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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. 3 minutes ago, Roland said:

    My honeymoon with Valheim is about over. It is fun but lately when I sign on and remember that I quit because I knew I had to do a bunch of grinding, I tend to sign off again right away instead of playing, thinking I'll wait until another day to see if the mood hits me again to do all the chores I need to do.


    Not surprised really. Very few survival games do grinding well, and 7D2D is one of them, alongside Terraria and I suppose Minecraft as well. For me Valheim was more of a one night fling than anything else. Maybe I'll check back on it in about a year or so.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I'm not talking about the stun baton. I'm talking about the pipe baton which is one of the new primitive pipe weapons coming in A20. 



    The blunderbuss and its ammo are coming to an end with A19. It might show up in a future game but the pipe shotgun will replace it in A20 and uses regular shotgun shells.


    So how are you finding traders in A20? Do their quest rewards seem balanced? Not asking for details, just general feedback. Also, I believe it was Madmole who said that traders will have slightly better stock than your current lootstage level can give you in loot. If this is the case, does this adjust depending on what biome you're in? (ie Will Trader Joel in the forest biome have "inferior stock" compared to Trader Joel in the wasteland?)

  3. 5 minutes ago, enragedcamel said:

    So is there an ETA for this? I ask because the plan after the last major update was to have smaller content updates because the devs realized having six plus months between each update wasn't ideal.


    They've been saying that for years. 😜 A20 won't be out for months.

  4. 1 minute ago, Khalagar said:


    That is the point of the conversation, yes. If you are making a build focused on one attribute (like most people do when not playing to day nine thousand) the other attributes can all stand on their own besides int.


    There's no argument to be made on why each attribute shouldn't have some kind of self contained build that's viable on it's own even if it's not optimal. The actual min max optimal build is pretty much undeniably Auto Shottie + Club + Junk Sledges + unperked explosives. But there are many other less sweaty min max  builds that are completely viable by focusing only on one attribute, like auto shottie + club alone is already extremely solid, or M60 + fists etc works great. Dual junk turrets + baton and SMG + machete are probably the least viable, at least sniper and spear get explosives to off set how bad those two weapons are


    This is 7 Days To Die, not Night Of The Dead. We don't build mega bases filled with traps and expect them to do all of the work for us. If Intellect was equal to the other builds in terms of raw power on its own, all current balance regarding weaponry would be thrown out the window. Intellect is designed to support other builds as far as I see it, or vice versa.

  5. 2 minutes ago, pregnable said:


    I am VERY curious about this. 


    If the stun and or shock damage were buffed, it could rival the sledge, or maybe be the best aoe crowd killer.


    I don't believe that's the intention here. I think it's fine the way it is. But from my perspective, if you try to use the stun baton the same way as the other melee weapons, you're going to have a bad time. It requires a different playstyle, that's all. Similar to the turrets, like I said above, I see Intellect as a support build. Either it supports other attributes, or as Roland said, other attributes support Intellect. If you were to buff the weapons within Intellect it would throw all current balance out the window.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Roland said:

    In fact, I would say that it is best for the turret to be more of a midgame weapon precisely because it is too OP in the early game and not because of any lack.


    Exactly my point. :) If a new player were to ask me, "Sage, I want to use an offensive attribute starting from the early game, which would should I pick?", I wouldn't dare mention Intellect since its effectiveness, for BM horde fighting, really comes into its own, especially with paired with another attribute, mid-game and beyond. So I would advise them to start off in another tree, perk into a firearm, and then consider turrets and traps under Intellect. Fair?


    Edit: But then again, you don't need much firepower until mid-game anyway.


    Edit 2: True. I'm not saying it's lesser, just different. It's the only attribute with turrets, so naturally you would see it paired up with another attribute for the benefit of the firearm that other attribute brings.


    10 minutes ago, Roland said:


    More often than not, observations and opinions are going to lead to discussion whether you intended it or not.



    Now that you mention it, I can see this rolling around on an endless loop like discussions regarding LBD and food spoilage. Perhaps it would be for the best if you remove this discussion from the forums entirely? I wouldn't want to wake a hornet's nest.

  7. And I completely agree, Intellect does not need a buff, nor does it need a nerf. It's perfectly balanced the way it is. Nonetheless, due to the nature of things, I label it as a support build rather than a purely offensive one like the other four attributes. I'm confident that's a reasonable assessment.

  8. 3 hours ago, Roland said:



    You can use any weapon unperked along with the turret and have a significant advantage. It is an error to think that the turret by itself should be on equal ground with the other weapons because as Gazz said, nobody just stands and watches the turrets fire. The turrets add to your own firepower and just because you are doing an intellect build and so have no perks in an an AK-47, an AK-47 plus a couple of turrets is great. An AK-47 plus a couple of turrets that are each equally powerful as an AK-47 would be grossly OP.


    People need to stop asking for more powerful intellect weapons because the developers are not stupid enough to fall for it...


    I can throw a bone to all the intellect build fans who hate their weapons being less powerful than the other build counterparts:  Once you use the new pipe baton you may never use the wooden club again. (That's assuming, of course, @Gazz doesn't reconfigure the numbers on the pipe baton....)


    My intent wasn't to start a discussion regarding balance tweaks or the "need" for Intellect to have more powerful weapons. It was just an observation that Intellect, above all other attributes, requires backup in order to guarantee a possibility of survival during a BM horde. Hence I see it as a more of a mid-game build vs an early game one, due to the lack of a firearm within the tree, and again, I'm not saying it needs one. But if I were to label the trees myself, they would be, Perception, Strength, Fortitude, Agility, *Intellect. Notice the star symbol. :)

  9. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    It is a bother because it means I have to download 19.4 and play it in order to compare... I'll do it sometime this week.


    My solution? Copy and paste your A20 files onto an external SSD, then delete the original files on your set-up and reinstall A19. When you wish to go back to A20, repeat the same process. You wouldn't believe how few people connect the dots I presented here, so there you go. ;) Hope I helped. :) If you have a better method though, good show.

  10. 3 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    With all the weapon tweaking, has there been any testing and balancing on the Shotgun pellets for the Junk Turret? They really need some love IMO as there's basically no reason to spend so many resources crafting them over just crafting normal shotgun shells. The shotgun ammo has really bad return on investment because a high level Junk Turret fires REALLY fast and will blow the entire stock of shotgun ammo ridiculously quickly, and each shell does pathetic damage compared to a quality 1 unperked shotgun even when maxed out on the Junk Turret skills


    It's a cool concept for sure, and since the work is already done implementing it, some number tweaks to make it a bit more appealing would be great!


    Thank you for letting me know about that. I've gone back to A18 vanilla until A20 comes out but I'll be sure NOT to craft the turret shells for the robotic turret. :)

  11. 1 minute ago, Guppycur said:

    Will we lose support for the downgrade xml property entirely for this dumbing down change?  


    I have no insider information nor am I a tech person, but I wouldn't see a reason why they would keep a feature in they themselves wouldn't use. I could be wrong though, we'll see.

  12. 2 minutes ago, pregnable said:

    They probably want to simplify it for newer players, while at the same time freeing up room for other things, and freeing up time for new stuff they expect the player to be doing.  Bandits and maybe npcs will be a thing in the future. 


    I do not really care that much if it stays the same or changes, although I have never been a fan of burning clay, but they made it renewable so its cool, whatever. 


    Although, I do like having my main loot room in a 3x3x3 cube(5x5x5 structure), and having less workstations inside would be pretty great. 


    Perhaps increasing the max output slots in each workstation would be a suitable solution? From 6 to 12, for instance.

  13. 3 minutes ago, savemulder said:





    your sarcasm is toxic , or you have a bad sense of humor. there is no place for that here . thank you



    Hatred is a beautiful thing when molded and properly nurtured with the right hands. Snowdog's approach is messy and will only create further division. Thank you for your input.

  14. Just now, Roland said:


    I'm not going to say that there are no wonky roads in A20 but I'm having a tough time finding them. When they show the world that A20 generates you all are going to be very happy. Right now, I would say that the forest almost feels like two separate biomes: Mountain Forest and Flatland Forest and the roads mostly stay in the flatlands going around the mountainous regions. It makes the roads quite nice. The mountainous regions really feel like wilderness areas now. It is such a difference that they could probably thin the trees out in the flat regions and call it plains or...ahem...meadows...


    The city layouts have been vastly improved as well and a ton of work has been done adding new POI's-- mostly to the Wasteland. The Wasteland Biome might just be star of the show for A20 at least for the exploration game. There is one particular landmark feature of wasteland cities that was recently shown that is just awesome. These are things that I can't wait for them to show on a future dev stream once they feel they are ready to show them.


    But like I said the Wasteland biome is going to--  I've probably said too much....


    How are POI's that are located in the boonies? In A19 the gravel roads often travel along wacky angles and the POI's themselves cut right into the terrain thus creating vertical cliffs surrounding them, or the chunk the POI is built upon is elevated above the surrounding terrain on most sides. I sincerely hope this is fixed for A20.

    But overall, this sounds incredibly exciting. Finally some flat terrain! :D Here is hoping the "flat forests" aren't only a few meters across either and span a fairly decent stretch...

  15. 1 minute ago, Astronomical said:


    You heard it here first! The real reason a20 hasn't dropped yet! 😀


    @MechanicalLens has been right about that 2025 release date all along. 😉


    2026. :)

    4 minutes ago, Astronomical said:


    You heard it here first! The real reason a20 hasn't dropped yet! 😀


    @MechanicalLens has been right about that 2025 release date all along. 😉


    It's taking TFP so long because they're trying to fix roads. ;) It's proven to be a difficult challenge for them.

  16. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    @Roland I don't know, I'll need to see how the new forge will "feel" before agreeing or not. My concern is not only with the forge, but also with the building materials streamlining and so on... I'm not saying it's negative "per se", I'm just saying TFP should be careful with these kinds of changes since they risk upsetting the nature of the game.


    This has been a trend for years - creating new systems and then gutting a decent portion them at a later date. It is but the inevitable nature of an alpha title. This happened with LBD, this happened with sticks and sharp rocks, this happened with the inclusion of the perk tree. I'm sure one more major change wouldn't hurt.

  17. 2 minutes ago, ZombieHorde said:

    But many of us like the progressive feeling of the game as we improve out items and build new things that unlock better things. I'm all for so many different workstations to: 

    • improve our clothes,
    • improve combat skills,
    • train strength
    • computer station to monitor our base (cctv), send/read help from other districts, receive threats from the Duke or any other news
    • oven/food station to make more advanced foods
    • station for sanitization (washing self or clothes)

    many others but I know these are more work than TFP's care to give it at the moment. Too much on their plate already, it seems. Hopefully modders can do these things in the future?


    As TFP always say, don't get married to old, inferior systems. This might be one of those cases.

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