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Everything posted by Doomofman

  1. Yup. That's the only thing I can spot (aside from the paint brush model)
  2. I don't think previous timelines apply this go around. If they're aiming for the Steam Winter Sale they must be feeling relatively confident in how it's going, especially with bandits out of the equation now. On a side note, new paint brush model in those shots Joel showed on Twitter?
  3. That is actually amazing.... Bravo... HOWEVER Did I see something about chests being locked behind loot level hidden in there? 🤔
  4. I see a lot of the previous conversations got 'cleansed'... So... Any new A21 information for us? A new riddle perhaps?
  5. I don't think the change in approach from TFP in terms of showing off the next alpha has helped in terms of people's impatience A19 and A20 had half a dozen dev streams and a few play through videos each before they released and I feel like (though maybe I'm misremembering) that we saw much more of A19 and A20 on the forums than this time around, the pretty anemic (in terms of major changes) first post is a good example of this While the cryptic clues and such were fun, I think there was an expectation set with the last two alphas on the amount of information we'd see about the next alpha that has been turned on it's head somewhat with this more closed off approach I'm not saying the A19/A20 approach was better than the current approach or vice versa, but I can't help but feel A21 has been a regression in terms of openness with the dedicated players who frequent these forums which is bound to lead to some negative feelings from some
  6. So you've come to a consensus that there's no consensus
  7. Is that changes necessitated by the Learn by Looting change or are we getting some other changes too? Like making the Strength tree not so OP perhaps
  8. Can you not? Once it's powered on, you can fire from the aiming screen, can't you?
  9. I think it's already been mentioned that one consequence of the removal of the secret stash is that you'll know longer get top tier loot too early, which both gives us a consequence and all but confirms the solution to the riddle
  10. I put a Youtube video of the Barbie in it initially, guess that's what caused it, but even after removing the video it was still hidden.
  11. The doll specifically is Barbie saying ‘Farewell’ from Toy Story so yeah, Secret Stash is going away which is disappointing. Google ‘Farewell Barbie’ and you’ll find a video of it. What's with posts on this clue getting hidden?
  12. Interesting, so the work the console team are doing might bring more optimizations to the PC version that are required for console?
  13. Well they can have the idea for free 😛
  14. I wonder if the Chunk Reset feature is a byproduct of something else, for instance, a 'Clear Chunk' quest?
  15. There was some interesting info in info but it didn't answer the big question.... When are we getting A21 experimental?
  16. I see Guns, Nerds and Steel has an interview with Rick and Joel tomorrow on A21 and beyond. I wonder if this is the kickoff of A21 build up
  17. Not at all, there's still a chance both will be in A21 from what I've read on here, seems the two are kinda interconnected
  18. Forgot the kid's name was Chunk so I guess it has to have something to do we Chunk Reloading or Refreshing (though not entirely sure how that would work or what it accomplishes). I'm guessing it'd be similar to loot refresh in that chunks you haven't visited in 15 days refresh? But that doesn't account for the arrows or specials board in the clue. Maybe it's something like, every 15 days there's a special quest available that is something like 'Clear Chunk' so clicking the quest icon resets all the POIs in the chunk?
  19. There's a special quest type available from the traders that switches between different traders every 15 days / or becomes available at a random trader after 15 days?
  20. Well they haven't even released 20.7 with the Twitch stuff yet. I assume that'll have to happen before there's any talk of the dev streams
  21. Why short on time for A21? What's the reasoning (if you can say) for not waiting to release A21 until bandits are ready?
  22. I spy with my little eye a new stone spear model and animation Is that the power attack?
  23. So you're saying there's a date for A21... 😏
  24. Question kinda related to this. Will there be a chance for any doors of a POI to be found in this state or will it just be specifically the ones that the POI makers set?
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