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Everything posted by arramus

  1. I visited a number of servers running this mod for over 6 months; Tipsy Zombies, ZombieShack, 9999XP, Snufkin Mods, and even @magejosh's server which is running a list that stretches as far as the eye can see and received no feedback relating to an issue of a similar nature. I am using it on my own server with a more conservative mod assortment but can still not duplicate it. If any other Server Admin are facing a similar issue, I hope they'll post in here otherwise it is hard to track down any commonalities.
  2. Interesting... and with that in mind, we shall switch to the latest release and allow the goblins to spawn just as is intended in preparation for what's to come.
  3. As this was one of Snufkin's creations and kept at its default settings, we may well never know...
  4. I have not figured out what was causing it. The mods are supposed to install in alphabetical order, and based on that, removing other mods or adding this to the collective should have no bearing on the final instance as they should all load up together uniquely on that current attempt. It appears there may be a conflict somewhere down the line. If this was a common issue, it would be easier to track down, but this appears to be a unique quandary.
  5. We continue to have a lot of fun with the enZombies but just made one small tweak for the Horde Night as some players felt there was an excessive stream of Demolishers which make up the enZombies Horde Night settings. I don't think it's primarily caused by enZombies as when 1 Demolisher spawns there sometimes appears to be a glitch and it'll bring 2 or 3 at the same time. Possibly having 5 instances in the enZombies code may have simply exacerbated this when if things were running as they should be it would be a lot less noticeable. The Demolishers were spawning constantly and it seems bases are not faring well, lol. This is what we're using for now to replace the Demolishers in the Horde Night additions. We replaced 5 Demolisher entries with different Goblins and 1 non Demolisher entity with the final Goblin just to bring the whole pack to Horde Night. I wonder if the increased Demolisher flow has been experienced elsewhere?
  6. enZombies are comfortably being decapitated. I've certainly seen some head loss which was easy to distinguish with the stub and periodic limb loss unless limbs were hidden.
  7. It is not something I've ever considered or tinkered with to be honest as I've only become accustomed to entity damage and block damage settings. Unless there is a direct method that someone with more depth knowledge or experience can suggest, I have only seen things which may limit the damage such as tinkering with the AI task settings to reduce interaction, seeing if the 'immunity' setting can take any further tags, or adding an event buff if there is a way to tag 'ammo/melee' types between specific items and entities.
  8. Excellent. There are some strict procedures to follow to make everything fall into place and if one is missing, such as not having the progression tree specifically outlined in items.xml it will return an NRE and require shut down. Others can be more forgiving and just not perform as intended. The only way I figured this out was to emulate the default settings.
  9. The unlocked weapons will require a little code to connect them to their skill. This is added to the items.xml. You'll see a few that were commented out because their progression did not exist and they can only work with both together. An example in items.xml is: <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkGunslinger,gunPistolSchematic"/> As for the attachment mods being displayable, I expect looking at the item_modifiers will show some examples for weapons which do not natively support such mods to display and this customises the attachments specifically to their own size and placement. To attach something like the laser battery to the Crossbow Mag, you can probably add the Darkness Falls mod to its tag line. The Crossbow Mag is this by default: <property name="Tags" value="weapon,ranged,holdBreathAiming,reloadPenalty,sideAttachments,smallTopAttachments,mediumTopAttachments,attAgility,perkArchery,canHaveCosmetic,crossbowmag"/> Adding ',LaserBattery' to that tag line may allow it to be attached depending on its name and mod attachment method.
  10. Thank you. These add further icing to the cake and are much appreciated. Just integrated the quest Localization with names for the additional characters. Very orthodox standard names.
  11. Thank you for joining the forum to share this feedback as your very first post. The eclectic nature of personal preference will always have the strongest feedback from those on each end of the spectrum. It is fortunate there are alternatives available which perfectly match your preference.
  12. 40 unexploded pipe bombs. And a contact grenade to cause a chain detonation caused the enZombies to breach the Earth's atmosphere and disappear. Moments after this pikkie came clear skies and zero returns. Yes, it won't take long for server regulars to begin their own experiments.
  13. I found possibly an earlier build that led to the automated version. I want to see more and then test with the enZombies who may be good with just a single grenade or pipe bomb , lol
  14. The Snufkin Zombies are an eclectic mix of primarily UMA archetypal types, some hybrid types, and a few TFP Vanilla overlay types that bring mixed results. Zombie bowling with a good spread of the original Snufkins. Only the Scorcher character (an overlaid Demolisher) and the Archon character (not overlaid on any particular model but based on the vulture class and with its own Archetype) showed any collision impact. I believe about 80%+ of Snufkins are UMA type which respond in a similar way to enZombies with a smaller overlay or hybrid population for the remainder. The Scorcher can receive all damage that a TFP Vanilla zombie can receive including dismemberment due to its demolisher connection. The Archon can receive collision impact but not dismemberment due to its hybrid features. That's how it appears, anyways. enZombie launching has become a thing on the regular server I play on and any attempts to remove it from the server will be met with pitchforks and banners waving.
  15. When using the RWG at that time, I did not watch to see how quickly the World map folder was being populated with the prefabs.xml or any other map data. It is something that could be checked manually as the World is building. There may have been subtle updates over A19 but I am holding off using RWG for the time being and will see if A20 brings a major overhaul.
  16. The Localization text is thankfully passed from server to client. While it isn't downloaded as a file, it does appear in a dynamic kind of way. However, if the client also downloads the mod with this Localization and further amends the names, the client version will take precedence. Here is the run down on custom zombies we've seen so far: - Custom zombies that are very closely connected to an existing zombie (by utilising their model) will be treated exactly the same as any Vanilla zombie. - Custom zombies that are based on archetype build and are not utilising an existing zombie model will not: * Be decapitated since there are no connected sequences of decapitation stage * See collision from vehicles * Show consistent responses to traps (although this has been seen with vanilla based custom zombies as well on occasion) However, they more than make up for this with some amazing and often comical game physics which can see them perform some B class movie death scenes. In a way I am glad vehicles do not have collision as they would be shot into outer space.
  17. My regular gaming buddies are really enjoying the variety offered in the enZombies pack and since they use a mod to show entity names naturally wanted some more personalised titles. Here is a list to save to a Localization.txt file to be placed in the Config folder if you want to use what we use. Alternatively, it's just as easy to amend for your own purposes. For Linux users please ensure L in Localization is capitalised.
  18. Biome border buddies. With a little tweaking to reflect multiple spawn groups and accumulative values, which can be quite testy, they are all playing along together very well. The camo characters are my particular favorite.
  19. Thank you for doubling (or more) the number of Vanilla type zombies players are going to meet in each biome and selective Prefabs. Working with the archetypes can be a long and arduous endevour and what you've done for the benefit of everyone is marvellous. As the release is so fresh, here are a couple of things players may mention that can be caught early. Is it possible to change 'Extract contents of zip file into your 7 Days to Die "MODS" folder.' to either - 'Perform Extract All of the contents of zip file into EnZombiesv1_0 folder and then place into your 7 Days to Dies 'Mods' folder. - 'Perform Extract To EnZombiesv1_0 folder and then place into your 7 Days to Dies 'Mods' folder? Just in case players literally extract the contents without the main mod folder. (Notice the MODS to Mods because some Linux setups are incredibly case sensitive if a first time Server Admin follows the exact instruction). Is it also possible to change the 'config' folder to 'Config' with the uppercase C as this is also another Linux type issue where the mod will not load unless it's uppercase? Sorry to be picky but this can reduce gnashing of Server Admin teeth if they are new to mods or not familiar with their server's tendencies. And if you update, what a great chance to add this thread as the website link inside the ModInfo or Readme for players to quickly return here. Just looking out for each other and sharing the potential issues I've encountered along the way.
  20. One last attempt with EAC back on for standard gameplay settings and the Parasite entity set for the spawn since her character is the same size as default and it would rule out any spawn issues related to falling out of block range. The Parasite is triggered and spawns without issue. Then comes the car issues. Then comes another Parasite trigger and the NRE Then comes more car issues. There appears to be a correlation with the 'cntCar03SedanDamage2v05' block Error and this quite possibly needs reporting. I have already reported a Vanilla bug relating to the Auto Turrets bringing up a _MaterialTex error in the last couple of days and would rather not add another to the pot if anyone would kindly like to take the lead on that. A final attempt with Modern House 01 and all Vanilla settings with or without EAC continues to bring a red console warning for the vehicle. It is quite possible that having this occur in the background while attempting to pull an entity through the additional cached and modified settings for a custom entity is causing a 'soft' NRE whereby it resolves quickly and play can continue without being a client/server breaker.
  21. The Starter Kit is an optional stand alone mod and will work with or without the Zombie Plus Mod running at the same time. You do not need to replace the Starter Kit. @errornull I can also duplicate the error you experienced at Modern House 01. NRE Warning I attempted to try again but with EAC disabled just to see how it would impact. On that occasion, an additional error appeared on top of 2 NREs relating to 'cntCar03SedanDamage2v02' should be a parent but is not! (2). After dismissing the NRE, mayhem ensued as usual.
  22. @errornull I attempted to duplicate some things you had used but with the Tipsy Squatch entity. First I tried this as a simple append. <entitygroup name="sleeperHordeStageGS1"> <entity name="zombieTipsySquatch"/> </entitygroup> And got this. Then I tried as you attempted. <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[starts-with(@name, 'sleeperHordeStageGS')]" /> <append xpath="/entitygroups"> <entitygroup name="sleeperHordeStageGS1"> <entity name="zombieTipsySquatch"/> </entitygroup> And got this. And for good measure, I added this: <remove xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='SleeperGSList']" /> <append xpath="/gamestages"> <spawner name="SleeperGSList"> <gamestage stage="1"><spawn group="sleeperHordeStageGS1" num="1" maxAlive="1" duration="1"/></gamestage> </spawner> </append> And got this. Tipsy Squatch is an archetype zombie but goes back up the extend path to a default entity base character. Hard to say how much is hard coded to strict specifics. Was this the only custom zombie mod being used at the time you attempted?
  23. Here is a small update to the Snufkin's Community Pack Server Side Vehicles. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CommunityPack-ServerSideVehicles-A19-2021June12 This update changes the recipe ingredients for a variety of vehicles that were very easy to manufacture and brings them more into balance with the regulars. Server Admin are typically knowledgeable with how to increase/decrease recipe demands as they become familiar with the code, whereas some of the most common requests were from players asking how to make it more difficult to create a Shark Blimp and vehicles of that nature. Server Admin were typically increasing the challenge anyway and can decrease where appropriate. In addition, here is a new Blimp type vehicle that uses the power of flying Catfish to provide levitation. The Catfish were found by @oakraven in the game files and this brings them back into the game. Just a fun vehicle to add to the Shark Blimp and Bath Blimp (but with increased recipe requirements). Twin engine Catfish Blimp. Players will sit on the push bar with feet inside. A lantern is hiding inside the cart rubbish pile and will add some localised illumination while the Catfish have a headlight beam each.
  24. Here is a small update to the PLUS Zombies pack. https://github.com/arramus/SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS-A19-2021June12 This update changes the probability of the Banshee and Hisser during Blood Moon Horde Night. This is based on feedback from a number of Server Admin and Players who felt the Banshee was too regular and the Hisser was too invasive. They will appear at the same frequency as the Wrestler. And here is a new character for the PLUS pack. Zombie Direwolf. oakraven found a texture for a zombie wolf and a model for the Catfish. Many players prefer not to have any more flying things as it can be very challenging and the Catfish is just used as a mutant chest eruption from the Zombie Direwolf. At night. And in the daytime. A simple addition with no special traits beyond a slight HP and XP buff. The Zombie Direwolf has a slightly increased probability to appear in the forest at night. Thank you to @oakraven for sharing the in game texture and model.
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