the barbed wire ON the block or a barbed wire fence placed in front of the block?

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That's pretty close (ish) to our core turret defense we horde-night defend on. I'm looking for a huuuuuuge perimeter wall encapsulating the three locations: 2xPOIs and center turret defense. Not sure I could do what you have there for 1000 blocks of wall :p


Oh lord lol. Yeah I've found defending huge bases / etc is not worth the effort until you've reached end game with mass resources for that reason. You can try wood spikes, they don't stack as nicely but you can make up for it with extended coverage. Maybe encourage funneling to a couple choke points?

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