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Posts posted by MikeyUK

  1. 7 minutes ago, ate0ate said:

    1 = Grey

    2 = Orange

    3 = Yellow

    4 = Green

    5 = Blue

    6 = Purple


    Once you know them I found that I actually prefer just the color. Its sort of redundant to put a number AND a color really. I get that that is a subjective thing though:)


    I agree its super subjective, for example, imo the rarest/best items should always be GOLD :p

  2. 1 hour ago, Jandersk said:

    Thx for quick answer. It makes it definitely harder. I'm barely surviving my first days. I love the difficulty and just the basic survival till another day. 

    Althou, this lack of logic around water still disturbs me. E.g. make food less accessible, but not water, if there is a lake near by. 

    I'm fan in to survival in real life. More-less first thing you do is to secure constant water supply. Building simple rain water collector or water purifier so you don't have to worry about such basic thing constantly. 

    Just a suggestion. Big fan. Keep up the good work! Sending some Paypal support. 


    One tip for that early game survival is to carry glass jars and plastic bottles around with you at all times and just make sure you refill them at every POI you come across.  Sinks, toilets (maybe that was patched out?), shower heads, water barrels (all types) mostly all contain at least 1 water, sometimes 3 or even 4!  Just keep one of them on your hotbar and get used to filling them up all the time, you will have a decent amount of water in no time.  Use empties on mineral water stands and coffee machines too.  I think its just left click while holding to fill them up.


    Soon you will able to craft a water pump which passively generates a bit and then a well, I recall I had about 6 wells running (on top of my base lol) on my last playthrough and eventually it created a massive surplus!  Pick up some of the water barrels too so you have somewhere to store it all.


    Food is pretty easy too as some recipes are unlocked at the start in UL like bacon and eggs (unlike vanilla).  


    Good luck, I really love this mod and can't wait to start my A20 playthrough, I am holding off a bit to see if there are any updates coming hehe, I've not long finished my A19 playthrough :D

  3. 3 hours ago, Cronosus said:

    well.. i already did something similar, code for them is still inside game, just marked as inactive and icons i can take from older version.

    thats the way if i add them, bud if i want to mantain it as server-only friendly, i need to find a way how to use existing icon. inside variable helper is shape same, and when you open creative menu, theres too and with material image in background.. thats what ill try to figure out (no luck for now, but its late night, so ill try tomorrow).


    Could simply do an addon for those of us that don't care about it being server-only? :)  I go both ways haha, it's nice to have a purely server only config available but then having some of the client asset mods does give some really cool stuff!

  4. 2 hours ago, Devrix said:




    Added: Rune - Lightning Strike Caster

    Added: Rune - Lightning Nova Skin

    Added: Rune - Lucky Lightning Essence

    Added: Rune - Shocking Turret

    Added: Rune - Striking Turret

    Added: Rune - Deep Pocket (+2)

    Added: Rune - Deeper Pocket (+4)

    Added: Rune - Traveler

    Added: Lightning Strike now Shocks all enemies within 3m.

    Added: Burn Stacking Procs (Burn now stacks and can proc Incinerate, Explode each stack).

    Added: Chill Stacking Procs (Chill now stacks and can proc Freeze, Shatter, Hailstorm each stack).

    Added: Arcane Wheel Recipes to convert Threads into Essence.

    Added: Caster Runes, Silence, Drains now proc for Conjure Spells (Totem, Storms).

    Added: Familiars now accept Rune Mods. Number of Runes based on Familiar Perk.

    Added: Silence, Drains, Skins and Caster Runes mod into and proc off Familiars.

    Added: More Arcane Trader dialog and voiceovers.

    Balanced: Staves re-balanced. Initially weaker, stronger with perk investment. Dismember chance cut in half. Primary attack multi-hit ability lowered. Stamina costs increased against entities, lowered for mining/harvesting. Attack speed increased for mining/harvesting. Spirit costs reduced for mining/harvesting. Randomized values added +/-.

    Balanced: Various crafting and repair costs, including Spellcasts and Staves.

    Balanced: Legendary (Gold) Runes and Scrolls crafting moved to 5/5 as intended.

    Improved: Travel Potion no longer cancels when entering combat/taking damage but instead pauses.

    Changed: Levitate Cooldown reduced. Spirit cost increased.

    Fixed: Kill Fallen Quests rally point removed to avoid resetting POIs. Now auto-activates.

    Fixed: Arcane Trader running off/vanishing into the floor on servers.

    Fixed: Conjure Spells unintentionally renewed duration of existing conjuration spells.

    Fixed: Fallen can summon minions again at Player Level 10+

    Fixed: Fallen were doing more damage against Familiars and Totem than intended.


    🗒️ FULL CHANGELOG: 🔑changelog-supporters





    Well I certainly don't need my reading glasses for this update :D


  5. 15 minutes ago, new7daylive said:

    Ive been at this gaming thing since Ultima 3 on my Commodore 64.  Our little group has folks ranging from 40 thru to almost 70.  And everyone likes something different.  Makes the dedicate server a little tricky sometimes.  We also keep our toolbelts on death.  :)




    Thanks MikeyUK for pointing this out.  I will get it set up.


    Yes....  i am expecting to get an earful from one of the guys when he gets on in a couple hours.  10 giants, then 15 demolishers (i killed these away from base), another mob of demolishers (the ones that hit the base), then 30 dogs and then 30 or more cops.... i gave up at that point... lol.  Good fun all round.


    Good luck with those UL settings, let me know if they calm things down, I was thinking of starting a playthrough soon possibly using enZombies.

  6. 6 minutes ago, ErrorNull said:

    i see what you mean. it's actually how it do the patches, where the intention is to make the minimal amount of code changes to insert the enZombies to spawn. it's usually entitygroups.xml. i literally copy that from the source mod and edit out/in only what's necessary. i'm not looking to be original or change big mechanics. and yes you're right i don't even change the opening close tags. lol. even with skufkin and robeloto's patches i left it as <configs> ... meanwhile all my core mods always use <ErrornNull> tags, because i view them as my creation. but yes, these patches are a bit sloppy and i should better detail and credit them in the readme.. and more importantly turn the UL patch into a modlet like the others. not sure why i didn't make the UL patch a modlet like the other patches.. other than laziness. a modlet it shall be, no problem. for now, i went ahead and took down the UL patch from my github until you are completely satisfied with our way forward.

    i played pitfall, desert falcon, and defender on the atari 2600. we might be from the same era. 😎


    Glad all of the above is getting sorted :)


    Mid 70s baby I am lol.  I can only wish I had an Atari 2600 tho...  I had to make do with a Grandstand console haha (this one my really bad memory recalls but I did not have a lightgun).  Went through a Commodore phase with my Vic 20 and then 64... My first actual Atari was an Atari 520 STFM which I fecking loved! :D



  7. @ErrorNull It took me a while to find this lol, I remember I saw a mod a few weeks back which would be right up your street but I couldn't remember the name, found it at last though!



    • The player’s inventory is deleted (the “DropOnDeath” setting is forced to “Delete All”).
    • Skill points are reset (not removed), and books that were read are forgotten.
    • Bedrolls and beds are no longer spawn points, so players do not spawn on them.
    • The player map is reset, including any saved waypoints.
    • Player quests are removed, and a quest is given that automatically rewards the player with the items they start with when starting a new game.
    • Player vehicles are destroyed.
    • The player’s active land claim block is rendered inoperable.
    • The player’s ACL (Access Control List – i.e. friends list) is cleared.
    • If the player hired any NPCs, those NPCs are dismissed. (Assumes SCore NPCs.)

    Forum thread is here (food spoilage really interested me!): 

  8. 2 minutes ago, ErrorNull said:

    axteller's harsher death respawn would be at minimum would i'd like to use. but i'd still prefer a way for the player to actually lose and fail the game - obviously referring to singleplayer gaming. i'm an old school gamer that remembers those early years where you only had 3 lives and like 2 continues to play... and if you couldn't cut it, you had to start over. ha. i've noticed that when smartphones became a thing, their mobile games tend to be 'casual' where you could 'die' as many time as you want, you simply restart at a savepoint. it seems that started the fail-less singleplayer games. of course any game that offers multiplay on a server (including 7 days) cannot do a hard core mode.. wouldn't be fun for a friend to die and be left out while the rest of the party continued playing lol.


    Well I surely have something for you then LOL, I just saw this today!  See if you can beat that time, looks insane!

    I get what you mean though, I have been gaming since I had my Commodore Vic 20 when I was 7 haha, Pitfall for the win!!  Still there are many games (and mods it seems from the above lol) that cater for that sort of thing.  For me 7 Days is survival yes but combined with building (I love) and looting (OMG I LOVE), I am wierd, even organising loot in this game I seriously enjoy haha.  I wish there was MORE MORE MORE loot and things to collect :D hehe.


    I like it to be challenging but at my age not throw my PC through a wall challenging, heck I even play with keep my toolbelt in 7 Days... I do play on the hardest zombie settings and usually 75% or so reduced body damage (not a fan of purely headshot damage).  I use the spawns and settings from the Romero version of the Revenir mod zombies at the moment but I am looking to play with yours, when you are 100% happy with the mod, well not 100% happy rofl, who is ever that?  Maybe 90% happy, let me know :D hehe.  Next time I do a UL playthrough I will probably use them, if your help above for that chap works!

  9. 18 minutes ago, new7daylive said:

    I already fixed it all back up.  They really dont want challenging circumstance, but are willing to accept within reason.  So, we'll just wait until control panel is available.  they are happy and I'll play more path of exile in the mean time...  :D


    Also you know zombies have a hard time climbing?  :D  I have an elevated (or 2nd/3rd floor) base usually with a ladder 2 blocks up and they cant get up!  I'm sure you can design something to stop these bad boys ruining your day lol.   That's all part of the challenge!


    Did you do what was suggested below?  You could remove all those zombies block damage well enough if you want a super easy game (why would you tho?!? hehe).


    On 2/16/2022 at 3:22 PM, ErrorNull said:

    now if you're talking about block damage, you will need to go into items.xml and search for "forest giant" and you'll find the block of code that belongs to him. look for the property called "DamageBlock". it's currently set to 500..... you can dial that down how you wish. i figured since the demolition's block damage is 500, and this giant is almost twice his size, that he should at least have the same block damage. 😎 however, he can definitely be a tank during the early game. as a point of reference for the block damage, the biker's block damage is 25, soldiers are at 40, pick axe wielding miners at 50 to 60. normal zeds are at around 10. hope that helps.


  10. 8 minutes ago, new7daylive said:

    hahaha....  they just like to grumble.


    i used the patch.  I just couldnt figure out how to control the numbers.


    I was lauging when i heard from one of the guys....  2 people were in the base at night crafting, housekeeping, etc.  then a horde of demolitioners hit the base.... one guy managed to lead them all away... all but one.  it blew itself up in the doorway and took our low level crafting box with it.... branches, planks, rope, sap, hinges... everything needed to plug a hole in the wall.


    I already fixed it all back up.  They really dont want challenging circumstance, but are willing to accept within reason.  So, we'll just wait until control panel is available.  they are happy and I'll play more path of exile in the mean time...  :D


    Also, I dont have horde settings in my server config file.  How does one get those options?


    According to Github that UL patch was only updated 4 days ago is yours the latest version?



    For your server config you will have already edited serverconfig.xml right with server name, password etc?  You just pop those extra lines into there, its explained on @Subquake's server config page: https://ul.subquake.com/dedicated-servers (click on "A20 Server Configuration").

    <property name="RecipeFilter" value="0"/>
    <property name="StarterQuestEnabled" value="true"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeFrequency" value="4"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeRange" value="8"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeEnemyCount" value="10"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeEnemyRange" value="10"/>


  11. 2 hours ago, new7daylive said:

    Well due to massive hordes of killer zeds, I had to remove the mod or lose my playing buddies.  I was able to reduce frequency of giants, demolishers and cops, but just cant figure out how to reduce horde numbers.  Thought i had it sorted then encountered a horde of 30 or so policemen... i was the only person on!  Only mods we have are UL and enZombie.


    I know you are working on next update which should include a settings module.  Will wait until that is available before giving it another go.  I love undead legacy, but I just dont like not having the zed variety.  In the meantime, we will have fun with what we have.  My poor xml understanding is really getting on my buddies' nerves   :D



    Lol well I know that UL alters horde settings (if you have these options in your serverconfig.xml), maybe play with those a bit?


    <property name="RecipeFilter" value="0"/>
    <property name="StarterQuestEnabled" value="true"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeFrequency" value="4"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeRange" value="8"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeEnemyCount" value="10"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeEnemyRange" value="10"/>


    However I have not used enZombies with UL, I didn't know they were compatible as both play with spawn rates and whatnot.


    On a quick look through this thread I can see @ErrorNull did a UL patch, maybe try that?



    It seems he moved the patch, its here: https://github.com/ErrorNull0/enZombiesPatches/tree/main/UndeadLegacyPatch


    Oh and tell your buddies to get off their lazy arses and understand XML themselves! 🤣


  12. 18 minutes ago, arramus said:

    Power Things provides a custom assortment of Solar, Generator, Battery, and Cell solutions for all of your power needs. A prerequisite to manufacturing cells is to find their crystals in the Burnt Forest and Wasteland.


    Power Things, as with regular power generation, is governed by Advanced Engineering.


    Unlock the Oakraven Power Workbench at Skill 2. Power Cells and Solar Cells are also unlocked at this stage since they can only be manufactured on the Oakraven Power Workbench. However, they will increase from Level 3 to Level 6 as Advanced Engineering Skill increases.



    The requirements for an Oakraven Power Workbench are balanced.



    At Skill 2, only the Power Cell and Solar Cell are unlocked (with their level 3)



    Skill 3 allows the Oakraven Generator 1 & 2 to be manufactured.



    Skill 4 brings in the Oakraven Turret Solar Power Array (compact) and Oakraven Solar Power Array. They both generate the same power output and the difference is purely cosmetic.



    At Skill 4, all Oakraven Power items are unlocked. Power and Solar Cells are increasing in level to Level 5.



    At Skill 5, we can access Level 6 Power and Solar Cells for maximum output.



    Head to the Burnt Forest/Wasteland to find crystals that are needed to produce your Cells.







    How it works (at the moment):

    - The Solar Cells go into the Solar Arrays. The higher the level of the Cell, the more power can be collected and generated.
    - The Power Cells go into both the Generator and the Battery Bank, however:

    The Generator uses gas and the Power Cell is a catalyst to Power Output. The higher the level, the more power. The Power Cell is neither charged nor depleted and purely acts as a catalyst with higher level Cells providing more efficiency and output.
    The Battery Bank uses the Power Cell directly to power electrical items. However, the Power Cell can be charged in the Battery Bank when connected to the Solar Array or Generator.


    We'll see how this hybrid Cell works out and if it becomes intuitive.







    This just fecking ROCKS, pun intended oh yes!

  13. 16 minutes ago, Kellis7400 said:

    I would like even harsher death penalties I.E. a full level of xp debt and up to a max of 3 full levels debt for multiple deaths and only 25 food and water on respawn.   I am unsure how to make those changes. Any help is appreciated



    You can easily edit the XML (entityclasses.xml) and change to 25, unsure about the debt though!


    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ModifyStats" stat="Food" operation="set" value="50"/>
    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ModifyStats" stat="Water" operation="set" value="50"/>


    You could just play around with the following lines and see what they do with changes!  Let me know if you get a winner :D


    	<!-- The value below changes the deficit percentage of a level you acquire when you die. Game default is .25 (25%) -->
    	<set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ExpDeficitPerDeathPercentage'][@value='.25']/@value">.25</set>
    	<!-- This value is the maximum amount a player's deficit can be. By default it's .5, meaning a player can't go in "debt" for more than half a level's worth. -->
    	<set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ExpDeficitMaxPercentage'][@value='.5']/@value">1</set>



  14. 5 minutes ago, StefanoTK said:

    I want to know how to correctly install the jo game mod, because my game, doing the common installation, has the menu totally buggy.


    21 hours ago, ktrain said:

    The only issue so far with BepInEx is that on client first load the menus are screwed up so you have to ALT F4 to quit the client, thereafter everything "just works"...



  15. 27 minutes ago, ate0ate said:

    Awesome! Thanks for letting me know @MikeyUK. Its hard to stop using SMX once you start. That vanilla UI is... something:) Its nice when mods support SMX but I can completely understand why many don't. I'm gonna give these mods a try now, they look great.


    I don't like some aspects of it tbh, way too black and some of the icon positions make little sense.   I have tried it so many times and I actually LOVE the actual ingame SMX UI but the crafting/inventory UI seems unintuitive.  I think the reason is possibly because I tried it after playing Undead Legacy which blows it completely out of the water in terms of usability, look and general polish.


    I have no love for the vanilla UI either which is why I tend to mod it to hell and back and I dearly wish I liked SMX and not just parts of it.  


    Comparison I quickly knocked up, doesn't do UL justice (from a random Youtube vid lol) but still.  




  16. 7 minutes ago, new7daylive said:

    Since A18, our server has incorporated, larger numbers of zombies (corresponding xp reduction per zombie), significant headshot bonuses (seems like this should be efficient way to kill a zed), and very low block damage.  General thinking is that the game needs to be fun - hitting a zed on the head 10 times with a club is not fun, having zeds chew through base wall everytime they attack is not fun. At least its not fun for us.


    I am not programming literate - i struggle with xml stuff but manage to adjust some stuff.  My only comment about what you are saying above would be:  Personally, I am all for more depth and content.  The challenge is keeping it fun and not making it an extreme struggle.  We found getting started with Undead Legacy very challenging until we adjusted headshot damage.  Still a struggle with zeds, just not extreme.  Food is the big struggle now.  Not sure if i like it or if its too much.  Still trying to get my head around it.  Getting use to hearing my stomach growl  :)


    Really like what you have done with this mod.  Looking forward to seeing how it and other projects of yours develop.


    Stick with Undead Legacy, it's amazing :D  I have actually not tried A20 yet as I had a SUPER long playthrough on A19 and I wanted to wait for a few more big changes to be made, the roadmap looks too amazing and I don't want to burn out on it.  Food is actually pretty easy I recall as there is no master chef and you can learn most stuff you find by researching it to improve your food making game.  Maybe adding the ReBiomes modlet (from Revenir) could help your food a tiny bit (changes weather a bit and puts edible vanilla plants in the world in a nice way).


    4 hours ago, ErrorNull said:

    at some point once i'm satisfied with my enZombie population, i'd like to create an addon that molds the gameplay more to my liking.. which is toward more realism and challenging gameplay. on top of things like, player wipe on death, reduced firearms and ammo on loot, smaller hotbar and inventory, inventory weight mechanic, sleeping mechanics, and unlocking recipes only via books (not skill points), etc... reducing the zombie's ability to break blocks would be one of them.


    Sounds interesting :D  Player wipe on death is something I could never do haha, sounds WAY too frustrating lol.    Harsher Death Respawn Penalties is about as far as I can personally go with stuff like that.  The inventory weight mechanic is cool, one of the best parts of Undead Legacy imo (along with it's amazing UI and general mod polish).  I think UL doesn't unlock stuff with skill points either, at least not like Vanilla. 


    The best mod I have found for making the zombies a nice challenge is Revenir, specifically the following modlets working in unison: RomeroZombies, RomeroHordes, Revenir and ReSpawnIntense (at warrior server difficulty).  I am not sure they work with enZombies as standard but could be worth a look to see if you can make them play nice lol.

  17. On 2/14/2022 at 10:09 PM, KailJ said:



    I just tested things and it appears to work great! The models used are also wonderful. The only draw back for me is that the production items (bee hives, and crop plots) create items to quickly. Is there a way to slow the production down? Great mod none-the-less.


    For @ate0ate above re: SMX.

  18. 1 hour ago, ScholarDo said:

    I just added:


    <append xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'armor')]/effect_group[contains(@name, 'military without penalties')]">
            <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>


    and the stealth  boots work.


    I cannot find the correct effect group for Chainsaws and Augers though. Impact Driver works fine - but chainsaw and auger must be tagged differently somewhere.


    Any ideas?


    I cant see any difference for the chainsaw or auger in the FP XML, it should work.  No other mods interfering with those 2 items?


    <item name="meleeToolPickT3Auger">
      <effect_group name="meleeToolPickT3Auger">
        <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,1,2,2,3,4" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>


    That is the original XML, Jax's code searches for name beginning with "melee" for item and effect group, seems fine code wise so I am baffled.


    <append xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'melee')]/effect_group[starts-with(@name, 'melee')]">
    	<passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>


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