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Everything posted by MechanicalLens

  1. I reverted back to 19.2 and everything is back to normal. But I was finding 4x4 trucks, vehicle parts, books, ammo, food, etc. in all kinds of loot containers, tinted green, all called "ball". XD Now that everything is back to normal I've dumped them all. A green AK called "ball" that I found turned into a stack of wood, for example. But everything else is good. What a weird bug though. LOL
  2. Nevermind the posts above, this is a bug I'm experiencing when I upgraded my 19.2 world to 19.3 stable. Also, every animal I'm harvesting is giving me green robotic turret ammo. So I'll be going back to my previous 19.2 save.
  3. Is there a reason why there are plenty of green versions of items in my crafting menu? Something to do with the 19.3 update? I don't understand this... Like, at all, really.
  4. Bandits in a fight, I'd like to see that, especially if they were the nerdy types. What are they gonna do, throw their A levels at us?
  5. Even now I'm blown away by the lighting from this alpha.
  6. This year I treated myself well. Yet I still managed to spend more money on my cat than myself. Lmao
  7. Could all painting be made equal? As of now many paint options consume a few if not several buckets of paint, while others only take one bucket. It's not the inconsistency itself that bothers me, it's just the simple experience of going from one paint texture to another and suddenly this new texture eats up 3x (or more) as much paint as the previous selection.
  8. Well then, hopefully the differing gamestages within certain biomes isn't so great that it cuts down on this stage of the game, or any stage for that matter. The game has been unbalanced for too long and we are finally entering a balanced, linear, orderly state. I trust that TFP won't butcher that experience.
  9. Will the primitive age be changing at all in terms of duration?
  10. That already exists to some extent. It takes 10 quests to finish one tier. After graduating from one tier to another, all traders will offer a "special job" to locate the nearest trader (relative to them). Edit: Any trader, not all, but that too
  11. Any chance that when wolves/coyotes retreat from the player after x amount of hits (random chance, of course), that when they returned to finish the kill they do just that? It's irritating hitting the same animal with over a dozen arrows and after each shot it runs off into the distance again.
  12. You mean the fire department that is located in the burnt biome. If they can't take care of their local community, they have no business trying to help others out.
  13. Who says I keep my workbenches and my forges in the same base? I store my forges on the tops of trees and I keep my workbenches in the heart of Dishong Tower. You're such a silly.
  14. @madmole Xeen had a pretty interesting solution for the "scrapping issue"; why not add a mod that can be installed into the workbench that reduces scrapping time, similar to how the Anvil/Advanced bellows works in the forge. (Not in function, but in idea/purpose.) I think it would be great anyway to have a diverse selection of mods for the other workstations.
  15. Edit: Just remembered. The table saw became a decorative item in A19. In A18 it was still in use, but it had few recipes attached to it, so nothing to justify its existence really. Being without a crucible and expecting a day 28 horde of 24 max alive zombies to stay behind a fully upgraded iron door on Warrior difficulty is also pretty nutty. 😨 I had to repair it almost constantly. And those darn buzzards gave me every debuff under the sun.
  16. Hence why it's a decorative item only now. No one used the thing.
  17. The table saw has been a decorative item for two alphas now. (Or has it just been Alpha 19? Can't remember.) I honestly wish that as an alternative to hordes you could enable a system that would occasionally send very, very large wandering hordes to the player, forcing them to constantly check their base and determine if it can stand another attack. Probably best suited for a mod though.
  18. Speaking of items that really shouldn't be in loot: feathers. Specifically within garbages, trash bins, trash cans, dumpsters, cars... Following the first few in-game days I just toss them out of said loot containers and don't think twice about it. I'm sure removing feathers from the loot tables of the containers I mentioned above (among others I may have missed, excluding nests) wouldn't negatively impact the player experience. Like tree seeds of old, there's no reason for feathers to spawn outside of nests.
  19. Still not as rewarding as lootable zombies of old, but I won't be going down that rabbit hole today.
  20. If you're talking about removing them from the game period, I wouldn't be opposed to this. Now that they are less common than they used to be and scrap brass can be found in loot in reasonable quantities (*cough* unlike lead *cough*), the trophies, candlesticks, and knobs could almost be described like sharp sticks. Whatever you decide, In Pimps We Trust.
  21. I'm sorry, but I could never support insta scrap. It hasn't happened to me in a while, but instantly scrapping a precious item like a gun, a stack of old cash, a stack of bottled water, etc. sucks, and having those few seconds to react can save them from being turned into a less than preferred form. Just my take though.
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