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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. On 4/1/2021 at 4:21 AM, Liesel Weppen said:

    Imho the current lootstages are to strict, however i think it is still better than complete randomnes.


    Best way imho is a risk-vs-reward system. In theory you should be able to find a M60 on day one. If you are brave enough to go into a shotgun messiah factory on day one. And ofc the difficulty in the factory has to be high on day one also.

    But that requires lootdrops to be bound to POIs instead of just what type of lootcrate. You should not be able to find a M60 from a shotgun messiah crate in a lonely garage where not even a single zombie spawns. But you should be able to find a M60 in the same kind of shotgun messiah crate if you made your way through the factory.

    The second thing is, that requires also difficulty to be bound to POIs instead of just the players gamestage. There should spawn cops and radiateds in a factory, even on day one, when the player is still just gamestage 1.


    And if i understood it correctly, this is about to come true with A20.


    In my opinion there should also still be a few oh %#$@ moments that pop up every once in a while, but nothing too extreme. You're not going to find a level 6 M60 on day 1, no sirree. But rather perhaps small but ultimately insignificant jumps such as rarely finding a level 1 iron pickaxe on day 1. Now you can smash open doors faster, but it drains more stamina. Sure it might take less hits to harvest stone, but the stamina problem comes into play once again. Unless you loot a Pass-N-Gas and find a stack of repair kits on day 1, you probably won't be able to afford repairing that pick anyway. Another example is a rare chance of finding a level 1 chainsaw on day 1. Potential lack of repair kits comes into question again, as does a high need for fuel. One final example would be that very rare piece of quality level 1 iron or leather armor on the first day. Sure that piece of armor would grant you greater protection than the lower tier scrap iron/padded armors (but certainly not the higher quality level versions of those items) but at the cost of stamina regen reduction and mobility. (I'm making the final example since the outfit system has been delayed until A21 at least.)


    As an extension to what I've said above, hopefully gamestaged POI's make it into A20.

  2. 3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    I am confused.  Are you saying that the game shouldn't get harder as you survive in the game?  So if I just hunt animals and search bird nests all the time for a straight month (and basically not loot any POIs but survive by finding food), the game should never advance in difficulty because I have not advanced my character?  With the game stage tied to days survived and your level, it is basically constantly challenging you to improve your character as the AI manager is going to throw tougher enemies at you.


    It's this micromanagement of your character that makes the choices you make more meaningful and can lead to issues if you choose poorly.  Do you spend that perk point into a support skill to help with surviving or more into a combat related perk for attacking / defense against the zombies?


    Also, have you tried surviving in the wasteland biome with harder difficulty settings as a new player?  That is a current example of the game scaling up the difficulty based on the player's choice.


    You forget that as you level up your character you become an almost unstoppable Terminator-esque action hero at some point. Watch Glock9's Maxed Out series and come back to me when you're done.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    I'd rather have a system in place similar to how they did it in the game Chernobyl.

    TFP could randomly add "radiation packets" to the Wasteland biome where you'd need special PPE to get in and not get radiation poisoning.


    That could work. I'm obviously not developing the game so whatever I say has no inherent value, but how would you respond to the idea that ALL of the wasteland biome is radiated, just to varying amounts. The larger cities and the craters that exist in between settlements contain the greatest concentration of radiation and in order for the player to enter those zones they would need a hazmat suit and/or they would need to chug some drugs that could only rarely be found in loot that protect them for a limited amount of time; whether the hazmat suit would degrade or not if for a separate discussion. On the other side of the spectrum, the small towns, roads/paths, and small towns contain much smaller pockets of lesser concentrated radiation. When entering the wasteland biome the player is given a debuff that is similar to stage 1 of infection - it has no immediate side effects but will only get worse if left untreated. Once this debuff reaches 100% (say, after 120 minutes) the player's immunity level reaches zero and they start taking damage from radiation poisoning. The player must then consume a drug or wear a hazmat suit (either of which probably won't be available at that point in the game) thus they must exit the biome. Another "debuff", a timer really of about 120 minutes, would then begin counting up representing the player's immunity level. If the player enters the wasteland unprotected before the counter reaches 100% then this timer would reset back to zero and the player would immediately start taking damage until they leave the wasteland once more. This somewhat artificial system would lock the player out of building in the wasteland until the mid- to endgame while still providing them with ample time to enter the biome, raid some joints, hold down for a night or two if required, and then escape by the next morning or afternoon assuming they had entered the biome in the morning on the first day. Having a system like this in place would also help to prevent players from entering the wasteland biome and loot there non-stop early game, assuming they could survive the tougher zombies, to exploit the higher gamestage/lootstage they would experience in this biome.

  4. 1 hour ago, hiemfire said:

    There's a clay soil layer under the rubble layer in the wasteland.


    Good to know.


    Regardless, I personally think it would be a poor design choice to continue to grant players the option to survive in the wasteland biome long-term. Instead loot raids should be limited to snatch and grabs; spend a couple real life hours in that harsh environment before having to return to a safer biome, even if the player wasn't sheltering in a heavily radiated zone. Perhaps a new stat could be designed around this: immunity level.

  5. On 4/1/2021 at 1:22 AM, meganoth said:

    I see one hand raised there in the crowd. Oh, wait, not a hand, just a stump. 😉



    I can also raise my hand to this. You should have been there, it happened just last week as a matter of fact. That cowardly son of a beach was trying to run away from me! So I just yanked its tail and pulled it right back as I waved my finger and said, "Nah nah nah, you started this fight, and we're going to finish it." ;)

  6. Or just install a modlet that removes the starting quests but gives you the 4 initial skill points. :) (Can confirm this modlet exists.) That way you don't have to go through the cookie cutter tutorial missions, which are pretty much useless for an experienced player. I take the free skill points only to get out of the stone tool age at a faster pace.

  7. 7 minutes ago, uncle.heavy said:

    While I am completely with you on not missing traders for one second should they pack up and be gone forever, I do hope for the potential they have and being surprised by the outcome.

    As far as I have read about them, progression is sure to come. What has not been stated in clarity is whether traders will continue to represent such a vital point of "survival".

    Their stashes at any given point in time could be reduced to just a few items - my favourite thought - getting rid of the hard decision of "well, I could go looting all day, facing hard enemies, expending some of my most precious ammunition in the course, maybe die --- or I could simply unearth one or two crates buried somewhere, go shopping for every single necessity except food and call it a day. Maybe ask for delivery by drone."

    I would love to hear more about their future role in the greater context of individual survival.


    I share no doubt that traders play an intrinsic part of survival, but even with that being said they are under no condition a necessary asset. In my brief time playing Alpha 19 I barred myself off of traders completely, and not only did I survive without them, I thrived. Sure there were a few roadblocks here and there- not getting a bicycle until day 28 was one of them (we're talking 90 minute days here -but for the most part the feeling of accomplishment of emptying a town remained intact, the sense of discovery never diminished. (I've always found it more rewarding to blinding loot POI's and not knowing what I'm going to get versus being shown a shopping list and working to own those premeditated items, but that's just me.) TFP don't have to remove traders for anyone else to share this experience. Just don't utilize them if you don't want to. :)

  8. Just now, Matt115 said:

    That is great idea for new perk :  be like hobbit . You don't need shoes in snow biom or desert and you have highter armor ( tought feet)  but when you wear shoes you lose speed and wellness 😂


    One thing's for certain, Snowdog won't participate in that. It would mean he would develop fat hairy feet and for some reason I honestly believe he would become less of a lady's man as a result. 😜

  9. 4 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

    I can see you're not willing to be rational here. Didn't realize a stone spike is a projectile. LOL


    I can see you're not willing to be rational here. Didn't realize that certain items should do certain damage some days and less on others. What's next? Shotgun week, where shotguns deal 20% more damage for a 7 day period? There's a difference between lack of realism and straight up magical bullcrap. 🙄


    Spikes are designed to be primitive. You're not supposed to be using them beyond the first week or two, unless you're willing to dedicate thousands of forged iron to making a sea of spikes laid in trenches around your base.

  10. 3 hours ago, Roland said:

    Ikr...?  As a player I like the challenge of noticing the difference between hat and hair and am against this latest dumbing-down-simplification move. 


    Perhaps this was intentional by design and TFP have no plans in changing it. We'll all be too busy staring at that godforsaken hat and before we know it, bam! Another death to a lumberjack. It's as if we were entranced or something.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    No madmole said something like

    "we want him to fit in with more biomes"

    so i think he can spawn in the forest. thank god the forest is like eden lol needs some more danger

    or you can just get on a roof and start crying for dear life lol 


    Hey as long as we don't start seeing lumberjacks in the desert and cowboys in the Canadian biome, I'm happy with whatever TFP conjure up.

  12. 1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

    what stream? 

    you telling me i miss a Stream!

    REEEEEEE | Know Your Meme


    Not only that but Alpha 20 was publicly open for the first 10,000 people to log in and... oh? What's that? You missed it? A20 won't be available to anyone ever again, it's closed off for good, so... better luck next alpha I guess? ;) 

  13. Here's an idea. A separate model should be made for the gasser zombie. Every holiday season when the patch rolls out that temporarily adds the holiday themed items into the game, it should also include the alternate model for the Hawaiian zombie that is just him in a Santa outfit. ;)

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