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Everything posted by Star69

  1. Very, very odd….was really betting on the ram. Like SylenThunder mentioned, can you post your output log from your last crash? Maybe there’s something there that will give some clues. I haven’t heard of blue screen error just due to 7 Days, blue screens while playing 7 Days has always uncovered some hardware or driver issue. I’m quite puzzled at this point. What was the other game that you played where you had issues?
  2. I see this a lot….people who lose power while playing get corrupted player files or saves. I’m assuming it’s due to the constant updating of information to the player profile and when that updating is abruptly interrupted, the data can become corrupt. I don’t know if it’s avoidable or not, a programmer would need to chime in but I’m guessing that it’s because 7 Days is a voxel game and the amount of data being written is tremendous.
  3. Lol, this was an uncommon occurrence in A19 but in A20 it seems to happen a lot. I’m hoping to see a fix in A20.1. I’m guessing that vehicles dropping below ground, traders dropping and turrets dropping below ground are all being caused by the same issue. Hopefully Fatal can figure out a fix.
  4. In a way, I hope memtest comes back with something, at least you’ll have an answer to your frustrating issue. I, personally, have gotten defective brand new ram, a real good quality Corsair stick. Fortunately, it was an easy rma under warranty. I tried googling your issue and the most popular reason is faulty display drivers but you said you updated those. Did you do a clean install? I use Geforce Experience to do a clean install with every new version that comes out. I’m just tossing out ideas but it seems you’ve considered most of them. Any bloatware or any other unnecessary software running in the background?
  5. I have no experience with Windows 11 but you stated you’re having the same issue with Windows 10 so it shouldn’t matter. Have you run memtest or the built-in windows memory management tool? You could possibly have some ram issues. Is your swap file set to let Windows manage it? It’s best to let Windows take care of it. Since you’ve changed os to try and work through this, I doubt corrupted system files are the issue but it wouldn’t hurt to run the scan especially if your ram checks out fine. You’ve updated video drivers which is good, hopefully you’ve scanned for malware. I’m betting your ram is the issue. Be sure to open your case and make sure that somehow your ram sticks are seated properly. Maybe someone else will chime in with some other suggestions.
  6. The stickied topic at the top of the forum lists all the ports you need to forward: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/ Be sure to use an online port checker to confirm that the ports are actually open. Sometimes ports don’t open as expected.
  7. My first guess is your antivirus is blocking the sharing and is also causing the EOS warnings showing in your log. Try excluding your 7 Days to Die folder from your antivirus/antimalware software. If that doesn’t fix it, be sure 7 Days has full access through your firewall. Let us know if it helps.
  8. Here are tutorials that Roland put together and there is one for electrical traps and will show you everything you’ll need: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3933-7-days-to-die-tutorials/ Edit: link disappeared, odd.
  9. First off, I’m not a developer nor am I on the support team….I’m just a player like you volunteering my time trying to help fellow players with problems running a game we all love to play. Everyone else who has had your issue of locking up when generating a map it turned out to be a memory issue. Currently players have reported up to 24gigs of ram are used in map generation and there is a bug where that ram is not released when generation is done. So it’s natural to ask about your ram, also others had the issue with swap files not being managed by windows. I’m also not an IT person and memtest is what I’ve used for the past 25 years to explore my own ram issues. If there are better ram tests out there, I’m not aware, but would be eager to learn new stuff. Your log records everything the game does/attempts to do and if a bug appears, and there are many, it records it. As I said before, there are no errors in your log, the game is reporting no issues. In a piece of software that is cpu-intensive and ram-intensive, it is going to put strain on hardware. Could your issue be a bug?? Sure, but with no errors how do we figure it out? By checking everything we can including hardware, waiting for others with your same issue and trying to find a common theme. The more info that we get, the more likely someone will figure out a solution. Maybe someone else will have some ideas for you.
  10. Please read the pinned topics at the top of the forum then post your log using pastebin as described in the pinned threads. Without your log files, no can do anything other than making a wild guess as to what your problem is.
  11. Many instructions are in the pinned topic at the top of the forum: As for instructions on how to verify your game files, from Steam Library, right click on 7 Days to Die and select Properties. From that pop up, select Local Files and click the button Verify Integrity of Game Files and follow the instructions. If there are missing or corrupted, Steam will automatically attempt to replace necessary files. If it finds no issues, then you were looking at the wrong folder for your log file. Again, your log file will be called output_log followed by the date of the log so an example would be: output_log_2022-1-10_19-00-00.txt which would be an output log for today at 7pm. This log will be in the following location: whatever drive your games are installed, so for example "C: Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/Common/7 Days to Die/7DaystoDie_data folder. In that folder you should find your output logs as well as 3 folders named Managed, Resources and Plugins plus about a dozen or so files including app info, boot.cfg and others. The game ALWAYS puts a log file in this folder unless you have specifically told the game not to. A file is created each and every time you attempt to start up the game even when it isn't successful. The log contains information on every step the game software takes in loading and playing the game and also lists each and every error related to the game.
  12. That sounds a bit low. Try turning resolution to 1080p, textures to half, all shadows off and for the issue in big cities, turn off dynamic mesh.
  13. This is an error usually caused by still having A19 files in the servers A20 installation. However, unless you post a copy of the servers log, no one can tell you for sure. If it is this issue, click on the blue banner at the top of the forum and follow the instructions on cleaning the files then perform a game uninstall/reinstall. That’s a bunch of work so I’d first post the server log using the instructions in the pinned topic above in case your issue is something else.
  14. I ‘think’ it’s an online vs offline issue…..a game you start connected to Steam cannot be continued offline. So an offline game, even using the same seed, will start a new game. I know that’s probably not what you wanted to hear. Not being a programmer, I cannot say if it’s intended or if it has to be that way or if it’s a bug. Maybe someone else will chime in with their opinion. If not, maybe submit it as an official bug report in the bug report section.
  15. It’s great to hear there might be a tool coming. It’s frustrating not having any advice for folks having drone issues.
  16. They need to be wired to a generator for it to work.
  17. Looks like your player file on the server is corrupted. The server host needs to delete your player ptofile. When you join after that you’ll be level 1 again so admin will need to give you xp and items to get you close to where you were at prior to corruption.
  18. There are no errors in the log. Many times issues during or just after map generation are due to memory. You might check Event Viewer and see if it recorded the crash and maybe it will give up some clues. If nothing else, you might run Memtest since you have plenty of ram so maybe a faulty stick.
  19. Then your game shouldn’t work at all. There are files critical to running the game in the 7DaystoDie_data folder. If you truly have no files in there, try to verify your game files. Can you do that or do you need instructions??
  20. I no longer see the A19 files so that’s cleaned up and I no longer see the litenetlib connection issue either. There is an error at the end of the second log pertaining to windows console update, not sure what that means. However, Midnight Queen is still unable to download the map and still has interaction issues. There was another thread that mentioned this was fixed by stopping an Asus gaming program called Game First which attempts to manipulate network traffic in favor of the gamer. Does MQ have any software like that running? From a personal perspective, I occasionally get stuck downloading a map requiring me to restart several times to get the map to download and also occasionally lose the ability to interact with containers which disconnecting/reconnecting solves. I have 200mg service from Spectrum but use my own modem/router which has some nice logging features. It turns out that the upstream power of my Spectrum connection is too low and I’m currently battling with Spectrum for a fix. The problem is intermittent so when Spectrum checks, it’s of course fine but I have saved logs where it’s not. It might be worth looking at upstream/downstream power levels on MQ’s modem/router if possible or call your isp and ask them to do the same. You can google what the levels are supposed to be.
  21. Are you sure someone isn’t abusing admin powers??
  22. You have 2 unrelated issues going on and am surprised that you can play that seed with no issues. Your log shows the presence of A19 files in your A20 game, which has nothing to do with your friend being unable to connect. To fix your issue, click on the blue banner at the top of the forum and follow the instructions for cleaning you old files then uninstalling/reinstalling the game. Be sure to manually delete the mods folder and it’s contents. I don’t think the A19 files are from the mods. Your friends issue is that his connection to the litenetlib server is not being answered. Two possibilities are that you, as host, need to be sure that you exclude your 7 Days folder from your antivirus/antimalware software and your friend should probably do the same. Second possibility is the necessary ports on are your router are not open/forwarded properly. I’d start with the antivirus since that’s the easiest.
  23. Alright, I think your issue is that the game is seeing files it doesn’t know what to do with. Usually this happens when there are A19 files still present in your A20 install. Click on the blue banner at the top of the forum and follow the procedure for cleaning old files then uninstalling/reinstalling the game. Unfortunately, you’ll lose all your saves but shouldn’t matter since it’s not playable as is.
  24. Post your log using pastebin as described in the pinned topic above so we can try getting to the bottom of your crashes. As for the vehicles teleporting underground, it’s a known bug being worked on with a fix hopefully coming in A20.1 patch.
  25. Please post his entire log using pastebin. Instructions are in the pinned topic above. Small portions of the error he is seeing is not enough to figure out his problem, we need his whole log.
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