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Posts posted by Melange

  1. 4 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Player enjoyment is a complex thing. To make an easy example: Players like weapons with huge damage. A naive improvement to a game would therefore be to increase the damage of all weapons. But the result would be that most players don't feel challenged and do NOT enjoy the game. The game has to be judged as a whole, not each feature in isolation, and that is what many players fail to do when they go from alpha to alpha.


    Secondly players have different tastes. TFP has changed the feel of the game while they were adding and experimenting and with that they also changed the target group of players that would welcome all the changes they made. Just as an example, before they could add RPG advancement features they had to present a playable game, so the game was a lot more sandboxy and had no RPG advancement. That appealed to different players than the current game and the more RPG they added the less some old players liked the changes. But that doesn't mean that they failed with RPG advancement, it meant that their final target group of players is not exactly the same as the ones drawn to the game initially.  


    You correctly say that "our interpretation of player enjoyment" was messed up if you just look at yourself and players having the same taste as you. But you overstate the case if you generally say alpha upgrades were not player friendly unless you specify exactly which group of players you talk about in regards to which change.


    You said it well. And I don't disagree. But, reluctant at first to use mods, I embrace them now. So that I can create the play environment that suits me. Now, its human nature to push back against change. Many a company spends big money on how to change corporate culture. Gaming culture is a free for all. We don't like it? We will let the world know our feelings.


    I can complain all I want. But with some savvy and a bit of experimentation, I can create the game environment I want. So complaining isn't useful, but modding is effective.


    I have found a work around so that the base game still shines. Thankful that modding is still an option.




  2. 12 hours ago, meganoth said:


    I would never pay 8k for a monitor. 😉

    Was a time I'd never pay 3k for a computer. But I did. Many times over for decades.  8k for a nice big screen? well, I'd consider it. If I didn't have to upgrade every three years. Priorities.  QoL.  Oh, and a good comfortable relaxing gaming chair. Still not found one to suit my desires. But sitting on orange crates with an awesome view of the game world...perhaps priceless 🙂

  3. 1 hour ago, Kalex said:

    And I've been thru multiple radical reworks of game mechanics so far they have been either livable or for the better.

    Me too. Actually walked away from some 'alpha upgrades' because the were not imo player friendly. And I don't suspect A21 is gonna be any more friendly. Livable? Sure, but even using that term indicates TFP messed up on our interpretation of player enjoyment, agreed? And as 'for the better', we'll have to see. Better for whom? But, its all moot. They gonna do what they gonna do, that's been proven. Now, if they'll just release the damned thing....

  4. 5 hours ago, Ramethzer0 said:


    I would like to discourage you from thinking that force enabling a sort of balance with a simple 'divide by x' is going to work the way you think it will.


    Meh, if you can't take the extra seconds to parse long (large) numbers into groups of three (should have learned this ability before junior school), and understand what the hell it is that you are looking at, then well, don't try to count your money. I can help. For a small fee.

  5. 2 hours ago, Kalex said:

    You don't know that A21 system is horrible because you haven't ACTUALLY PLAYED IT.

    True, we don't know. But it isn't going to be the environment we've all become acustomed to. Come back @Kalex when its released, and tell us how much you like the change. We'll chat again.

  6. 20 hours ago, Weazelsun said:

    Maybe one day someone will reskin the drone to have a chicken or vulture model.  Though I do wonder; if more deaths would occur with having a wolf companion constantly bumping into you? At least with the drone you can kind of dodge around it since its hovering.

    Actually, I for one like the concept of having a skin for the drone. That opens up so many fun possibilities. 

  7. 2 hours ago, night.owl said:

    yall dipping your toes into the idea of having tamable dogs

    We have chili dogs, no tamale dogs yet. Oh, you said tameable? My bad. No tamale dogs for you, their pathing doesn't let them fly...at least before you eat them. It's been mentioned recently. Woud be nice to have a Rin Tin Tin, but I wouldn't want to be tripping over the mutt all of the time...🐕‍🦺

  8. Having a great time with this mod. A20.6 (b9) and Mod 3.0.6 Stable. No other mods loaded. But I did not include the  DisableTraderProtection part because well, why not?


    Now I'm at lvl 91, gamestage 405 - and I have yet to find any titanium within the forest and snow biomes. Playing the 6k map number 2 included in the download.


    Is this normal? Well, to put it another way, where's the titanium? How do I get it?


    It may be clear to those who have access to Discord or YT, but I do not because of the Region I play from. So I'm askin'.



  9. Just tried out this mod a few days ago A20.6. First time through I was killed by a random/wandering horde. So, not too far into the game I just restarted. Keep the zeds at a distance, and don't be too proud to run away. This second time around I've taken a lot of hits, but managed to live through it. Oh, 6K map number 2, reduced zombie damage, increased loot too. And, a biggie here: as I'm SP, screw the zeds hurting my Trader...I didn't load that part of the mod. Maybe on a subsequent play through with some help from the team...


    Now, I have noticed some discrepancies in the item files (notebook) vs what I actually experience,


    Is this really cool mod going to be maintained? Who knows what A21 will affect for any modders, but If Apocalypse Now still has some intended life in it, I'd be willing to record (on paper) and report what's goofy. Or I'll play it as is...nice work!

  10. 18 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    I was so dissapointed when i finally tried twinkies. Soooo much sugar. I couldn´t taste anything but sugar. Don´t get me wrong i like sweet things. But that was way too much. Guess as a european i am just not used to that much sugar.


    Well, a brand called maytag explains my confusion. I always thought Maylag is a very weird way to refer to "Miele" washing machines.

    What could even lead to more confusion: Immigrants to the US in the 1800's and early 1900's would often have the spelling of their family names changed by officials to look more 'American' - no umlauts  or other accents on letters. I'd be willing to wager that the name was originally 'Meitag', or very similar - meaning literally "Mowing day" in German -as with a scythe in the fields. Would have been pronounced more like 'my tawg', but it became Maytag.  TFP changed it further to May Lag. And so the English language evolves...



  11. 4 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I don’t miss waiting for the @%$#ing Twinkie train to pass by at the intersection late at night. I swear I waited close to an hour one night (around 2am). Long time ago so memory could be off but it felt like the train was a mile long and moving at a slow crawl.

    Lol. On my first read, I pictured a happy little twinkie engine pulling a slew of wheeled carts filled with happy tourists who had just left the factory tour. At 2:00 AM? Oh, you mean the real railroad...shunting on the rails...and you wait and wait...not fun.

  12. The Maytag Washing Machine Company was founded in 1893 by businessman Frederick Maytag. Hence his name is on the machines to this day. 

    'Maylag' is a play on that word, and yes probably tongue-in-cheek refers to 'may lag' as a joke. 


    Another example is the brand name atop the large round plastic rubbish bins in the game. They say 'BRATE' instead of 'BRUTE' - a trade name for that kind of product.

    Maybe close enough to the original to still be recognizable?  Actually could have sworn they did say BRUTE when first appearing in a previous Alpha though. Memory fails me.

    Keep looking,  there's others. 


    Ever have to explain a joke to someone? Yeah, it loses all humor. There ya go.

  13. The signs maybe more complex than we give them credit for. Not throwing stones here, but the handful of billboards currently in the game sure could use a rework. Only so much one can do with voxels I suppose. Me thinks you're refering to signs as in more detailed, variable size creations for store fronts and such. Like the energy drink and sale adverts? Bigger and better? Keep at it. I'd like to learn that skill as well.


    I recall mention of URL images in one of these threads. I guess that already (perhaps loosely) exists in the video screen mods? Not being too savvy, I'd probably go the route of photo editing to make my creation. I had Blender at one time. Scared the crepes outta me.  But that is only part of it. Getting the image into the game (and it looking good) is another challenge. 


    No, I can't offer any solutions, but what you're trying to do does interest me. Good luck.

  14. 6 hours ago, Melange said:

    Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of making double-dipping a bit more challenging. Once the POI is reset there wouldn't be a guarantee of the loot room being in the same location within the building. I can see why its not as straight forward to implement as I envision, but its a thought.

    Yet not all POI resets revert to the initial layout. Sometimes a wall safe hidden behind a picture frame won't be there after a reset. Couldn't tell ya what particular POI's have that minor glitch, but I've experienced it quite a few times.

  15. 3 hours ago, zztong said:

    Resetting POIs with Parts, such as when you start a quest, seems to only reset the POI back to what was in the world file.

    Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of making double-dipping a bit more challenging. Once the POI is reset there wouldn't be a guarantee of the loot room being in the same location within the building. I can see why its not as straight forward to implement as I envision, but its a thought.

  16. 1 hour ago, Crater Creator said:

    In fairness, the Rule 1: Cardio skill shows the devs are happy to give a nod to fans of that particular movie… in ways less likely to get trademark lawyers interested.

    Indeed. I'll bet they've gotten a few cease and desist orders already. Considering how some items in the game have changed their appearance during the course of the game's development. Lawyers aren't known for their sense of humor :classic_huh:


    There's still some funny 'I saw what you did there' moments in the game. Nice touch.

  17. 1 hour ago, jimissnake said:

    i just got my hunting rifle and pipe rifle and they are SO INACURATE i cant hit targets even close to me and fully aim the bullets goes way out of scope wtf is this? i dont have any other problem with pistole or pipe machingun or bow....

    That's why I just sell them to the Trader everytime I get one. Perk into clubs until such time you can get a good ranged weapon. Apart from the pipe machinegun, relying on those primitive firearms are gonna get you killed. 

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