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Posts posted by arramus

  1. Oakraven Rock Drill
    This mod allows us to mine for resources.

    It can be unlocked after reaching level 60/100 of Workstations Crafting Skill at a Tier 4 type item that is in the same area as the Chemistry Table.

    The loot.xml governs what kind and how much resource is provided to players after a drilling cycle.
    An Oakraven Rock Drill requires a Rock Drill Gas Can to power it for each cycle.

  2. The (A21) Oakraven Collection provides a number of Mods offering Quality of Life experiences.

    The list shall be updated from time to time to include additional Mods as they are created.

    Even though these Mods contain custom content, EAC use is still typically acceptable since they make no changes to the base game files.


    1. Adding mods to an existing World is not recommended. This is more so in A21 than in previous Alphas. It can cause unforeseen issues since certain features are 'baked' into a World and changing that environment with new mods (or removing others) can be detrimental to maintaining server/World stability. Unforeseen issues can include seeing blue missing boxes in place of birds' nests for the Coop Mod if it is not added before a new World is created. Adding mods to, or removing mods from, an existing World is at your own risk. We are willing to assist with general mod related issues, but this is outside the scope of where assistance can be provided.


    2. These mods are made to expand 7D2D. They are not intended to be used with other non Oakraven Collection Mods or overhauls.
    Overhaul creators can ask for permission to integrate them in their Mods and make them compatible. Examples of this include Wild West Mod, Age of Oblivion, and Preppocalyse.

    For incompatibility issues, please contact other Mod/Overhaul creators for assistance as that level of support is not possible to provide, especially where another mod is using a Harmony .dll patch.


    Terms of Use:

    - The (A21) Oakraven Collection can be used for personal use or on a community server with private and hidden redistribution. Permission is not given to redistribute any part of the Oakraven Collection in the public domain. This includes as a complete mod, or any of the assets contained within. Redistributing publicly can cause licensing issues and increases the potential for a file mismatch. For more information, read the TFP Guidelines on Modding Policy.
    - If you would like to use any of the (A21) Oakraven Collection in an overhaul or project, please ask for permission in this thread, since some of the assets are purchased.
    (Asking directly in this thread ensures full transparency in the case an affiliated creator is involved)


    Files are kept at Moddb. Moddb has been serving the gaming community for 'eons' and remains stable and fully supportive of what we do.


    1. (A21) Oakraven Rock Drill can be downloaded here.
    2. (A21) Oakraven Monobikes can be downloaded here.

    3. (A21) Oakraven Chicken Coops can be downloaded here.

    4. (A21) Oakraven Bee Hives can be downloaded here.
    5. (A21) Oakraven Cooking Stations can be downloaded here.

    6. (A21) Oakraven Fish Farm can be downloaded here.
    7. (A21) Oakraven Power Things can be downloaded here.

    8. (A21) Oakraven Ammo Press can be downloaded here.

    9. (A21) Oakraven Cement Mixer can be downloaded here.

    10. (A21) Oakraven Can Can Bat (melee weapon) can be downloaded here.

    11. (A21) Oakraven Goat Bat (melee weapon) can be downloaded here.

    12. (A2) Oakraven Briston's Pistons (melee weapon) can be downloaded here.


    Localization is currently in English, since that is the language Oakraven is familiar with. Submissions for Localization into other supported languages from community members are linked below.
    Russian -  by MeowGuuy

  3. A small update:


    1. Added some simple decorations to the 3 stables (one is default TFP and updated a little to match its A21 version) and GFV.

    The decorations are horseshoes and the new piano.






    I could also test a World to see how the A21 update is impacting the tiling system and capability to make an Old West Outskirt. A20 was very reliable and showed consistency.

    A21 does have some irregularities and may need to be reported as it is performing a feature that was built into the code for toggling on/off.


    This was the test seed and specifications. The right side with the desert shows 2 Old West Towns. One is a full on town and outskirt, and the other has only produced the outskirt.



    Full town and outskirt.



    Outskirt only.



    The updated Gateway tile did appear on the full Old West render which shows one of the toggle options has taken.


    I'll tinker some more and test a few more Worlds.


    It will also be possible to resize the custom Bob trader to 42 x 42 so it can fit in the Old West and give it oldwest tags. It can be renamed to 'Trader Old West Bob' so it does not replace the default.

  4. That's better.



    But that's not... Some 8K Worlds drop 2-4 Old West Towns and others nothing.
    The Wild West Mod overhaul was easy to make it the only Town that appeared simply by removing the rest from placement, and a slider for Town type would be nice to guarantee weightings.



  5. 12 minutes ago, Skullfracture said:

    Not sure if it is intended or not, but the Trader Bob from this mod is spawning in huge numbers in the Wilderness. On my current map (standard 8k) there are more than 70. Given the 5-6 of the other traders, that's 65ish. Can't say for sure because it's named the same as the default Bob.


    *Edit: A21


      Hide contents

    Search "bob" (70 hits in 1 file of 1 searched)


    I can't see the problem...



    Ya, thanks for reporting. It was quite the eye opener when I spawned into a new World and forget he also needed some attention as the Gateway and Trader placement has been overhauled.

    I just added an update to the Github and removed him for now. The new one is actually really cool anyways and properly set up. Probably best not to meddle with that.

    The new one is 60 x 60 which Old West doesn't accommodate, and has some new tags for locations and distance from other Bobs (set to 1000 blocks).


    Another issue is the decoration mini POIs aren't appearing. I'll spend some more time with that but it's not critical for now.

  6. Thank you for introducing some <csv /> for entity groups. Without which, an update to a server side zombies mod would still be on the workbench.

    I wonder if it's possible to introduce some more 'complex' integrations (at least for me) for what would have previously been:

        <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'scoutHordeStageGS')]/entity[@name='zombieArleneRadiated']">
            <entity name="zombieSMGArlene" prob="0.9"/>


    and with an additional condition for the purpose of feeding into a group only when that entity appears since there is a habit to have them as placemarkers with prob 0.:


        <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'ZombieGhostTownGroupGS')]/entity[@name='zombieArleneRadiated' and not(@prob='0')]">
            <entity name="zombieSMGArlenePLUS" prob="0.2"/>
  7. Old West Migration Modlet has been updated to A21.


    All of the POIs were updated to the A21 block types with a few manually updated in the editor where the convertor had nothing appropriate as a replacement.

    The Old West Migration now adds the Old West Outskirt by default.



    All POIs have been given a name which will appear when the POI is in close proximity.





    As this is an experimental A21 release, there may need to be a few tweaks here and there for both the 7 Days tiling system and the mod.

    However, it is functional and does as intended.

  8. 19 hours ago, DanielHazmat said:

    It will be update for A21 ?

    It is not Snufkin Zombies PLUS. Unfortunately, A21 removed some of the essential features to make it possible to upgrade.
    It does have its own charms and challenges though and is something where there would be nothing.
    As we get to learn more about A21 and the possibilities, it will be updated for sure.

  9. Download here: https://github.com/arramus/A21-ServerSideZombiesPLUS

    (This Modlet is Server Side Only safe. This means it does not need to be installed on the client machines because it has no custom assets.)


    An optional stand alone Server Side Zombies PLUS Starter Kit is bundled with the mod as a separate folder, and can be downloaded here.

    (It offers a few helper items, including a mini bike, and limits weapons and tools to randomly being offered at Q1 - 3. It is Server Side Only safe.)



    Ask for permission before uploaded/redistributing (A21) Server Side Zombies PLUS to a Modpack or Overhaul as per TFP's Modding Guidelines. Permission is not automatically granted. This ensures we are aware of how it will be used. There have been occasions where troubleshooting requests are made inappropriately due to conflicts and file mismatches based on it being used in a way that was not intended. Ask first so we are aware of what to expect, and can appropriately redirect questions where necessary.


    Here is a server side only mod that adds a mix of customised default zombies to the Biomes and Horde Night. There are currently 27 in total.
    The majority began life in A20-Preppocalypse which is now A21-Preppocalypse but will be shared with Server Side Zombies PLUS for A21 since the Snufkin Zombies are no longer viable in A21. For the full experience with these zombies appearing in POIs and Screamer Hordes, consider A21-Preppocalypse. Server Side Zombies PLUS is primarily aimed at offering a zombie mod solution for Server Side Only Servers.

    Since an abundance of original Snufkin Zombies cannot be updated to A21 as a server side only mod, due to a change in game files, Server Side Zombies PLUS can be seen as an alternative. There are many things we will miss from the Snufkins, but there are some features that could be carried that will be recognisable. There will also be some new concepts and innovations.



    This mod is brought to the community by arramus and @oakraven. It will be updated periodically and see some of the old guard carried over and things progress.
    Credit for the initial concept lies with Snufkin from Snufkin Zombies, and all those who have contributed with advice and input over the years.


    The initial concept for the Snufkin Zombies was based on the eclectic mix of boss types characters we have seen in many of our favourite games. For example, the Archon character could fly, throw fire, and heal other zombies that were in close proximity. This was actually an idea from Doom and reflects the Arch-Vile character. The A21 version of Server Side Zombies attempts to retain some of that magic, but also bring in some more Zombies PLUS ideas.


    A few images to demonstrate:


    The Server Side Zombies PLUS foot soldiers. They carry projectile weapons which do fire, and melee weapons which will hurt both the player and base more than claws.

    A couple of our flyer friends that were carried over from A20. The generator powering the drone is smoking now and leaves a nice trail.

    The hostile animal types. They have speed, can jump, fly, and generally cause general mayhem.

    Our two friends from A20 charged and ready to radiate.


    Farewell Geist... but hello Large Zombie Plasma Vulture.

    Zombie Bunny goes straight for the jugular. A heads up to @doughphunghus on this inclusion. It has been a long time coming.

    And we couldn't get rid of Scorcher that easily. As he was modelled on the Demolition character, bringing him over was pretty straight forward.




  10. I do not believe it will be possible to update to A21. The feature that allows the Zombies to be made, such as the Scarecrow, Undertaker, and Hammer Spammer does not appear to exist in A21. I could be wrong and other community members are welcome to look deeper. It is possible to bring back some of the Zombies into a different server side mod but it won't be Snufkin Zombies.

  11. It looks like that is the end of UMA and with it a farewell to the Snufkins Custom Server Side Zombies for A21.
    I've searched through what assets remain and, unless show otherwise, believe a number of essential things are now gone.


    A non UMA variant based on the existing zombies is still possible but will certainly miss that eclectic mayhem. We'll see what can be salvaged, repurposed, or innovated on.

  12. Pushed a few small updates:


    1. Rebalanced the Prepper Drill as it was a bit too generous when a few are mining at the same time.


    2. Rebalanced Horde Night spawning for special entities.


    3. Added the Pipe Baton Fat Cop to the spawning groups as well as the Quest Challenges.

    Eliminate a Fat Cop with the Pipe Baton. This one can be a bit more challenging that others since he explodes when health hits a certain low point.
    A21 Pipe Batons drop damage a little but the increase in speed provides that extra damage potential in those delicate moments.



    4. Steel Club Big Momma


  13. Pushed a few updates in preparation for A21 and general re-balancing.


    1. Replaced food can with scrap iron in recipe.
    2. Replaced empty glass with 'boiled' water.

    3. Reshuffled probabilities for Horde Night.
    4. Added a 0 explode threshold to ranged hostiles (so they don't have the explode animation when near death).

    5. Increased Steel Nail entity and block damage.



  14. A few small updates with Prepper know-how in mind, and for spicing up the biomes/Horde Nights.


    1. Pick up and reposition spikes and barbed fencing only when fully repaired. For misplaced traps or base updates.



    2. Ability to craft acid, at a cost. A realistic and viable recycle feature for sulphuric acid.



    3. Decorative and functional block crafting.



    2500 block damage which offers some perimeter defense while also a decorative context.
    Repairable but no pick up on these ones.



    4. Zombie Grace for the Wasteland and Horde Nights.


  15. There is one update comment related to the UMA system which covers a huge amount of the Snufkin Zombies. It is posted as a fix.


    UMACharacterBodyAnimator assignLayerWeights calling Animator many times


    This infers the transition to A21 (an update will be pushed where possible) should not only be quite seamless, but also more efficient for game play.

  16. A further update for the Gazz Auger Muffler feature.


    1. Gazz Muffler Mod for both the Auger and Chainsaw.

    To allow Preppers the option of when they want to make the Auger and Chainsaw muffled, a Mod can be added to the helmet.

    It can be crafted on the player or workbench without and is unlocked. It has no sales value for that reason, and also because the craft resource requirements are pretty low.





  17. The spawn rate is related to regular zombies. For example, one of the Snufkin Zombies will spawn once, for every 10 to 30 regular zombies depending, on which ones they are. They do not spawn in relation to Game Stage for normal game play. They do spawn in relation to Game Stage for Horde Night.


    It is also dependent on anything else you have installed and what day your World is on. Since your World is new, there should be a lot more Zombie spawns.


    Your Horde Night is very much guaranteed to see a lot of them.

  18. Pushed a couple of small updates:


    1. Integrated Gazz's Muffled Auger mod with some updates to make it functional, only apply to the auger, and have a visual icon on the left side just to show it's functional.


    2. Expanded the starting Prepper Stockpile Quest with a third stage:
    Stage 1 - Cooking Basics
    Stage 2 - Pipe Weapons
    Stage 3 - Basic Tools


    These will further expand for A21, but these are sufficient for now.

  19. Since the terms of use are so open, and practically 'open source', I'll post this in here as an update for the 'Gazz-MutedAuger' since it is no longer functional with recent updates to A20. It also contains a small custom feature for something I'm tinkering with.


    1. Gazz Auger Muffler (Original Updated)



    The Gazz Auger Muffler continues to silence the Auger using Gazz's novel approach, but has a few small updates from the original as follows:


    - Changed to the updated onSelfRangedBurstShotStart from onSelfRangedBurstShot for a trigger effect (which is why it is not currently functional)

    - Gave the Auger an additional tag for 'motorToolAuger' to specifically silence the Auger but allow the Chainsaw to continue its sound, since it is typically used in pretty short bursts

    - Added a small icon to show that it is functioning with descriptive text.


    Alternatively here is a Mod version.


    2. Gazz Muffler Mod (Mod Version for Auger and Chainsaw)



    The Gazz Muffler Mod can be crafted on the player or workbench and doesn't require unlocking.
    It is placed in a 'helmet'. It will muffle the auger and chainsaw. Once the mod is removed, sound will be restored. It offers an option to match the occasion.





  20. A small update.


    1. The toolbelt now has 4 quests, up from 3, when a Prepper first enters a new World. The 4th one has some introductory activities with an emphasis of stockpiling the basics.
    This Prepper Stockpile Quest will expand over time. It is in stages such as 'Cooking' and 'Weapons' and additions will simply add a further stages.


    2. The 7D2D Mod LauncherMos by sphereii  has added Preppocalypse to the list.
    Visit the Mod Launcher Discord here for expert support.

  21. Download here: https://github.com/arramus/Preppocalypse


    Alternatively, download through the 7D2D Mod Launcher by sphereii.

    Here is an 8K sample RWG World with 1 start point in the very middle:
    The biome received a little custom update to ensure the Old West towns are mostly in the desert with one instance in the snow.



    Preppocalypse is an expansion for 7 Days to Die, from the perspective of a Prepper. In the context of 7 Days to Die, a Prepper is a survivor who prepared in advance for adverse situations and made it through the initial event stage and aftermath. Preppocalypse places the player in the subsequent afterwards.

    Due to vigilance from before the initial event, a Prepper already has some features in place. These include increased inventory capacity, enhanced skill potential and choice, and access to other benefits considered helpful for survival.

    Preppocalypse recognizes a Prepper has an increased chance to thrive. As a tradeoff, in addition to the grunt, feral, and radiated hostile classes, there are others out there to provide a more challenging and hostile environment. They will mostly be seen as game stage progresses, but be prepared for some surprises during Horde Night or in the biomes.

    This expansion builds on the post-apocalyptic theme of 7 Days to Die through an additive approach. As such, the majority of features will be very familiar. Additions are intuitive, enhancing, immersive, in context, supportive, and appropriately more threatening. While there will be periods of extremes, considered choices can restore balance.

    Players can expect the following:
    - Upgraded default zombies in the biomes, hordes, and Game Stage linked POIs
    - A greater abundance of Prepper style quest POIs (custom and TFP conversions) for A21
    - Additional recipes that accommodate Prepper/Survivalist/Bushcrafter traits
    - Upgraded and custom items to facilitate survival against stronger hostiles
    - Custom questing opportunities
    as well as other game play features that are in context with a Preppers experience of the afterwards.


    arramus takes guardianship of the concept, compilation, and distribution of Preppocalypse.
    However, the following community additions and know-how equally add value to the experience.

    From Z - A:
    TFP - Providing the 7 Days base game, as well as the means for the modding community to expand.
    Tallman Brad Gaming - The Tallman Brad Gaming Community are known for the Wild West Mod. Influence comes in
    many forms, and Tallman Brad, Medusa, and other community members will see they have left their mark in one way or
    Syco54645 - A19 Farming. Brings back seedlings upon harvesting for sustainability and positive returns.
    Oakraven - Quality of Life additions such as Bee Hives, Chicken Coops, and the Rock Drill. Oakraven always goes far
    and beyond to assist mods and overhauls, and it has been a positive partnership on many levels.
    KhaineGB - Kind use of lockable and expanded inventory mods, including extra forge slots.
    JaxTeller718 - Expanded Wandering Hordes Mod with a little further tweaking here and there.
    Haidr'Gna - Invisible Dye mod to assist with hiding armor or clothing.
    Guppycur et al - Provides a hub for development and sharing. Too many individuals to mention.
    Darkstardragon - Comprehensive one on one support.

    Briston Gaming - Showcasing everything 7 Days to the community (https://www.youtube.com/@BristonGaming).
    bdubyah - Template code advice and support.


    A few images to display some expectations.

    The gang are just as to be expected with grunt, feral, and radiated. These are some of the additional entities that have been added to POIs, biomes, and Horde Night.
    There are a few more that aren't being posted to reduce spoilers.



    There are a multitude of entity quests.



    In this one, the quest requests a Prepper to eliminate Moe types with only a chainsaw.



    The weapon requirement matches the radiated + entity's weapon of choice. As such, quests are based on both a specific entity type and weapon type. Preppers join the World with a few quests for general elimination/hunting and a specific quest to eliminate Hazmat entities with the stun baton.


    Preppers will join a new World with 4 Quests in the Toolbelt.



    Some weapons have received a few tweaks, such as faster reload for shotguns and pistols/revolvers, using 3 turrets for Skill 5, custom mods, and so on...


    Here is a custom weapon just to fill a gap between the lever action and sniper rifle.

    The Swiss Vetterli is late 19th Century and provides a cross between a Winchester and infantry rifle. Boe also carries this rifle.



    A variety of additional recipe choices adds to the diet.



    There are numerous recipe additions on the Workbench, Forge, and Stove/Campfire to expand the regular offerings.


    That's enough spoilers to give some idea of what to expect on top of regular game play.

    It is recommended to use an 8K, or larger, RWG type World to ensure the Old West is added in the form of the expanded Old West Migration Mod which has been integrated.

    Partner Mods for Preppocalypse


    NPCMod Add On
    FriendZ Add On Pack (since they are also default entities carrying weapons and makes it look like they were tamed)

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