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Everything posted by Doomofman

  1. Assuming they follow the previous couple of alphas in terms of Dev streams and streamer weekend, we're probably still at least two months away from experimental dropping
  2. @Roland is like that old retired cop who just can't help but get back into action for one last case
  3. But what if new info drops and I'm NOT here?
  4. Any new RWG stamps been added in A21? The rivers in particular in A20 repeated way too much
  5. What are you blending? Smoothies? 😏
  6. https://twitter.com/7DaystoDie/status/1613643297049948161?s=20 It says 'Next Alpha' but they mean A22 because reasons...
  7. Sounds like the pre-release version of "It's not a bug, it's a feature" 😝
  8. It is surprising that there's no 'finish quest' command for when things bug out
  9. You can check out any time you like But you can never leave
  10. Well I mean there's an easy way to rectify that...
  11. That's a shame. Nice to see some new stuff but I guess it'd be nice to see the stuff that's actually coming in the real 'next' alpha for the players But I'm just being ungrateful is all. As Roland said, it's not exactly clear, especially for anyone outside of the forums
  12. Well this answers that question.... My next question is... What the @%$#? https://twitter.com/7DaystoDie/status/1613643297049948161?s=20 Clarification: "the next Alpha" is referring to Alpha 22. -CC
  13. Any chance we'll see anything new of A21 in the next month? I noticed it was September the last time there was a piece of art posted on social media
  14. Please don't drop A21 the same week as Sons of the Forest... Thank you 😉
  15. Is Crater Creator going to become Riddle Creator at some point? 😏
  16. Pretty sure one of them said at one stage they were aiming for it to be out for the Steam Winter sale, that's the timeframe I'm working from
  17. I think that was based on them aiming for A21 to be out in 2022. I'm hoping maybe that A21 is now seemingly still a couple of months away that it'll allow them to get bandits in for A21 instead of A22
  18. I asked before but maybe it got lost in the usual drama of this thread. With A21 cycle seemingly going longer than expected, are bandits potentially back on the table for A21?
  19. I guess they mean for lower tier stuff? There's no iron tool parts or pipe machine gun parts etc
  20. I'll take the current level of graphic fidelity in 7 Days over the pixelated art of Minecraft or Valheim every time
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