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Posts posted by warmer

  1. 6 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


    There are a lot of objects in the game that are not craftable.  Just because you can't craft something in the game, it isn't because the developers are being "super lazy".

    Agreed. There are many things that aren't important to the main game. I am sure a lot of cosmetic things will be added via mods. The devs are focused on core gameplay elements.

  2. Mailboxes/newspaper stands/stores usually have a fair amount of magazines to help your progression. The traders also have them for sale and are different depending on who it is.


    The last time I looted an electronics store, I gained 10+ mags in electronics. Themed stores are the way to go if you are looking for specific skill improvements.

  3. Unless a zombie is deepthroating the barrel of your shotgun, you are very lucky to have every bit of shot hit them. Slug is a guaranteed at center of mass at 5 meters. Huge difference. 


    Kill distance is a massive benefit and I think that should be reflected in lower total damage. You are never going to land all shot on a single target at 5 meters unless you are super lucky.


  4. On 7/19/2023 at 5:04 PM, Fox said:



    Seems to me like the ones who don't like the way things are right now in this particular thread are a majority, not a minority. If you can't listen to those that hate it, then why are you here talking to those that hate it?



    The general rule is, people who like something tell 3 people. People that dislike something tell 11.


    In other words, people who dislike something are always way more motivated to complain, than people who like it are to give praise.


    If that wasn't the case social media would be a net positive experience, but we all know that isn't the case.

  5. 59 minutes ago, Fox said:

    And we're back to relying on traders again which we've already established breaks the game balance. Editing / modding the game is completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. 

    Your opinion is they break game balance. You may have established that, I didn't. I personally think this is the most fun version of the game I have played and I started at A6. If you don't like the direction, load up A20.


    It is impossible to please everyone all the time, so you aim for the middle. Some people will love it, and you can't just listen to those that hate it. Those that do are always the vocal minority.


    There will never be a perfect version that suits everyone because there will always be something you loved from an old Alpha. I personally would wait 2x as long for a map with caves. That isn't happening unless I mod it. Do I @%$# and moan, or do I use my agency and power to please myself? Modding is so easy now. Drop in a modlet done. It will take you less time than writing your last post


    People with agency who complain when they have the power to fix it themselves vs. waiting months for a potential bug fix crack me up.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Fox said:

    That doesn't solve a damn thing. You need loot in order to get books, and you need books in order to craft anything useful. Therefore, lowering the loot changes nothing other than make the problem worse by not being able to do anything even longer.

    Buy them. Nothing stopping you from buying books. Give yourself rules about what you can and can't use. Edit the loot table. I am sure there is a mod that will address this soon. I play dead is dead, because respawning doesn't have a significant penalty. Self made rule, that makes the game more fun/challenging for me.

  7. To echo others, the only way I know how to keep a game fresh after a 1000hrs is to make new custom maps, or include new mods.


    To say this isn't much of a game is a syntax error on your part. If it wasn't much of a game I can guarantee you that you wouldn't have more hours invested in this playthrough than it takes to complete most AAA rpgs.

  8. 57 minutes ago, SenLim said:

    Strange. I've found none. Only paper and murky water. Day 47.

    Ya my current game I am on day 5 and I haven't found one yet. roughly 40 murky water and a few reems of paper, but no pistols yet. Haven't even thought about needing a dew collector yet with all the H20


    For those finding them, what's you biome location and lootstage?


  9. 2 hours ago, Fox said:

    Wait, so... what? So like, a land claim block has an effect on game stage now? I've always just thrown them away when playing solo and have never had any issues with game stage (mind you, it's been a few years since I last made a base outside of forest biome).

    If you don't place the landclaim down in a POI radius, and that POI can still spawn zombies, they will be at the heightened gamestage.


    Once you place the land claim block, the POI ceases to be able to spawn, so the zombies will all have to originate outside it's radius. I haven't checked this and verified the gamestage once placed, but given that this removes zombies from spawning, my "assumption" is that they are relative to to their spawn location, and since it can not be in the adjust POI radius, they should spawn at a lower gamestage.


    Now I need to check this as I could just be talking out of my ass

  10. On 7/15/2023 at 3:57 PM, Rotor said:

    Warmer, that is awesome, again.  How is hte FPSs in your rig?  I feel it will kill mine. .

    I am getting about 30-45fps on the slow side when I am need huge POI in downtown areas. Horde night isn't bad, but I am based outside the city a bit.


    For PC stats


    I have a Ryzen 8 core 

    32GB ram

    AMD 6800xt 16GB ram

    Playing at 3440 x 1440 res

  11. 3 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:



    @warmer if you read carefully you will see he is talking about a desktop PC with the 450$.


    On 3/28/2023 at 3:29 PM, Jugginator said:


    Post edit, any laptop or desktop that's above the 200 - 400$ price range (IMO, period) should have at least 16GB of ram. 

    If you read carefully....

  12. Oh the first elevator shaft I fell down and broke my leg only to realize I was going to have to drop into an ambush room below. The tension of that decision was great. Double checked all my weapons were repaired and ready, and dropped down. Died within seconds, but it felt very action hero sacrifice for the greater good kind of vibe. (Only I was playing solo) :)

  13. 4 hours ago, CoolJ said:

    For hordes, I tend to just build a single block hallway about ten blocks long. I elevate it by two blocks so the zombies path down the hallway directly at me. Once I get access to electric fences, I put those across the path. Then I shoot every single zombie in the head. It's cheap. It's simple. I don't really consider it to be cheese because if I run out of ammo, I'm pretty much dead. .

    I wouldn't call that cheese. That seems like a really logical way to deal with it. I am more referring to game mechanics you couldn't recreate in real life, or exploiting a bug in the AI pathing.

  14. Well if you start it and go on a quest does it really matter how long it takes? I mean you aren't spending that extra time gather resources, so that is where the time comes in. I think for game balance it's probably like this. They have to find some way to offset the gains or no one would craft it the other way.


    This sets you up for a choice. Horde night starts in 3hrs. Do I craft it in a stack and take longer making me rush to make bullets, or do I sacrifice resources for time gained to make those bullets.


    To put it another way. Imagine you are making a pepperoni pizza. You can be precise and place every piece on one at a time perfectly, or you save time and just throw a handful of pepperoni at the pizza. Sure half will land on the floor, but you got the job done faster lol


    Faster in any manufacturing setting is always sloppier and more wasteful. Precision measuring takes more time than eyeballing a handful of material quantities. I would guess this was their line of thinking.

  15. 21 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    " But also ive been literally trying to "play it real" which means things like:

    - storage/storage cheats need to be placed on the floor/tables, and are not to be stacked unrealistically

    - campfire must go on a stone/concrete floor or near/in a fireplace. If one does not exist, i mist retrofit one in. 
    - campfire/forge require a chimney (made or part of the building)

    - i have to have a room for sleeping. 
    - cold food/drinks have to go in appropriate storage/etc.




    I like playing this way because I use 7d2d as a walking dead simulator, I like having something less arcade like. This is why I am not a huge fan of the overhaul mods that add a bunch sci Fi / magic elements. While I think things like Darkness Falls are incredible for the scope and work that has been put into, it just takes it too far out of the setting I want to play in.

    18 hours ago, Abusimplea said:


    I use or used switchable paths (hatches), .

    Oh that is a really cool concept being able to dynamically change the pathing taken on the fly. Thanks for the idea!

  16. 33 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    It´s as predictable as before. You collect the magazines based on your points. You choose wich crafting skills will be leveled faster than others.

    Random magazine drops influenced by skill choice is NOT predictable. Lol it's weighted RNG. 


    The old system had ZERO randomness to the progression aside from finding a blueprint. Almost everything was locked behind a stat. I would argue this system is much more open ended than the old system.

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