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Everything posted by Deadfordays

  1. The stream I watched had a small amount of "mining", mostly just for quick rock and clay. The sounds seemed to be the same for both. I did notice the shovel has a different animation as well as the wrench, but from what I could tell, the tools made the same sounds against clay, rock and iron ore. Not sure on power tools?
  2. It's a food truck, like a mobile restaurant...
  3. I know you can purchase a game as a gift (Steam) and have it deliver the game as a gift at a later date/time. I have done this with Family members for Christmas. I am not sure what the maximum time to hold it is though...?
  4. I think you can slow enemies with the bows too if you read Rangers guide vol. 3... (Crippling shot)...? Edit: You were all talking about melee only, my mistake...
  5. As far as water goes, honestly, unless you are not using vendors or playing in a single biome without rivers or lakes, try and locate a water purifier mod for your helmet. I play almost exclusively in coop with 2-4 other players that are family and I would safely say within the first 7 days we find a water purifier mod, or the instructions for one. We then share the helmet to drink from a water source and then as we progress and find more filters, dehydration is irrelevant. We still make dew collectors, but they are pretty much just for cooking or ingredients for recipes. I don't mind the lack of jars anymore, it does make it a challenge at first, but it becomes less of an issue fairly soon.
  6. We made this our crafting base in a co-op playthrough. Really cool POI and fairly easy to protect since the Zombies tend to come in through the drainage pipe. Installed a dart trap and easy peasy. It has what, three pools for water, a large yard for farming and it's all surrounded by a 7ft concrete wall.
  7. Yup... "Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values." It's becoming more and more prevalent these days too...
  8. Noticed the same thing.. Saw the Helipad and then the radio station... He walked to it but not near enough to "tag" it then walked away. But the "teleport" mention came up and quickly changed topic... 🤔
  9. That ruined 4 story apartment building is quite fun to play as a horde base for awhile. We played it MP with four of us up to Day 28 and it can take a lot of damage. Although this last H/N we had demolishers and they started to take their toll on the structure. Good example of how zombies will attack anything due to no specific way to get to us. (We didn't run a maze to us). We had a sizable crater in the middle of it all due to all the detonations, so sadly we will have to build from scratch at this point! Enjoy!
  10. 1. Co-op, Co-op, Co-op. I enjoy playing S/P, but rolling new characters with my Friends and Family is by far my favorite item. (This was one of the original ways I discovered this game was searching for co-op games.) 2. Fully destructible world. Being able to build and destroy literally everything was a huge plus for me. 3. Map randomization. Having that unknown factor as to where you get to explore, trade, build was also a huge deal for me. (Lots of similarities to Minecraft, which was also a fan favorite of our group.) 4. I am going to copy @Laz Man choice too. The slowly building urgency that you have to be planning for the inevitable Horde in a few days. Just makes it that much more enjoyable.
  11. Oh yeah, totally agree on all accounts! It's that "realist" in you that takes over and says, "c'mon, what the hell!", out loud while watching it. Still love the series tho!
  12. I was guessing that was probably the case since the rest of us were standing up. The way we have the base set up, a couple of us crouch and a couple more stand behind to shoot over the top of us. I will definitely have to test it out more and experiment with it the next time we play... As far as destruction mode goes, we are usually all up shooting down to keep the "destructo" mobs off the supports, so crouching is secondary at that point! (Might have to crouch and make note, for science...)
  13. Heh, I always thought that was one insane things about TWD, why is everyone in short sleeve shirts and jeans...? Why would you not make some sort of light armor at least to prevent errant bites...? Just some duct tape and thick cloth would do the trick most of the time!
  14. It's interesting you mention this... There are times in co-op play where I am crouched in a small group of five of us (Elevated drop horde base) while using a silenced weapon during H/N and will get sneak kills. Always thought it was interesting and funny, but glad I was seeing it happen! This is without specking heavily into sneak skill.
  15. So this could be an uninformed question on my part, however, I'll ask anyways... I see a lot of requests for changing loot tables in things like cabinets and trash, etc. to make the game more of a challenge. I was pretty sure, but not 100%, that changing the difficulty only effects things like zombie speeds and how many actually spawn? This doesn't effect loot tables or vending machine amounts, traders, etc...? If so, is there maybe a way, in order to appease some of the veteran players, to say change these values based on difficulty? So say, you choose "Survivalist", this would then set loot tables much lower including higher level loot becoming very rare. Also effecting trader stock levels or even restock days going half as often. Trash piles, cupboards, boxes, etc. would all have much lower amounts of loot, prices in machines increase, something to that affect? (Just throwing out my lack of knowledge..!)
  16. Plus too, I was thinking about wandering Bandits as well. Good point on the size of the POI..!
  17. I have a quick question regarding the Bandits, (I'm not sure I saw the same question asked?). We typically play on a dedicated server with 4-5 players, so most of the way we are used to playing is multiplayer with specific roles for each of us. Since there are more of us, it makes Horde nights very fun since the Zombie numbers are based on player count. Would this be the same way with the bandits? As in solo playing = 4 Bandit spawns, 4 players = 16? Or something to that effect? Thanks for any input and keep up the great work!
  18. Yup same here, just ordered a minute ago and says same date...
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