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Posts posted by Melange

  1. 4 hours ago, Pernicious said:

    How are you guys reading the Heat levels? Are you just estimating from when you are getting screamers? 

    Never knew about the ability to see the actual heat value until RipClaw mentioned it in the above post. Thanks for that. I would go on a qualitative scale - screamer shows up and its kinda down hill from there.

  2. 5 hours ago, SnowBee said:


    Hey Mel

    The only time I have ever been stuck and unable to move was when I was totally encumbered with loot. Do you think this was maybe the problem?

    When I respawned on my bedroll I did not empty my inventory. Drop on death setting was 'drop nothing'. Immediately ran the 400 m or so back to where my motorbike was. So I don't think it was an inventory issue. Ever see a zombie trapped in the woodwork? That's how it felt. I did go and inspect the exact spot (what was left of it), and did not see anything that offered a clue. I had all of the pocket mods maxed out. Even when I am encumbered (all slots filled) I can still walk. Lol. It's been a long time since I had to suicide to get out of a situation.

  3. Odd, but true.

    Ran over a sleeper in a poi field yesterday. Maybe my motorcycle was going too fast for the world, but the zombie did not react at all. On my return trip I drove over it again. It did grunt. Didn't kill it though.  Thought maybe the first time would have been enough to elicit a response.  Odd.


    Close combat in a poi. I got pushed into a 1x1 closet. Killed the attackers, but then could not move. I could look all around, but no forward/backwards/sideway movement. Jump/crouch did not help. Destroyed everything within the reach of my axe and pickaxe. No luck. I quit. Restarted in the hope of being freed. Not a chance. Ended up having to eat glass (about 7 jars worth) to suicide. Too far into the session to start over. First time that's ever happened to me. Odd.


    Good fun though. Level 102 and have still to leave the forest biome. It's fine. No hurry.

  4. and exploding mines will bring more zeds to the mine (pun) and won't in the short term solve the screamer issue.


    but hey, no thought. mine the iron. shoot the zeds. go home. don't waste money on the Rock Breakers.


    Clever. But the only cigar you'll get is from the trader.

    11 minutes ago, Slaasher said:

    Imagine there being a challenge to overcome......

    Serosly though, this can be overcome with a little thought.

    I always have dedicated mines.

     Oh wait. Dedicated mines? As in boom or ore? Maybe I got confused.


    Dedicated, as in a go to spot. Will eventually peter out.


    I have multiples. Different chunks. Getting too hot here and I need more? Then relocate the digging.


    But the screamers will come. And no matter what, I lose the minutes of the Rock Buster perk. That's what is at issue here. We want more time before she shows up.

  5. 20 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    I mod the game so my opinion is obviously based on how I like to play 7D2D....


    I like how the game progresses today.  I am fine with loot type being tied to days survived.  I like the early game struggle.  If it starts to become too much with the tier weapons I have, then I know it is time to progress further into one of the other biomes to get higher level gear if I am not seeing the necessary drops to better equip myself.


    I also wouldn't mind if I got lucky and found a M60 at the start.  Why?  Because in my game, I can't repair it and it will only last so long before it gets broken.  And the chance of finding anything above Q2 is around 5%.  However, this only works in my modded game because of the limitations I coded into it.  This would not work in vanilla as once I found such M60, I am going to use it in every hoard night from that point on.  At that point, where is the challenge?

    Nice. Very nice. Don't like how some thing is? Then do something to change it to one's liking. Some day perhaps I'll be knowledgeable enough to make such changes myself. But in the mean time I've found the mods of others to work well enough.


    I like your logic. Complain or construct an alternative. TFP has allowed for both. Only one of those options is going to give a guaranteed change. She-dogging is easy but rarely accomplishes anything.

  6. Not too far off topic, but I recall a hiking trip where a medical doctor brought along a Brita water filter pitcher to ensure his safe drinking water. Emm, those don't work that way. :stupid:


    Was a time, long ago, when I could safely drink cool Sierra mountains spring water straight from the crag it was seeping from. We even wore our Sierra cups on our belt - ready to dip into the pristine waters for a most glorious thirst quencher. Not anymore. Giardia is a good reason to avoid this now. And those halizone tablets may well kill whats living in ones water, but leave an aftertaste that's not pleasant. And boiled water, though more safe, requires a pot, a heat source and the time to boil and then cool.


    So, the Sawyer filters have their place but don't cover all the bases either. Sounds like we may need a dew collector after all. Except in the snow biome so it doesn't freeze. 😉


    "Your tent looks strange."

    "Nah, its the dew collector in my bed roll"

    "uh huh"

  7. 3 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    You do know that there is a big difference between 2 minutes and several hours? A Rock Buster Candy lasts 10 minutes. So why not a Screamer only every 10-15 minutes ?


    I am so used to this screamer annoyance that its become second nature to me. Eat the Rock Buster candy, knowing full well that I am not going to get 10 minutes of uninterrupted iron mining while I swing my pickaxe. 


    Usually I just want to get my haul of ore and get back to base. I'm not a fan of elaborate mine defenses, so I just have a single opening to the surface with a ladder going down to the pit. Screamer makes her announcement - stop mining - go to base of ladder - await her trying to come down - shoot her butt - go back to mining. If she's managed to call others, or some curious wandering zombies come upon the entrance (footsteps giving them away), I do the same: wait to shoot them on their way down. But I had to waste a part of my 10 minute candy bonus.


    Yes. Please rework this so that we can mine in relative peace for at minimum 10 minutes.


  8. On 11/15/2022 at 9:57 PM, Trankitas said:

    Yeah it's Hidden Wires, that's a cool addition! At first I loved how they looked but in some cases (small houses, depos, horde bases) they get on my nerves a bit.

    But @Roland gave us a puzzle to solve. And I read it as three words:


    Stretch Hidden Wires


    Pull Hidden Wires


    Both answers would alude to the same imo. Either way, if it is indeed the solution, I would welcome it for A21.


    Stretch/Pull + Hidden Figures - figures + The cast of The Wire = Stretch Hidden Wires


    Thanks to those above who filled in the gaps. Because I didn't recognize anyones image, nor knew their significance. 


    Or I'm not spot on in my logic. It was fun though.




  9. 58 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    We should all start quoting Josh Jost now and deleting it.  We could even start a pool on how long he would go without snapping and what his reaction will be. 😏

    Roland did say that they had spammer issues during that time. Might explain why things got a little weird. Not like it was a major outage or anything. But your suggestion did make me smile (whether it were Jost or any of the rest of us). Just sayin'.



    9 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    So, we got it right... :sad:

    Indeed. Good team effort! Now, let's get to fleshing out what that might mean.  I'll start: No easy access to crucibles.

  10. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    The fault of wearing heavy armor maybe?

    Hmm. Scrap armor in early game is tempting, but it does indeed come with a movement and stamina penalty. For me, wolves and dogs present an early game "this is not going to end well" scenario. On foot, I can't get away fast enough. Need to nerdpole onto anything that's at least two blocks high!

  11. 6 hours ago, NukemDed said:

    i am pleasantly surprised we havent had a blow up over the secret stash being removed. does that mean we have grown up a bit and @roland can give us another crumb?

    Doubt any growing up took place during the interim. I didn't 😜. But as noted, the "goodbye secrect stash" has not been confirmed by Roland.  I think its time to own up and give us another riddle!

  12. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    I think the way sphereii did it for me was to make it impossible to place a block when your feet were in the air.


    That also stopped the ability to jump down from high places and place a hay block at the last moment….;)

    Okay. So if indeed nerdpoling were to be eliminated. Firstly, most airdrops caught in trees would become forfeit. Unless, enterprising and scheming as we are on how to boink that decision, we just carry a few hundred frames and make a set of stairs. A bit more time, but I'm not jumping up to place a block under me. Hence not poling. Ugly and inconvenient, but it will get the job done when hoping against hope there's antibiotics in that airdrop because I'm infected.


    Or one can just stick blocks to the side of a building or one block away (to consider window protusions) and build a set of steps in a similar fashion. Probably won't be as effective for a really high Dishong Tower type of POI though. But I run those pretty much as intended anyways.


    Point being, stop us players if ya can. We will find a way to thwart it, even if we need a mod to do so.


    I did forget about the hay block trick though. Haven't considered or done that in ages.


    Quite frankly, as all of us have enough to deal with the game tweaks from one Alpha to the next, I'm dismayed by those within the community who like to insist that their interpretation of the 'rules' is superior to my interpretation. And in SP, Ya'll ain't even in my game. Sheesh.



  13. 11,492 on Steam. Mostly SP. And that doesn't count the many hours that were racked up during times of internet disconnect because once up and running, the game doesn't care about Steam anymore in SP. Or when I played in offline mode because of no internet connection at all. Or play time in overhauls. Not once have I intentionally 'run' the game in idle mode merely to increase logged play time. If I had to guess, the 'not connected' time might add a few hundred hours or so. Yes @Fox, honest. So is it that you're dismayed that someone can put  so much time into a single game, or is it the cumulative time spent gaming in general? I'm not going to check the other games I own on Steam for a tally of hours logged. It would be a large number though. But 7dtd remains the leading time-sink for me. By far.

    Had I spent those hours learning a new language I'd be quite fluent by now. Or I could have learned enough to maybe help program a mod for the game. As it stands, my Mandarin is awful and I currently live in China. And I play using the mods written by others. But I keep playing...

    And as for needing to get a life, I do have one away from the keyboard. Every day is an adventure. Every. Single. Day.


    Hey Fox, you forgot to share. How many hours for you?



  14. On 11/4/2022 at 9:55 AM, ElCabong said:

    There's lots of buzzards here and they don't bother me because they leave me alone! They're huge birds. And they're smart.


    They tend to form big swarms like that in the fall. They disperse in the spring and summer

    Lol. You don't happen to have a cabin at Buzzard Roost in Indiana, do you? For those who can, give it a visit! 

  15. The doll waving is saying 'Hi' -> High

    Secret is a deodorant.

    Stair - air = 'st', Mash (TV show) - M (auntie M from OZ) = 'ash'. Hence 'stash'.


    My guess is we're getting some high(er) quality secret stash, or there will be more secret stash to be found (that may have filters in it!) 


  16. 6 hours ago, ungkor said:

    This might be far out there, but on my tenth trip between base1 and base2, I thought to myself:  it would be really awesome to have trains in this game.



    Sounds like fun. But if you're going from one base to another (or any two points, repeatedly), I would think that having to drive with a full 4x4 would be less intensive than building tracks, breaking boulders, cutting trees, levelling ground, building bridges and burrowing through hills. Considering how the game works today anyways. And if base1 is being 'abandoned' in favor of base2, why would one want to put in a very expensive railway? But that's merely my logic. A train would be fun though.


    Perhaps someone will create a hi-speed rail mod for 7dtd.  All aboard the Navezgane choo-choo! Hey, it could happen. 🚆

  17. My first machine had more computing power than the first lunar lander. Which is not saying much today, but in the early '80's it was bragging rights. Twin 5.25 inch Floppy drives (cassete tape backup was such a slow process..).Green phosphor monitor (later a second hand color TV with a'video adapter'). Dot matrix printer with tractor feed. Pushed that Apple ][+ to an astounding 80K (yes, kilobytes) of ram. Used and learned from that workhorse for years. Voice synthesis, camera vision, data aquisition...what it taught me kept me employed for many years. Best initial $3500 I've ever spent.


    And to get back to the car analogy...my computing equipment cost for decades was more than I had ever paid for a car. Priorities, eh? The wife never seemed to see it the same way though. Then again she never learned BASIC either. When worlds collide.

  18. 16 hours ago, ElCabong said:

    It isn't finished. Most of it is frame shapes but it keeps the rain off.  Somehow it's raining like a poor cow urinating on a flat rock and the candle in the room that doesn't have a roof is still working.

    I agree, having that roof over one's head is indeed soothing. Now the rain doesn't bother me as much as the occlusion (fog) that often comes with it. And candles, like torches and campfires, still remain lit even in the heaviest of downpours. Thats a nice thing.


    I just have an aversion to fog. I will without hesitation enter console mode and execute a 'weather fog 0' command. For now, let it rain. Of course that may change in the next alpha, but its only rain. Getting wet hasn't gotten me killed as yet (well, apart from drowning that is). If it were a hail storm, that new roof would be a lifesaver!  Keeps the buzzard poop off the floor too...

  19. 2 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Exactly; but the snippet you both were quoting sounded like a simple pickup of the gyro.. although, I'll have to admit, for sufficiently large values of "pick up" the quote could potentially cover "drop a thing, craft a box, place the box, empty your inventory, empty the gyro inventory, pick up the gyro" .. it could, I swear!


    "12 seconds" might take some drilling, but should be possible... :)

    Lol. I seldom put anything into a vehicle's inventory because I want to be able to pick it up at a moment's notice. Never considered that step because that's how I play. Unless I'm making a big haul to my next base, and the damned gyro is not part of the move.  Okay, I'll grant you that possibility.


    Again, we all play in a different way. That's the beauty of the game, imo. Right or wrong, modded or vanilla.  Are we having fun yet? I'd say so. Ok, maybe a few seconds more, but I get it 😉

  20. 1 hour ago, theFlu said:

    I assumed he means BOTH inventories, player and gyro. A couple boxes does the trick, but it's not exactly something one wants to spend time on.

    Yes, but if one's inventory is indeed full and doesn't want to discard anything, then the ability to craft a basic storage chest without an availble empty slot has become a problem too. Lighten up, throw out something that in the grand scheme of things won't add up to anything.


    Reminds me of baboons during a visit to Southern Africa. They'd raid a row of fresh harvestable corn, tucking the ears under their armpits, only to be able to carry maybe three ears of corn at anytime. But hey, keep plucking. Greed doesn't pay, even if your stiff fist tells you otherwise.


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