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Orclover last won the day on October 3 2019

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  1. Honestly I was more annoyed by the removal of the topless strippers than water jars. But jars was a close second. Welcome to the end of the world, we took away all the containers to hold water "MWYAHAHAHAHA"
  2. I honestly wouldnt blame TFP if they ditched consoles and burned those bridges to the ground, it sounds like a massive headache dealing with Sony and Microsoft.
  3. Oh hey 7D2D just dropped 1.0, I bet people are estatic about the game now. Lets check the old forums and see how its going for release!
  4. Bout 93 We were using just keyboard and playing Shareware doom on our 486's and having a ball. One day I was on campus using a mouse AND keyboard doing 4 player and he was just MOPPING the floor with these other guys over and over. I went home and immediately started training myself to use the mouse with keyboard and my K/D ratio improved once I got used to it. Jump ahead a few years or maybe a decade and I was playing facing worlds (unreal Tourny, think we called it 2 towers at the time)) with my homies and i'm just killing them. I didnt notice but they got sick of losing and they all joined 1 team vs me, 4 on 1 and I was just beating the snot out of them. They never really adapted to M/K combo very well for some reason. Old man now, ache's and pains everywhere, still got my caffeinated twitch reflexes though so I got that going for me and can play the hell out of 7d2D.
  5. Gold? You think the ride will ever end? There is no stopping Mr. Bones wild ride.
  6. We've made our choice and knew the risk.
  7. Oh I have to come back for this. Yes to the stripper zombie, hell add a Chip-n-Dales zombie to go with her.
  8. Now that would be nice. Not refreshing the Shotgun Messiah for the umpteenth time that week to get better guns but instead force players to hit other buildings. This would keep the refreshing of the lootboxes in POI's over and over. Make it happen once every 7 or 14 days instead of every day or several times a day.
  9. If you don't like the idea of unlimited quest, then you might hate the idea of not having anything to do but wait for horde night.
  10. We started setting up horde bases in harder areas hoping to make the horde night harder/longer. But even in the wasteland we have more exciting "events" by summoning screamers and forcing the zeds to hit max cap in any other zone compared to Horde Night (250 zeds I think is server cap which brings things to pretty low framerate but was fun for a while). We were able to make them kinda exciting on occasion by using console to spawn in an extra 25 zeds at a time but then you feel guilty for basically cheating in a harder horde. Basically after the first 60 days we kinda felt like we had "won". We kept playing for a while but we are out of content again, and waiting on A21.
  11. You know you can just edit the xml file to make farming whatever you want right? It's not even hard.
  12. They are honestly comical now instead of scary. At times they whack at your ankles until you notice them but all the zeds do that. Its funny on horde nights because there is always a couple spiders jumping around in the background, sometimes over and over as they can't get their pathing right so they just just spam leap and we start laughing at them. Honestly a mod needs to make them look like kangaroo zeds, be more accurate, and change the noise. Before they would crawl up everything and screw up your base plans unless you knew they were a thing and remember to build it into your plans. They were an actual threat. Not sure why the devs decided to turn them into something so silly.
  13. Seems about right, although we are well past a month in our wasteland area and still have not seen zomdogs or zombears respawn. Weird that zed respawn is tied to loot respawn. We turned off loot respawn to not make it easy but the zeds going away made it even easier. Wish it was a separate setting.
  14. But I have gone through 3 stacks of food a night of playing, not average mind you. Why is that so hard to believe? Ya know what i honestly don't care if you believe. Had no idea it was worthless. Will pass the info along.
  15. A stack is 10, a stack and a half is 15 veggie/beef stews. Thats 15 per play session, not 90 minutes. On average. If we were eating a stack of food every 90 minutes we would edit the XML file again because that would be insane. But yea about 7 beef and 7 veggie stews in a 6-7 hour game is about right with red tea or mineral water before every meal (honestly thats probably a conservative estimate). Every tier 5 poi ends up taking a couple stews due to damage taken and all the running around. I was kinda disgusted by how much stew and spaghetti I was going through last night but we were running mini-horde nights in wastland hitting the max zombie caps (250) in buildings over and over again by triggering screamers and then clearing them all out (one player in particular was going nuts with it). We blew a lot of them up of course but I in particular melee a lot of my kills which leads to a lot of damage taken. Soo much food.
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