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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. Regarding the new ambient noises added in the newest A19 update, there should be some exclusive ones for Rekt. When you approach the guy you would hear eldritch whispers in your ear saying, "Kill him..." or "Blast his head off..." or "End him... He deserves it...", and then a little minigame could play where you have to resist shooting him with your gun... ;)

  2. Just now, meganoth said:


    Madmole himself said that for example concrete will likely be as strong as the old r concrete was. This surely includes all the hitpoints that would be lost because the breakdown system was removed. My goodness, you really must think the devs are idiots who can't even keep the balance in such a trivial case. 



    Previously cobblestone (say 500 HP) downgraded to wood (150 HP) downgraded to nothing

    Now cobblestone (650 HP) downgrades to nothing.

    Nerf? None.





    Nevermind then.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I think periodic self-checks are good for how we behave on the forums. I know I’ve had to make corrections over the years. My only objection to this whole conversation was that it started on the A20 dev diary. That shouldn’t have happened. 

    As for new members, I think the onus is on them for how they choose to post the first couple of times if they want to be accepted into the community. It doesn’t have to be a gushing expression of love toward the game and can even be a critical post. The key is to not be insulting, raging, profane, and accusatory as your first impression. That’s not how you make friends in any sphere. It is almost always the case that a newcomer needs to figure out the community dynamics and adjust to that culture if they wish to become a member rather than expect the community to change to suit them. That’s just common sense— not toxicity. 


    So in short, basic tribalism. :) 

  4. 2 hours ago, v3tro said:

    It`s interesting how some of you jumped on a guy pointing out that this community is "toxic", assuming he is emotional etc.  proving his statement to be correct. You don`t need to use foul language to be toxic. Also implying that someone doesn`t understand sarcasm, humor, irony whatever is irrelevant when that is not what he actually meant( as I understood it) and again further proves his point.

    As a hard-core 7dtd fan and years of lurking I have "learned" most of posters personalities(and snowdogs small wiener *wink*) and can honestly say that this is the best community I have seen, probably because average forum members age could be 35+ish?
    So mature adult gamers here, but sometimes it`s saddening to see bunch of you guys being "toxic", could easily call it "unpleasant" or "unnecessary rude" to new members. 
    Lately it has become more obvious as forum is becoming less active and some of you guys are becoming more negative, whether it`s due to worlds current situation or lack of A20 news doesn`t change the outcome.

    Then again, this forum has never been very "new member-friendly" unless it`s Adam who spammed every post and became forum child. 😀 

    Members of this forum is like a family, very tight one.

    How many active members are here? probably less than 50, and everyone knows everyone as majority of you guys are here posting and busting each others balls for years already, so when there is a newcomer and god forbid he doesn`t share the families opinion.. well good luck to that poor soul.


    You make arguments and say that some people can`t handle "bluntness", "criticism" etc., but when it`s the other way around you can`t do it either and become emotional.. go figure.

    There are many of you(if not all) who actually provide legit and valid criticism with good points, but no one is perfect and sometimes your criticism is just "I don`t like this, because... ummmm... I don`t like it". (Could date this back years for every change - molds, gore blocks, digging zombies, pathing, food, leveling, lbd, farming, now upgrades)


     I guess I wrote this in hope that some of you could actually take one step back and look at the bigger picture or someone`s thought, especially if one says that we should be more friendly towards devs/members and be less "toxic", but answer to that is "Are you a mod? If not, mind your own business" like wtf, lol.



    I blame rum for this post, so on a more positive and topic related note, do you guys think we will see something new and interesting in todays dev stream or will it be just them playing and showing new twitch integration?


    1. I will have a think on all of this.


    2. What do you mean today? There's a dev stream happening today? :confused2:


    Edit: Ahhhh, I see it now. Great. Right when my sleep schedule has made me nocturnal again.

  5. 4 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    One word: repair .... NO, two words: repair drone !!!!


    How about a late game mod to the drone so it automatically repairs any damaged block in your vicinity with the speed of a nail gun if you have the mats. While you can repair destroyed blocks or help the drone. IMHO not overpowered, you still need to visit every corner of your base and repair substantial damage made by demos etc.




    Nah thanks. I'd rather have control over repairing my base and not having the drone waste forged steel on repairing blocks that are missing 5 or 10 HP from a few grenades I had tossed down during the last horde.

    Edit: Backtracking. As a feature, sure, but I probably won't use it regardless. 😛

  6. 1 minute ago, Blake_ said:

    So that's what all the testing branch updates were all about. As much as I understand the commercial value of a20 being optimized and having a big impact, optimizations on that scale released sooner rather than later will always have a positive impact on the game as a whole in every marketing aspect, both for new players and "old" ones. 


    That is, as long as you think it's easy to port and doesn't introduce too much "paperwork" then go ahead. I won't mind the map restart if the game behaves 15% smoother in every instance. Last patch 2-3 years before a20 exp is indeed a sweet spot and keeps the crowd interested.


    There, I fixed it for you. :)

  7. 22 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Finally, the poop reaction emoji carries no negative forum penalties. There is no negative reputation associated with it. 


    Is there a reason for there being a poop emoji in addition to a thumbs down emoji? As far as I'm concerned they carry the same message. 🤷‍♂️

  8. 11 minutes ago, beHypE said:

    That being said I don't look forward to starting a 2nd Valheim playthrough, because while the game is fun it definitely doesn't have much replayability value for now; one of the biggest asset 7DTD has over Valheim (or should I say, had, before loot linearity killed this aspect) is loot rarity and randomness.


    Ahh, so you mean lack of complete loot balance? 7D2D has needed this for years in my opinion. Seriously, just go back to A18 for a couple in-game days and bare witness to the explosion of overpowered loot starting day 1 onwards. It felt disgusting in many ways getting a T5 AK, a T3 junk turret, a T3 steel pickaxe, etc. within my first loot run. What we have no completely removes the possibility of this scenario occurring at any point in the game. But with that being said, hopefully gamestaged biomes in A20 satisfies your tastes. :)

    *now, not "no"

  9. 10 minutes ago, dahkdm said:

    "Setting a better example" isn't the only thing that can or should better affect a community. Even if there are 100 cool people, you have to deal with the 1000 uncool people. And uncool people drive cool people (like myself) away, leading to a greater disproportion of uncool people. You have to either get rid of the uncool people, or get the uncool people to act cool, making them into cool people. Moderators aren't the only people with this ability to shape communities.


    1. Are you a moderator? No? Then that's not your responsibility. If the mods sense a problem with toxicity, then they will take it upon themselves to put those individuals back in place. I certainly was. Unless you're a mod, and I know I'm one to talk, just stop trying to meddle in matters that do not concern you.


    2. So you're better than us? That's the vibe I'm getting from you, and I'm sure others are as well.


    Edit reason: made myself seem less blunt... hopefully.

  10. 3 minutes ago, dahkdm said:

    Do you think that I don't want you to have an opinion? All I'm advocating for is people in this community to take a less combative approach to discussion.


    That's a fair thing to ask for, but people are people, so unless you have them attached to puppet strings (in more ways than one), then that ain't gonna do much. Instead I would suggest you focus on your own path. Set a better example if you think that's what you're striving for. Guilt tripping people rarely works out.

  11. 8 minutes ago, dahkdm said:

    Shown: someone not acting toxic at all.


    There's a clear line between reasonable and unreasonable criticism, and comments like "you need to optimize A19 before A20" are just silly. There's a general thread of antagonism throughout this whole community and it is lame and alienating.


    Some of us are whiners, others are skeptics, while others are critics and among us is the odd optimist. Oh wait, I can't say that because that would be generalizing, which is exactly what you are doing. One trait we all share in common, though to varying degrees between each person, is passion for this game. All of us want this game to be in the best position it can possibly be in, but with individuality comes opinions. At the end of the day though, TFP are the ones with the vision and they will execute it. Don't like an opinion and/or the way it was presented? You can disagree with it, but you can also ignore it. It's only a problem if you make it out to be one for yourself, or if the person is being genuinely toxic. As in, actually toxic.

  12. 8 hours ago, Roland said:

    Actually back in the good old days there were no skills or learning by doing. Then there was for a time and then there wasn't learning by doing any longer. LBD has its strengths but also its weaknesses. I like both systems. 7 Days is fun with the point system and Valheim is fun with its LBD.  I think one of the weaknesses of Valheim's LBD is that at least for me, it kills any desire to start a fresh game with a brand new character. But, maybe the game would still be fun with all the skill progression already mostly done as you say.


    Perhaps Valheim should implement a feature where the longer you perform x task (tree chopping, ore mining, etc.) the more proficient you become with that skill, and it covers all future characters. Nothing major, just a decent boost to encourage the player to start new worlds without using the same character over and over. (Ex. You've been tree chopping for 30 minutes, so now you receive a 10% attack speed bonus for axes while tree chopping, if work/combat could be separated within the tool, or just make the axe shoddy at chopping down foes.) Otherwise, like yourself, I'll never be starting a fresh character. If anything, my time playing Valheim is over and done with already. I can certainly see myself playing 7D2D for years to come even after it goes gold however.

  13. 6 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    I really appreciate all that stuff, but...well...with my potato rig any possible future "4K-turbo-rendering-version" of Joel will - in any case -just look like this:




    so thanks for nothing 😂


    Consider it another form of art. Take Terraria as a reference. 😛

  14. 6 hours ago, Tharkon said:

    Are there any plans on making Super Corn useful in A20? I noticed a commented out section for a Corn Meal recipe.

    I am asking because I am thinking about modding the game to make it useful but if it is included in A20 I might just wait for that instead.


    Recently I cooked up 7,000 glue from super corn. I'd say that's useful enough. ;) 

  15. 35 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Doubtful this will happen. It is more about gamer psychology than tech limitations. 

    Gamers are more likely to rage quit and never play a game again and give that game a bad review rather than turn the difficulty down to an easier setting where they will have more fun. But gamers WILL turn the difficulty up on a game they find too easy for them and will often brag about the fact that they play at a higher than default difficulty setting whenever the opportunity presents itself. 

    That’s why default difficulty was changed from Nomad to Adventurer and why default max alive is more likely to move to 4 than it is to 16 if it needs to change at all. 


    By this logic then switching the default difficulty to Scavenger and the default number of zombies to 4 would make the most amount of sense, yes. :) Perhaps the default zombie speed at night should be set to walk? I'm being honest here (no sarcasm/mockery intended), I can see a conversation between two people where one brags that they have sprinting zombies at nighttime instead of walking ones so that nighttime isn't a cakewalk for them. Would you say the final point would be relevant?


    Not taking sides here, just spitballing.


    Edit: To add on further, by this logic, why would the lowest possible settings NOT be the default? Just speaking hypothetically here. You said it yourself, and I fully believe you, players very often downgrade below default settings, and consider it an act of shame. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see very few players playing on 4 zombies, walking at night, max alive, etc. Perhaps if those were made the standard settings, it would create a longer path for players to progress through. It might even increase the amount of time they spend playing the game.

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