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Are these new characters or newborns?


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Amnesia is, not only a lame excuse for lack of character skill, but it's just medically unprecedented. People with amnesia don't forget how to do things, though they may forget how they learned them. Amnesia affects the minds ability to remember things like names, faces, dates, events, etc, not basic skills and knowledge. A person with any type of amnesia will still remember how to read, do math, tie their shoes, etc.

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- Not all of us are over-privileged millennials.

- Many of us grew up playing outside and doing chores.

- There are those of us with good work ethic and have accumulated actual skills.

- Some of us even payed attention in school, or didn't and just absorbed knowledge by being present.

- A few of us were even in the Boy Scouts or, possibly, had a survivalist mentor.

- A certain percentage of us were even physically abused, bullied, or had other motivation, and learned how to fight.

- There are even a select few of us who use the internet for things other than social media, video games and porn, and have done independent research into a variety of subjects.

- Many of us also grew up in a poorer household where things like pre-prepared food was not in abundance.


Just because that may be closest to your own life experience doesn't mean that should be the standard.

For role playing and survival every character needs to start knowing nothing. But we can probably add a server slider to how many perks you start with so those who want to know more at spawn can. I made my own mod at skyrim that took all the skills to ZERO so I could be a complete idiot with no skill for the ultimate challenge, but I like crazy challenges after the vanilla game gets too easy.

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Having some things locked behind a level, fine, im all for it. Especially something like a forge, makes the game harder, and rewarding once you unlock it.

But locking egg and bacon behind a skill point, is ridiculous, using bandages to restore my health bar, while not bleeding??? Fire the person who suggested this


I already allow you to boil eggs, that was locked before. Bacon and eggs are pretty OP so they need to be gated, or ungated and nerfed you can't have it all. Its one point to be a basic cook, and realistic because I know loads of people who can't cook.

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I gave them some slacks a few alphas ago where I still thought there would be some lore in this game.

But now I'm getting disappointed with the lame amnesia start. Amnesia is the lamest plot ever!


And the "my sister can't cook or millenials are lost" storyline won't fly.

Just look at the world, buildings, cars. I highly doubt some one who can't cook an egg would survive that long.


Which leads to an interesting playthrough. Never use any points and see how long you survive.


Maybe your sister was cooking and she got killed right before you spawned. Maybe your parents were survival nuts and you had a bunker full of canned goods that finally ran out and you came to the surface. I find it as immersion breaking as you to KNOW how to make a bunch of foods as you find it immersion breaking to not know how to cook. I like to role play different characters with different abilities and fears and quirks.



The biggest thing people didn't like about Fallout 4 was that you couldn't be a bad guy any more. All the dialogue the players made was designed to be a good guy or sarcastic good guy. There were no grey or dark choices and very very little responses that had a high attribute requirement to be shown like the previous fallouts had. You are forced to be ex military or a lawyer (Nora) and can't role play much at all. So IMO its better for replay value to have a completely blank character that the player can build how he wants. Use one of your FREE points from the starter quest to buy a cooking perk since its so important. Thats a choice. Maybe I want to play a guy who roams from city to city and only eats canned foods because he doesn't trust the radiation in the animals in the present.

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It's not a matter of knocking out the survival aspect out. It's about balancing WHAT survival aspects are important.


If we take food as an example.

Long dark and green hell has fire making as the survival aspect not recipies. Which fits the lore.


The problem with 7dtd is by the looks of the degenaration of the world, civilization has fallen many years ago.


If the world looked the same as now just abandoned like the walking dead or 28 days later. Being a total dumbass would be fitting. But that's not the world tfp has placed our characters in.


Therefore the survival aspects should be fitting to a person who probably was born or has lived most his/he life in this world.


And pleas dont say amnesia. That's just lame.

Its not amnesia or maybe it is. We're just not pigeon holing you into a backstory, make your own so its what you want to be, not some generic "everyone is duke nukem" bs. Thats not role playing, thats witcher. Everyone is Gerard. That is lame to any role player. Sure if you have a very scripted world its awesome for one play through. But for a sandbox game I think it should be blank for replay value, team playing etc.


In ark you don't even know how to make a fire lol. You have to buy every single recipe. Not a big deal, its one click.

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I like to think of it something like this...


You were with an initial loose knit group of panicky people traveling haphazardly right after all the SHTF. Maybe your friends, or maybe just the people from the office, or from a restaurant or store.... where ever you were when it all went down, you stuck with them at first.


A lot of them did not make it in the chaos at first and got infected or injured. The last couple survivors with you were pretty much only fend for themselves mindset. At some point you got dehydrated or fell asleep and they didn't care too much about you, so they took all your clothes and gear and left you...


One of them had a small conscience, ... "ahh, at least leave him one can of chili and a water... and this torch and bandage..."

"Too bad for him... he can't keep up and we need to move now! Bye, dude, good luck out there..."


[Game starts]


(little did they know, you turned out to be the best survivor of the group - suckers!)

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