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Adam the Waster

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Everything posted by Adam the Waster

  1. Damn that looks so good. Wish it also changed skin tone but still looks great!!!!
  2. The only other book serie we could uses is sledgehammers. Aside from that I think we are good. I do like the idea of a farming book but like mega said . Lotl does this basically
  3. Wish I could go! I need that console version I wonder what surprises are around! Happy travels To who ever goes!
  4. I agree with the tools and guns, I've been replaying console sense it runs better then my pc. And I though I missed LBD but after playing its kinda a pain in the ass and there's bearly any perks. Vehicles aren't that bad but it kinda sucks to off road. It's a bit much
  5. They are mostly for xp unless you get the tougher zombies then it's more worrying You shouldn't have to have 16 dew collectors to get water. Like I said! Water pump! Or something
  6. Idk how i forgot magazines but it's not the worst or the best. It's OK And yes stealth is basically worthless. Unless you got a compound bow or crossbow. Blades are laughably useless I got 2 dew collectors 2 forges a campfire and a Chem bench and a mine under my house so I feel you. And cooking does @%$# me off. I don't make special stews anymore or alcohols
  7. The good (I'm on moble so I can't space it out as well) The new decorative parts of the map are great and really add life into the world. New pois are! just awesome. I love the military check point and the crush tower. The addition of getting Harder drinks like moonshine and megacrush from machines is great (more on this later) Updates on the baton and intellect is very nice. (More on this later) Bonus headshot damage on rifles is GREAT! Cuz I always just used a scope on My AR and just shot them from range. City's in random gen are wonderful and it makes navezgane look kinda strange in comparison. But the extra additions too navezgane are great! Like the tunnel or the wedding venue. The change to spears Is what I have been asking for! And spears are great. The new models are great as well. Like the campfires and forge. I thought I would hate the POI titles popping up. But it's not too noticeable and I love many of the names of houses and POIs The burnt forest being gone was a good change. Imo So many more Bad While I like the water change. There should be a way to get much more foe ether you're or for crafting. Like a water pump and the water purifier mod makes water laughably easy. Drinks in some vending machines like awesome sauce stacked with sugar butts are kinda wacked I miss crafting it cuz there is no purpose to make it. My suggestion is to make it more pricey like 3500 dukes I love all the new decorative blocks but so many we can't craft. Why? I like the "appliances" building block but some more should be added. Like paper posters, plastic decorations, store decorations, Scrap/junk decorations/defense, flags, flag polls, special gates ext. And don't say mods you shouldn't have to do that. The new barbed wire is so sexy. Why can't we make it and uses it Intelligent is still lacking a tier 3 melee weapon. I know we are suppose to be getting a "plasma baton" but it still so lacking in game Breaching shells have been nerftes badly. They uses to breach through a gun vault in 1 to 2 shots. Now it's only useful for doors. Ether change them or turn them into something new like incendiary shells Vehicle hp nerft is a bit much. I don't mind taking better of my 4x4 but dear God I can't hit 7 zombies without it breaking. Hostile wildlife in the forest biome is really lacking. It's way to easy. I get its the easy zone but damn add some challenge. Like only have coyotes, wolfs, and bears And add more boar and make them hostile if you get too close. Aiming on some guns feel. Off we all know how strange the AK aiming is. But weapons like the hunting rifle are really strange to aim with iron sights. I would raise it a bit so you can match with the sights better to match with the sniper and pipe rifle. Mutated zombies still in a strange place. The radiation damage is nice but they don't spawn on blood moons. Why! Mutated, burnt/burning and zombie bears should spawn during blood moons They should be able to heal near by zombies and melee damage deals rad damage. Aside from that and other small stuff I love alpha 21! And I look forward to alpha 22 and stop using my makeshift pc and uses my console to play! Much love TFP
  8. I wanted to not only share my thoughts on alpha 21. But I also want to here other people's thoughts. Both good and bad. But my overall Is I think this is one of the best alphas so far.
  9. What they should do for HP rounds Is make them incinerdary rounds Bonus damage, fire damage, breaks limbs easier Just a thought
  10. Not really imo The bonus damage isn't worth the cost. And the damage isn't even that much
  11. I like these but many of these mods can be added if we used existing mods like cargo mods, armor, lights, etc Overall I like it
  12. Any plans for a Casino? (Not dukes casino/compound)
  13. I mean the fat guy had a complete clothing change. I'm sure you can make a overall with stuff on the cop And like I said. New special zombies
  14. Granted the zombie XML should be able able to be changed in game without going into files but oh well Really the game is fine in terms of normal zombies, with the new skin/color system coming. I think it will make them much more Interesting. Hopefully we will get stuff like solders looking like swat teams, normal zombies with cool types of skins like a cop, solder, etc, bikers and lumberjack being blue collar workers, cops being solders, etc What the game really needs a few new special zombies and more uses of the ones we have. Like burnt, burning and mutated zombies being more common
  15. im excited about the armor, I want to see a Hunter set, or the early game armors, i want to see what was changed and what stayed and no worries lol
  16. From the looks All clothing prices are armors are going to be gone and be replaced with outfits/armor. A 4 peice set. They gives buffs and a bonus if you wear the fullset. And it seems all outfits and armors will have protection and a uses. Some for mining, scavenging, stealth, cargo, Desert, heavy protection, radation, ect WE still don't know much outside of what we have Been told. And so far aside from what I said. Not much
  17. Good point but I mean In terms of strength and size Brown bears are UNITS I Miss bears in the forest 😕
  18. Tbh there's only so much wildlife in Arizona. The only thing really that could be added is like turkeys, bighorn sheep, black bears. But more of the wildlife spawning in other biomes would be better *note, I know there's much more but I'm talking about stuff that would have a role for ambience like a raccoon or something Like cougars in bars... I mean In forest and deserts, hostile wildlife in the forest like coyotes being in forest more common but zombies also eat them and other wildlife. Or more zombie animals. Like deer, boars, maybe a zombie cougar bar? Really TFP just need to focus on bandits and special zombies. The only thing with animals is updated models but that's it really cuz some look.... goofy
  19. Bruh you don't know about the armor overhaul coming?
  20. Alpha 20 was like 4 I believe. And they posting about alpha 22 alot more then they did with alpha 21
  21. "The ability to create your own apocalypse" Updated! settings that allow you to change more for your game to play as you want and some changes to others. Stuff that Would Go Good For Gold and Consoles. a more accessible way to change things in-game Without either mod or Changing XML Files. Difficulty Standard Options: Modded/Advanced settings WORLD SETTINGS MUST BE USED IN WORLD EDITOR, NOT FOR NAVEZGANE
  22. tbh i was kinda sad when i say they got speed buffs were they could run at night, i thought they were going to be like a Fast cod zombie crawlers but instead, it was just a small speed boost
  23. I mean the only thing I'm upset with the artstyle with is just down grades of things We went from a nice sexy bowie knife to a cheap hunting knife you could buy at your local ace. We went from the feral wight being a scary looking goblin mode zombie, To a naked looking dude going goblin mode Aside from that I don't mind it
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