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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. 1 hour ago, Gamida said:

    Could you expand on the expanded seat. For instance does that mean we can finally take a passenger on the motorcycle and pop a couple more people in back of the 4x4? Will it also affect the minibike? Bicycle I can see staying as single seater...


    Would be great if we could have a max of 8 people fit on a single bicycle... 😜


  2. 30 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

    it's kind of sad when you have to back up and do it 20 times to actually kill them lol


    What are you talking about? That's the best part. ;) Seeing Arlene at the end of the road, turning your vehicle to face her and going full steam ahead to run her over, then rolling back and forth a good two dozen times to make sure she's dead. 😜

  3. Just how long will it be until the zombies learn how to pick up and use guns? 😜 They're basically architects at this point. Hopefully the zombie intelligence slider will allow us to go all the way down to nearly perfectly replicated A16 AI; it would allow for more replayability.

  4. 5 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Roland, can I ban Blake now? Please, Roland, He said to ban him. Its only fair to ban him now. Please Roland, please. If not, can I ban someone else. I want to ban someone today. It's my turn.








    You're basically screaming my name. What did I do now?

  5. If one were to wire up lights to a generator bank and then activate the power source, the player placed lights would then proceed to emit light, as expected. I haven't played around with lights yet in Alpha 19 but the last I checked there was an option to individually deactivate lights by pressing "E" on each individual bulb. However, even disabled they would still be drawing in watts as if they were powered. Will this be addressed in Alpha 20 or is this a code limitation?

  6. 2 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    Since the introduction of the new loot progress "stone tools bad quality to good quality, then iron tools bad to good, then steel...-") I have experienced that I always keep my fully modded stone axe (you rather quickly get a purple one, so 4 modslots) until i get an at least mid quality steel axe, and totally skip iron ones.

    The iron pickaxe does just a little more damage, but drains a lot more stamina, and at first you get bad ones with less mod slots (intended, i know)

    So after all it seems even slower...at least there is no "yeah finally" moment when you find them, but "meh...instant scrap".


    And it's not only axes. Almost every weapon/tool you find of the higher tier is of bad quality, and due to the lesser modding slots its useless compared to the ones I have.

    Tools is more the problem because of stamina drain, as already said, but same i feel for weapons.


    I know the new system has advantages, but I really miss the former moments of for example: "YES finally the first pickaxe"


    Now you know when you will start to find them, and that they will be definitely garbage at first.


    Does anybody else feel the same?

    Is that on the "still tweaked" list?


    Could be adjusted by:

    -making mods more efficient in higher tier stuff. For example an "iron breaker" mod in a stone axe gives 15% more damage to iron, while in a steel axe it gives 50% more.

    -lower/adjust stamina drain for higher tier tools, so that its significantly faster to use them overall, even when you have to take some pauses to regain stamina.

    -stamina drain not only connected to perks like "TRex" but to strength/endurance in general (well that is more or less already the case (1 Point more per character level)


    My advice for iron tools is to get Sex Rex to 3/5, install Ergonomic grips onto them, and drink coffee or blackstrap coffee.


    The iron shovel though is mostly worthless. A level 6 stone shovel is about as fast as an equivalently tiered iron shovel, uses significantly less stamina, and only takes stones to repair.

  7. 4 hours ago, Blake_ said:


    No worries. The jeep can do that as long as there's nobody inside. When you enter again the code forces it to stay in the correct position. So you can do crazy things with the vehicles if you exit them in the precise moment. Lots of fun actually but only if you do that to others lol.


    How it happened with me is I drove over the zombie, exited the vehicle, and stood back and watch. So it's not as difficult to replicate as it first sounds.

  8. 1 minute ago, Shineblossom said:

    We don't have online more than half most of the time, but still, you log off, come next day and half of city you haven't even know was there is already looted.


    In that case, hopefully in A20 one of the RWG features will be the ability to select the number of towns per world, and have it higher than default currently.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Shineblossom said:

    I wish we would be able to generate bigger maps if our PCs can handle it. But if the RWG limit is 10k for now, we will have to do with it.


    At the very least, we don't need 12k+ map sizes. One could easily live off of a large city until endgame, or close to. But yes, larger sizes would be nice.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    That's surprising because I remember faatal, a long time ago, saying this would not happen when he first started working on the new vehicle code.

    He said there's something in the code that will always revert back your vehicle in the resting position...


    Too bad I didn't record it.

  11. 14 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    How is the improved shape menu coming along ? Sounds like the most annoying, OCD and time consuming task on the face of the Earth. Gazz is on it for sure lol.


    We both know that Gazz is going to leave one shape out of the rebar menu... on purpose, I might add. ;)

    Am I right @Gazz? ;)

  12. 8 minutes ago, khzmusik said:



    We also have to consider the possibility that the burnt biome might not even exist as a sub-biome at all in the wasteland, but merely an alternate patch of terrain here and there, nothing special or unique about it compared to its "parent biome"; in other words, it'll all be referred to as "wasteland".

  13. 22 minutes ago, Survager said:


    @madmole Hello.
    I have been pondering on this post for a while and would like to ask a question.

    As I understand it, the armor that we have now will leave the game and new clothes-armor / armor-clothes will come in its place.

    Now at Alpha 19, players can adjust the level of protection against damage with armor, and the level of protection against weather conditions with clothing.

    If in 20 Alpha clothes are also armor, how can players regulate the level of protection, for example, from cold or heat?
    Will this be done with modifications? Or are you going to add summer and winter options for armor-clothing



    Looks like this has been pushed to A21. Read the first page.

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