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Everything posted by MichaelL.

  1. Getting a decent random generation of Swampland. Still need to add some more corner and T-intersection tiles to add a bit more variety.
  2. So, I've decided to go ahead and do a pre-release of this tile mod, just to give folks a chance to give it a whirl and get some input. I've worked out a system where the current water dosen't get all messed up, and I've added several new POI's (as well as modify some of my previous Prefabs and some of the TFP vanilla ones). So if you like to give a try, have at it! I'd appreciate any input y'all might have! https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2458 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Been experimenting with a water-based tile set - in anticipation of the new water system that's (hopefully) coming with A21. The current water system has it's limitations aside from the tearing and divots- I can only get it to three levels deep, or you end up with huge FPS drops. The lack of the ability to create custom gateway tiles is another hurdle to overcome. But otherwise the concept appears to work. I'm planning on making a bunch of shanty-town, shack-on-stilt and floating home POI's that will be scattered about and connected with rickety bridges and floating walkways. Basically a swamp town. I'll be making different versions of each tile to add variety - especially the cap tile as it spawns in at much greater numbers.
  3. Speaking of traders: Are y'all planning on giving us the capability to create custom Gateway tiles? It appears that the game is coded so that there can be only one GW tile that is used by all cities/towns/etc...... I'm working on a water-based tile system, and the one thing that's throwing it off is the gateway tile....
  4. Yeah! I grew up in the Wasteland (Wyoming), and the glowing, globular zombies that shoot radioactive puss on you aren't anything like I've ever experienced..... What kind of trickery is TFP trying to pull on us!
  5. Yeah, you're right on that. Same thing happens with the noise traps. If you orient them on their sides it'll activate the noise buff on both the top and bottom. Hmmmm...
  6. Yeah, you're right on that. Same thing happens with the noise traps. If you orient them on their sides it'll activate the noise buff on both the top and bottom. Hmmmm...
  7. I believe this occurs with any "sheet" shaped object. If you walk anywhere through the 'void' part of the the sheet block, it will still take on the walking sound of whatever material that block has been set to.
  8. I believe this occurs with any "sheet" shaped object. If you walk anywhere through the 'void' part of the the sheet block, it will still take on the walking sound of whatever material that block has been set to.
  9. I can confirm that this also occurs in the Prefab Editor - this has happened to me numerous times....
  10. I can confirm that this also occurs in the Prefab Editor - this has happened to me numerous times....
  11. Summary: (a short description of the bug) Game Version: (A20.5 (b2)) Platform: (PC) OS/Version: (Windows 10) CPU Model: (Intel i7 5820K (and others)) System Memory: (128GB) GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia RTX 2080Ti) Screen Resolution: (3840 x 2160 (and others)) Video Settings: Medium - and all other settings tested to include Ultra)) Game mode: (SP) Did you wipe old saves? (No) Did you start a new game? (Yes) Did you validate your files? (Yes) Are you using any mods? (Yes) EAC on or off? - On Status: NEW Bug Description: Plants with SSS are picking up a "glow" from lights that have short ranges and tight spotlight angles - well outside their range. But appears to occur when the position of the lights (or the light range 'indicator' is within the view of the viewport. Once the 'camera" is no longer looking at the lights, the glow effect disappears. Lights are set up 'imbedded' inside terrain with the shadows turned off (so they created the desired 'glow' effect within their targeted areas). See Video link below for demonstration of this effect: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Place light inside terrain block and increase its density to remove the 'air' block around it. 2) Turn off shadows, and set to spotlight with a narrow beam and short range. Intensity to max to better see the results. 3) Spawn into a generated map. 4) 'Look" at the area where the light is buried - you will see the surrounding vegetation taking on a glow. Pan your viewpoint away from the light location, and as soon as it's out of the viewport, the glowing effect will go away. Actual result: (See bug description above) Expected result: (One would expect that nothing outside the range and angle of any light to not take on any lighting effect - this seems to be limited to objects that have SSS texture effects applied)
  12. Here's a quick tutorial on how I created the psychedelic lighting technique for my "Rave Cave" POI...
  13. So I've just uploaded my Cave/Underground POI collection on Nexus. This collection consists of SEVEN prefabs: Petra/Indiana Jones Temple (modified), the Skywalker Homestead (NEW!), Skeletor's Hermitage, Rave Cave, Rad Cave, and Rainbow Cave. This collection includes Tier-1 through Tier-5 Questable fetch/clear POI's. This collection includes customized blocks, so it must be installed as a mod. To install this mod pack, unzip the downloaded file into either your appdata Mods folder (see illustration in the photo gallery) or into your game's Mod folder. To find your appdata folder, open up your File Explorer, and type %appdata% in the address bar at the top. Then navigate from there to your Roaming/7Days2Die/Mods folder. Unzip the downloaded folder/files directly into your Mods folder. If you have any questions regarding the installation of this mod/POI collection, please feel free to drop me a note. Thanks, and enjoy! https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2309/
  14. I would use Kingen with a crater heighmap that has been sized to fit your tile and the contrast adjusted to get the desired height/depth you want (when doing this, I generally make different versions of my height map with different levels of contrast so I can bring them all into a single map and find the one I like) . Place this on a full sized greyscale image and use that in Kingen to generate a map. Then go into the world editor, find the crater then export it out as a prefab. https://www.google.com/search?q=crater+height+map&rlz=1C1GEWG_enUS964US964&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ_SzHCYZZgry7DqBnOSkqkLA9NWA:1652726978417&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv7dXj1-T3AhVLg4kEHVSZAPQQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1259&bih=846&dpr=2.25 I started a tutorial on how I do this a while back but never finished it. But hopefully this should get you started....
  15. Hey Stallion! Have heard if they've worked out the Biome tagging yet?
  16. I'll be putting together several video tutorials on some of the interesting tricks I've stumbled across using the 7D2D Prefab Editor. This is not meant to be an introductory series on using the Prefab Editor - though I will try and provide detailed instructions on how I'm accomplishing these particular tricks. This first episode covers how to include hidden noise traps into your POI's.
  17. Weird - just got this same question over on Nexus... 😉 I'll just copy and paste my answer from Nexus here..... I'm in the process of doing several video tutorials on this and several other nifty Prefab tricks I've discovered to enhance POI game-play (hidden noise traps, sleeper spawning under water, hidden mines, etc.). But the short version is that this is supported by columns of terrain blocks that have had their 'density' manipulated in the Prefab Editor (using the down arrow key) to the point where they are no longer visible. In this state, they still have SI, and neither the zombies nor the players can directly interact with them. Zombies will not agro against them as they don't even know they are there. There is a particular property with terrain blocks that makes this possible - which I will explain in detail in the tutorial.
  18. Did somebody mention bandits on blimps? (sorry - it dosen't actually fly.... 😄)
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