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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Doesn't that defeat games where the whole purpose is to avoid being hit? I play games with LBD and I am fine trying to figure out how to advanced my skills. However, I hate it when it pushes you more to an exploit unless you want those skills to never or hardly ever level up. There are various leveling mechanisms out there, and they all have their pros and cons. People might have their preferred method, but they are all legitimate and none of them are wrong.
  2. Looks like it should. The mod creator used the names of the loot groups in the loot file so there shouldn't be any conflicts there (and didn't modify any loot containers). Easiest way to check is to install it and watch to see if you get any errors during loading (look in the console). Then go into CM on a test game and grab those items / spawn in zombies to fight with them. You will see right away if they are working or not.
  3. Another issue I find with LBD is any dealing with medical skills. PZ is a good example. Either you have to spec into them right away to get a decent level or "cheese" the game to level it up. The whole point is to avoid getting hit, so you truly don't get the opportunity to level it up. So you end up doing things like digging the ground with your bare hands or climbing through broken glass windows just to get yourself hurt in a controlled situation. I prefer the perk type system where I can play the game, and then perk into what I want. Heck, if I wanted to make it relative to the actions I was doing, I could always just put those perks towards actions I was doing the previous day.
  4. This quote But hey, based on your responses to Roland who is just trying to get you to engage on the discussion, it doesn't matter what anyone says. I called you out on it, and that was my intent. Changing the attitude was never my intent as I recognized that people who quickly go that route in discussions rarely ever change. Nobody has quelled your dissent (or opinion really) about the system. And I especially loved your last comment that engaging with you about this would mean that I lack intelligence if was to engage you again, and that I am the one placing myself in the never do bad developers crowd. Yes, you never called me out as being in that crowd, but that was never your intent. You just subtly hinted about people who might be supporting this upcoming change, and then when called out for it, imply that it is on them for thinking that.
  5. So basically your opinion is the only opinion that matters and the only one that is right? Anyone else that has a different opinion that you is OBVIOUSLY brainwashed and wrong, I am so sick of this B.S. You have an opinion, and a right to that opinion. However, those of us who are looking forward to that change, that doesn't make us brainwashed or even wrong. It just means that people have different visions and likes for this game. So please stop crapping over those that disagree with you. We are not brainwashed or conditioned to give praise to the developers no matter what they do.
  6. I did this to my game and I have found it to very fun to play. It is all about planning ahead of time. Setting up some boxes ahead of time with backup weapons and then making sure I have enough on hand for the blood moon changes up the gameplay. I am approaching Day 28 so I am now in the process of crafting backup weapons and prepping my base for the horde coming, which means I hope I have enough materials and parts on hand to get everything done in time 😁
  7. minimum of 6 plants per harvest, a max of 7 is possible LoTL Level 3 gives you: guaranteed 6 plants each harvest 50% chance to grab an additional one (7 total)
  8. I think that is the cost to being able to plant them anywhere, compared to all of the other crops requiring farm plots. For me, that was always an acceptable trade off as I only need clay for them, and I can plant them on any unused wall or ceiling in my base.
  9. You didn't hear this from me, but over several Alphas, TFP talked about increasing network support to 500 players, optimizing the game for PvP, bringing back LBD, ziplines, adding millions of guns, and bringing the game to Gold status 3 years ago. Unfortunately, they decided to allocate all their bandwidth to farming (it's true, did you see the latest model for the tractor? 7D2D - The Farming simulator is just around the corner)..... 😂
  10. Can I be all of the above? 😉 I, for one, am looking forward to these changes 😁
  11. If I am understanding the system correctly (and we are only getting hints at it now), looting specific crates will reward magazines associated with those crates (i.e. weapon magazines for shotgun messiah crates). If you perk into specific perks (say Gunslinger), you will see more gunslinger magazines when you loot the shotgun crates, but still see other weapon crafting magazines in those crates. You won't be seeing magazines for crafting tools though unless you open a Working Stiffs crate. The original question that Laz answered was about building POIs. Some POIs are specific to a brand (for example Working Stiffs) which is why when you loot them today, you see a lot of Working Stiff crates in them. Other POIs are more random (for example houses) so you should see more variation. However, deep down it all depends on how the POI designer assigns the types of crates to that POI. So if you are looking for magazines that would be found in a PassNGas crate (vehicle crafting for example), your odds of finding the PassNGas crate in a Shotgun Messiah store is low, but high if you are looting a Gas station or car dealership. If the POI was setup with a random crate placeholder (for example a house POI), you would just have a random chance of getting the PassNGas crate.
  12. Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the perks alter the drops of the magazines? So if you wanted to try and gain magazines for say pistols, you would look for locations with a higher percentage of shotgun messiah crates. You can also perk into gunslinger which improves the odds of those drops. So the system as explained to us at this point (and subject to change before we get our hands on it) rewards those who specialize in specific perks, but doesn't lock that person out of the other crafting skills.
  13. With the changes to crafting coming and perk books being adjusted because of those changes, are they also looking into changing the bundle crafting recipes? Specifically, for example, by the time I collected all 7 Ranger books to unlock bundle crafting of arrows, there was no reason at that point to bundle craft stone arrows. I have modded it in my SP game to unlock it earlier so I am actually now making use of that recipe.
  14. No, the book doesn't affect stumps. It only affects things with the WasteTreasuresHoneyHarvest tag which is only on the tree master block. Stumps are not extended from the tree master block so the chance doesn't change for them
  15. Got a log you can post so we can assist? Game crashing during character creation could be many reasons. A log (and event viewer if the game is crashing to desktop) would be very helpful.
  16. This will work with random spawns out in the world, but I think the sleeper spawns are setup a bit differently. I recalled someone posted about that in the past, but I can also be mistaken. If I am remembering correctly, they had to change the entity in entityclasses so it changed to a different model whether it was a random spawn in the world or a sleeper spawn in a POI. I believe it was because the person hated snakes. I also recently did one for someone, where I changed the snake entity to a hostile rabbit entity since they were creeped out by snakes. @Bellotex I will try to throw something together this weekend (a modlet) and see if I can get the entities changed. I did a search today and there are 30 entities on the zombies side, but only one I think is okay based on your criteria (hiding the zombie face). I might be able to replace those other 29 models with the trader NPC models. Rather than everything just being the hazmat zombie, imagine Rekt chasing you down or Jen coming after you. I created a quick one today at work during my lunch break where I replaced Arlene with the Jen entity. I can check it out quickly to see if this would work.
  17. A21 Update - The Farming Simulator
  18. This really sounds conceited. If I can't get TES VI, I hope that Starfield is terrible for anyone looking forward to it. You know, BGS should be able to make other games than Fallout and TES without getting the hatred towards their new projects. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but modding for TES is here to stay. If Bethesda were to shoot themselves in the foot, they would remove it and see what the fanbase says. The thing is, modding in TES does not affect you at all. You can still play the TES games without mods.
  19. Mods for Skyrim had no effect on when TES VI comes out. I feel like this is Deja-vu, like this conversation has happened before...oh wait it has Bethesda Game Studios releases a major game every 3-4 years, with Starfield being the next one up (first half next year based on recent update on a delayed launch). This is pretty impressive since a significant portion of the Starfield development period was during Covid-19 which affect the release of a lot of games (hoping that they were able to make things work for the release, not that they are simply releasing an unfinished game to meet a self-imposed deadline). TES VI is the next one planned and development started already on it, though it was more than likely delayed because development resources were pulled from it to support Starfield as Starfield's launch date was approaching (which if you read my original post I linked, is the basic strategy of BGS for all of their games). None of these delays are caused by modders or the modding community. Yes, BGS still makes money for each port they do and for each time their own games are purchased (though you can buy Skyrim at a bargain today compared to when it first came out). However, they already had a roadmap planned on what they want to do next, with wanting to expand their franchise from two major titles (Fallout and Elder Scrolls) to three. If Starfield becomes a hit, I wouldn't be surprised if development time between sequels increases (as they are now supporting 3 franchises not just 2). You seem to be very anti-modding, to the point you are blaming modders and mods for games you want to be released not yet released. You even trashed modders in this community at one point because they didn't share the same vision you have for 7D2D. And every time you argue against mods, you always bring up the extreme ones in your crusade against mods (nudity, cartoonish, joke, etc). In the case of Bethseda games, mods have become an important aspect of playing their games. Is it not ironic that one of the most highly download and used mods for several of their last few games was the Unofficial Game Patch mod (Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Skyrim)? Or that a lot of PC players (like me for example), didn't buy Skyrim until modders came in and significantly improved the graphics after Bethseda decided they wanted to do minimal effort in porting the game from the consoles to the PC? And the whole statement that because of modders, the game studio won't release a new title yet is silly on its face. I already bought Skyrim and Fallout 4. Using mods on those games doesn't mean I am still giving Bethesda money for them. I know that, they know that...which is why they try to run a tight ship on their development / release dates on new games. And because I got so much enjoyment out of Skyrim and Fallout 4 with and without all the mods I have tried, means that I am more than likely going to buy their next game when it is released next year. If it wasn't for the modding community, I would have passed on a new BGS game after Fallout 4 and Skyrim's launches.
  20. OP wants zombies, just not the ones his friend doesn't like.
  21. @Bellotex Do you have a list of zombies that are "acceptable" to your friend? Including the zombified animals. There are many different routes one can go. Easiest route is to replace the nightmare models of zombies with acceptable ones via the spawning. One concern about that is it limits the variability of zombies in the game then so might become too repitious. Another option is to add a mod from a creator that adds more variants (for example - You would need to go through that also to determine if there are nightmare zombies added to it that your friend won't like, but someone can easily make up a modlet to remove those entities from spawning (similar to the first option I mentioned). I can assist with those two options. The third option is to replace those models with new ones similar to the mod linked above. That is beyond my expertise right now.
  22. It doesn't look like they degrade faster when using power attack (there is only one entry for DegradationPerUse. It might be possible to add a different rate of degradation for using power attacks. As for the second part, there is nothing in the code to penalize the player for using a fire axe to harvest stone. However, you already have an indirect penalty as it will take more hits with an axe than with a pickaxe to mine stone (so more uses = more degradation). Edit - Want to clarify in case someone reads it not the way I intended to state it You are not penalized with an additional degradation lost if you are using an iron axe to mine stone. There is already penalty in the code to reduce block damage against stone with the iron axe <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.75" tags="stone"/>
  23. If there is a solution already for it, it will be in the general section, or someone will link to a previous post. If the author wants a bug to be fixed for the current console version, it won't be happening as TTG went bankrupt and further support on the current console is nonexistent.
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