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Everything posted by Doomofman

  1. The glass and windows were the first thing I spotted. Lots of new props too. Also, the way the Help is done on the roof doesn't really look like it's made of blocks, how was that accomplished, is it just more organic looking letter blocks?
  2. Lots of the new assets on show here. I see two of the new vehicle props, new sandbags, concrete barriers, barb wire and spotlights right off the bat. Also, if one of the devs could answer. How are the tents being done? A single asset or voxel based but with a new texture?
  3. The most experimental thing about A21 is the definition of 'Soon' 😝
  4. I believe they are parallel devving the PC and Console version at this point. So I don't think they have to wait for Gold to release it
  5. I believe they've said they do have someone working on a new UI but not for A21
  6. This is the ebb and flow of this forum... It dies down for a week or so, then a big argument breaks out, rinse repeat I'd like to say A21 release will put and end to that but we all know it wont
  7. I think there's been enough hints at this point to suggest that the Dev Stream part of the release isn't going to be quite what we're used to. But being honest, I'm just being overly optimistic, I doubt this is what'll actually happen
  8. Don't suppose there's any chance A21 Exp is being aimed at the Steam Spring Sale? 🤔😋
  9. I think it's more of a "if these are the only zombie models we're getting, at least change the colour of the clothes so we're not facing 5 totally identical zombies at the one time" thing... A compromise on the assumption there won't be any more unique zombies added I'd take that over nothing
  10. So you're saying some changes open the door to new opportunities?
  11. By the time A21 releases I'm guessing it'll be the longest gap between alphas there's ever been, even if it isn't there quite yet currently It'll probably hit 10 years in early access before we ever get bandits The last time their social media has posted anything directly A21 related that wasn't to do with Twitch was September The last time the Dev Diary was updated was mid-December It sucks to be a fan of the game who frequents the forums looking for news/updates, but the Twitch and Steam stats for the game haven't really dropped off and, like it or not, that's who the game is made for, not for the regulars on here. From their perspective I'd imagine there's no need for them to be dropping news when the game is doing just fine without it
  12. Coming to the forum looking for A21 news
  13. If you didn't care about making it questable, you could make a big airport Instead of it being a POI, use the Old West Town layout but instead of Old West POIs and a main street, it's airport POIs (hangers, tower etc) and a runway
  14. Sounds like we're still quite a ways out from experimental. Though a shorter gap between the dev streams and the experimental dropping seems good to me
  15. I wonder what will come first, 7 Days to Die 2 or Bandits 😋
  16. The zombies hitting at weird points of the animation happens in single player too, I guess it'd be made worse by MP though
  17. Is T1 to T3 the biggest jump any POI has had? Or has a T1 ended up being a T4 or 5 at some point (not necessarily in A21)? Also has someone updated black red mesa to have a Valve somewhere? 😏
  18. Like there's not going to be time for another couple of dozen pointless arguments about A21 before we even get a dev stream...
  19. Assuming they follow the previous couple of alphas in terms of Dev streams and streamer weekend, we're probably still at least two months away from experimental dropping
  20. @Roland is like that old retired cop who just can't help but get back into action for one last case
  21. But what if new info drops and I'm NOT here?
  22. Any new RWG stamps been added in A21? The rivers in particular in A20 repeated way too much
  23. What are you blending? Smoothies? 😏
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