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Everything posted by arramus

  1. 6906 Gaming is just loading in for some Outback Roadies.
  2. SpecBytes is currently doing a 4 player party play through called 'Trader Tales'. The premise is simple... 4 players get sucked down a hole in New Frontier as they are sailing down to the port, and end up in a lake on a new World. It is a custom made World using RWG and filling in some blanks with hand placed POIs and a gravel pathing system to link them all up. Each player dedicates themselves to a role, and only they are allowed to specialise in it. Only the Cook can cook, Miner can mine, etc. All resources are sold between player traders. It is an interesting dynamic of reciprocity and community building. Any likes or subscribes are welcome as this is what keeps them going.
  3. Here is a small addition to Preppocalypse: 1 Wine Mine Fine This is a T4 POI covering all quest types. It sits in the Old West Town tiling system, and was just added to the Old West Migration Mod. As such, it also migrates into Preppocalypse. Thank you to SpecBytes, Tabby, and Cemblack for sharing these POIs which they are using in their current Wild West Mod play through. They will also be added to the Wild West Mod, once they have been given some aging to remove modern features. SpecBytes current Wild West Mod play through, where these player bases can be seen in a custom Fort can be viewed here. She is very supportive of the modding community, and any likes or subscribes will be appreciated as it's what keeps them sharing.
  4. Here is a small update for the Old West Migration Mod: 1. Wine Mine Fine This is a T4 POI with all quest types covering 3 separate buildings and an underground passageway. An addition for the T4 quests with expansion to T5 for Infested brings further longevity to the Old West Town. Wine reflects 'Spec's Cantina' on the left, Mine is for 'Tabby's Mining Company' in the middle, and Fine associates with 'Dr Cem's Apothecary' on the right. SpecBytes, Tabby, and Cemblack support the community with their livestreams and mod support and these POIs are taken from their current Wild West Mod play through as their Trader Tales bases. Both 'Spec's Cantina' and 'Dr Cem's Apothecary' can appear at the end of streets, and their corner pathing is set appropriately. They fit in well on these long Old West Migration Mod streets, and add further variety to the mix; especially by reducing too much repetition of other POIs sitting on 25 x 50 tile slots.
  5. And there's the update. Gas Can requirements now match for 2000 Oil Shale for regular Chemistry Table production. The Goal of these Quests is to introduce new features as much as anything, rather than be a grind. As such, the amount of Gas Cans required drops to 2800 with the remaining 600 Oil Shale being used for the 5 Drill Gas Cans. The chances are players may well have already collected these volumes which will avoid the need to mine for it. The description also reflects this possibility.
  6. Correct. The Compound Crossbow would have certainly been given the auto reload feature it is was appropriate and that would have caused more trouble (and posts) than it was worth. thrownAmmoFlares were removed about a week ago in update 3e6b1d5 for the Mod Launcher listings. They appear to be a remnant feature the devs may have considered for a decoy event, and were added unintentionally for Pipe Bombs, which have now taken their place. The Gas quest used to request 10,000 in the beginning of A21. The devs pushed a pretty early update which changed the recipe value of Shale and the cost of Gas to increase the requirement to mine for more or spend more. Vehicles also saw the salvage amounts drop. The Shale requirement was dropped and the Gas amount also dropped to 8888 with bundled crafting, salvaging, and looting volumes in mind. However, it does need to be recalibrated to match the 1:2 ratio of non bundled amounts plus the 120 shale requirement for the Drill Gas. Now that A21 is very much at it's final stage, the next update will add those rebalanced values to be an exact match, even though players may already have Gas Cans and Drill Cans in stock which offsets the need to process the Shale at all. 'Craft' will also be changed to 'Collect' for the Gas amount since it is a fetch requirement rather than a craft requirement. Workstations require the player to be there at the end of production which is not at all viable.
  7. Here is a small update for Preppocalypse: 1. Navezgane Humanitarian Daily Ration - Navezgane HDR This Navezgane Humanitarian Daily Ration (Navrat) is intended to contain a full daily food supply of approximately 2,200 calories. Preppo Security Corporation is under government contract to air drop Nazrats from time to time, and they can be found in supply drop loot, quest loot, and other locations. They have a base price of 840 Dukes when found at the traders, but are nutritious and curative and worth the cost for desperate times. This image shows a collection of sachet type packages that make up the Navezgane HDR. The combination effect provides the nutritious and balanced meal. For low level players, that will bring a lot of restorative properties. For higher level players, it will still be effective. This Navrat was found in an air drop as part of one of the food supplies. drop From time to time, they can also be found at the traders, or in vending machines... for a price. They will also be seen in quest loot for that Prepper storage context.
  8. Thank you for letting us know. There's a tendency to bundle them all together, and this will be super.
  9. The Old West Migration Mod received a new POI, and by association it has also been added to Preppocalypse. Picture House Inferno This is a T4 POI hooked up to all quest types for that expansion T5 Infested. It sits on the 25 x 50 area and will compete with the Liberty Bank. This will help to reduce Liberty Bank appearances as a town can often see duplicates. It has a 'bunker' basement area to provide extra routing for a longer POI play through.
  10. Here is an update for the Old West Migration Mod: 1. Picture House Inferno. This is a T4 POI hooked up for all quest types. It is on 3 levels with an underground area to provide some extra distance to cover. It follows a 'scripted' pathing route which takes the player to all areas. It is a 25 x 50 which is the same size as Liberty Bank. This will help to slightly reduce Liberty Bank appearances in those larger Old West towns and bring and additional T4/T5 Infested challenge.
  11. Here is a small update: - The Bee Hives Mod has switched Honey Beer from Mega Crush to Beer Brawler buff to better suit the context. Mega Crush is more of a Mega Rush, and the description to 'Crush' enemies is more about the speed feature than the attack feature. It is using a custom display and will show the Beer Brawler features as well as the 5% Infection feature. The recipe has also been realigned with 1 beer for the recipe. This has also been updated in Preppocalypse, the Wild West Mod, and Outback Roadies.
  12. Testing it on the Rain 'Dance' Catcher variant, which is a separate block, shows no change when set to false. It is not widely publicised these days, but was a pretty common topic for streamers in the early A21 release stage, that having a 5 block empty clearance between water collectors and the ceiling above allows them to function underground. As such, open skies are not necessary. The option to place them underground is there as long as that requirement is met.
  13. Thank you for the group feedback. Progression was re-calibrated to reflect removing the Tier 3 modern tools and weapons where applicable. It gives the impression of being faster to complete a whole Crafting Skills series, but typically because the T3's were stripped out. A few examples are the Harvesting Tools Mags. Since the Auger has been totally stripped out, the Max was dropped from 100 to 60. In Vanilla the Q5 Steel Pickaxe unlocks at Crafting Level 59, but in the Wild West Mod it is rounded up to Level 60. Rather than raise it to 100 to keep at regular values, and do a similar thing to other Crafting Skills where something else is stripped out, it was just rounded up and down to its 5 or 10 where appropriate and matching how Vanilla does it for consistency. Another thing this does is remove that redundancy. If a Crafting Skill remained at 100 but the last possible item unlocks at 59, the mag will keep appearing at the accelerated rate without any benefit. This allows it to be locked down so another Crafting Skill is prioritised. A few more examples are for: Repair Tools: Dropped Max from 50 to 25 as the Nail Gun is stripped out, but the Hammer has no change. Salvaging: Dropped Max from 75 to 50 as the Impact Driver is stripped out, and the Ratchet actually sees an increase from 46 to 50 on this one. Bows: Dropped from 100 to 40 as the Compound Bow and Crossbow are stripped out, and the Iron Crossbow reaches Q5 at 40 which is a small increase from its 38. Overall, it appears to be pretty proportional to where the final unlock reaches max level. The Wells and Rain Catcher are Dew Collectors in disguise, and locked into the requirement to keep them in the 'open' that the class requires. Unfortunately, making a Harmony Patch is outside the dev team's capabilities, and this is as good as it gets to keep with how A21 wants to direct water gathering, without going back to empty glass jars. A few weeks is good news for the group play through, and I'll share that with the dev team as the plan was to consider community servers who like to do monthly/bi-monthly mod changes. There are multiple transitions in progression and game play, with the T6 Boss POIs, Balloons, Q6 Gatling and Legendary Rifle, and other 'end game' features giving players some sense of closure and achievement of 'taming' the mod.
  14. Preppocalypse was started towards the very end of A20, with a view to releasing it for early A21. A21 Experimental was released on June 13. A21 Preppocalypse was released on June 18. A21 required a pretty intensive review since there had been pretty much 18 months between A20 and A21. There is every intention to release Preppocalypse for A22. Since A22 will be released as Experimental first, it will provide modders some time to update before Stable is released. It'll be added to the Mod Launcher as 'Preppocalypse' with no reference to A22. 1.0, Experimental or Stable since it will be based on the most recent A22 release regardless of the type. The explanation in the download area will clearly show any transitions between Exp. and Stable. and players who prefer not to update when each Exp. is dropped can simply turn off auto update and stick to the last Stable version. Those who are good to update to Exp. can keep updating as usual.
  15. It will help if you are able to share your player log for when attempting to create player. If this is happening in the Mod Launcher, player logs can be accessed here, if it has been installed using the default location: C:\7D2D\Alpha21\Preppocalypse_(A21)\Preppocalypse_(A21) and output_log.txt If you have installed in the game Mods folder, it is here: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\logs This link explains how to update your logs to pastebin which is a suggestion from the game developers.
  16. The Old West Migration Mod received a small update as follows: - Duke Power was auto updated for A21 and then given all the required manual changes for Infested and any further updates. However, one of the lights slipped through the checks, and has also been updated. While in there, the sand piles were changed to coal and nitrate. While in there, Nitrary was given a small increase in zombie count and type as well, since it is a T5/T6 POI and a little more challenge seemed fitting.
  17. I've used CubeCodes AMP in the past, and the World selection option has been very reliable. The only challenge with it was overriding permissions with processed Worlds as it appears to be restrictive with those due to unique identifiers it makes itself. The first checks are the basic ones. 1. Can you confirm the World has been unzipped before placing in the GeneratedWorlds folder? 2. Have you also attempted to place it into the Data/Worlds folder instead as an alternative location?
  18. The Oakraven Collection Chicken Coops Mod has received a small update. The quiche recipe used corn meal and the sandwich used pumpkin bread. These were always a little questionable, and now use wheat flour. To craft wheat flour, we first need to harvest wild wheat from the grass. Collect 30 wild wheat and create 1 wheat flour bag on your person or workbench. Wild wheat is governed by Living off the Land and will increase yield as Skill rises. Preppocalypse and Outback Roadies (which trialled this feature) also match this update.
  19. Here is a small update for Preppocalypse: 1. Wild Wheat and Wheat Flour have been added to recipe items associated with the Chicken Coops. This is because the sandwich and quiche are generally wheat based and this better fits the context. This update was also added to the original Oakraven Collection Chicken Coops. Wild Wheat is found when harvesting the 'grass' and is governed by Living off the Land. 30 Wild Wheat will make 1 Wheat Flour. A player with Living off the Land Skill 3 will be inundated with Wild Wheat and give extra quality of life to players who prefer to specialise in that role. 2. Zombie Eagle. Oakraven kindly shared a Zombie Eagle, and it has been added to various biomes. It also has a small chance to appear in POIs at places we meet the Vultures. It has higher health than the vultures, but will be rarer. Thank you to Oakraven for this addition.
  20. Backpacker Challenge can be downloaded on the 7D2D Mod Launcher. The 7D2D Mod Launcher can be downloaded from these locations: 1. https://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ 2. http://7d2dlauncher.org/ This modlet is 'Server Side Only' friendly and only needs to be installed on the server or client host. Joiners do not need to have it installed. About Backpacker Challenge allows our streamers, party players, and lone wolves to play by a simple set of predetermined rules. It is a very small modlet that limits player crafting to only the recipes we can create on our persons/backpacks. The Chemistry Table, regular Workbench, Forge, and Cement Mixer have been stripped of all of their recipes. However, there is a Backpacker Workbench without any of the 'advanced recipes' than can be acquired from the trader. It only allows player crafting items, but will provide that additional crafting workstation when required. Other Workstations are still given as Quest rewards or can purchased through the trader inventory, but serve no real use beyond salvaging or selling. RULES: - Crafting restricted to backpack and campfire recipes only - Craft on your player, campfire, or limited recipe Backpacker Workbench - Purchase, loot, or accept rewards for more advanced gear - Sell or salvage the Chemistry Table, Cement Mixer, and Forge if you acquire one, unless you need an oversized paperweight This style of challenge has been around throughout the Alphas in different guises forever. 'No Crafting' type challenges can be incredibly purist, or add token gesture exceptions. The Backpack Challenge is more forgiving with what it offers, but the rules are fixed and set, simply because of how the mod has stripped down the recipes. Here are a few images to demonstrate: Load into your World and receive an updated Starter message with a few custom details related to the Backpacker Challenge. Your player crafting items list is as expected. The Backpacker Workbench uses a less 'functional' in game model for context. Recipes are based on the player crafting items, but it can allow simultaneous crafting where required. The Forge can..... keep you warm, I suppose. Chemistry Station Cement Mixer You may be surprised actually how much you have access to from player crafting and the campfire. All the best if you accept this relatively mellow restricted crafting challenge.
  21. Here is an update for the Outback Roadies: 1. Cricket Bats Two new cricket bats have been added as T3 melee weapons with a slight edge on the Steel Club. One is called 'The Don Don Bat' and has a classic look about it. Both bats take melee mod overlays. The other is 'The Club House Bat'. It has a Koala sticker overlay on the face and looks a lot more modern. 2. Clothing Dyes The first image shows the Aussie Green and Gold dyes added to clothing. These use the exact colour codes for the national colours. They may look a little different in game, but such is. Dress in a range of cricket colours when hitting for 6. Thank you to Oakraven for these kind offerings for the Outback Roadies.
  22. Hello TantraMan. Just a heads up that this is the A20 thread, and the bulk of the Snufkin Zombies are no longer in existence because their class was removed in A21. The A21 still contains a couple of the very first original Snufkin Zombies, but the remainder are a new concept and new additions along the way. The A21 post for the replacement is here. It would be possible to add an exploding type zombie entity beyond the demo and cop, but it would lack the same kind of timer warning the demo has and be a more passive type explosion. Feedback in the past on adding too many flyers hasn't been favourable and the Shark and 2 drones came out for this update. A lot of players were asking how to take them out. This A21 update has been silent with very few posts which is generally seen as a pretty good sign that it's all doing as intended with balance. Saying that, A22 is out in a few weeks as the first experimental, and we'll see what the update offers.
  23. The Sorcery developer requested that no support/patching support be offered for things related to the Sorcery mod, and I suggest visiting the Sorcery thread/Discord for support with this issue. This was a request made with a similar issue for the Not Medieval Mod that Darkstardragon and I worked on for A20. The same will apply for this mod.
  24. Harley Quinn is governed by the NPC Mod part of Outback Roadies. She is very much a hostile bandit type, and I don't expect that to change. The Nurse, Baker, Harley Quinn, Doggo 'Fox', and a few custom zombies come packaged with the NPC Mod and are left to their own devices with how they were originally set up. There are additional Add On Packs which provide different types of helper NPCs and Bandit types. It is always possible to release an optional mod for the Optional Mods folder which can 'turn on' Bandits so they don't appear if a request comes in for that.
  25. Outback Roadies is always going to be primarily about the animals, but the Wasteland and Burnt will still have some of the remnant humanoid types in the form of the Head Hunters in greater abundance, with a token gesture elsewhere. They are made up of 3 nurses and 5 war boy entities. Nurse Barbie has a fire melee chance, and Nurse Jazlyn is surrounded by a radiation field. All the rest will just try to rip your head off, as usual without any special powers. They are considered Rad types and will be in all biomes. The Pine Forest will see a very low amount of them scattered here and there. The Wasteland and Burnt will be more populated. In all cases, they are seem more at night. The War Boy Head Hunters are Bazza, Lazza, Dazza, Tezza, and Jezza. The nurses are Barbie (fire feature), Kylie (keeps coming back to melee), and Jazlyn (dazzling view with rad effect). Thank you to Oakraven for kindly sharing these with the community.
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