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  1. I love you, you discovered how deco can appear! hahaha, was it really a heat? hahaha obviously more than that replacing @ hahahaha I love you!
  2. Hello, well in conclusion who is responsible for the 3D modeling of the players, will it be possible to see more than 100 meters now?
  3. Hello community, I am creating a buff that executes the "callgameevent" "event" parameter. The buff generates a supply box similar to "sc_General". It works but I don't know why some players can't pick up the supply box. <action_sequence name="Accion_Premio"> <property name="allow_user_trigger" value="false"/> <property name="category" value="twitch_actions"/> <action class="SpawnContainer"> <property name="entity_names" value="Caja_Premio_Spawn" param1="cratename"/> <property name="spawn_count" value="1" param1="spawncount"/> <property name="air_spawn" value="true" param1="airspawn"/> <property name="safe_spawn" value="true"/> <property name="min_distance" value="4"/> <property name="max_distance" value="20"/> <property name="yoffset" value="150"/> </action> </action_sequence> That's how I have it, I want anyone to be able to pick up the box but it happens that only some can. I'm missing something in those parameters, I've been dealing with this for days.
  4. They have a high resolution in sound, Sound Overload, weapons, this causes game crashes. Nose, in its new 2022 engine it is solved... there is more...
  5. A few criticisms that were surely received haha, no offense. Are they so limited? In basic models they are even aberrant compared to other games, just as the 3D lods are a disaster in everything that is overloaded. They cover windows in buildings so that they cannot be seen in the background! oh really? alpha22? Are they still like this? There was a mod like that. That's fine, but another thing is that old alpha trees consume a lot of video. Modders do magic on models with their game. These are the only trees. "treeFirLrg01, treeMountainPine31m." and I believe some more, the map of them can be overloaded and it does not take away as many fps as the others...! now I see my gyro... in alpha 22. hahahahaha remove.xml
  6. I hope they change that horrible gyrocopter and make a passenger one, for example a Bell 206, or another model but not the gyrocopter. I remember that in alpha 20 I made a helicopter and several vehicles for my server but I was never able to publish it since in 21 they destroyed my mod like some modders. I only have an image of the alpha 18 🥲
  7. Hello, I'm trying it. I don't see anything strange. What is annoying is the freezing that players generate when opening containers, backpacks, etc. If you make a patch that solves that, it would be great haha. 🥲
  8. I see great work on the models it was time 😁 . I would only be happy if the distance at which the characters are seen is lengthened to be able to use an 8x scope in pvp: 100 meters is not enough. 🫠
  9. And for those who use custom traders? It should be like before 😅 it was already reported.
  10. There is a problem with trader protections. I was creating a custom trader and realized that the game is not sending the proper information to the client. So players can build and destroy trader to their heart's content unless they have custom "trader" prefabs in the MODS folder. It can also happen ej: If you delete trader_rekt from the game folder and enter any server you can destroy that same trader or place claim, blocks etc. I do not put the logs because this can be done on all servers (vanilla or not) or private mp game.
  11. There is a problem with trader protections. I was creating a custom trader and realized that the game is not sending the proper information to the client. So players can build and destroy trader to their heart's content unless they have custom "trader" prefabs in the MODS folder. It can also happen eg: If you delete trader_rekt from the game folder and enter any server you can destroy that same trader or place claim, blocks etc. No logs etc are needed, this is more than enough.
  12. ooh what evil I hope the fun pimp will see about this problem. Thanks for answering.
  13. Hello community of 7 days. I'm trying to add buff to the vehicles but I don't know why EntityTagCompare doesn't work. When I write !EntityTagCompare it works but on all entities haha. I am putting the exact name of the vehicle but it cannot detect it. in alpha 20 it works! I don't know what happens with entitytagcompare that it can't call the vehicle to insert the buff. <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="selfAOE" range="100" buff="buff4x4Health"> <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" target="other" tags="4x4Healt"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" target="other" buff="buff4x4Healt"/> </triggered_effect>
  14. It hurts me a lot that they have removed model ZombieUMA. A shame. Try putting NPCUMA. But they walk like robots haha!.
  15. They say that in alpha 21 they solve this problem? In which part did they say it? I can not find it 🥲
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