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A17.1 Burn forest coal ore issue.


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With fully moded steel tools, coffee, lv 3 miner 69 perk, I spend 7 in game days(default setting) looking for coal ore in burnt forest. I couldn't found any. So I decided to cheat by editing the xml file as detailed here:



Then I realize the ores are there, but the way it is generated makes it impossible for me to locate them, at least not with the way I mine.

1) There are way too many iron ores. It takes forever to find the gravels that actually has coal in it, even in burnt forest.

2) The size of veins are too small. So from the beginning you have a lower chance of hitting it.

3) The veins are actually not directly underneath the gravels cluster. You would think if you dig vertically toward bedrock from any coal-rich-gravel, you will hit coal vine. Except that is not how it is generated. Yes it worked for me in the pass three A17 games. However in this A17.1 game it never worked. And it doesn't work because the ore veins are much smaller and is off by 3 to 5 blocks from the gravel cluster.


TBH I think it is too harsh. I very much followed what the journal told me to do. After 7 days of digging I got nothing out of it. I know people are gona tell me to mod the game or buy ammo from trader. While that I can do I feel like such will take away mining from the game.

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Potassium, lead or coal... you have to follow the breadcrumb when you start digging gravel. it's not always right below.

Have a look at that video :



That doesn't work either.

You see, I strip off the surface soil, no ores. That is because the ores are deep near bedrock. In your video you have ore spawned near the surface. And that is exectly how I use to find my ores in A17. This is not working in my A17.1 game as the ores are deep down near bedrock.


So what I am saying is, the ores are there, it is at where the gravel is. However it is still a needle in a haystack. Sure if you remove every block within a 10x10 from surface to bottom you will find your ore. However it is still not practical to sink so much effort for so little amount of coals.

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i havent had much luck with coal either. just getting to the point where i need to start producing a lot of ammo, so i havent done much prospecting yet. i will say that every coal deposit i have found is pretty small, and mostly found by accident rather than intent. when i try to look for coal, the breadcrumbs seem to vanish at stone depth. 1/1 for nitrate, found a gravel patch and got right to the ore no problem. about to go start looking for lead and coal.


Hit boulders. Far more efficient. I have more Coal than I can use and I only mine 2 days in 7, sometimes less. And I am mining for 3 players....


cant argue with boulders, but i view them as a stop gap until you can mine in large scale.

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Fool proof way to find the ore you're looking for. I've posted it everytime this topic comes up. Go to the edge of the specific biome you need, then dig straight down to the map floor. Then start mining towards the middle of the biome. I have always (literally) located the specific ore that I'm looking for. Some mines take a bit longer, but I ALWAYS find it.

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boulders don't even come REMOTELY close to proper mining.

i can easily mine a stack (6k) of coal and nitrate in a few in game hours.


Dig down to bedrock, dig tunnel till you hit ore, keep going with tunnel till you go past ore.

backtrack to the middle of the ore in your tunnel, build ladder straight up around 14 blocks in the middle of the ore, Start mining, Top down, DONT MINE UPWARDS.

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Fool proof way to find the ore you're looking for. I've posted it everytime this topic comes up. Go to the edge of the specific biome you need, then dig straight down to the map floor. Then start mining towards the middle of the biome. I have always (literally) located the specific ore that I'm looking for. Some mines take a bit longer, but I ALWAYS find it.


Man I don't know if your RNG is good and mine is bad or not. lol. But I have not had that same experience.


World Type: Random Gen


Depths: Bedrock at +3. Mines at +5. Mining depths tested +5 to +26


Iron: So far I haven't found any underground in my desert mine, in my forest mine, or in my burnt forest mine. Only found Iron Veins using bread crumbs.

Lead: I've been finding huge amounts of this in both Forest and Burnt Forest. With a splash in Desert.

Coal: Found none so far.

Oil Shale: All over the desert mine.

Nitrate: Haven't found any. Haven't mined a Snow or Wasteland Biome yet.

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My result after ?10 Hours?

Iron: In Snow (but i mean elsewhere too) arround 5 Veins (at least 4 near surface)

Lead: In Snow 1 Vein

Coal: Burned and Green (each one)

Oil Shale: In Desert One

Nitrate: In Snow 3 veins


Could have found more veins, but why search if you havent allready cleared the ones you have

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We've been struggling to find coal and nitrate to the point where we scrape together enough ammo for horde nights through the traders. I recently started using the gravel spots to locate coal and nitrate.


I'd find 1 or 2 gravel spots that give coal, would dig and find nothing. Finally found a spot that had about 8 gravel blocks that all gave coal and found a massive vein. Just started strip mining down through it, found no veins until I got about 2 layers into the rock. Have gotten about 9k coal so far and there's still more to mine.


To those saying it's at bedrock, I'm thinking it's RNG. I've mined at bedrock for quite some time and never found veins of any type. I end up starting to dig upwards and finally find it around 10 blocks above bedrock.

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My result after ?10 Hours?

Iron: In Snow (but i mean elsewhere too) arround 5 Veins (at least 4 near surface)

Lead: In Snow 1 Vein

Coal: Burned and Green (each one)

Oil Shale: In Desert One

Nitrate: In Snow 3 veins


Could have found more veins, but why search if you havent allready cleared the ones you have


Is that RWG or Navs?

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some older pics from a17,


Mining is an art, it really does take some practice to get good at it, you sorta "Feel"" where to go/mine. Following the flow of the veins and so on... but it really really pays off.





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