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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. 9 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

    Hey guys, as this is the only real active place here... anybody able to tell me where I can craft the things I have marked with red arrows?! Or can't they be crafted maybe? Thanks.

    Screenshot 2021-02-08 231106.jpg

    Screenshot 2021-02-08 224658.jpg

    Screenshot 2021-02-08 224732.jpg


    Those are window trims in the first image, unsure of the blocks in the middle picture, and the bottom picture has crown moldings I believe. None of these can be crafted.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Also @MechanicalLens I am perfectly happy to field questions and answer feedback regarding this change and don't need anyone going after the critics.


    You'll regret that decision. I have the capability to turn these forums into a well oiled machine free of all criticism against TFP. You don't want my assistance? That'll be your own doing.

  3. Just now, Khalagar said:


    I didn't leave it at that, because that isn't my over all intention.


    I see why Roland thought it should be done, but I don't agree that it's best


    Nevertheless, what's done is done and it was done for a reason like you said. Let's leave this discussion here.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Nef said:

    So how many times has it been asked "when is it coming?" so far? 🤣But no seriously I was going to start my server back up but saw "alpha 20" in Twitter, should I wait, or is it like a year out yet? 🤡


    Not going to happen this summer, that much I can speculate with a 95% chance of it being correct. In other words, several months.

  5. 2 hours ago, Gamida said:

    I am hoping in future they add some underwater poi's else the perk that allows you to hold breath longer doesn't seem to be logical.


    Maybe a feature should be added where the player would eventually drown if they look upwards for long enough during a rain storm. ;)

  6. 13 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    Yeah, this also happens frequently to me during a normal game (A19 latest).


    IMO it makes sense though, since acquiring a schematic early on isn't OP or unbalanced at all: your crafting level still depends on how much you invested in that weapon's attribute and specifically in that weapon's perk. On top of that some BPs (blueprints) need forged steel or something you can't access yet.


    Even better, I see it as an opportunity for a player to choose between "Do I keep investing in what I wanted at first (e.g.: I wanted to be a stealth archer), or do I start investing points into that BP's tree so that in a few levels I'll be able to craft a very solid weapon?".


    Leave it as it is! :nod:


    Not saying it should be tweaked. :) I honestly thought that it was 100% linear in terms of progression.


    Steel wouldn't be the problem though; just find a wrench and take apart street lights. Gun parts would be the issue. ;)

  7. @Blake_ So I was flying around in a creative test world exploring POI's for my next base whenever I decide to restart, and my curiosity got the better of me; I decided to loot a reinforced chest and analyze its contents. This is day 1, gamestage 1. It seems that the schematics are not so linearly locked as we had previously thought?



  8. 9 hours ago, wolfbain5 said:

    ok, what the hell are you guys making bras out of, yes bras... I am using a stone spear. see grandma coming at me, knock her down and as a follow up. I throw a spear at her, hit her in the boob... and it went "TINK!" wtf? armor plated boobs now?


    edit: sorry mechanical, so, for those who don't know or never experienced boobs. "tink" is not a normal sound they make


    It just came out of the blue is all. *Shrug*

  9. 11 minutes ago, G2manT said:

    I've got over 10500 hrs in this game and I always play with 240 minute days. Used to be able to set that in a SP game but it disappeared somewhere around A12-A13. I tried playing with 120 minute days but I can't really get into it. When they took that setting away I started renting a server and have rented one ever since. I'd love for that setting to come back. I don't really care if it's balanced or not because I usually change the settings on my server anyway. 


    Balance wouldn't really be a question, at least in regards to horde nights. The player could easily change the hordes to occur once every 30 days, or they could roll back the time. But yes, a less artificial option would be nice. (As would the option to change the difficulty depending on if it's nighttime or daytime.)

  10. In alpha 20 will there be 1 biome of each per RWG seed by default? Will there be options to customize this further? (1 biome worlds perhaps, or 80% desert and 20% other.) Is the plan to have randomly generated worlds using a set of algorithms and generation rules or will there simply be a selection of a handful of templates the game could choose from?

  11. 10 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    4 is default if you chose 90 minute days.  It is higher if you choose shorter days or lower if you chose longer days.  I hate to admit this but I have gone in DM mode in my early nights of playthroughs just so I don't have to sit there doing nothing the entire night.  So a 4 becomes an 8 (or however close I can get it with the slider) so I don't get bored watching my character hide in the shadows on the roof of a building.  Eventually once I get to mid-game, I got a whole list of chores to do at night that I can't get done, even with the setting still at 4.  I don't mind that as I am actually doing work (sorting, organizing, crafting, etc) rather than hiding in a corner.


    For the first new nights I just crouch in darkness and tab out of the game to watch a video or listen to some music or whatever. No point in watching paint dry.

  12. 1 minute ago, Blake_ said:

    I prefer using DM and hitting Q. Far more efficient. CM for sundays and giveselfxp for when my back itches.


    You like Q, I prefer Flight + No Collision. 😜

    You do have a fair point though and one that I agree with. I only play on 90 minute days because it gives me time to enjoy the experience and take things a little slower**. Just saying, anyone who plays on 120 minute days and above are basically cheating. You're playing 14 Days To Die, especially if you're using every moment of your time efficiently as you can.


    **Baking a baked potato, cooking up some cornbread, brewing up a coffee and watching the sunrise is time I would dare not waste on a 60 minute day cycle. 90 minute days however? Sure, sure.

  13. 3 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    @faatal the day lenght is cool and all, yet we are missing fractions on the top of the spectrum. Meaning for less than default we get 10min, 20min, 30, 40 AND 50 minute days, yet above default we just get 90 and 120 mins. 


    So we can't get a huge day and a huge night with that option alone and have to tweak the other two options (daylight lenght and horde frequency), BUT horde frequency doesn't make the day longer and daylight lenght can only make it smaller and the night has a lenght limit too. Also horde frequency forces you to change the 7 day frequency if you try to compensate the plain day lenght option and in the end you just get more days and not the desired 2 hour night (exaggerated example, but I think the point is mostly clear).


    Any chance we get 180, 240 and 480 min day options ?


     I gather 240mins will be quite popular for "leasure" plays, and by leasure I mean more day time at the cost of brutal nights and infinite hordes.




    Not sure what the day length is, but if you go into DM mode and press Esc, you'll see a day speed slider on the right hand side. The default is 4 I believe; switch it to 1 and enjoy the long days and nights. :)

  14. So after 3 playthroughs I've been getting a little bit used to the regular old 7D2D formula I do believe. To shake things up, I've made a few adjustments for my next playthrough. ;) I'll be calling it "Nyctophobia". Settings include 90 minute days, Warrior difficulty, Nightmare speed at night / Walk during the day, no air drops, no loot respawn, default everything else. Standard stipulations include a ban on curing infection with honey and very minimal interaction with traders. As for the "nyctophobia part"? 12 hour day cycle and 12 hour night cycle. I'll also be upping zombie dog spawn rates as well as replacing some forest night spawns with feral cops, feral wights, and feral soldiers. I'll also ban myself from raising the gamma above 10. Should be interesting. ;)

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