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Everything posted by Star69

  1. Hindsite is always 20/20. Your log file generated when you got black screen was overwritten when it started fine the next time. If the black screen happens again, before you try a restart, make a copy of your log file and post it here. It hopefully record what caused it.
  2. Yeah now I buy every tire and acid from every trader I see. It’s definitely a tough one.
  3. Click on the blue banner at the top of the forum and you’ll find instructions on how to clean out A19 files. As for posting logs and such, click on the General Support section and there’s a pinned topic about how to report bugs and includes how to find your log file and how to post it here. Hopefully, you can understand it, if not then post back.
  4. Post your log file using pastebin and we can take a look and see if the cause is noted in there.
  5. In the release notes, it was stated that they decreased the odds of finding acid and it is really uncommon. You can always hope to find the book where you can wrench cars for it.
  6. I have no idea if it will help but how about turning off dynamic mesh in the graphics section and see if that doesn’t bump up your fps when looking at the buildings? I know that there has been work on trying to optimize the areas around the skyscrapers but there’s still issues and the developers are aware of it. We just need to figure out how to tweak things until they fix it.
  7. Is the server hosted on your own computer? If so, I’d be concerned about bad sectors on the hard drive. I would start by scanning the drive for errors. If you rent, I’d submit a ticket to the provider.
  8. Please read the pinned topic on how to report a problem. At a minimum we need your log file posted here using pastebin so we can possibly see what’s going wrong.
  9. I don’t see anything in your log file that points to what is causing that, there are zero errors and the info lines state games is saved and game preferences are saved. In case something from one of the mods is interfering with your saves, can you try loading up a game with everything vanilla and see if the same thing occurs? All but one of your mods are Khaines and I’m positive he’d want to know if one of his mods was responsible for this. If you still get the same result with no mods then hopefully someone else will have some ideas. Post back after giving that a try. To everyone else in this thread, no one can help any of you without more information. The info in the pinned topic is the minimum needed to help you. Otherwise, it would be like me calling a car mechanic on the phone and telling him my car won’t work and ask him what’s wrong with it.
  10. Opening/closing of vault doors are nearly unbearably loud too. Definitely been some audio changes.
  11. Post your log file using pastebin so we can see what may be causing the problem. Without logs, it would all be guessing.
  12. There is tons of optimization going on. In A20, dynamic mesh streaming and rwg generation are just 2 examples. In A19, it took 45 minutes to generate an 8K map, now it takes 8 minutes....that is a huge optimization. Dynamic mesh streaming takes a major load of players systems allowing for better fps. I rent a dedicated server myself and the other day had 7 players for horde night and no one had any issues. So I'm not sure why you say there is no support for multiplayer. TFP has stated that 8 players is the max for a server so if you want a server with 30 players, it's going to play like crap because the game isn't designed for that many players and never will be.
  13. From looking at your log file from one of your other posts, it seems you are using Vulcan. According to Fatal, Vulcan causes problems with 7 Days. How about trying a new run without using Vulcan??
  14. Until the fix comes out you only have two options: have an admin teleport you out or wait until night when the trader closes and you should be teleported out.
  15. Either disable some software running in the background or increase your page file. The other standard stuff like scan for malware, clean out temp files, checking for corrupt system files, etc are things you can do. I don't see 7 Days consistently take that much memory except after generating a new map. If you generate a new map, you should always exit the game then restart. Heck, I reboot my system to be sure the ram is cleared.
  16. Did you change how big your pagefile is? Should have it set to let Windows manage it. 16 gigs of ram should be plenty to run the game. Also be sure that you have the latest version of Windows Visual C Distributables. Several crashes in A20 have been due to having an outdated version.
  17. It could be on the clients side, and I’m sorry I missed that others connected fine so it has to be an issue with him. He needs to exclude Steam from his antivirus and make sure 7 Days has permission through his firewall.
  18. It’s the same process, only the id is different. Server admin just needs to delete all files with your id. Now I haven’t tested whether he/she can delete those files without stopping the server like you could in A19 but it’s worth a try.
  19. Open your output log and start reading it as it goes through logging the process of starting the game. You will eventually see when EOS starts then it will list your id.
  20. We need to see your log containing the crash in order to help. Post your log containing the crash using pastebin.
  21. Usually this type of error, rather than being a game problem, is a connection problem. Be sure that you have opened/forwarded all the the necessary ports on your router to host a server. Once you think you have done so, check with a port checker that they indeed are open/forwarded.
  22. We would need to see his log to possibly help. Post it using pastebin and we’ll see if there’s something in it that can help.
  23. Some things that I’m seeing. He is getting a litenetlib connection failure while trying to connect to your server. You seem to be running noth steamworks and litenetlib and steamworks. In your serverconfig file, try excluding steamworks from being used. There is a setting and explanation in the serverconfig file. I also see you are running mods….since many mods have not been updated to A20, if you’re still having issues then start a new vanilla game without mods and see if he can connect.
  24. Take a look at this thread from A17.....different alpha, I know, but these folks were experiencing what you are experiencing.
  25. Click on the blue banner at the top of the page. At the bottom of that page click on the word "HERE".
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