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Posts posted by Melange


    7 hours ago, Jost Amman said:
    12 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    The former asked a question which pushes people not so big into looting excessively.

    It's not very clear what you mean here.

    My pedantic analysis infers that those of diminutive stature can be goaded into looting frenzies when posed with a particular query. It's all in the nuance

  2. @ThunderSn1per Well, I didn't fully grasp that it's mod mechanics you were aluding to. I should have reread the OP. And since I don't meddle with what's "under the hood" in this game you can understand my not getting FetchFromContainer and RandomPOIGoto terms that are used in the code. I have nothing to contribute here, I'll find the door...

  3. 4 minutes ago, mprojekt said:

    I reminded of a "feature" in the Crackdown series that was teased. The jumbotron TV billboards in the game were suggested to be able to show real-world advertising, influenced by players individual browsing habits. I do not know if that ever made it to release in any of the games, but I had a chuckle as I imagined how some parents would react to watching their teen play a game and catch glimpses of lingerie retailer and porn site marketing on the billboards.

    Now that would be interesting to see. But I don't think that would ever happen in a vanilla 7dtd game. Intrigued, I would try the mod though. Hilarity would follow us soon enough.

  4. On 8/12/2022 at 12:15 AM, ThunderSn1per said:

    Currently if used twice within a single quest it points to the same POI which requires the player to logout in order to reset the flag and let them activate the second rally point.

    Not throwing stones at your gripe. But what is it you want? Hitting up the same POI on a Tier5 (clear/fetch/both) is mundane, I agree. And TFP is well aware. But I don't get the 'logout' part though. So it resets the Trader quest? It's still the same POI, as it is now there's only a few unique T5's in the entire generated world. A21 will give us a few more we hope. And maybe even a surprise connected to the repetition. Now, I can see the value of a 'chain quest'. It's already embedded in the code (looking at the quest description). We've not been able to make it happen as yet.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Urban Blackbear said:

    poorly written spambot posted 10 or better threads selling voodoo love spells and potions before they got smacked down. This thread was created to laugh about it. The bear has spoken!


    I did not see the effects of the spambot. But I did appreciate the implied humor nonetheless. So I jumped in to help stir the pot a little. 

  6. Meh, I don't go after Steam achievements at all. If I get one, then fine. If not, I may look to see what I have to get it but I don't hunt it.


    Now @Numinous, your last comment was, uh, kinda rough to put it mildly. The achievement is worthless (surprise!). 


    I earned a tatoo? Nice. Won't show through my clothes or armor. But I have earned a tatoo. Never, ever get a tatoo. Change your hair, get plastic surgery, use a different accent. With a tatoo they will find you. The Duke will find you....as will a host of others that have interest in you. Inconsiderate to change the achievement rules? Okay. But its not only 7dtd that's a victim. Lodge a complaint with Steam, because some of my other games gave me badges I didn't even know existed.


  7. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    No no no. 

    East gamers about east games

    "- this game is so stupid!  I understand a zombie in secret Soviet base... well this is totaly logical but titles on walls  looks like they were made in Wsckohy factory in 1954 so  this gun shoudn't be here

    -.... but there is mulitverse aliens using corpses to resurect dead! So why you....

    - so this mean this need to be fixed. fix it - i undestand aliens but this guns shoudn't be here because it's unrealistic.

    - so.... aliens are totaly okay but wrong gun is the reason why this game is so bad?

    - yes? .... moders should fix this because this don't have sense and devs should know about that

    -... okay




    west gamers about west games

    - and there is pink  shotgun used by masochist guy wearing bull mask

    - yeah! and they use sherman tank in 2543 because looks cool!

    -yeah ! i'm waiting for mod to add tom the train as rocket!

    - and change this robot into elf girl from anime!

    - yeah this will be perfect

    Hmmm, well I did say the Bear, but I was referring to @Urban Blackbear and his voodoo fantasy.


    Sorry you think my comment was East vs West. I live in the East, but grew up in the West. I see this mindset a lot. Too bad really, especially when we talk about a game. And someone does not get the intended humor. Relax a little @Matt115

  8. 10 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    Wine Dine 69

    Scenario: A random loot drop! And our zed of choice is close by. Wow! A food bundle and some beer! 

    Place bedroll. Prepare for an encounter (Used to be called a picnic but those are taboo now).

    69% chance the  taboo luncheon will go as planned. 100% chance that the Dog Days of Summer are over. So we thought anyway.


    What are the odds?


    Never needed wine and dining to get above a 69% assurance rate to advance in the game. But maybe because the RNG smiled at me. Sometimes. ☺️

  9. 6 hours ago, Maharin said:

    so it will be a mod I make at some point

    Sign me up!


    5 hours ago, Kattla said:

    It is slow though, and may need some modding to deal with progress trees , since some stuff is locked behind books and trader.

    As in, if i play with no trader and few or no POI's , do i really want all that fancy stuff anyway? Possibly for the feeling of progress.

    I agree. It's that feeling of progress, albeit only incremental, that would make such a mod sustainable for continued gameplay. No details needed here at this point, but an M60 would be out of the question. Maybe best one could hope for is a pistol? Much to consider as to what tools/weapons/ meds one could hope to be able to craft. 


    Smarter folk than I would have to do that. But I'll gladly help test it.

  10. I 'fogret', nah, never knew all of the weird and wonderful ways we can affect weather. But I don't know if we can make them permanent.

     It's foggy so looks-like-rain. Then (F1) weather fog 0. But later it rains, so (F1) weather rain 0. But later it does indeed rain, just not so foggy. Not an expert, just know what I can do to modify on the fly.


  11. 16 minutes ago, Catdaddy said:

    On A20.6e, we now have a 2K option in RWG. I have gotten a very high percentage of No Trader maps at the 2k size. I am playing one now. It's wonderful not having anyone tell me what to do. It feels old and new at the same time. Highly recommended.


    I've actually been modding out traders on and off since A17, but it's cool being able to pull one in vanilla without editing.

    I have not opted into 20.6e, because I am part of a well established MP 20.5 b2 session. And the "put it here no worries" heirarchy is still hazy.


    But yeah, I am up for it. Just gotta be able to compartmentalize (big word) all of my sessions. And I haven't figured that out as yet. Yeah COIK. Clear Only If Known. 


    Later. Not gonna frig things and let my team mates down.


    But I will try that strategy. And give feedback.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Diragor said:

    Thank you! thats very nice to know :D I like it. Will be a nightmare in the wasteland xD what if I play on a server how can I change it there? probably the same way but I'm too dumb to make myself an admin xD

    The server owner, Admin will have to do this. As an attendee to the server, you will have no rights to change the weather.

  13. Assuming you are in single player, yes?


    Go into console (F1)

    Type: weather fog 0

    That will eliminate all of the fog.


    OK, not what you wanted. So, type:

    weather fog 1

    Gets a bit more murky, right?


    Play with the fog settings to get the level you want


    And stumble about to your heart's content.


    I personally hate the fog, but that's just me. A short instance of fog I can handle. If it 'hangs' too long, I do an F1: weather fog 0 and emit a sigh of relief.


  14. Me thinks our Moderator means the hit on our XP, which we need to overcome (ie fulfill) before all is right in the world again. I so disliked the earlier death-you-are-weakened. Another death and more-weakend gameplay. At that stage I'd start over, or....RAGE QUIT and play something else.

    As it stands now, I can advance out of an XP hit after dying. Not pleasant, but yeah we are still able to advance. I am not happy, but I can shake it off.

    I agree that dying should incur a penalty. What we have now is a not happy situation (who want's to die?). And don't gimme that '7 days to die' rhetoric.

    Any readers have an alternate mechanism to suggest? Let's hear it!

  15. @Maharin. You gen worlds with no towns (hence no traders)? So i take it you scavenge from wilderness POI's then. Not thought about this game strategy before. Long and drrawn out? Then anything you would loot is an "ooh, yes!", because it is not going to come from a trader, or a food wagon, or a CrackaBook. Yeah ,throw oneself into the wilds with not a damn thing (maybe only what you;re given at start: one water, one can of chili, a useless note, a torch, and a please-don't-hit-me bandage?


    Holy masochist Batman!


    Or am I wrong?

  16. 2 minutes ago, ashaherro said:

    Hi, I'm new here but this just happened yesterday:


    I usually set up a frame cube with a storage chest on top, in front of trader. Yesterday I was in a hurry (in game) and accidentally moved all the loot from chest into my inventory. I hastily was putting it back, intending to get out what I needed to take with me. I must have moved a bit, which caused me to remove the cube instead of opening the chest. As a result, the chest fell and broke, and my inventory fell on the ground in a loot bag. So, here I have a full inventory, had to make a chest, make room for the chest, place the chest...all that was an unexpected mess and then just as I went to grab the loot from the "dropped loot" bag, it disappeared. I was so mad. I tried to see if there was a way to rewind time or something...but that only set the clock back, it didn't change any of the events. I was only on day 2, but I had a pretty decent amount of dukes and a lot of good stuff from tearing things down, and quick questing, looting, etc.

    It's happened to me a few times as well. That unfinished block just clicked away and to lose your cooking pot and grill along with the food and drink because the fire ring was placed on a block that wasn't upgraded.  Start over.

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