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Posts posted by Melange

  1. 9 hours ago, Rotor said:

    OTOH had a funny moment yesterday.  Do you know one of them dead trees can reach 25 blocks high?  That is how many frames I had to use to nerd pole it.  Had to reach a loot drop that landed up there  heh.  I thought about shopping it down, but didnt know if it would break on impact, loose the loot or get loot bags.  That might have been a rage quit moment hehe.

    You did the right thing. Chopping down that tree would give you a nice view of the air drop crate going *POOF* as it touched the ground.


    And no loot bags either. 🤬


    As an aside, standing under a falling air drop gives similar results, plus you'll be looking at the 'Spawn on my bedroll' screen real quick...💀

  2. For me, its a mixed bag. Early game in co-op play, I generally stay at the base location and build. The other members go out and loot. When they return, they have labelled storage to put their bounty, maybe some cooked food and drink. And I get to read the extra magazines.  Maybe they bring a better quality tool or primary weapon too. During the day I'll harvest stone and clay, craft cobblestone and then upgrade the weakest parts of our base. As our abilities progress, I see to it that forges are fed, food is prepared, and we're making concrete mix. And I'm the one upgrading the blocks. So' I don't feel left out at all. Sure, their loot stage may grow and their XP exceeds mine. Sometimes I do mining, and making bundles (if I know the perk) does give a nice XP boost. At least this gives a semblance of improving base safety and the organization of loot. Or I could go out and loot with them early game. But in the long run, someone has to be Den Mother and strive for order on the homefront. The warrior is generally not a gardener.


    Once established, we all go out together. I usually allow the 'looters' to open the good loot chests because they will get the better items. And they'll give me some. It is cooperative play, not competetive play.


    Later on, we're all kitted out with the best armor, tools and weapons. Because we worked together, by division of labor, to achieve this. Then we all share in the rush of Tier5 poi's and horde night. Yeah, maybe their XP and Loot numbers might be bigger than mine...so what? 



  3. 5 hours ago, Angry said:

    Has the 3d moddellers gotten confused or something, I am at a loss at how such a error could of been made!

    Hmm, were you around when the yucca looked like IRL aloe, and the aloe looked too much like IRL yucca? 


    They weren't botanists. And I doubt they're really in tune with how to actually collect dew IRL. So it is, it's essentially a placeholder for a concept on how to collect water in A21. I don't recall the devs ever proclaiming to be factual, they're not The Factual Pimps...


    You have made your point, and I don't disagree that the dew collector could have been more realistic.


    But no matter what's used to construct it in-game, nor how it looks once Ive built it, seems I am still gonna get dysentary until I have enough of those contraptions at my base. 



  4. 1 hour ago, Rotor said:

    No habla!

    Not Spanish, it's Mandarin. And it seems your Spanish grammar is not quite up to par either, Senor Rotor.


    Obviously @zmg522 doesn't know that the rules of this forum requires English. Give him a break. 


    You'd be amazed how many Chinese speaking players are able to use online translators to understand this forum...and they do it daily.


    But if you'll send me 400 yuan, I can hook you up with a server kit....☺️



  5. 2 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    It's ok, you're not "required" to know anything about TFP team. I honestly was just trying to help with some info I gathered here... I hope I didn't come through as condescending. As you may have seen from previous posts, it's difficult to convey the intended attitude with just text. :confused2::blah: 

    No way did I feel you were condescending my man. Sometimes I don't see the obvious. Sometimes I see what is not intended. Its me, nothing else. To convey a meaning with text, and not cause some anxiety or an unintended interpretation? Good luck to all of us in that regard. 


    Keep responding. It makes me think.

  6. Well, that's subjective how many zombies on a blood moon? and FPS is still okay? I have a gaming laptop less than a year old. This game stresses my CPU, heat is an issue. I have fans below it, and a seperate fan that blows across the keyboard heat sink. This machine will die in another two to three years. Its the heat baby. Things get too hot.


    More zombies equates to moe CPU cycles. In SP I deal with 8 zeds at a time. In MP, there's lots of them, modded zeds freaking everywhere, but I'm not hosting the MP game. Some hiccups in MP, its not totally smoothe. So, I guess it depends on your gaming machine. I doubt you'll get the answer you desire. If you do, we'll both learn, eh?

  7. 2 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    In multi-player I can see the problem but I can't imagine food and water being an issue even on day 1 or even as a new player  if they are on the single player version. the snow biome has a ton of animals for meat, farming  also for food  and water from the lakes and rivers. they do have perks to slow down the rate at which food and water is used.


    Honestly I think if the option was there for those people to remove food and water use they would take it out. since a lot of people seem to consider the task of feeding and keeping the character hydrated as tedious and would rather loot and shoot zombies and at that point this game is just a looter shooter and less about survival which seems like its leaning towards more and more each alpha.

    I prefer using a club as my initial primary weapon. And I do get hungry. I like the term 'eater beater' as opposed to 'looter shooter'. Try putting some points into iron gut. We may have to in A21.

    Soon, very soon we will see.

    But I do share your concern about MP. Guess we won't know until its in our face. Stay hopeful.

  8. 27 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:
    27 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    He should be... he's part of the QA team! :)

    and he is on the level design team. :)


    Dunno how to respond except for "Doh, I should have known" and "So feed us a little then". Honestly, @unholyjoe you do a good job of being kinda vague (nebulous?) in your posts. Probably comes with the territory. I get that. But if the QA moniker is ignored, you'd come across as a moderator, not one of the TFP crew. 



  9. 3 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    I don't think all activities need to be equal with each other.  I believe looting, questing / exploration, and bloodmoons is the main gameplay loop while all other activities support those.


    This will probably be even more evident once the main story quests come online.


    Edit: However, although things like mining / crafting are not primary, I would love to see unique rewards for those who invest in those activities heavily.  For example, a master crafter would somehow gain a unique / exlusive craft while a master miner can acquire a unique / exclusive ore.


    Only asking: Have you been given access to the current rendition of A21, and are you playing it? 

  10. 3 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    I would like to see a healthy mix of looting and other activities used as a baseline for balancing. Maybe half of the week for looting and the other half for other activities. Does that sound fair for all play styles?


    Seems fair. But neither of us has had our hands on A21, so its all supposition at this point. I have walked away from 7dtd before because of what I perceived as forced radical changes in playstyle.  I'll give A21 a go. Not looking forward to hits on my health and possible dysentary when I need to drink from some gutter whilst looting for who knows how many magazines though. At minimum I forsee a lot of restarts of the game for me. And I'll be looking for a change of clothing. Perhaps quite often...🚽


  11. 2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    they just added 1K shapes for building in A20!

    I like to build. I am happy I have more shapes to use that in my SP game no one will ever see in my fortress (sarcasm in case it wasn't obvious)

    1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    It's only a paradox for people who play in an "unbalanced" (or should I say "unnatural") way.

    I play in an unbalanced world. More XP. Zeds are weaker and I can inflict more damage. Paradox...meh, its what I can expect based on my initial game choice.

    1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    Is it a balanced way when people spend all their time looting?

    Dunno about balance in that regard. I have to loot to get what I need to advance. Always did. So I don't see that as being a major change to gameplay

    2 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    Many of the shapes existed before but you could only get them from the creative menu. The player now has access to them

    Thanks for that being out of the creative menu. Creative is a big 'get these things too' temptation.



  12. 11 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Building your own base versus retrofitting a POI comes with their pros, cons and different gameplay which is a great thing imo.

    I do both. And yes as you say they have their pros and cons. Which is best? Can't really say. Depends on what POI, how the game smiles with RNG and if I want to stay with my current base build or try something else because of inherent flaws I've found. Easy to change, start again with another type of POI. I don't consider starting over as shameful. Not happy with the way its going? Reroll the dice and give it another go, this time it may be spectacular. 

  13. 53 minutes ago, Archael said:

    traders could be in form of rare encounters. Travelling caravans that wonder through world, loting old houses, and trading with survivors, but not for cash, its stupid in post-apo... and no quests... such caravan could be able to handle themselves enough without player help.

    Cash. An efficient form of financial transaction. Barter: You don't have 23 hides and 3 radiators? No? Well that's what the Trader demands. Sorry about your luck. No rifle ammo for you then. Next time, if you are lucky enough to run into this Trader's caravan both the goods required for barter, what they have to offer and any items in your inventory will have probably changed.  Two engines and 5 oil. No? No lvl4 AK47 for you.

    Cash is a good thing. It levels our ability to purchase, reduces the amount of questionable things we have to carry hoping they are in demand and gives us an expectation as to the value of things we might sell or wish to buy.


    Quests on the other hand, well we can take them or leave them. They do present their benefits if completed, if we choose to accept them.


    Or ignore the Traders altogether. Perhaps the RNG will bring you abilities and tools beyond your imagination. Or not. Probably not from my experience.



  14. 29 minutes ago, Diragor said:

    How are you already on Day 91 with this low Gamestage O_O I'm way past GS 100 and on day 50 and half the time I wasn't even playing (My server, a friend played alone often when I was at work)

    Hmm, didn't register for me at first. But we can all play at different settings giving us different results within a similar timeframe. I like to boost my XP, reduce the zombie damage and increase my block damage. I'm comfortable with that. Others may scream "Heresy!". But I won't hear them, so I play my way, as can anyone else who chooses how they see fit.

    But what is of significance imo, is what was @Rotor's loot stage? Day 91 with only a lvl5 primitive bow is nothing I've experienced before.


  15. 2 hours ago, Rotor said:

    I am gamestage 70ish on current play through.  Cops and soldiers showed up on this day 91 BM.  Still using a lvl 5 primitive bow, so kills are slow, and horde spilled into the wee hours of the AM.  But I finished them off 6am.  Not a single loot bag hehe.


    So off I go in search of crate that had dropped the day before but I didnt have time to get to it.  I find it, looking for some great loot in the forest biome.


    Out comes a seed recipe, forget which one.......AND....a level 1 wrench LOL.  Would that be an IronyWrench?

    Not sure if that fits in the definition of irony or not. But deflating? Absolutely. If it was a hop seed recipe you were given, then plant some hops. Craft some beer and offer it to the RNG. Because you gotta know there's something not good between the two of you. ☹️

  16. 5 minutes ago, 7daysOfFun said:

    is my suggestion idea good?

    I like the zed diversion aspect. Nice idea. 


    Pizza is mentioned in another current thread "Pears? Pears?? Why No Peaches?" 


    My opinion is that your recipe would probably make a smelly meatball though, but call it what you want.


    Now if I were to eat this (it could happen), what do you suppose will happen to me? 🤢

  17. I could have done without our drone buddy in the game. Nice to have it heal me when I am too busy to check my health while blasting through zeds, and carry a few extra rounds of ammo is not a bad thing.  But self awareness and some hard lessons did the same before it arrived. To tell me 'We are not alone' or 'I have a bad feeling' is okay, but...how about you help eliminate some threat for me? And please try to get out of my field of view while I am trying to sniper shot something.  Maybe we will get improved abilities and AI for our hovering helper in A21. 

  18. 7 hours ago, Jugginator said:

    Drone friendly fire needs to be turned on manually in the console, you can only damage other drones while not allied with the owner.

    What's the console command please? I lnow I've taken out ally drones without meaning to.

    9 hours ago, Rotor said:


    Hope not.  While I havent sniffed a drone, one thing that I hate is the games that ignore FF :).

    Guess I may have scrambled that. Friendly fire ON means to me I won't be killing allies or their drones with my misplaced shots, or do I have that bass ackwards? 

  19. 1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

    I assumed he was talking about one's head up their.....but that is just where my mind went when mprojekt mentioned head, 4 corners, and the army.


    Sounds something one of the soldiers would say about the officers.

    Thanks guys. Not too difficult to figure out. Still standing at the counter to pay for my order. Guess @Maharinwent for a one-liner break 😄


  20. Drone sound does now affect stealth, makes sense. But it's pretty much been a passive partner in combat. Looks like that may change. Ooh, let's watch this pan out. Could be awesome, until the drone is reduced to pulp. I've lost a few already, and that's because they've gotten in the way of friendly fire. Be nice if friendly fire is ignored.

    Alright, one step at a time. Tell that to my dead drones, eh?

  21. 3 hours ago, mprojekt said:

    I am suddenly craving Chicken ala King, heated in the exhaust vent of an M270 MLRS, with bayonet-crushed "crackers" and Tabasco, and oatmeal "cookie" with "apple" jelly for dessert.

    I fell like worm sweat residue. Asking for peaches when the ubiqitous Tabasco has totally been unmentioned.  Can't craft it, no peppers, no vinegar). Oh please, can we loot it ? Duh, copyright issue  (and their lawyers are aggressive) - how about a hot/spicy pepper sauce then? 'A little dap will do ya' (Copyright again, why can't we just have more fun things?).


    Don't want to abandon this thread, but some spicy condiment (with both a buff and a debuff)  may open up some possibilites). In a mod anyways. But yeah, hot sauce...I'd throw peaches into the gutter for a bottle of Georgia Peter's Peach Zombie Sauce. Well, maybe. Would have to try it first. 😝

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