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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. It's a combination of XP gain defined in materials.xml as well as just giving back less resources (because it's also based on how many items you get as you mine)
  2. https://ul.subquake.com/roadmap
  3. look for dark, squiggly stick looking like small bushes, just slightly larger than grass. I will be adding proper dried out leaf-less bushes later as custom assets to replace those
  4. Hey there, thanks! Unfortunately no, in Undead Legacy it's hard coded / pre-compiled to be 12 slots.
  5. That's amazing! I didn't know about this... so this: <setattribute xpath="/iteminfo/animation/hold_type[@id='65']" name="third_person_rotation">-15,180,0</setattribute> worked, you are a star my friend! Thank you so much for this tip
  6. Yeah but I need to rotate it only in the third person, not in first person...
  7. I cannot fix that issue, I used the baseball bat hold pose and that's a vanilla bug, where rotation is flipped for the 3rd person model. TFP probably didn't notice that bug, because the baseball bat is round Glad you like the mod otherwise!
  8. mm, yes, it's most likely that the non-vanilla .44 guns don't have the correct item tags associated to that book, thanks for noticing, I'll investigate that I need more information than that, how do you know it's a one seater? Did you see that number in the vehicle stats panel, because it will always show 1 seat for all vehicles there, that's a vanilla bug and shows 1 seat even in vanilla for 4x4 Truck. If you mean that others can't enter your vehicle as passengers, try setting a password for the vehicle and sharing it to others, that should fix the issue of them not being able to get in.
  9. yep, on an M.2 NVME I get about additional 2 extra minutes when loading UL compared to vanilla.
  10. @Enethal There's only so much that can be done about this, since it's additional content that has to be loaded on top of vanilla, so no matter what, load times will be longer. Nor you or I can really impact this much, but I heard TFP mentioning, that A20 will bring optimizations, so fingers crossed, that there would be improvements for load times! 😁
  11. You cannot use the solar banks you see in the world in POIs (That's just the same as in vanilla). You cannot make them, the only way to get them is through buying from Trader from the special secret stash. They would start to show up only if you max out better barter perk or have it level 4 with very high level in trading action skill. Same goes with solar cells, that you put in the solar banks. Workstations and stuff like solar banks (generated by the world) cannot be picked up by the player, that's an intentional limitation, otherwise it would be too easy to get stations and free electrical energy if you could just pick them up and move them wherever you like, but I also understand your frustration and confusion in the matter, because it's an imposed gameplay limitation without logical backing behind it. I'll try to figure out alternative ways on how you can get your hands on them in the next update, meanwhile however it is what it is, hope it helps to clarify things!
  12. Options -> Video -> User Interface -> Undead Legacy -> Autohide Toolbelt -> Disable
  13. @deuxmor try this console command: gfx st budget 0
  14. That right there is a red flag and key information. Something went horribly wrong with the game. Normally you should not be getting a stream of constant errors.
  15. Whatever is happening with your save, that's not an issue caused by UL, because it can happen in vanilla and other mods too. While playing UL it might trigger more frequently than vanilla, because you want to collect all the different vehicles whilst in vanilla if you get the 4x4 and that's probably the only transportation you really need and because of the amount of vehicles active in the world in UL you essentially are increase the chance of triggering whatever bug is happening with them.
  16. @Caites I am very much active and have been actively working on Undead Legacy with a healthy and steadily growing community over discord. Things however do take time, because I'm still developing it pretty much on my own with a bit of help from community members with translations for other languages (German, Spanish and Polish translations are supposedly being worked on right now, but I don't keep tabs on that, when they will be ready, they will be ready). There might be a while till next big update for Undead Legacy, because I'm in the process of reworking and optimizing some of the backend code, the user interface has been immensely improved with more options and will be less laggy as a result. A handful of other features are being tweaked and changed as well, that would require a complete restart and not compatible with old saves and because of that and how close supposedly A20 release is, I don't want to disturb any current players of Undead Legacy with an update so close to A20 release, that would require a new game. There is a roadmap available for the mod on my website, if you are interested in what's planned for the future: https://ul.subquake.com/roadmap (P.S. Host is having some technical issues right now so uptime for the site might be chaotic for the upcoming few days)
  17. Keep wrenching cars, that are lootable or repairable, the husks, that you cannot interact with have 0% chance to give you one.
  18. What I have been told and observed so far is that the vehicle manager saves every 5 minutes, what helps is if you don't move your vehicles or don't interact with them for at least 5 minutes before shutting down a server, logging off or quitting the save. I have my own dedicated server where I played and I ran it 24/7, never had issues with vehicles duping and while working on making the mod (single player) it happened to me only once like a month ago, but that's when I do a lot of ALT+F4, force quits and don't care about the 5 minut rule. Memory leaks unfortunately happen, the longer you play. You can try mitigating it somewhat by executing a console command in the game: memcl, it clears up some of the junk in memory. That's all you can really do for now, but as for the future, TFP said they have done a lot of optimization in A20 and on top of that, next update of Undead Legacy will feature optimizations of it's own and completely reworked User Interface, there's much less lag of what you speak of, BUT there's no plans to release next update for the mod before a20 and it will be at least a few weeks until I update everything to work with a20 changes.
  19. That's something not for me to fix, sorry you are experiencing this. Issue is unrelated to the mod, it happens in other mods and vanilla too
  20. Mod doesn't change how those settings work. If you disabled blood moons, but they are still happening, there's something else going on, but the issue isn't mod related.
  21. It's a bug for russian localization, the guy who was doing the translation made a typo. You can get the fixed localization file from his github: https://github.com/Kelthuzer/7D2D_UL_Localization/tree/main The fix will be applied with next big update, but it's not going to be ready for about a month.
  22. It's a known oversight on my part, where I live trucks are big vehicles (semi-trucks etc), with more than 4 wheels, to me the vanilla 4x4 Truck is a car, since it doesn't have a v12 engine, which the truck repair kit is based off of. The names of the repair kits will be renamed to make it less confusing in the future
  23. No and there won't be. A20 vanilla will change block tiers, shapes and things anyway (if you have been paying attention to what TFP talk about a20 and their dev streams about it) I'll fiddle around with adding more block tiers once A20 Experimental is available for us to play around with
  24. Item price is at the bottom of the central item info screen Both are weight
  25. Undead Legacy is not a modpack/pack of modlets, it's an overhaul mod. Everything in the mod was specifically made for the mod itself. The tiny flag icon on the right side of the map is for removing quick waypoint
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